190 research outputs found

    Differential Effect of Nucleotide Substitutions in the 3′ Arm of the Influenza A Virus vRNA Promoter on Transcription/Replication by Avian and Human Polymerase Complexes Is Related to the Nature of PB2 Amino Acid 627

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    AbstractUsing a genetic system that allows the in vivo reconstitution of active ribonucleoproteins, the ability to ensure transcription/replication of a viral-like reporter RNA harboring the G3 → A3, U5 → C5, and C8 → U8 mutations (triple 3-5-8 mutations) in the 3′ arm of the promoter was examined with core proteins from human or avian strains of influenza A viruses. The efficiency of transcription/replication of the viral-like RNA with the triple 3-5-8 mutations in COS-1 cells was found to be slightly decreased as compared to the wild-type RNA when the polymerase was derived from a human virus. In contrast, it was found to be considerably increased when the polymerase was derived from an avian virus, in agreement with published observations using the avian A/FPV/Bratislava virus (G. Neumann and G. Hobom, 1995, J. Gen. Virol. 76, 1709–1717). This increase could be attributed to the compensation of the defect in transcription/replication activity in the COS-1 mammalian cell line due to the presence of a glutamic acid at PB2 residue 627, characteristic of avian strains of influenza viruses. Our results thus suggest that PB2 and/or cellular proteins interacting with PB2 could be involved in RNA conformational changes during the process of transcription/replication

    Anti-influenza chemotherapies

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    The recent outbreaks of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus have called attention to the need for antiviral treatments to use in the event of pandemic influenza. The goal of antiviral treatments is also to reduce symptoms and complications associated with seasonal epidemics. Two classes of antiviral drugs, M2 proton channel inhibitors (amantadine, rimantadine) and neuraminidase inhibitors (zanamivir, oseltamivir), are effective for the chemoprophylaxis and treatment of influenza. Antiviral resistance is especially frequent with treatment with M2 inhibitors, and limits their clinical use. Resistance to oseltamivir during treatment has been described recently in several Vietnamese patients infected with H5N1. A close monitoring of antiviral resistance is needed, as is further research into the development of new agents, potentially targeting other viral proteins such as hemagglutinin or polymerase, and which could be used in combination chemotherapies.L'actuelle épizootie de grippe A (H5N1) souligne la nécessité de traitements antiviraux pour faire face à une éventuelle pandémie grippale. Les traitements anti-influenza ont aussi pour objectif de réduire les symptômes et complications survenant lors des épidémies saisonnières. Deux classes d'antiviraux, les inhibiteurs du canal à protons M2 (amantadine, rimantadine), et les inhibiteurs de neuraminidase (zanamivir, oseltamivir), ont une efficacité prophylactique et thérapeutique. L'émergence de virus résistants est particulièrement fréquente lors du traitement avec les inhibiteurs de M2, et limite leur utilisation. Le développement d'une résistance à l'oseltamivir a été décrit chez plusieurs patients infectés avec le virus H5N1. Une surveillance étroite de la résistance aux anti-viraux s'impose, ainsi que le développement de nouveaux composés, pouvant cibler éventuellement d'autres protéines virales telles que l'hémagglutinine ou la polymérase, et pouvant être utilisés en polychimiothérapies

    Enhancement of the influenza A hemagglutinin (HA)-mediated cell-cell fusion and virus entry by the viral neuraminidase (NA).

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The major role of the neuraminidase (NA) protein of influenza A virus is related to its sialidase activity, which disrupts the interaction between the envelope hemagglutinin (HA) protein and the sialic acid receptors expressed at the surface of infected cells. This enzymatic activity is known to promote the release and spread of progeny viral particles following their production by infected cells, but a potential role of NA in earlier steps of the viral life cycle has never been clearly demonstrated. In this study we have examined the impact of NA expression on influenza HA-mediated viral membrane fusion and virion infectivity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The role of NA in the early stages of influenza virus replication was examined using a cell-cell fusion assay that mimics HA-mediated membrane fusion, and a virion infectivity assay using HIV-based pseudoparticles expressing influenza HA and/or NA proteins. In the cell-cell fusion assay, which bypasses the endocytocytosis step that is characteristic of influenza virus entry, we found that in proper HA maturation conditions, NA clearly enhanced fusion in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, expression of NA at the surface of pseudoparticles significantly enhanced virion infectivity. Further experiments using exogenous soluble NA revealed that the most likely mechanism for enhancement of fusion and infectivity by NA was related to desialylation of virion-expressed HA. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The NA protein of influenza A virus is not only required for virion release and spread but also plays a critical role in virion infectivity and HA-mediated membrane fusion

    Codon conservation in the influenza A virus genome defines RNA packaging signals

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    Genome segmentation facilitates reassortment and rapid evolution of influenza A virus. However, segmentation complicates particle assembly as virions must contain all eight vRNA species to be infectious. Specific packaging signals exist that extend into the coding regions of most if not all segments, but these RNA motifs are poorly defined. We measured codon variability in a large dataset of sequences to identify areas of low nucleotide sequence variation independent of amino acid conservation in each segment. Most clusters of codons showing very little synonymous variation were located at segment termini, consistent with previous experimental data mapping packaging signals. Certain internal regions of conservation, most notably in the PA gene, may however signify previously unidentified functions in the virus genome. To experimentally test the bioinformatics analysis, we introduced synonymous mutations into conserved codons within known packaging signals and measured incorporation of the mutant segment into virus particles. Surprisingly, in most cases, single nucleotide changes dramatically reduced segment packaging. Thus our analysis identifies cis-acting sequences in the influenza virus genome at the nucleotide level. Furthermore, we propose that strain-specific differences exist in certain packaging signals, most notably the haemagglutinin gene; this finding has major implications for the evolution of pandemic viruses

