1,602 research outputs found

    Investigating the Integration of Student Learning Resources in Preparation for the NCLEX-RN: Phase One of a Canadian Two-Phase Multi-Site Study

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    Evidence-informed education practices are critical in determining effective student preparatory learning resources for the NCLEX-RN examination. Standardized testing in nursing education programs has been demonstrated to increase students NCLEX-RN success. A widely researched assessment tool for predicting NCLEX-RN examination outcomes is the HESITM RN Exit Exams. The HESI Exit Exam (E2) was determined to be between 93.36% and 99.16% accurate in predicting NCLEX-RN success (N = 49,115) with samples derived from various nursing programs throughout the United States. Purpose: This two-phase, multi-site ex-post facto study was to investigate NCLEX-RN Student Preparatory Learning Resources within the Canadian context. Phase One, which is reported here, was to determine if there was a relationship between student HESITM RN Exit and Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Exam scores, student grade point average (GPA), and the time lag between graduation and writing the National Licensure exam, and student outcome on the NCLEX-RN exam. Procedure: New nursing graduates were emailed study information and asked to provide their consent for the use of their student data (GPA, HESITM Exit and CAT Exam scores) for research purposes and to request that they self-report (via a password protected secure email address created for this study) their NCLEX-RN Licensure exam date and result (pass/fail) of their first exam writing. Results: Among a convenience sample of 117 new nursing alumni (graduates of 2015) from three universities in Nova Scotia, we found statistically significant mean differences in HESITM RN Exit Exam Version 1, Version 2, and CAT scores among those students that were successful on the NCLEX-RN exam versus those students that were not successful on their first writing of the NCLEX-RN exam. There was an inverse statistically significant relationship between time lag and NCLEX-RN outcome indicating that the longer the time period from graduation to writing, the less likely that the student will be successful. We found no relationship between student GPA and NCLEX-RN outcome. Discussion: Phase One results of this study suggest that there are differences in HESITM RN Exit exam and CAT scores among those students who were successful on the first write of NCLEX-RN exam versus those students who were not successful.. Although HESITM exams are just one type of the many available nursing resources to assist students to prepare for writing the National Licensure examination, our findings are significant and warrant Canadian nurse educators’ attention. RĂ©sumĂ© Les pratiques de formation fondĂ©es sur des rĂ©sultats probants sont essentielles pour dĂ©terminer l’efficacitĂ© des ressources d’apprentissage prĂ©paratoires Ă  l’examen NCLEX-RN offertes aux Ă©tudiantes. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que l’utilisation d’examens standardisĂ©s dans les programmes de formation en sciences infirmiĂšres augmente le taux de rĂ©ussite des Ă©tudiants Ă  l’examen NCLEX-RN. Un outil d’évaluation qui a Ă©tĂ© largement Ă©tudiĂ© et qui permet de prĂ©dire les rĂ©sultats d’examen au NCLEX-RN est l’examen final HESIMD RN. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© que l’examen final HESI (E2) prĂ©disait avec une prĂ©cision se situant entre 93,36 % et 99,16 % le taux de rĂ©ussite Ă  l’examen NCLEX-RN (N = 49 115) dans des Ă©chantillons provenant de diffĂ©rents programmes de sciences infirmiĂšres aux États-Unis. Objectif : Cette Ă©tude multi-sites, en deux phases, rĂ©alisĂ©e a posteriori visait Ă  examiner les ressources d’apprentissage prĂ©paratoires au NCLEX-RN offertes aux Ă©tudiantes dans le contexte canadien. La premiĂšre phase, dont il est question dans cet article, Ă©tait conçue pour dĂ©terminer s’il existait une relation entre les rĂ©sultats d’examens finaux au HESIMD RN, les rĂ©sultats au test adaptatif informatisĂ© (TAI), la moyenne gĂ©nĂ©rale (MG) des Ă©tudiants, l’intervalle de temps entre l’obtention du diplĂŽme et le passage de l’examen national d’autorisation Ă  exercer, et les rĂ©sultats Ă  l’examen NCLEX-RN. ProcĂ©dure : Les nouvelles diplĂŽmĂ©es en sciences infirmiĂšres recevaient un courriel fournissant des informations sur l’étude et sollicitant leur consentement pour l’utilisation de donnĂ©es de leur dossier d’étudiante (leur MG, leur rĂ©sultat Ă  l’examen final HESIMD et leur rĂ©sultat au TAI) Ă  des fins de recherche. Ce message leur demandait Ă©galement de dĂ©clarer (par l’entremise d’une adresse courriel sĂ©curisĂ©e protĂ©gĂ©e par mot de passe et crĂ©Ă©e pour l’étude) la date et le rĂ©sultat (rĂ©ussite/Ă©chec) de leur premier examen d’autorisation Ă  exercer NCLEX-RN. RĂ©sultats : Dans l’échantillon de convenance de 117 nouvelles diplĂŽmĂ©es en sciences infirmiĂšres (diplĂŽmĂ©es de 2015) de trois universitĂ©s en Nouvelle-Écosse, nous avons dĂ©couvert des diffĂ©rences de moyennes statistiquement significatives entre les Ă©tudiantes qui ont rĂ©ussi Ă  l’examen NCLEX-RN et celles qui ne l’ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  la premiĂšre tentative, pour leurs rĂ©sultats Ă  l’examen final HESIMD RN, version 1 et version 2, et les rĂ©sultats du TAI. . Une relation inverse statistiquement significative fut remarquĂ©e entre l’intervalle de temps avant de passer l’examen NCLEX-RN et le rĂ©sultat Ă  ’cet examen, ce qui indique que plus la pĂ©riode est longue entre l’obtention du diplĂŽme et le passage de l’examen, moins il est probable que l’étudiante rĂ©ussisse l’examen. Nous n’avons trouvĂ© aucune relation entre la MG de l’étudiante et le rĂ©sultat au NCLEX-RN. Discussion : Les rĂ©sultats de la premiĂšre phase de cette Ă©tude indiquent qu’il existe des diffĂ©rences quant aux rĂ©sultats Ă  l’examen final HESIMD RN et au TAI entre les Ă©tudiantes qui ont rĂ©ussi l’examen NCLEX-RN la premiĂšre fois et celles qui l’ont Ă©chouĂ©. Bien que les examens HESIMD ne soient qu’un type de ressources parmi de nombreuses autres ressources disponibles en sciences infirmiĂšres pour aider les Ă©tudiantes Ă  se prĂ©parer Ă  l’examen national d’autorisation Ă  exercer, nos rĂ©sultats sont significatifs et mĂ©ritent l’attention des infirmiĂšres formatrices canadiennes

