388 research outputs found

    SpecSatisfiabilityTool: A tool for testing the satisfiability of specifications on XML documents

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    We present a prototype that implements a set of logical rules to prove the satisfiability for a class of specifications on XML documents. Specifications are given by means of constrains built on Boolean XPath patterns. The main goal of this tool is to test whether a given specification is satisfiable or not, and justify the decision showing the execution history. It can also be used to test whether a given document is a model of a given specification and, as a by-product, it permits to look for all the relations (monomorphisms) between two patterns and to combine patterns in different ways. The results of these operations are visually shown and therefore the tool makes these operations more understandable. The implementation of the algorithm has been written in Prolog but the prototype has a Java interface for an easy and friendly use. In this paper we show how to use this interface in order to test all the desired properties.Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169

    Towards a navigational logic for graphical structures

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    One of the main advantages of the Logic of Nested Conditions, defined by Habel and Pennemann, for reasoning about graphs, is its generality: this logic can be used in the framework of many classes of graphs and graphical structures. It is enough that the category of these structures satisfies certain basic conditions. In a previous paper [14], we extended this logic to be able to deal with graph properties including paths, but this extension was only defined for the category of untyped directed graphs. In addition it seemed difficult to talk about paths abstractly, that is, independently of the given category of graphical structures. In this paper we approach this problem. In particular, given an arbitrary category of graphical structures, we assume that for every object of this category there is an associated edge relation that can be used to define a path relation. Moreover, we consider that edges have some kind of labels and paths can be specified by associating them to a set of label sequences. Then, after the presentation of that general framework, we show how it can be applied to several classes of graphs. Moreover, we present a set of sound inference rules for reasoning in the logic.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A logic of graph conditions extended with paths

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of extending the logic of nested graph conditions with paths. This means, for instance, that we may state properties about the existence of paths between some given nodes. As a main contribution, a sound and complete tableau method is defined for reasoning about this kind of properties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A experiência docente e a educação no campo : algumas considerações

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    Orientador : Cecilia Maria GhediniMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Litoral, Curso de Especialização em Educação do CampoInclui referênciasResumo : O presente Trabalho Cientifico tem como foco relatar minha experiência como camponesa e professora do campo, destacando conhecimentos adquiridos na matemática e projetos. Os mais importantes na questão do campo é a relação das famílias que ali vivem, o desenvolvimento alterou suas vidas, crescendo com os aprendizados. Hoje, filhos e proprietários na maioria administram sua propriedade da cidade, os valores culturais, sociais, éticos e morais foram questionados e alterados, mudanças regime da monocultura para o agronegócio, inserção dos maquinários, tecnologias, geração de empregos, industrialização e exportação, me adaptei a realidade, aplicando meus conhecimentos no sitio. O professor deve rever os conteúdos da escola do campo. A educação rural foi uma das primeiras formas que as famílias poderiam contar, já vivem uma proposta de Educação do Campo condizente as suas necessidades, auxiliando a progredir, participar e ser mais ativo na sociedade sem ferir sua integridade e opções

    Sex, Age, Work Experience, and Relatives in Building Engineering Career Development

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    [EN] Women's membership in Spanish building engineering professional bodies has increased in the last decade, but since women only make up a fifth of the total registration, the situation is far from equitable. Furthermore, job allocation is gendered, with work on site very much male dominated. This paper delves deeper into occupational segregation within building engineering. By means of a survey to 704 undergraduate university students in their final year of the Schools of Building Engineering in Andalusia (Spain), career barriers mostly perceived for different career categories are determined. Significant differences in perceptions according to gender, age, working experience, and relatives in the industry are identified. The results reveal that career barriers¿ perception differs according to gender. Female students foresee a harder work scenario than males, especially in career paths directly related to work on site. Age, combined with gender, constitutes the sociodemographic variable showing most variations and becomes the key element of analysis. The career categories considered more accessible and those beyond reach are identified, considering the different variables chosen. This research offers a framework to reflect on the wide range of career barriers perceived by women as a group in the profession and warns of its possible impact on occupational segregation.Infante-Perea, M.; Navarro Astor, E.; Román-Onsalo, M. (2021). Sex, Age, Work Experience, and Relatives in Building Engineering Career Development. Journal of Management in Engineering. 37(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000935S11537

    “Implementación del Lean Manufacturing para la mejora de la productividad en el área de fabricación de la empresa IMECON S.A. Punta Negra, 2017”

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    La presente tesis titulada implementación del Lean Manufacturing para la mejora de la productividad en el área de fabricación de la empresa IMECON S.A empresa dedicada a ingeniería fabricación y montaje. Realizando el análisis respectivo para detectar el actual problema que es la baja productividad debido a diversos factores causantes hallando como área critica el área de fabricación – habilitado, en la cual se presenta problemas con los tiempos de fabricación( demoras, tiempo muerto, mala distribución del espacio de trabajo) , de ahí la necesidad de implementar cierta herramienta de la ingeniería como es el Lean Manufacturing, el cual consiste en implementar un modelo de producción cuya finalidad es eliminar todas los procesos que no aporten valor al producto o servicio y, con la mejora de estos, obtener un aumento total en la productividad. Para esta implementación usaré dos herramientas del Lean Manufacturing como son el KAIZEN – 5 S. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo general, mejorar la productividad para la empresa de producción dedicada a la fabricación de perfiles para estructuras metálicas (Vigas, planchas tipo H). Para esto, se muestra, como opción la implementación del Lean Manufacturing, buscando eliminar despilfarros en los procesos productivos que actualmente realizan para hacerlos más ligeros y más rápidos, logrando así minimizar tiempo, costos y sobre todo mejorando la productividad. El presente estudio es una investigación aplicada, la muestra está considerada por la producción de perfiles metálicos estructurales durante 30 días en la empresa IMECON S.A. Los resultados de la contratación de hipótesis luego de nuestra implementación del Lean manufacturing mejoró la eficiencia en un 4.55 % y nuestra eficacia en un 5.81 % en el área de fabricación de perfiles de la empresa IMECON S.A En conclusión, se determinó un incremento de 30.7 % en la productividad en el área de fabricación de perfiles de la empresa IMECON S.