    Influenza Virus Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Gain Preferential Access to Cellular Export Machinery through Chromatin Targeting

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    In contrast to most RNA viruses, influenza viruses replicate their genome in the nucleus of infected cells. As a result, newly-synthesized vRNA genomes, in the form of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNPs), must be exported to the cytoplasm for productive infection. To characterize the composition of vRNP export complexes and their interplay with the nucleus of infected cells, we affinity-purified tagged vRNPs from biochemically fractionated infected nuclei. After treatment of infected cells with leptomycin B, a potent inhibitor of Crm1-mediated export, we isolated vRNP export complexes which, unexpectedly, were tethered to the host-cell chromatin with very high affinity. At late time points of infection, the cellular export receptor Crm1 also accumulated at the same regions of the chromatin as vRNPs, which led to a decrease in the export of other nuclear Crm1 substrates from the nucleus. Interestingly, chromatin targeting of vRNP export complexes brought them into association with Rcc1, the Ran guanine exchange factor responsible for generating RanGTP and driving Crm1-dependent nuclear export. Thus, influenza viruses gain preferential access to newly-generated host cell export machinery by targeting vRNP export complexes at the sites of Ran regeneration

    A community effort in SARS-CoV-2 drug discovery.

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    peer reviewedThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a substantial threat to human lives and is likely to do so for years to come. Despite the availability of vaccines, searching for efficient small-molecule drugs that are widely available, including in low- and middle-income countries, is an ongoing challenge. In this work, we report the results of an open science community effort, the "Billion molecules against Covid-19 challenge", to identify small-molecule inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 or relevant human receptors. Participating teams used a wide variety of computational methods to screen a minimum of 1 billion virtual molecules against 6 protein targets. Overall, 31 teams participated, and they suggested a total of 639,024 molecules, which were subsequently ranked to find 'consensus compounds'. The organizing team coordinated with various contract research organizations (CROs) and collaborating institutions to synthesize and test 878 compounds for biological activity against proteases (Nsp5, Nsp3, TMPRSS2), nucleocapsid N, RdRP (only the Nsp12 domain), and (alpha) spike protein S. Overall, 27 compounds with weak inhibition/binding were experimentally identified by binding-, cleavage-, and/or viral suppression assays and are presented here. Open science approaches such as the one presented here contribute to the knowledge base of future drug discovery efforts in finding better SARS-CoV-2 treatments.R-AGR-3826 - COVID19-14715687-CovScreen (01/06/2020 - 31/01/2021) - GLAAB Enric

    April 2009: an outbreak of swine-origin influenza A(H1N1) virus with evidence for human-to-human transmission.

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    International audienceA swine-origin influenza A(H1N1) virus is currently responsible for an outbreak of infections in the human population, with laboratory-confirmed cases reported in several countries and clear evidence for human-to-human transmission. We provide a description of the outbreak at the end of April 2009, and a brief review of the zoonotic potential of swine influenza viruses

    Experimental Approaches to Study Genome Packaging of Influenza A Viruses

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    International audienceThe genome of influenza A viruses (IAV) consists of eight single-stranded negative sense viral RNAs (vRNAs) encapsidated into viral ribonucleoproteins (vRNPs). It is now well established that genome packaging (i.e., the incorporation of a set of eight distinct vRNPs into budding viral particles), follows a specific pathway guided by segment-specific cis-acting packaging signals on each vRNA. However, the precise nature and function of the packaging signals, and the mechanisms underlying the assembly of vRNPs into sub-bundles in the cytoplasm and their selective packaging at the viral budding site, remain largely unknown. Here, we review the diverse and complementary methods currently being used to elucidate these aspects of the viral cycle. They range from conventional and competitive reverse genetics, single molecule imaging of vRNPs by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and high-resolution electron microscopy and tomography of budding viral particles, to solely in vitro approaches to investigate vRNA-vRNA interactions at the molecular level

    Time-Resolved Visualisation of Nearly-Native Influenza A Virus Progeny Ribonucleoproteins and Their Individual Components in Live Infected Cells.

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    Influenza viruses are a global health concern because of the permanent threat of novel emerging strains potentially capable of causing pandemics. Viral ribonucleoproteins (vRNPs) containing genomic RNA segments, nucleoprotein oligomers, and the viral polymerase, play a central role in the viral replication cycle. Our knowledge about critical events such as vRNP assembly and interactions with other viral and cellular proteins is poor and could be substantially improved by time lapse imaging of the infected cells. However, such studies are limited by the difficulty to achieve live-cell compatible labeling of active vRNPs. Previously we designed the first unimpaired recombinant influenza WSN-PB2-GFP11 virus allowing fluorescent labeling of the PB2 subunit of the viral polymerase (Avilov et al., J.Virol. 2012). Here, we simultaneously labeled the viral PB2 protein using the above-mentioned strategy, and virus-encoded progeny RNPs through spontaneous incorporation of transiently expressed NP-mCherry fusion proteins during RNP assembly in live infected cells. This dual labeling enabled us to visualize progeny vRNPs throughout the infection cycle and to characterize independently the mobility, oligomerization status and interactions of vRNP components in the nuclei of live infected cells