    NFV service dynamicity with a DevOps approach : demonstrating zero-touch deployment & operations

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    Next generation network services will be realized by NFV-based microservices to enable greater dynamics in deployment and operations. Here, we present a demonstrator that realizes this concept using the NFV platform built in the EU FP7 project UNIFY. Using the example of an Elastic Router service, we show automated deployment and configuration of service components as well as corresponding monitoring components facilitating automated scaling of the entire service. We also demonstrate automatic execution of troubleshooting and debugging actions. Operations of the service are inspired by DevOps principles, enabling quick detection of operational conditions and fast corrective actions. This demo conveys essential insights on how the life-cycle of an NFV-based network service may be realized in future NFV platforms

    Facilitating self-adaptable inter-cloud management

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    Cloud Computing infrastructures have been developed as individual islands, and mostly proprietary solutions so far. However, as more and more infrastructure providers apply the technology, users face the inevitable question of using multiple infrastructures in parallel. Federated cloud management systems offer a simplified use of these infrastructures by hiding their proprietary solutions. As the infrastructure becomes more complex underneath these systems, the situations (like system failures, handling of load peaks and slopes) that users cannot easily handle, occur more and more frequently. Therefore, federations need to manage these situations autonomously without user interactions. This paper introduces a methodology to autonomously operate cloud federations by controlling their behavior with the help of knowledge management systems. Such systems do not only suggest reactive actions to comply with established Service Level Agreements (SLA) between provider and consumer, but they also find a balance between the fulfillment of established SLAs and resource consumption. The paper adopts rule-based techniques as its knowledge management solution and provides an extensible rule set for federated clouds built on top of multiple infrastructures. © 2012 IEEE

    Experiment K-6-21. Effect of microgravity on 1) metabolic enzymes of type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers and on 2) metabolic enzymes, neutransmitter amino acids, and neurotransmitter associated enzymes in motor and somatosensory cerebral cortex. Part 1: Metabolic enzymes of individual muscle fibers; part 2: metabolic enzymes of hippocampus and spinal cord

