201 research outputs found

    Proper names in the work "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens

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    A proper name is of great importance in culture and human life. According to a number of philosophers, there is a close connection between the name of the person and the events that happen in his life. In the literature names are not less important than images. In any text proper names are chosen by the author not casually. In the works by Ch. Dickens the proper names are an integral part of the characters' images. The author named the heroes after careful consideration. In this article a special attention is paid to the analysis of the proper names used in his novel «David Copperfield» and on the basis of the received results the conclusion about the role of the proper names in the text is drawn. Имя собственное имеет большое значение в культуре и жизни человека. По мнению ряда философов, между именем человека и событиями его жизни существует тесная связь. В художественном тексте имена не менее необходимы, чем сами образы. Для любого художественного текста характерна не случайность употребления автором имен собственных. В произведениях Ч. Диккенса имена собственные являются неотъемлемой частью образов действующих лиц. В данной статье уделяется особое внимание анализу употребления имен собственных в произведении «Жизнь Дэвида Копперфильда, рассказанная им самим»; на основе полученных результатов делается вывод о роли имен собственных в художественном тексте

    The Indicative Potential of the Forest-Tundra Landscape Component

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    In order to expand the possibilities of soil-cover remote monitoring and improve prognostic models of active-layer depth dynamics in connection with global climatic changes, the verification of correspondence between plant and soil components of subarctic landscapes is necessary. This is most relevant for the forest-tundra zone,where the variety and mosaicity of soils and vegetation is great due to its ecotonic position. The purpose of this work was to study the relationship of vegetation with the characteristics of cryogenic soils and the dynamics of the active layer in forest-tundra landscapes. Data were obtained during monitoring studies at key sites in diverse landscapes of forest-tundra in the vicinity of Labytnangi. It was revealed that the thickness of the organogenic horizons, as well as the value of the moss phytomass, determine the active-layer thickness. A close connection with relief and soils allows the use of vegetation as an indicator of the soil texture and the depth of active-layer occurrence and features. Keywords: plant communities, cryogenic soils, active layer, landscape, forest-tundra, Western Siberi

    Fabrication of 2D based pn junctions with improved performance by selective laser annealing

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    There is a growing body of research on transistors based on nanomaterials such as 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) (WS2, MoS2, etc.) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Here we co-deposited MoS2 and WS2 as PN junctions. The deposition could be performed on a PCB (printed circuit board) with Cu electrodes. The current-voltage characteristics were obtained using an Arduino board. The effect of laser irradiation could be investigated by studying the IV curves and light sensitivity for the same kind of devices in which one of the Cu electrodes was modified by a laser. The IV curves from the devices with and without laser treatment could be compared to quantify the changes in performance

    Modern digital technologies and telecommunications mechanisms in the implementation of socio-economic policy at the local and regional level

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    The purpose of the work is to modernize the organizational and economic support of the regional economy management processes based on digital technologie

    The cytokine profile change in patients with genital herpes during relapse

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    47 patients of the main group and 24 conventionally healthy men (the control group) were examined to establish the characteristic features of cytokine profile change in patients with genital herpes during relapse. The concentration of cytokines (IL-1p, IL-4, IL-6 and TNFa) in patients blood serum was assessed using conventional methods. The correlation between the levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and the clinical features of the relapse course were established.С целью выявления характера изменений профиля цитокинов у больных генитальным герпесом в период рецидива были обследованы 47 пациентов, составивших основную группу, и 24 условно здоровых мужчины (группа сравнения). У всех пациентов оценивалась концентрация цитокинов в сыворотке крови (ИЛ-1р, ИЛ-4, ИЛ-6, ФНО-а) по общепринятым методикам. В результате проведенного исследования была выявлена взаимосвязь между уровнем провоспалительных и противовоспалительных цитокинов и характером течения рецидива

    Применение гуселькумаба при псориатическом артрите: данные реальной клинической практики

