146 research outputs found

    NPS: A Tested Platform for Political Transformation Against Anger & Apathy in Pakistan

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    Political inaction is a major ‘Barrier’ to the progress of democratic values and systems in a society. It is more critical in the developing countries like Pakistan. A huge body of research on political apathy and anger in Pakistan is reporting over and over on the causes and consequences of this pathetic psychology. All that is true however, rays of hope are always there provided nations continue searching for the opportunities through scientific and rigorous research accompanied with sincerity and sense of responsibility at all the decision making levels of the state.   This paper postulates a solution model for the issue in the perspectives of Pakistan by capitalizing on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Instant Political Transformation of the developing countries like Egypt & Lybia. The New Public Sphere (NPS) is populated with Global Civil Society (GCS) where International Citizens are connected together 24/7 from any corner of the Global Village and involved in use of ICT for Social Activism. Pakistan now has millions of Internet and Cell-users who are the part of GCS and waiting for a ‘Trigger’ to switch from the ‘Informal Activism to Formal & Political Activism’ through NPS

    Usersa Training: The Predictor of Successful eLearning in HEIs

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    Research reveals over and over that the successful development and use of eLearning systems in higher education institutions (HEIs) are squarely anchored on the roles of users in the development and use phases of an eLearning project. At the development level, researchers suggest that all decisions and implementation must be user-centric by constantly scanning the diversity of ever-changing user-needs. While use level requires effective user-training and then sustained technical support that is available 24/7. However, user training is central issue for the project and organizational (university) management in terms of its contents, processes and followup. This paper aims at unfolding the nature and implications of user-training in the background of eLearning practices in HEIs particularly, in developing countries like Pakistan. Extensive literature have been surveyed to bring together diverse ideas, findings and comments of researchers about the nature, problems and solutions of user-training in the background of higher education thereby reducing it into a theoretical model of user-training

    Investigating Impacts of Globalization on Performance of NGOs

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    In the contemporary world of Global-Village the societies have converted into International-Citizenship due to new technologies which has successfully made it possible to keep Global-Connections far more powerfully than ever in the human history The global influence of digital technologies have reinforced the concept of GLOBALIZATION with far reaching Social Cultural Economic and Political implications for the whole world including advanced developing and poor nations on the planet The performance of Non- Governmental-Organizations are reportedly heavily influence by the factors of Globalization A field survey was conducted from the employees working in NGOs in Dera Ismail Khan KPK Pakistan The questionnaire contained 43 questions on different factors of Globalization ICTs Connectivity Networks and Transfer of Knowledge Capital and Professionalism as well as their impacts on the efficiency effectiveness innovativeness and responsiveness of the workforce as the indicators of their performance First hypothesis was examined through Correlation-Procedure 2nd and 3rd hypotheses were answered by using Regression-Analysis The current study will appear as a source of knowledge for the interested researchers working on the similar topics by providing first hand and local facts and figures about the issu

    Digital-Literacy as the Predictor of Political-Participation a Survey of University Graduates in DIKhan, KP, Pakistan

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    This study examines the impact of digital literacy on student s participation in Political Activism The computer internet and cell phone has given rise to the interactive and participatory role of youth in active politics Survey approach was adopted for data collection Data was collected through Structured-Questionnaire constructed using the variables extracted from literature Questionnaire included 6 Demographic and 6 Research variables 4 Predictors and 2 Criterion expressed through 43 questions First hypothesis was examined through Correlation-Procedure 2nd and 3rd hypotheses were answered by using Regression-Analysis This study will be a role model guideline for researchers working in same line of issues It will provide a local version of the problem thereby helping to design and plan their research projects accordingl

    CD206+ M2様マクロファージは前駆脂肪細胞の増殖を抑制することで糖代謝を制御する

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    富山大学・富医薬博甲第258号・Nawaz Allah・2018/03/23富山大

    Impact of career development, compensation, work-life balance and psychological well-being on employee retention in hospitality industry in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, the hospitality industry has experienced a positive growth with the development of worldwide hospitality industry in current years. The hospitality industry considered as the major pillars of national economy. As the hospitality industry is the service-oriented business and talented human resource is considered very important in the hospitality industry. Since the hospitality industry is one of those industries that are experience issues regarding employee retention. This study is conducted in the four- and five-star hotel in the tourist places in Penang and Langkawi, Malaysia. The basic aim of research is to examine to the factors that can influence the employee retention. Four factors namely career development, compensation, work-life balance and psychological well-being have been recognized that can highly impact the employee retention. For this purpose, questionnaires were circulated by self-administered and overall response were 164 employees. Gather data were analysis into database by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 25. The findings of the survey were analyzed, produced and summarized into statistical analysis which comprise of description analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The outcomes showed that career development, compensation, work-life balance and psychological well-being has significant relationship with employee retention. Therefore, it is vital hotel companies to develop and applied they’re by offering career progression, handsome compensation packages, better work-life balance and mental happiness to retain the talented employees

    Integrating Educational Technologies In Higher Education of the Developing Countries

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    Successful eLearning projects are reportedly dependent on the quality of integration between new technologies and the existing organizational and managerial levels. This integration is not simply connecting the cables and devices rather it has to happen at the planning, development and use levels of eProjects when creating eLearning environments. Besides considering different levels of integration, the management has to handle several issues which work as bottlenecks to successful integration practices. This paper is an effort to first unearth and then juxtapose major factors of integrating eLearning with the practices of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the developing countries like Pakistan with a view to synthesizing the results into a theoretical model

    The predictors of success for e-learning in higher education institutions (HEIs) in N-W.F.P, Pakistan

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    The interrelationships between different perceptions and attitudes of e-Learning users are widely researched, which reveals that whatever the perception and theory of a user about the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-Learning environment are, the same is reflected in his/her attitude towards using educational technologies for teaching and learning. The objective of this study was to measure the relationships between the indicators (perceptions about ICTs, educational technologies, development and use of e-Learning) and the Criterion variables (problems, satisfaction and prospects) among e-Learning users in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of N-W.F.P, Pakistan. The study found the existence of strong relationships in terms of indicators explaining the dependent variables. However, the impact is different from one variable to another. 81% of Problems, 57% of Satisfaction and 23% of Prospects are explained by the Indicators. Problems are significantly explained by all four indicators, while Satisfaction has been predicted by three of the indicators (excluding Perceptions). The study found that only two indicators (Perceptions about ICTs and Educational technologies) predict the Prospects, while Development and Use do not. The surprising finding is that Prospects are not defined by the 'Existing Development and Use Practices'. Rather, their perceptions about ICTs and e-Learning tools strongly forecast the Prospects

    Nutritional problems in Pakistan

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    The nutritional problems in Pakistan are discussed. Malnutrition is prevalent among people in Pakistan. Particularly, malnutrition in infants, leading to high infant mortality, is caused by poverty, inadequate hygienic conditions, poor maternal nutrition and lack of understanding of proper weaning diet on the part of mothers. Therefore, the improvement of educational opportunities for women is of utmost importance to combat malnutrition in Pakistan.パキスタンの栄養問題を概説した。多数のパキスタン国民、特に乳幼児の高死亡率を齎す栄養不足は貧困および不完全な衛生状態などに起因するが、とりわけ文盲率60%以上とされる教育の貧困が基本にある。乳幼児の低栄養は、妊娠中の母親の低栄養、出産後の離乳食に対する理解不足などが原因と思われる。これらの問題を解決するためには、食糧供給の改善、貧困の克服、衛生設備および知識の普及に加えて教育、特に女性教育の普及が急務である