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    The individual fibers of any individual muscle vary greatly in enzyme composition, a fact which is obscured when enzyme levels of a whole muscle are measured. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess the changes due to weightless on the enzyme patterns composed by the individual fibers within the flight muscles. In spite of the limitation in numbers of muscles examined, it is apparent that: (1) that the size of individual fibers (i.e., their dry weight) was reduced about a third, (2) that this loss in dry mass was accompanied by changes in the eight enzymes studied, and (3) that these changes were different for the two muscles, and different for the two enzyme groups. In the soleus muscle the absolute amounts of the three enzymes of oxidative metabolism decreased about in proportion to the dry weight loss, so that their concentration in the atrophic fibers was almost unchanged. In contrast, there was little loss among the four enzymes of glycogenolysis - glycolysis so that their concentrations were substantially increased in the atrophic fibers. In the TA muscle, these seven enzymes were affected in just the opposite direction. There appeared to be no absolute loss among the oxidative enzymes, whereas the glycogenolytic enzymes were reduced by nearly half, so that the concentrations of the first metabolic group were increased within the atrophic fibers and the concentrations of the second group were only marginally decreased. The behavior of hexokinase was exceptional in that it did not decrease in absolute terms in either type of muscle and probably increased as much as 50 percent in soleus. Thus, their was a large increase in concentration of this enzyme in the atrophied fibers of both muscles. Another clear-cut finding was the large increase in the range of activities of the glycolytic enzymes among individual fibers of TA muscles. This was due to the emergence of TA fibers with activities for enzymes of this group extending down to levels as low as those found in control soleus muscles. It would be interesting to know if this represents a transition stage, and whether with prolonged weightlessness most of the fibers would be transformed into a low glycogenolytic type

    Faculty and Student Online Experiences Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study (Part 2)

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    Background: Prior to the declaration of the global pandemic in March 2020, little research was available related to online teaching and learning within a professional practice discipline. Post secondary institutions pivoted from “learning as usual” to teaching almost completely in the online environment during a very short time frame. A plethora of related publications have since contributed to knowledge development across many educational programs. Method: This multi-site research study was conducted to gather and examine the perspectives of nursing faculty and students’ lived experiences while teaching and learning online at the beginning of the global pandemic. Design: Descriptive survey study. Setting: Online environment in Eastern Canada. Participants: Nursing students (N=195) and faculty (N=38) in three BScN programs in the province during the spring and summer semesters of 2020. Participants were invited via email to complete an online survey (via Opinio) about their lived experience of learning or teaching in the fully online environment. The survey included quantitative and qualitative questions. Results: The findings from the quantitative aspect of this study have been detailed in Part I, which addressed academic stressors, faculty and student perceptual differences related to student engagement, need for building capacity for online learning, the imperative of technological support and reliable internet connections, and the attempt to maintain a healthy work life balance. The findings from the qualitative aspect of this study are captured in this article. The team conducted thematic analysis and determined a pattern of three primary themes and 10 sub-themes including: Learning and Teaching (Environment, Evaluation), Relationships (Social Isolation, Virtual Relations, Communications), and Mental Health (Academic Shock, The Waiting Game, Technology, Resiliency, Work-Life Balance). Conclusion: Opportunities and implications for nursing education related to learning and teaching in the online environment are discussed. RĂ©sumĂ© Contexte : Avant la dĂ©claration de la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19 en mars 2020, peu de recherches Ă©taient disponibles sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en ligne dans une discipline de pratique professionnelle. Les Ă©tablissements d’enseignement postsecondaire sont passĂ©s de « l’apprentissage habituel » Ă  l’enseignement presque entiĂšrement en ligne en trĂšs peu de temps. Une plĂ©thore de publications connexes a depuis contribuĂ© au dĂ©veloppement des connaissances dans de nombreux programmes de formation. MĂ©thode : Cette recherche multisite a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e pour recueillir et examiner les points de vue de membres du corps professoral en sciences infirmiĂšres et des expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par des Ă©tudiant(e)s avec l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en ligne au dĂ©but de la pandĂ©mie. Devis : Une Ă©tude descriptive Ă  l’aide d’un sondage en ligne a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans l’est du Canada. Participant(e)s : Des Ă©tudiant(e)s en sciences infirmiĂšres (N =195) et membres du corps professoral (N = 38) de trois programmes de baccalaurĂ©at en sciences infirmiĂšres (B.Sc. inf.) d’une province ont participĂ© au cours des semestres de printemps et d’étĂ© 2020. Les participant(e)s ont Ă©tĂ© invitĂ©(e)s par courrier Ă©lectronique Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  un sondage en ligne (par Opinio) quant Ă  leurs expĂ©riences vĂ©cues d’apprentissage ou d’enseignement dans un environnement entiĂšrement en ligne. Le sondage comprenait des questions ouvertes et fermĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©sultats du volet quantitatif de cette Ă©tude ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©taillĂ©s dans Partie 1, qui traitait des facteurs de stress en milieu universitaire, des diffĂ©rences de perceptions du corps professoral et des Ă©tudiant(e)s liĂ©es Ă  l’engagement de ces derniers, du besoin de renforcer les capacitĂ©s d’apprentissage en ligne, de l’impĂ©ratif d’un soutien technologique et de connexions Internet fiables, ainsi que de l’effort de maintenir un Ă©quilibre sain entre vie personnelle et professionnelle. Les rĂ©sultats du volet qualitatif de l’étude sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cet article. L’équipe a effectuĂ© une analyse thĂ©matique et a proposĂ© un modĂšle regroupant 3 thĂšmes principaux et 10 sous-thĂšmes, notamment : apprentissage et enseignement (environnement, Ă©valuation), relations (isolement social, relations virtuelles, communications) et santĂ© mentale (choc universitaire, l’attente, technologie, rĂ©silience, Ă©quilibre vie personnelle et professionnelle). Conclusion : Les perspectives et les retombĂ©es de l\u27apprentissage et de l\u27enseignement dans l\u27environnement en ligne pour la formation en sciences infirmiĂšres sont abordĂ©es

