24 research outputs found

    Study of Surface Morphology and Porosity of Composite Scaffold Nanofiber PVA/CS/HA with Electrospinning Method

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    This research aims to compose nanofibers as a scaffold material in bone tissue engineering in terms of surface morphological properties and porosity. HA nanorod was prepared by the precipitation-ultrasonication method, while the PVA/CS/HA nanofiber composites were made by the electrospinning method using a static collector. HA was characterized by using XRD and SEM-EDX, while the PVA/CS/HA nanofiber composites used FTIR and SEM. The results show that HA nanorod has a crystalline size of 10.86 nm, crystallinity level of 52.38 per cent, and Ca/P ratio of 1.70. From the SEM image shows HA nanorod width of 11.6 nm and 97.53 nm in length and some of it still in the form of HA nanoparticles. The diameter and porosity of PVA/CS/HA nanofiber with addition of 0, 10, 20 per cent HA were 275, 212, 265 nm and 72.94, 69.49, 70.81 per cent, respectively.DOI: 10.17977/um024v6i12021p02

    Development of Electrospun Polymer Nanofiber Membrane Based on PAN/PVDF as a Supercapacitor Separator

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    Among various types of energy storage, the supercapacitor is regarded as the most promising device due to its long cycling life, good cycling stability, and high power density. A supercapacitor is generally composed of electrodes, electrolytes, and a separator. The separator is one of the most important components, serving to prevent internal short circuits between the anode and the cathode. Herein, a nanostructured-based separator in a PAN/PVDF nanofiber scheme is introduced for improving the electrochemical performance of the supercapacitor. Briefly, the membranes were produced via the electrospinning technique. All of the raw materials were blended in various compositions of PVDF for optimization purposes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were carried out to identify the microstructure of the nanofibers. The electrochemical properties of the membrane were measured using galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD). Based on GCD, it was shown that the PAN/PVDF 20 wt% membrane exhibited the optimum gravimetric capacitance at 54.104 Fg-1 as evidenced by a high porosity percentage. Thus, the PAN/PVDF nanofiber has good potential as a separator for application in supercapacitors

    Development of Electrospun Polymer Nanofiber Membrane Based on PAN/PVDF as a Supercapacitor Separator

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    Among various types of energy storage, the supercapacitor is regarded as the most promising device due to its long cycling life, good cycling stability, and high power density. A supercapacitor is generally composed of electrodes, electrolytes, and a separator. The separator is one of the most important components, serving to prevent internal short circuits between the anode and the cathode. Herein, a nanostructured-based separator in a PAN/PVDF nanofiber scheme is introduced for improving the electrochemical performance of the supercapacitor. Briefly, the membranes were produced via the electrospinning technique. All of the raw materials were blended in various compositions of PVDF for optimization purposes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were carried out to identify the microstructure of the nanofibers. The electrochemical properties of the membrane were measured using galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD). Based on GCD, it was shown that the PAN/PVDF 20 wt% membrane exhibited the optimum gravimetric capacitance at 54.104 Fg-1 as evidenced by a high porosity percentage. Thus, the PAN/PVDF nanofiber has good potential as a separator for application in supercapacitors

    All-in-One E-Book Development in Proposing Automatic Critical Thinking Skill Assessments

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    Many e-books have been developed to learn specific physics concepts with comprehensive features. This means that e-books not only contain the primary components such as animations, videos, and illustrations, but also many of them are equipped with virtual experiments. However, these e-books often lack integration of the assessment process, which is an important part of the learning experience. To address this, an all-in-one e-book concept called Aneboo has been developed. Aneboo includes interactive physics illustrations, virtual laboratories, worksheets, videos, and critical thinking assessments, all built into a single media platform for learning the concept of static fluids in junior high school. Additionally, Aneboo examines its function in automatically assessing critical thinking skills. The development of Aneboo follows the Hannafin & Peck development model, which includes needs assessment, design and development, implementation, and identification of similarities between manual and automatic scoring. As a result, Aneboo has achieved a validation score ranging from 95% to 97%. Moreover, Aneboo has the potential to automatically assess critical thinking skills through the similarity check feature embedded in the media

    Activated Carbon-MnO2 Composite on Nickel Foam as Supercapacitors Electrode in Organic Electrolyte

