8 research outputs found

    The Suitability of Pozzolan as Admixing Aggregate for Fe0-Based Filters

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    Continuous gravity-fed column experiments using the methylene blue (MB) discoloration method were performed to characterize the suitability of a pozzolan (PZ) specimen as alternative admixing aggregate for metallic iron filters (Fe0-filters). Investigated systems were: (i) pure sand, (ii) pure PZ, (iii) pure Fe0, (iv) Fe0/sand, (v) Fe0/PZ, and (vi) Fe0/sand/PZ. The volumetric proportion of Fe0 was 25%. The volumetric proportions of the Fe0/sand/PZ system was 25/45/30. The initial MB concentration was 2.0 mg L1, 6.0 g of Fe0 was used, and the experiments lasted for 46 days. The individual systems were fed with 3.9 to 8.4 L (7.80 to 16.69 mg of MB) and were characterized by the time-dependent changes of: (i) the pH value, (ii) the iron breakthrough, (iii) the MB breakthrough, and (iv) the hydraulic conductivity. Results showed that the Fe0/sand/PZ system was the most efficient. This ternary system was also the most permeable and therefore the most sustainable. The suitability of MB as a powerful operative indicator for the characterization of processes in the Fe0/H2O system was confirmed. The tested PZ is recommended as an alternative material for efficient but sustainable Fe0 filters.Open-Access-Publikationsfonds 201

    Testing Metallic Iron Filtration Systems for Decentralized Water Treatment at Pilot Scale

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    There are many factors to consider for the design of appropriate water treatment systems including: cost, the concentration and type of biological and/or chemical contamination, concentration limits at which contaminant(s) are required to be removed, required flow rate, level of local expertise for on-going maintenance, and social acceptance. An ideal technology should be effective at producing clean, potable water; however it must also be low-cost, low-energy (ideally energy-free) and require low-maintenance. The use of packed beds containing metallic iron (Fe0 filters) has the potential to become a cheap widespread technology for both safe drinking water provision and wastewater treatment. Fe0 filters have been intensively investigated over the past two decades, however, sound design criteria are still lacking. This article presents an overview of the design of Fe0 filters for decentralized water treatment particularly in the developing world. A design for safe drinking water to a community of 100 people is also discussed as starting module. It is suggested that Fe0 filters have the potential for significant worldwide applicability, but particularly in the developing world. The appropriate design of Fe0 filters, however, is site-specific and dependent upon the availability of local expertise/materials.Open-Access Publikationsfonds 201

    LuIII bisphthalocyanines as mediators for redox reactions at thin-organic-film modified electrodes

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    Lutetium bisphthalocyanines, dissolved in a thin-film of nitrobenzene covering a graphite electrode, have already been used for ion transfer studies across the liquid∣liquid interface. These sandwich complexes are also good candidates for the electron exchange with species in water, across the interface. Their one-electron oxidation and reduction are fully reversible, the oxidized and reduced forms being chemically stable. Compared with ferrocene derivatives and porphyrins that have been extensively used previously, these compounds offer very interesting properties for the mediation of electron exchanges with redox species in aqueous solutions. Keywords: Lutetium bisphthalocyanines, Modified electrode, Thin-organic-film, Electron transfer, Liquid∣liquid interface, Catalysi

    The Impact of Selected Pretreatment Procedures on Iron Dissolution from Metallic Iron Specimens Used in Water Treatment

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    Studies were undertaken to determine the reasons why published information regarding the efficiency of metallic iron (Fe0) for water treatment is conflicting and even confusing. The reactivity of eight Fe0 materials was characterized by Fe dissolution in a dilute solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Na2⁻EDTA; 2 mM). Both batch (4 days) and column (100 days) experiments were used. A total of 30 different systems were characterized for the extent of Fe release in EDTA. The effects of Fe0 type (granular iron, iron nails and steel wool) and pretreatment procedure (socking in acetone, EDTA, H2O, HCl and NaCl for 17 h) were assessed. The results roughly show an increased iron dissolution with increasing reactive sites (decreasing particle size: wool > filings > nails), but there were large differences between materials from the same group. The main output of this work is that available results are hardly comparable as they were achieved under very different experimental conditions. A conceptual framework is presented for future research directed towards a more processed understanding

    Metallic iron for water treatment: leaving the valley of confusion

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    Research Article published by SpringerResearchers on metallic iron (Fe0) for environmental remediation and water treatment are walking in a valley of confusion for 25 years. This valley is characterized by the propagation of different beliefs that have resulted from a partial analysis of the Fe0/H2O system as (1) a reductive chemical reaction was considered an electrochemical one and (2) the mass balance of iron has not been really addressed. The partial analysis in turn has been undermining the scientific method while discouraging any real critical argumentation. This communication re-establishes the complex nature of the Fe0/H2O system while recalling that, finally, proper system analysis and chemical thermodynamics are the most confident ways to solve any conflicting situation in Fe0 environmental remediation