    Faculty and Student Online Experiences Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study (Part 1)

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    Background: With the declaration of a global pandemic in March 2020, post-secondary institutions closed campuses, learner clinical experiences were suspended, and teaching moved to a fully online format. Prior to data collection, a literature review yielded few results beyond editorials, student and faculty reflections, and blog postings in relation to COVID-19. It is crucial that we learn from the experience of students and faculty to evaluate the novel teaching and learning realized during the pandemic and prioritize a scholarly plan including potential innovative approaches for future educational programming. Objectives: The overall goal for this multi-site research was to capture the perspectives of nursing students, and nursing faculty members on their teaching and learning experiences online during a declared pandemic and provincial state of emergency. Design: Descriptive survey study Setting: Online environment in one province in Eastern Canada Participants: Nursing students and faculty in three Canadian bachelor of science in nursing programs during the spring and summer semester 2020. Method: Participants were invited via email to complete an online survey (via Opinio) related to their experience of learning or teaching in the fully online environment. Results: Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive (frequencies, means, modes) statistics to describe the experience from the participants’ perspectives and inferential (Chi-square test, t-test) statistics to investigate perceptual differences between the faculty members’ and the students’ perspective related to the effectiveness, engagement, and comfort in the online learning and teaching experience. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The focus of this article is the presentation and discussion of the quantitative data. Conclusions: The resulting knowledge provides an in-depth understanding of the fully online learning and teaching experience during a global pandemic that is invaluable to inform future program planning in relation to online learning and teaching in a practice profession. RĂ©sumĂ© Contexte : Avec la dĂ©claration d’une pandĂ©mie mondiale en mars 2020, les Ă©tablissements postsecondaires ont fermĂ© leurs campus, les activitĂ©s cliniques des apprenantes ont Ă©tĂ© suspendues et l’enseignement est passĂ© Ă  un format entiĂšrement en ligne. Avant la collecte de donnĂ©es, une revue de la littĂ©rature a donnĂ© peu de rĂ©sultats au-delĂ  d’éditoriaux, de rĂ©flexions d’étudiantes et de professeures ainsi que d’articles de blogue concernant la COVID-19. Il est essentiel que nous apprenions de l’expĂ©rience des Ă©tudiantes et des professeures pour Ă©valuer les nouveaux enseignements et apprentissages rĂ©alisĂ©s pendant la pandĂ©mie et prioriser un plan soutenu par la recherche comprenant de potentielles approches avant-gardistes pour les futurs programmes de formation. Objectifs : L’objectif global de cette recherche multisites Ă©tait de saisir les points de vue des Ă©tudiantes et des membres du corps professoral en sciences infirmiĂšres sur leurs expĂ©riences d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en ligne pendant une pandĂ©mie dĂ©clarĂ©e et un Ă©tat d’urgence provincial. Devis : Étude descriptive Ă  l’aide d’un sondage. Milieu : Environnement virtuel, dans une province de l’est du Canada. Participantes : Étudiantes en sciences infirmiĂšres et membres du corps professoral dans trois programmes canadiens de baccalaurĂ©at en sciences infirmiĂšres au cours du semestre de printemps et d’étĂ© 2020. MĂ©thode : Les participantes ont Ă©tĂ© invitĂ©es par courrier Ă©lectronique Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  un sondage en ligne (par Opinio) au regard de leurs expĂ©riences d’apprentissage ou d’enseignement dans un environnement entiĂšrement en ligne. RĂ©sultats : Les donnĂ©es quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide de statistiques descriptives (frĂ©quences, moyennes, modes) pour dĂ©crire l’expĂ©rience du point de vue des participantes et de statistiques infĂ©rentielles (test du chi carrĂ©, test de t) pour Ă©tudier les diffĂ©rences de perception entre des membres du corps professoral et celle des Ă©tudiantes relativement Ă  l’efficacitĂ©, Ă  l’engagement et au confort des expĂ©riences d’apprentissage et d’enseignement en ligne. Les donnĂ©es qualitatives ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’une analyse thĂ©matique. Les objectifs de cet article sont de prĂ©senter et de discuter des rĂ©sultats quantitatifs. Conclusion : Les connaissances qui en rĂ©sultent offrent une comprĂ©hension approfondie de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement entiĂšrement en ligne pendant une pandĂ©mie mondiale, ce qui est inestimable pour Ă©clairer la planification future des programmes de formation professionnelle comme les sciences infirmiĂšres, en ce qui concerne l’apprentissage et l’enseignement en ligne