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    Since energy storage is an essential component of global energy development, starting with batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors, it is an important topic of particular concern. Supercapacitors continue to be developed due to their high power density when compared to batteries, despite all of the benefits and drawbacks of the three. Activated carbon (AC) is materials that frequently utilized as a supercapacitor electrode due to the high surface area. Metal oxides such as manganese dioxide (MnO2) with high teoritical specific capacitance which loaded in activated carbon will caused an improvement on supercapacitors electrochemical performance. The composite was fabricated using blending method with a mass difference of MnO2, then deposited on a porous Ni-foam substrate. Ni-foam pores play as main role on the process of transferring electrolyte ions in the system so that the AC/MnO2 has, resulting a supercapacitor based AC-MnO2 15% nanocomposite with a gravimetric capacitance, energy density and power density of 79 F/g at 1 A/g, W/kg and Wh/kg respectively. The cell could maintain up to 93% after 100 cycles

    Propylene Glycol and Glycerol Addition in Forming Silver Nanowires (AgNWs) for Flexible and Conductive Electrode

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    Silver nanowires (AgNWs) are promising materials due to their flexibility, high transmittance, high conductivity, and low sheet resistances to replace ITO (Indium Thin Oxide) based electrodes. In this work, we studied the Propylene Glycol and Glycerol addition in Ethylene Glycol solvent to form AgNWs with polyol method. AgNWs was made thin film by spin coating method (with 1 – 3 layers variation) in PET substrate at 3000 rpm. The best morphology AgNWs formed by EG: PG: Gliserol (7 : 0 : 3) solvent composition with average diameter, length, and thickness are 210.32 nm, 6.68 μm, and 2.1 μm respectively. In optical properties, transmittance of AgNWs thin film was in range of 54.6 – 70.6 %. The sheet resistance of 3 layers AgNWs thin film was 2.8 – 30.2 Ω/sq. Sheet resistance of AgNWs thin film was better than ITO-PET (transmittance 60% sheet resistance 45 Ω/sq)

    Strategi Peningkatan Omzet Produk Hasil Tani Gapoktan Torong Makmur Melalui Aplikasi Mobile Berbasis Marketplace

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    Dunia digital menjadi salah satu solusi pemasaran produk pada saat pandemi berkepanjangan. Pada masa pandemi ini, pertumbuhan daya beli masyarakat lebih banyak dilakukan secara online. Disisi lain, kurangnya peran digital dalam pemasaran hasil panen petani menjadi masalah utama pemasok bahan baku kebutuhan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan adanya inovasi penjualan hasil pertanian Desa Torongrejo kearah pemasaran online mobile berbasis marketplace untuk meningkatkan kembali omzet penjualan produk hasil pertanian Desa Torongrejo. Dengan upaya ini kemakmuran masyarakat di desa tersebut juga ikut meningkat. Langkah yang diambil diantaranya memaksimalkan penggunaan website, perluasan pemasaran pada aplikasi marketplace yang sudah mapan untuk meningkatkan omzet, pelatihan foto produk dan editing untuk menghasilkan visual konten yang lebih menarik, serta peningkatan kualitas kebersihan produk sebagai keunggulan produk. Hasil dari pengabdian ini didapatkan anggota gapoktan Torongmakmur telah memiliki kemampuan foto produk dan editing untuk konten marketplace yang dimiliki. Anggota gapoktan juga mulai mampu memanfaatkan aplikasi marketplace sebagai media penjualan online. Percobaan pemasaran telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan pertemanan dari anggota gapoktan. Calon konsumen antusias menyambut peluncuran website gapoktan torong makmur. Konsumen melakukan check out dari halaman website yang terhubung ke WhatsApp gapoktan, anggota menyiapkan order, kemudian dilakukan pengiriman ke alamat konsumen. Strategi ini efisien meningkatkan penjualan dilihat dari jumlah check out harian. Konsumen yang puas akan melakukan repeat order sehingga omzet penjualan hasil tani Gapoktan Torongmakmur meningkat. Kata kunci— Marketplace, Omzet, Pertanian, Torongmakmur  Abstract The digital world is one of the solutions for product marketing during a prolonged pandemic. During this pandemic, the growth of people’s purchasing power is mostly done online. On the other hand, the lack of a digital role in marketing farmers’ crops is a major problem for suppliers of raw materials for community needs. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the sale of agricultural products in Torongrejo Village towards marketplace-based mobile online marketing to increase sales turnover of agricultural products in Torongrejo Village. With this effort the prosperity of the people in the village also increased. The steps taken include maximizing the use of the website, expanding marketing on established marketplace applications to increase turnover, training in product photos and editing to produce more attractive visual content, as well as improving the quality of product hygiene as a product advantage. The result of this service is that members of the Torongmakmur Gapoktan have the ability to take product photos and edit their own marketplace content. Gapoktan members are also starting to be able to take advantage of marketplace applications as online sales media. Marketing experiments have been carried out by utilizing the friendship network of Gapoktan members. Prospective consumers enthusiastically welcome the launch of the Gapoktan Torong Prosperous website. The consumer checks out from the website page that is connected to the Gapoktan WhatsApp, the member prepares the order, then it is sent to the consumer’s address. This strategy is efficient in increasing sales seen from the number of daily check outs. Satisfied consumers will repeat orders so that the sales turnover of Gapoktan Torongmakmur farmers increases. Keywords— Marketplace, Turnover, Agriculture, Torongmakmu

