458 research outputs found

    Blockade of the Interaction of Calcineurin with FOXO in Astrocytes Protects Against Amyloid-βInduced Neuronal Death

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    Astrocytes actively participate in neuro-inflammatory processes associated to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and other brain pathologies. We recently showed that an astrocyte-specific intracellular signaling pathway involving an interaction of the phosphatase calcineurin with the transcription factor FOXO3 is a major driver in AD associated pathological inflammation, suggesting a potential new druggable target for this devastating disease. We have now developed decoy molecules to interfere with calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions, and tested them in astrocytes and neuronal co-cultures exposed to amyloid-β (Aβ) toxicity. We observed that interference of calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions exerts a protective action against A-induced neuronal death and favors the production of a set of growth factors that we hypothesize form part of a cytoprotective pathway to resolve inflammation. Furthermore, interference of the A-induced interaction of calcineurin with FOXO3 by decoy compounds significantly decreased amyloid-β protein precursor (AβPP) synthesis, reduced the AβPP amyloidogenic pathway, resulting in lower Alevels, and blocked the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-6 in astrocytes. Collectively, these data indicate that interrupting pro-inflammatory calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions in astrocytes triggered by Aβ accumulation in brain may constitute an effective new therapeutic approach in AD. Future studies with intranasal delivery, or brain barrier permeable decoy compounds, are warranted

    Distinct Microglial Responses in Two Transgenic Murine Models of TAU Pathology

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    Microglial cells are crucial players in the pathological process of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Microglial response in AD has been principally studied in relation to amyloid-beta pathology but, comparatively, little is known about inflammatory processes associated to tau pathology. In the hippocampus of AD patients, where tau pathology is more prominent than amyloid-beta pathology, a microglial degenerative process has been reported. In this work, we have directly compared the microglial response in two different transgenic tau mouse models: ThyTau22 and P301S. Surprisingly, these two models showed important differences in the microglial profile and tau pathology. Where ThyTau22 hippocampus manifested mild microglial activation, P301S mice exhibited a strong microglial response in parallel with high phospho-tau accumulation. This differential phospho-tau expression could account for the different microglial response in these two tau strains. However, soluble (S1) fractions from ThyTau22 hippocampus presented relatively high content of soluble phospho-tau (AT8-positive) and were highly toxic for microglial cells in vitro, whereas the correspondent S1 fractions from P301S mice displayed low soluble phosphotau levels and were not toxic for microglial cells. Therefore, not only the expression levels but the aggregation of phospho-tau should differ between both models. In fact, most of tau forms in the P301S mice were aggregated and, in consequence, forming insoluble tau species.We conclude that different factors as tau mutations, accumulation, phosphorylation, and/or aggregation could account for the distinct microglial responses observed in these two tau models. For this reason, deciphering the molecular nature of toxic tau species for microglial cells might be a promising therapeutic approach in order to restore the deficient immunological protection observed in AD hippocampus.CIBERNEDJunta de Andalucía. Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo CTS-2035Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el BuenoMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesInstituto de Salud Carlos III. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. PI15/00957 PI15/00796Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI15/00957 PI15/0079

    Axial Spondyloarthritis: Patient-Reported Impact in Europe

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    This open access book provides an overview of the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) project -focusing on Europe-, a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary collaboration between academic groups, Health Care Professionals (HCPs), patient organizations and Novartis. IMAS was conceived to improve knowledge of Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and raise awareness of its heavy burden globally. By asking more than 2,000 patients across Europe about the impact of axSpA on multiple aspects of their life, the full extent of this disease was investigated from a direct patient perspective. This allowed a unique understanding of how living with axSpA affects the daily lives and well-being of patients, and how this varies between European countries. Axial Spondyloarthritis: Patient-Reported Impact in Europe highlights opportunities for progressing quality patient care to be applied to health services globally. HCPs, policy makers and patients will find this book to be an indispensable resource for improving the understanding of this chronic condition, including patients’ clinical outcomes, the protection of those at risk of psychological distress, and the economic burden on patients and society