    Semantics of structured normal logic programs

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    In this paper we provide semantics for normal logic programs enriched with structuring mechanisms and scoping rules. Specifically, we consider constructive negation and expressions of the form Q G Q in goals, where Q is a program unit, G is a goal and stands for the so-called embedded implication. Allowing the use of these expressions can be seen as adding block structuring to logic programs. In this context, we consider static and dynamic rules for visibility in blocks. In particular, we provide new semantic definitions for the class of normal logic programs with both visibility rules. For the dynamic case we follow a standard approach. We first propose an operational semantics. Then, we define a model-theoretic semantics in terms of ordered structures which are a kind of intuitionistic Beth structures. Finally, an (effective) fixpoint semantics is provided and we prove the equivalence of these three definitions. In order to deal with the static case, we first define an operational semantics and then we present an alternative semantics in terms of a transformation of the given structured programs into flat ones. We finish by showing that this transformation preserves the computed answers of the given static program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gender differences on the WAIS-IV in patients with schizophrenia

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    Results from studies that have investigated gender differences in neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia have been inconsistent. Differences in the illness stage, in the demographic and clinical characteristics of the samples, and the instruments used to measure cognition may have contributed to the heterogeneity in the results. Objective. Investigate the heterogeneity in the results comparing cognitive functioning in chronically ill male and female patients with schizophrenia. Method. Twenty-five women and twenty-five men chronically ill patients with schizophrenia matched on age, age at illness onset, and years of education were evaluated in cognitive functioning using the WAIS-IV. Results. Men showed higher scores than women on the two global measures, on the perceptual reasoning and working memory indices, and on the information, visual puzzles, digit span, and arithmetic subtests of the WAIS-IV. Cohen's d effect sizes were high for the two global measures and the two indices (d > .68). Discussion and conclusion. Overall, in chronically stable patients with diagnosis of schizophrenia, women's performance on cognitive functioning was below men's when assessed with the WAIS-IV, except in the case of processing speed. This pattern of gender differences is similar to the pattern observed in healthy populations. Our results can help to clarify the heterogeneity in the results from studies on gender differences in cognitive functioning in schizophrenia and may be valuable in designing cognitive-targeted interventions for schizophrenia

    Microglial response differences between amyloidogenic transgenic models and Alzheimer’s disease patients

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    Aims: The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for AD pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial cells contributes to disease pathogenesis. Here we analyze the differences in the microglial response between APP/PS1 model and human brains. Methods: RT-PCR, western blots, and immunostaining were performed in the hippocampus of human post mortem samples (from Braak II to Braak V-VI) and APP751SL/PS1M146L mice. In vitro studies to check the effect of S1 fractions on microglial cells were assayed. Results: In APP based models the high Abeta accumulation triggers a prominent microglial response. On the contrary, the microglial response detected in human samples is, at least, partial or really mild. This patent difference could simple reflect the lower and probably slower Abeta production observed in human hippocampal samples, in comparison with models or could reflect the consequence of a chronic long-standing microglial activation. However, beside this differential response, we also observed a prominent microglial degenerative process in Braak V-VI samples that, indeed, could compromise their normal role of surveying the brain environment and respond to the damage. This microglial degeneration, particularly relevant at the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation, might be mediated by the accumulation of toxic soluble phospho-tau species. Conclusions: These differences need to be considered when delineating animal models that better integrate the complexity of AD pathology and, therefore, guarantee clinical translation. Correcting dysregulated brain inflammatory responses might be a promising avenue to restore cognitive function. Supported by grants FIS PI15/00796 and FIS PI15/00957 co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union, and by Junta de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia CTS385 2035.Financiado por FIS PI15/00796 y FIS PI15/0095, cofinanciado por los fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea, y por Junta de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia CTS385 2035. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Microglial responses in the human Alzheimer’s disease frontal cortex

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    The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for this pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial cells contributes to AD pathogenesis. The actual view, based on the findings in APP based models, gives a cytotoxic/proinflammatory role to activated microglia. However, we have previously reported a limited activation and microglial degeneration in the hippocampus of AD patients in contrast with that observed in amyloidogenic models. Here, we evaluated the microglial response in a different region of AD brains, the frontal cortex. Post mortem tissue from controls (Braak 0-II) and AD patients (Braak V-VI) including familial cases, were obtained from Spain Neurological Tissue Banks. Cellular (immunohistochemistry and image analysis) and molecular (qPCR and western blots) approaches were performed. Frontal cortex of AD patients (Braak V-VI) showed strong microglial activation similar to that observed in amyloidogenic mice. These strongly activated microglial cells, predominantly located surrounding amyloid plaques, could drive the AD pathology and, in consequence, could be implicated in the pathology progression. Furthermore, different microglial responses were observed between sporadic and familial AD cases. These findings in the frontal cortex were highly in contrast to the attenuated activation and degenerative morphology displayed by microglial cells in the hippocampus of AD patients. Regional differences in the microglial response suggest different functional states of microglial cells in a region-specific manner. All together, these data provide a better understanding of the immunological mechanisms underlying AD progression and uncover new potential therapeutic targets to fight this devastating neurodegenerative disease.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (AG) and PI18/01556 (JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Unio