    Perilaku Bullying di pondok pesantren: Studi fenomenologi Bullying di Asrama Al Risalah Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang

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    Terlepas dari fungsi pondok pesantren sebagai tempat untuk menimba ilmu, terkadang di pondok juga terdapat sebuah fenomena penindasan. Seperti halnya menjadikan salah satu santri sebagai bahan lelucon di depan teman-temannya. Juga terkadang menjadikannya sebagai pesuruh, bahkan dijadikan sasaran emosi. Sehingga membuat santri yang menjadi korban itu merasa takut dan tertekan. Perlakuan santri yang dapat membuat santri lain merasa tertekan baik psikis maupun fisik. Perlakuan ini biasa disebut dengan istilah bullying. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya bulliying di asrama Al-Risalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi. Sedangkan, metode penggalian data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dalam penelitian menjelaskan, bahwa yang menyebabkan terjadinya bullying di asrama Al-Risalah adalah faktor keluarga, teman sebaya, sekolah, lingkungan, media, empati, agresifitas yang tinggi, riwayat korban bullying, melampiaskan masalah pribadi, dan efek rasa jenuh

    Studi Pembuatan “Puree” Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) : Kajian Jenis dan Konsentrasi Penambahan Filler (Dekstrin dan Tepung Beras)

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    Jambu biji merah merupakan buah yang kaya akan vitamin C dan beberapa jenis mineral yang mampu menangkis berbagai jenis penyakit. Kandungan jambu biji merah 4-6 kali lebih besar dibanding kandungan vitamin C pada jeruk. Jambu biji merah merupakan tanaman musiman dan jumlah produksinya yang cukup besar pada musimnya, maka salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan daya simpannya antara lain dengan mengolahnya menjadi beberapa macam hasil olahan seperti puree. Puree merupakan produk setengah jadi yang dapat dipergunakan lebih lanjut menjadi bahan campuran dalam pembuatan minuman ringan. Namun selama penyimpanan puree buah dapat mengalami penurunan kandungan vitamin C, flavor maupun perubahan warna. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi perubahan yang terjadi yaitu dengan penambahan filler. Filler ditambahkan dalam proses pengolahan pangan untuk melapisi komponen flavor, memberi warna, meningkatkan jumlah padatan, memperbesar volume, mempercepat proses pengeringan dan mencegah proses kerusakan bahan akibat panas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi filler (dekstrin dan tepung beras) terbaik sehingga dapat menghasilkan puree jambu biji merah yang berkualitas. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan pada bulan Maret 2011 sampai April 2011 di Laboratorium Agrokimia, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan percobaan acak kelompok tersarang dengan dua faktor. Dua faktor tersebut adalah faktor pertama jenis bahan pengisi yang terdiri dari dua level yaitu dekstrin dan tepung beras, faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi bahan pengisi yang terdiri dari tiga level yaitu konsentrasi penambahan bahan pe ngisi 0,4 % b/b, 0,5 % b/b, 0,6% b/b. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode multiple atribut. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan pada perlakuan puree jambu biji merah dengan filler dekstrin yang berkonsentrasi 0,6%. Pada perlakuan ini diperoleh nilai Vitamin C sebesar 39,49 mg/100gr, viskositas sebesar 65,93 dp dan total padatan sebesar 11,87 %. Dari hasil terbaik ini kemudian didapat rendemen sebesar 80,02%