    Axial Spondyloarthritis: Patient-Reported Impact in Europe

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    This open access book provides an overview of the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) project -focusing on Europe-, a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary collaboration between academic groups, Health Care Professionals (HCPs), patient organizations and Novartis. IMAS was conceived to improve knowledge of Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and raise awareness of its heavy burden globally. By asking more than 2,000 patients across Europe about the impact of axSpA on multiple aspects of their life, the full extent of this disease was investigated from a direct patient perspective. This allowed a unique understanding of how living with axSpA affects the daily lives and well-being of patients, and how this varies between European countries. Axial Spondyloarthritis: Patient-Reported Impact in Europe highlights opportunities for progressing quality patient care to be applied to health services globally. HCPs, policy makers and patients will find this book to be an indispensable resource for improving the understanding of this chronic condition, including patients’ clinical outcomes, the protection of those at risk of psychological distress, and the economic burden on patients and society

    Should we open fire on microglia? Depletion models as tools to elucidate microglial role in health and alzheimer’s disease

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    Microglia play a critical role in both homeostasis and disease, displaying a wide variety in terms of density, functional markers and transcriptomic profiles along the different brain regions as well as under injury or pathological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The generation of reliable models to study into a dysfunctional microglia context could provide new knowledge towards the contribution of these cells in AD. In this work, we included an overview of different microglial depletion approaches. We also reported unpublished data from our genetic microglial depletion model, Cx3cr1CreER /Csf1rflx/flx, in which we temporally controlled microglia depletion by either intraperitoneal (acute model) or oral (chronic model) tamoxifen administration. Our results reported a clear microglial repopulation, then pointing out that our model would mimic a context of microglial replacement instead of microglial dysfunction. Next, we evaluated the origin and pattern of microglial repopulation. Additionally, we also reviewed previous works assessing the effects of microglial depletion in the progression of Aβ and Tau pathologies, where controversial data are found, probably due to the heterogeneous and time-varying microglial phenotypes observed in AD. Despite that, microglial depletion represents a promising tool to assess microglial role in AD and design therapeutic strategies.La Marato-TV3 Foundation 20141432, 20141431Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas CB06/05/0094, CB06/05/1116Junta de Andalucía US-1262734, UMA18-FEDERJA-211, P18-RT-223

    Poor health and functioning in patients with axial spondyloarthritis during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: REUMAVID study (phase 1)

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    To evaluate the overall health and functioning in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and related factors affecting these during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measure

    Blockade of the Interaction of Calcineurin with FOXO in Astrocytes Protects Against Amyloid-beta-Induced Neuronal Death

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    Astrocytes actively participate in neuro-inflammatory processes associated to Alzheimer's disease (AD), and other brain pathologies. We recently showed that an astrocyte-specific intracellular signaling pathway involving an interaction of the phosphatase calcineurin with the transcription factor FOXO3 is a major driver in AD-associated pathological inflammation, suggesting a potential new druggable target for this devastating disease. We have now developed decoy molecules to interfere with calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions, and tested them in astrocytes and neuronal co-cultures exposed to amyloid-beta (A beta) toxicity. We observed that interference of calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions exerts a protective action against A beta-induced neuronal death and favors the production of a set of growth factors that we hypothesize form part of a cytoprotective pathway to resolve inflammation. Furthermore, interference of the A beta-induced interaction of calcineurin with FOXO3 by decoy compounds significantly decreased amyloid-beta protein precursor (A beta PP) synthesis, reduced the A beta PP amyloidogenic pathway, resulting in lower A beta levels, and blocked the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF alpha and IL-6 in astrocytes. Collectively, these data indicate that interrupting pro-inflammatory calcineurin/FOXO3 interactions in astrocytes triggered by A beta accumulation in brain may constitute an effective new therapeutic approach in AD. Future studies with intranasal delivery, or brain barrier permeable decoy compounds, are warranted.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Disruption of Amyloid Plaques Integrity Affects the Soluble Oligomers Content from Alzheimer Disease Brains

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    The implication of soluble Abeta in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology is currently accepted. In fact, the content of soluble extracellular Abeta species, such as monomeric and/or oligomeric Abeta, seems to correlate with the clinicopathological dysfunction observed in AD patients. However, the nature (monomeric, dimeric or other oligomers), the relative abundance, and the origin (extra-/intraneuronal or plaque-associated), of these soluble species are actually under debate. In this work we have characterized the soluble (defined as soluble in Trisbuffered saline after ultracentrifugation) Abeta, obtained from hippocampal samples of Braak II, Braak III-IV and Braak V-VI patients. Although the content of both Abeta40 and Abeta42 peptides displayed significant increase with pathology progression, our results demonstrated the presence of low, pg/mg protein, amount of both peptides. This low content could explain the absence (or below detection limits) of soluble Abeta peptides detected by western blots or by immunoprecipitation-western blot analysis. These data were in clear contrast to those published recently by different groups. Aiming to explain the reasons that determine these substantial differences, we also investigated whether the initial homogenization could mobilize Abeta from plaques, using 12-month-old PS1xAPP cortical samples. Our data demonstrated that manual homogenization (using Dounce) preserved the integrity of Abeta plaques whereas strong homogenization procedures (such as sonication) produced a vast redistribution of the Abeta species in all soluble and insoluble fractions. This artifact could explain the dissimilar and somehow controversial data between different groups analyzing human AD sample

