1,690 research outputs found

    Consumer Direction in Ohio : Findings From Two Demonstration Projects

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    This report provides findings from evaluations of two consumer-directed home care programs in Ohio. Results suggest consumer direction provides a good alternative to agency-managed home care services

    Defining Remoteness from Health Care: Integrated Research on Accessing Emergency Maternal Care in Indonesia<br />

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    The causes of maternal death are well known, and are largely preventable if skilled health care is received promptly. Complex interactions between geographic and socio-cultural factors affect access to, and remoteness from, health care but research on this topic rarely integrates spatial and social sciences. In this study, modeling of travel time was integrated with social science research to refine our understanding of remoteness from health care. Travel time to health facilities offering emergency obstetric care (EmOC) and population distribution were modelled for a district in eastern Indonesia. As an index of remoteness, the proportion of the population more than two hours estimated travel time from EmOC was calculated. For the best case scenario (transport by ambulance in the dry season), modelling estimated more than 10,000 fertile aged women were more than two hours from EmOC. Maternal mortality ratios were positively correlated with the remoteness index, however there was considerable variation around this relationship. In a companion study, ethnographic research in a subdistrict with relatively good access to health care and high maternal mortality identified factors influencing access to EmOC, including some that had not been incorporated into the travel time model. Ethnographic research provided information about actual travel involved in requesting and reaching EmOC. Modeled travel time could be improved by incorporating time to deliver request for care. Further integration of social and spatial methods and the development of more dynamic travel time models are needed to develop programs and policies to address these multiple factors to improve maternal health outcomes

    Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Resilience Interventions: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations

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    As resilience programming gains more and more prominence as an approach for addressing chronic vulnerability of populations exposed to recurrent shocks and stressors, empirical evidence will be needed for measuring how well households, communities, and systems manage shocks and stressors and how interventions and programmes that are designed to strengthen these capacities, perform. However, despite progress on the conceptual side, academics, practitioners and donors are still struggling with pragmatic issues - in particular, how to measure, and monitor and evaluate resilience interventions. Developing a robust resilience measurement and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework is therefore a priority. The objective of this paper is to contribute to this agenda. After reviewing some of the progress made recently in relation to resilience measurement, the paper adopts a logical framework (logFram) and uses both theoretical and empirical examples to present the different components that an project M&E needs to include in order to monitor adequately resilience

    Uncommons: Transforming Dusty Reading Rooms into Artefactual, "Third Space," Library Learning Labs

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    This article describes the implementation of two inexpensive social learning library laboratories for advanced students in Latin American and Chicana/o studies. Drawing on philosophical literature from these interdisciplinary area and ethnic studies, these cases present a “third space” option for library learning called uncommons. This term denotes alternative book-laden spaces for student scholars practicing, rather than studying, their disciplinary crafts. As a “third space,” uncommons invite advanced students to resist the false dichotomy between technology and tradition and to present their work among peers while also engaging tangible and audible, as opposed to virtual, creative or academic texts

    The genetics of colored sequence synesthesia: Evidence of linkage to chromosome 16q and genetic heterogeneity for the condition

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    Synesthesia is a perceptual condition in which normal sensory stimulation can trigger anomalous sensory experiences. For example, synesthetes may experience colors in response to sounds, tastes in response to words, or smells in response to touch. We here focus on colored sequence synesthesia, in which color experiences are triggered by learned ordinal sequences such as letters, numbers, weekdays and months. Although synesthesia has been noted in the scientific literature for over a century, it is understood only at the level of the phenomenology, and not at the molecular and neural levels. We have performed a linkage analysis to identify the first genetic loci responsible for the increased neural crosstalk underlying colored sequence synesthesia. Our analysis has identified a 23 MB region on chromosome 16 as a putative locus for the trait. Our data provide the first step in understanding neural crosstalk from its molecular basis to its behavioral consequences, opening a new inroad into the understanding of the multisensory brain

    Defective erythropoiesis in a mouse model of reduced Fbxo7 expression due to decreased p27 expression.

