1,816 research outputs found

    A Fault Analytic Method against HB+

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    The search for lightweight authentication protocols suitable for low-cost RFID tags constitutes an active and challenging research area. In this context, a family of protocols based on the LPN problem has been proposed: the so-called HB-family. Despite the rich literature regarding the cryptanalysis of these protocols, there are no published results about the impact of fault analysis over them. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by presenting a fault analytic method against a prominent member of the HB-family: HB+ protocol. We demonstrate that the fault analysis model can lead to a flexible and effective attack against HB-like protocols, posing a serious threat over them

    Direct computation of asymptotic states for ratcheting prevention in elastoplasticity

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    This thesis summarizes three contributions to improve design accounting elastoplasticity under cyclic loads. (i) The development of a direct method to compute the asymptotic steady-state solution in ideal elastoplasticity. Validation examples show that the method is fast and accurate. The performance ranges from one to two orders of magnitude higher than incremental analysis. (ii) The performance allowed the development of a direct strategy to identify the structural ratchet-limit. The procedure applies to periodical loads and has no limitations on the number of applied loads. (iii) The upgrade of the asymptotic solution method with nonlinear kinematic hardening, which is required to model the Baushinger effect and material ratcheting. To the author knowledge, this is the first direct method for steadystate solution with this capability. Comparison with step-by-step solutions shows a increase in performance of one order of magnitude, at least.Esta tese descreve três contribuições relacioadas a estruturas elastoplasticas sob carregamento cíclico. (i) O desenvolvimento de um método direto para determinação de resposta assintótica em elastoplasticidade ideal. Exemplos de validação demonstram que o método é rápido e preciso. O incremento de desempenho registrado foi de uma a duas ordens de grandeza superior à integração incremental. (ii) O desempenho permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia direta para identificação do limite de ratcheting estrutural. O procedimento é aplicável para cargas cíclicas e não possui limitação no número de cargas aplicadas. (iii) A extensão do método de resposta assintótica contemplando encruamento não linear que é requerido para modelagem do efeito Baushinger e ratcheting material. De conhecimento do autor, este é o primeiro método direto com tal capacidade. A comparação com análise incremental demonstra um aumento de desempenho de ao menos uma ordem de grandeza

    Liberty and creativity in music education teachers graduation: reality or utopia? A portuguese case study

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    In Portugal, the curricular guidelines for Basic Music Education presuppose the development of pedagogical experiences that enhance the liberty and creativity of the students, who should be able to improvise and compose musical pieces through the combination of several musical elements, manipulating gradually more complex techniques and technologies (Ministry of Education, 2018). However, we believe that ew Music Education teachers eel confident and capable to promote such pedagogical experiences, perhaps because they are highly challenging, since they involve student's cognitive, physical-motor, and creative abilities (Heble & Laver, 2016). This communication aims to address some issues about the meaning and importance that uture Music Education teachers (finalist students o a Master's in Basic Music Education Teaching) attribute to improvisation, composition and, inherently, to liberty and creativity in musical teaching-learning processes. At the same time, we intend to find out i musical liberty and creativity in Music was present in their raduation and i they intend to work it in future Music Education contexts. Based on the intrinsic case study method (Stake, 1995), this study covers finalists o the Basic Music Education Teaching master’s degree of a Portuguese Superior School of Education (n=8). The data collection took place through the application of an individual questionnaire and a focus group interview. The results obtained indicate that, in accordance with the established by the Ministry of Music Education (2018), the future Music Education teachers attribute high value and relevance to musical improvisation and composition and, therefore, to liberty and creativity in Music Education, denoting that these same aspects could (and should) be much more present in their graduationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Privacy-preserving scoring of tree ensembles : a novel framework for AI in healthcare

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    Machine Learning (ML) techniques now impact a wide variety of domains. Highly regulated industries such as healthcare and finance have stringent compliance and data governance policies around data sharing. Advances in secure multiparty computation (SMC) for privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) can help transform these regulated industries by allowing ML computations over encrypted data with personally identifiable information (PII). Yet very little of SMC-based PPML has been put into practice so far. In this paper we present the very first framework for privacy-preserving classification of tree ensembles with application in healthcare. We first describe the underlying cryptographic protocols that enable a healthcare organization to send encrypted data securely to a ML scoring service and obtain encrypted class labels without the scoring service actually seeing that input in the clear. We then describe the deployment challenges we solved to integrate these protocols in a cloud based scalable risk-prediction platform with multiple ML models for healthcare AI. Included are system internals, and evaluations of our deployment for supporting physicians to drive better clinical outcomes in an accurate, scalable, and provably secure manner. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such applied framework with SMC-based privacy-preserving machine learning for healthcare

    Complete Genome Sequence of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis 417, a Copper-Resistant Strain Isolated from Juglans regia L.

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    Here, we report the complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis 417, a copper-resistant strain isolated from a blighted walnut fruit (Juglans regia L. cv. Chandler). The genome consists of a single chromosome (5,218 kb)

    Catete em ré menor: tensões da música na Primeira República

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    This article deals with the entanglements between culture and politics in the first decades of Brazil’s First Republic taking the disputes surrounding the category “popular music” as a privileged element of socio-anthropological analysis. Starting from a very well-known episode among historians of music – the “Noite do Corta-jaca”, occurred in October 26th, 1914 – and its repercussion in local press, I wish to comprehend in which ways notions as “erudite” and “popular” (or even “high” and “low” culture) were created by an intelligentsia willing to validate the new political regime before its population.Este artigo trata do imbricamento entre cultura e política nas primeiras décadas da República tomando as disputas em torno da categoria “música popular” como um elemento privilegiado de investigação socioantropológica. Partindo de um episódio bastante conhecido entre os historiadores da música – a “Noite do Corta-jaca”, ocorrida em 26 de outubro de 1914 – e sua repercussão na imprensa, proponho entender de que modo noções como “erudito” e “popular” (ou, ainda, “alta” e “baixa” cultura) foram gestadas por uma intelectualidade obstinada a validar o novo regime perante a população

    As operações de paz nas políticas externas dos países sul americanos dimensão securitária estudo de caso da Minustah (Haiti, 2004-2014)

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    Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão Ciências HumanasO desfecho da Guerra Fria trouxe, no cenário internacional, um alargamento no entendimento da segurança pelo aparecimento do conceito de Segurança Humana. O debate alarga- se no momento em que percebe-se que a segurança começa a modificar-se, em três aspectos: 1) ampliação do objeto referente, incluindo indivíduos e coletividades; 2) maior gama de ameaças, como destruições ambientais, vulnerabilidade econômica e decomposição social; 3) responsabilização de instituições internacionais. A missão das Nações Unidas para a Estabilização do Haiti (MINUSTAH), criada pela resolução 1542 do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas (CSONU) em 2004, possuía intuito primordial de reestabelecer a segurança e a estabilidade institucional do país, além de promover a segurança da população haitiana por meio da salvaguarda de direitos humanos, após diversos episódios turbulentos em seu cenário político, gerando diversas violências, diretas e estruturais. Portanto, a pergunta norteadora basear-se-á no caso da MINUSTAH, missão de paz das Nações Unidas no Haiti. Procura-se estabelecer as contribuições da nova dimensão da segurança acoplada à missão para a população haitiana, no período de 2004-2014. Busca-se compreender se a implementação da segurança humana tem sido efetiva ou apenas discursiva