    Proposed Occupational Vulnerability Index COVID-19

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    [EN] Introduction: Vulnerable is someone who can be hurt or receive injury, physically or morally. The work environment appears as one of the dimensions in which social vulnerability develops and social and occupational vulnerability is defined. The literature does not include an assessment of quantified occupational vulnerability as it already exists in the case of social vulnerability. The aim of this paper is to identify and quantify the variables included in the Protocol for the Assessment of Vulnerability to COVID-19 in such a way that the result can be quantified and allows for a predictive effect on the degree of vulnerability. Methodology: The starting point is the design of a protocol proposal that includes 29 variables. Data is collected from a sample of 420 workers, quantifying the results according to each variable, the overall scores for each group of aspects assessed and, finally, the total score that estimates the degree of vulnerability according to established ranges. Results: Variables that have the highest coefficient and, therefore, the greatest weight in the probability of reaching a group of high or medium vulnerability are cardiovascular disease, cancer, and coagulation alteration. The weight of the labour aspects due to inadequate working conditions stands out. Conclusions: The results obtained with this protocol allow us to make a quantified assessment of labour vulnerability to COVID-19 by integrating individual variables of the worker, his working conditions and the preventive actions of his company against COVID-19, and can be useful as an Occupational Vulnerability Index (OVI).Vicente-Herrero, MT.; Ramírez Íñiguez De La Torre, MV.; Del Campo Balsa, MT.; Reinoso Barbero, L.; Rueda Garrido, JC.; Santamaria Navarro, C. (2020). Proposed Occupational Vulnerability Index COVID-19. Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine (Online). 8(4):175-187. https://doi.org/10.4236/odem.2020.84014S1751878

    Amyloid-β impairs the phagocytosis of dystrophic synapses by astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease

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    Reactive astrocytes and dystrophic neurites, most aberrant presynaptic elements, are found surrounding amyloid-β plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have previously shown that reactive astrocytes enwrap, phagocytose, and degrade dystrophic synapses in the hippocampus of APP mice and AD patients, but affecting less than 7% of dystrophic neurites, suggesting reduced phagocytic capacity of astrocytes in AD. Here, we aimed to gain insight into the underlying mechanisms by analyzing the capacity of primary astrocyte cultures to phagocytose and degrade isolated synapses (synaptoneurosomes, SNs) from APP (containing dystrophic synapses and amyloid-β peptides), Tau (containing AT8- and AT100-positive phosphorylated Tau) and WT (controls) mice. We found highly reduced phagocytic and degradative capacity of SNs-APP, but not AT8/AT100-positive SNs-Tau, as compared with SNs-WT. The reduced astrocyte phagocytic capacity was verified in hippocampus from 12-month-old APP mice, since only 1.60 ± 3.81% of peri-plaque astrocytes presented phagocytic structures. This low phagocytic capacity did not depend on microglia-mediated astrocyte reactivity, because removal of microglia from the primary astrocyte cultures abrogated the expression of microglia-dependent genes in astrocytes, but did not affect the phagocytic impairment induced by oligomeric amyloid-β alone. Taken together, our data suggest that amyloid-β, but not hyperphosphorylated Tau, directly impairs the capacity of astrocytes to clear the pathological accumulation of oligomeric amyloid-β, as well as of peri-plaque dystrophic synapses containing amyloid-β, perhaps by reducing the expression of phagocytosis receptors such as Mertk and Megf10, thus increasing neuronal damage in AD. Therefore, the potentiation or recovery of astrocytic phagocytosis may be a novel therapeutic avenue in AD.Centro de Invesitgacion Biomedica en Red Enfermedades Neurodegenetativas (CIBERNED). CB06/05/0094 y CB06/05/1116Instituto de Salud Carlos III y fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea. PI18/01556 y PI18/01557Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía y el Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020. PY18-RT-2233, UMA18-FEDERJA-211 y US-1262734Fundación La Marató-TV3. 20141430, 20141431, 2014143