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    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, spine and enthesis from the group of spondyloarthritis that develops in patients with psoriasis. Guselkumab is a biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, an inhibitor of interleukin 23, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of plaque psoriasis and PsA.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of guselkumab treatment in PsA patients.Patients and methods. The study included 16 patients with PsA. All patients received 100 mg of guselkumab subcutaneously at weeks 0, 4, 12, 20. Disease activity and treatment efficacy were assessed at weeks 0, 12 and 24 using the DAS28, ASDAS, BASDAI, DAPSA activity indices, the index of the extent and severity of psoriasis PASI.Results and discussion. During treatment, patients with PsA showed a pronounced positive dynamics of the indices of disease activity and an improvement in the skin condition. Before the treatment with guselkumab, the mean value of the DAS28 index was 4.26±0.64, DAPSA – 37.94±9.45, ASDAS – 2.7±0.65, and BASDAI – 5.49±1.39, after 12 weeks of treatment these indicators decreased to 3.03±0.49; 17.06±4.58; 1.64±0.33 and 3.48±0.66, respectively, and after 24 weeks (after the 4th injection) – to 2.32±0.18; 11.31±2.18; 1.22±0.27 and 2.62±0.78, respectively (p<0.05 for all cases). Before treatment, the average PASI index reached 30.99±15.43, after 12 weeks – 4.55±4.82, and after 24 weeks – 1.05±1.46 (p<0.05). During treatment, a significant improvement in the main manifestations of the disease was noted: regression of peripheral arthritis, spondylitis, and skin rashes.The treatment was well tolerated during the 24 weeks of the study, and no serious adverse events were reported.Conclusion. The data from real clinical practice indicate that guselkumab is highly effective and safe in the treatment of PsA.Псориатический артрит (ПсА) – хроническое воспалительное заболевание суставов, позвоночника и энтезисов из группы спондилоартритов, развивающееся у больных псориазом. Гуселькумаб – генно-инженерный биологический препарат, ингибитор интерлейкина 23, показавший эффективность в терапии бляшечного псориаза и ПсА.Цель исследования – оценка эффективности лечения гуселькумабом больных ПсА.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 16 пациентов с ПсА. Все пациенты получали гуселькумаб в дозе 100 мг подкожно на неделях 0, 4, 12, 20. Оценка активности заболевания и эффективности лечения осуществлялась на неделях 0, 12 и 24 с применением индексов активности DAS28, ASDAS, BASDAI, DAPSA, индекса распространенности и тяжести псориаза – PASI.Результаты и обсуждение. В ходе лечения у больных ПсА наблюдались выраженная положительная динамика индексов активности заболевания и улучшение состояния кожи. Если до начала лечения гуселькумабом среднее значение индекса DAS28 составляло 4,26±0,64, DAPSA – 37,94±9,45, ASDAS – 2,7±0,65 и BASDAI – 5,49±1,39, то через 12 нед произошло снижение этих показателей до 3,03±0,49; 17,06±4,58; 1,64±0,33 и 3,48±0,66 соответственно, а через 24 нед (после 4-й инъекций) – уже до 2,32±0,18; 11,31±2,18; 1,22±0,27 и 2,62±0,78 соответственно (p<0,05 для всех случаев). До начала лечения среднее значение индекса PASI достигало 30,99±15,43, через 12 нед – 4,55±4,82 и через 24 нед – 1,05±1,46 (p<0,05). На фоне лечения отмечено значительное улучшение основных проявлений заболевания: регресс периферического артрита, спондилита и кожных высыпаний.На протяжении 24 нед исследования переносимость терапии была хорошей, серьезных нежелательных явлений не зарегистрировано.Заключение. Данные, полученные в условиях реальной клинической практики, свидетельствуют о высокой эффективности и безопасности гуселькумаба при лечении ПсА

    The change in the inclination angle of the non-eclipsing binary SS Lacertae: future eclipses

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    Eclipses in the 14.4-day period double-lined binary SS Lac were observed photographically and visually early in the 20th century, but stopped some 50 or 60 years ago. This has been explained by the presence of a distant third star in the system, which has now been detected spectroscopically with a period of 679 days. The plane of the orbit of the binary is changing relative to the line of sight in response to perturbations from this third object. A recent analysis by Milone et al. (M00) of all photometric material available for the system, including a re-measurement of original Harvard plates, has confirmed earlier reports of changes in the depth of the eclipses as a function of time, which are due to the third star. In this paper we discuss our detailed analysis of the eclipse amplitude measurements, and extract from them information on the change in the inclination angle of the binary over the last century. Our use of a much improved ephemeris for the system by Torres & Stefanik was found to be crucial, and prompted us to re-determine all the amplitudes from the historical data at our disposal, including the Harvard material used by M00. Systematically lower measurements on the branches of the minima were properly accounted for, and we made use of both a linear approximation to the time variation of the inclination angle and a more realistic model based on the theory of three-body interactions ("regression of the nodes" effect). The nodal cycle is found to be about 600 yr, within which TWO eclipse "seasons" occur, each lasting about 100 yr. The non-eclipsing status of the system is expected to continue until the beginning of the 23rd century.Comment: 32 pages, including figures and tables. Accepted for The Astronomical Journal, April 200

    Patient with Jaundice, Dyspnea and Hyperferritinemia after COVID-19

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    The aim: to highlight the importance of considering hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in patients with jaundice of unclear origin and systemic inflammatory manifestations after coronavirus infection.Key points. A 64-y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with jaundice, pruritus, fatigue, weight loss. The complaints occurred 2 weeks after discharge from the hospital for treatment of patients with coronavirus infection. Laboratory tests revealed signs of hepatic insufficiency, markers of cholestasis and inflammation persisted in time. Upon instrumental examination no signs of hepatosplenomegaly, biliary tree changes, intra- and extrahepatic obstruction were found. S. aureus was identified in blood cultures, CT scan of the facial skull bones showcased the focus of infection in the area of the roots of teeth 2.4 and 2.5. Therefore, antibiotics were prescribed. Subsequently, the patient's condition was complicated by the development of two episodes of acute respiratory distress syndrome, which occurred during the withdrawal of glucocorticosteroid therapy. Liver biopsy was performed, morphological study revealed signs of “vanishing bile duct” syndrome, excessive activation of macrophages and hemosiderosis of sinusoidal cells. Identified lesions can be found in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a life-threatening complication of coronavirus infection. Glucocorticosteroids therapy, transfusions of human immunoglobulin, albumin, and parenteral nutrition have led to patient's condition improvement.Conclusion. COVID-19 provokes the development of secondary HLH 10 times more often than other respiratory viral infections. The possibility of hemophagocytic syndrome development should be considered, including cases of overlap syndrome with sepsis, in patients with unresolved jaundice, hyperferritinemia after coronavirus infection. Routinely used scales and criteria for diagnosis of HLH (H-score, HLH 2004) in such cases lacks sensitivity, therefore, careful analysis of clinical picture and exclusion of other causes of jaundice are required