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    During the final stages of erythropoiesis, lineage-restricted progenitors mature over three to five cell divisions, culminating with withdrawal from the cell cycle and the loss of most organelles, including mitochondria and nuclei. Recent genome-wide association studies in human populations have associated several SNPs near or within FBXO7 with erythrocyte phenotypes. Fbxo7 encodes a multi-functional F-box protein known to bind p27 and participate in selective mitophagy. One SNP causes an amino acid substitution (Met115Ile) and is associated with smaller erythrocytes. We find that the less common IIe115 allele of Fbxo7 binds less efficiently to p27, and cells expressing this allele proliferate faster than cells expressing Met115. We show that an erythroleukaemic cell line with reduced Fbxo7 expression fails to stabilize p27 levels, exit the cell cycle, and produce haemoglobin. In addition, mice deficient in Fbxo7 expression are anaemic due to a reduction in erythrocyte numbers, and this is associated with lower p27 levels, increased numbers of late-stage erythroblasts with greater than 2N DNA content, and delayed mitophagy during terminal differentiation. Collectively, these data support an important physiological, cell cycle regulatory role for Fbxo7 during erythropoiesis.This work was supported by the BBSRC (BB/J007846/1), and the Cambridge Fund for the Prevention of Disease.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/path.457

    A parameterization of flow separation over subaqueous dunes

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    Flow separation plays a key role in the development of dunes, and modeling the complicated flow behavior inside the flow separation zone requires much computational effort. To make a first step toward modeling dune development at reasonable temporal and spatial scales, a parameterization of the shape of the flow separation zone over two-dimensional dunes is proposed herein, in order to avoid modeling the complex flow inside the flow separation zone. Flow separation behind dunes, with an angle-of-repose slip face, is characterized by a large circulating leeside eddy, where a separation streamline forms the upper boundary of the recirculating eddy. Experimental data of turbulent flow over two-dimensional subaqueous bed forms are used to parameterize this separation streamline. The bed forms have various heights and height to length ratios, and a wide range of flow conditions is analyzed. This paper shows that the shape of the flow separation zone can be approximated by a third-order polynomial as a function of the distance away from the flow separation point. The coefficients of the polynomial can be estimated, independent of flow conditions, on the basis of bed form shape at the flow separation point and a constant angle of the separation streamline at the flow reattachment point. \ud \u

    Nutritional Quality of Leaves and Unripe Fruit Consumed as Famine Foods by the Flying Foxes of Samoa

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    Many tropical herbivores alter their diets throughout the year in response to different levels of food availability. Fruit bats, including Pteropus samoensis Peale and Pteropus tonganus Quoy & Gaimard, are phytophagous species that may increase their consumption of foods such as unripe fruit and leaves in periods of low fruit diversity and volume. These periods include the tropical dry season or following the frequent hurricanes that batter the Samoan Archipelago. We examined the nutritional composition of leaves and immature fruits and compared the levels of organic and mineral nutrients with those of ripe fruit. We used principal components analysis (PCA) to examine patterns of variation in nutrient components of leaves, unripe fruit, and ripe fruit, as well as to compare the mean levels of nutrients. Overall, unripe fruit provided levels of nutrients comparable with those of ripe fruit of the same species for many organic and mineral components. Unripe fruit were only half as rich in iron as ripe fruit, but unripe fruit had high levels of calcium compared with ripe fruit of the same species. Leaves are often cited as a rich source of protein for fruit bats, and our results were consistent with this suggestion. Leaves were also found to be rich in zinc, manganese, and calcium. Therefore, flying foxes and other herbivores probably do not avoid unripe fruits and leaves because of their low nutrient levels. It may be that these famine foods are not normally consumed because of the presence of secondary compounds, low concentrations of palatable sugars, or a distasteful and hard pericarp on unripe fruits

    Expression of Fbxo7 in haematopoietic progenitor cells cooperates with p53 loss to promote lymphomagenesis.

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    Fbxo7 is an unusual F box protein that augments D-type cyclin complex formation with Cdk6, but not Cdk4 or Cdk2, and its over-expression has been demonstrated to transform immortalised fibroblasts in a Cdk6-dependent manner. Here we present new evidence in vitro and in vivo on the oncogenic potential of this regulatory protein in primary haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Increasing Fbxo7 expression in HSPCs suppressed their colony forming ability in vitro, specifically decreasing CD11b (Mac1) expression, and these effects were dependent on an intact p53 pathway. Furthermore, increased Fbxo7 levels enhanced the proliferative capacity of p53 null HSPCs when they were grown in reduced concentrations of stem cell factor. Finally, irradiated mice reconstituted with p53 null, but not wild-type, HSPCs expressing Fbxo7 showed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of T cell lymphoma in vivo. These data argue that Fbxo7 negatively regulates the proliferation and differentiation of HSPCs in a p53-dependent manner, and that in the absence of p53, Fbxo7 expression can promote T cell lymphomagenesis