    Impact of European Integration on the Functioning of the Insurance Market in Poland

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    The transformation process, that has begun 20 years ago, generated significant changes in the structure and organization of Polish economy. It stimulated development of particular market's segments, especially of the insurance sector. Poland's accession to the European Union required conformity to Its regulations, fulfillment of several conditions connected with the membership in the European Community. The purpose of this article is to present the main consequences of Poland's integration with EU in the field of insurance market. Joining the common market was an important challenge for this sector in our country.Rok 1990 stanowiƂ początek procesu transformacji systemu spoƂeczno - gospodarczego i ustrojowego. Ostatnie 20 lat to okres intensywnych przemian o charakterze strukturalnym i organizacyjnym, w wyniku ktĂłrych uksztaƂtowaƂy się warunki rozwoju poszczegĂłlnych segmentĂłw systemu finansowego paƄstwa, zwƂaszcza sektora ubezpieczeƄ. Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej wymagaƂo wprowadzenia szeregu zmian, dostosowujących polski porządek prawny do uregulowaƄ wspĂłlnotowych regulujących funkcjonowanie rynku ubezpieczeƄ. Celem artykuƂu jest zaprezentowanie szans i zagroĆŒeƄ, jakie wynikają dla tego segmentu gospodarki z przystąpienia Polski do UE. Niewątpliwie proces integracji stanowiƂ powaĆŒne wyzwanie dla polskiego rynku ubezpieczeƄ

    The evolution of manufacturing SPECIES

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    This research aims to develop hierarchical and cladistic classifications of manufacturing system evolution, incorporating evolving and interacting product, process and production system features. The objectives then are to systematically organise manufacturing systems and their characteristics in classifications Forty-six candidate species of manufacturing systems have been identified and organised in a 4th generation hierarchical classification with 14 ‘genera’, 6 ‘families’ 3 ‘orders’ and 1 ‘class’ of discrete manufacturing. The accompanying cladistic classification hypothesises the evolutionary history of manufacturing, using ‘descriptors’ drawn from a library of 12 characters and 66 states. These are consistent and synthesise many of the established typologies in the literature

    Avian oncogenesis induced by lymphoproliferative disease virus: a neglected or emerging retroviral pathogen?

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    Lymphoproliferative disease virus (LPDV) is an exogenous oncogenic retrovirus that induces lymphoid tumors in some galliform species of birds. Historically, outbreaks of LPDV have been reported from Europe and Israel. Although the virus has previously never been detected in North America, herein we describe the widespread distribution, genetic diversity, pathogenesis, and evolution of LPDV in the United States. Characterization of the provirus genome of the index LPDV case from North America demonstrated an 88% nucleotide identity to the Israeli prototype strain. Although phylogenetic analysis indicated that the majority of viruses fell into a single North American lineage, a small subset of viruses from South Carolina were most closely related to the Israeli prototype. These results suggest that LPDV was transferred between continents to initiate outbreaks of disease. However, the direction (New World to Old World or vice versa), mechanism, and time frame of the transcontinental spread currently remain unknown
