116 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Group Counseling with Decision Making Strategy to Increase Career Planning for XI Grade Students in Sman 1 Ngronggot

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    Perencanaan karir adalah kemampuan individu dalam membuat sebuah langkah–langkah menuju pencapaian karir yang diinginkan dengan mempertimbangkan kesadaran diri mengenai pilihan karir , pengidentifikasian tujuan–tujuan yang berkaitan dengan karir, dan penyusunan program kegiatan guna mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara efektif dan efisien. Dari Hasil assessment  kebutuhan dan wawancara di SMAN 1 Ngronggot diperoleh data pemasalahan dalam bidang karir yang tinggi, data ini semakin didukung dengan hasil wawancara kepada beberapa siswa, diperoleh data Siswa kelas XII yang akan lulus sudah mulai memiliki pandangan dan sudah mulai merencanakan untuk melanjutkan studi atau bekerja. siswa kelas XII lebih aktif mencari informasi mengenai studi lanjut atau pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Sedangkan pada siswa kelas X dan XI, mereka masih bingung dan belum mempunyai rencana karir dimasa mendatang . Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kemampuan perencanan karir perlu mendapatkan penanganan khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan skor perencanaan siswa sebelum dan setelah pelaksanaan konseling. Sampel penelitian diambil 8 siswa dari kelas XI yang memiliki skor perencanaan karir dalam kategori rendah dengan harapan konseling yang dilaksanakan dapat meningkatkan skor perencanaan karir siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desaign one group pretest and postest desaign. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan instrument angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan Uji willcoxon. Hasil analisis uji Willcoxon menunjukkan bahwa nilai T (jumlah tanda yang lebih sedikit) = 0. Berdasarkan tabel nilai kritis dengan taraf siginifikan 5% atau α = 0,05 dan N = 8, diperoleh harga Ttabel = 6. Jika T < Ttabel H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, maka hipotesis yang diterima yaitu ada peningkatan skor perencanaan karir pada siswa setelah pemberian konseling kelompok dengan strategi pengambilan keputusan.   Kata kunci            : perencanaan karir, strategi pengambilan keputusan&nbsp

    Komposisi jenis dan struktur komunitas ikan yang bermigrasi melewati tangga ikan pada Bendung Perjaya, Sungai Komering, Sumatera Selatan

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    Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan komposisi spesies dan struktur komunitas ikan yang dapat bermigrasi melewati tangga ikan pada Bendung Perjaya, Sungai Komering, Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 2013 dengan tiga kali sampling yaitu pada Maret, Mei, dan Juli mengikuti musim. Pengambilan sampel ikan menggunakan alat tangkap yang tidak selektif, yaitu langgian (hand operated scoop net). Hasil penelitian didapatkan 5 famili yang meliputi 21 spesies, dengan jumlah spesies terbesar berasal dari famili Cyprinidae (15 spesies). Beberapa spesies yang dominan adalah Labeobarbus leptocheilus dan Crossocheilus sp. Kondisi musim berpengaruh terhadap struktur komunitas ikan, dimana keanekaragaman dan kemerataan cukup tinggi terjadi pada musim hujan (Maret) dan peralihan (Mei) tetapi rendah pada musim kemarau (Juli). Dominansi tinggi terjadi pada musim kemarau (Juli) tetapi rendah pada musim hujan (Maret) dan peralihan (Mei).Kata kunci: Tangga ikan; Bendung Perjaya; Migrasi ikan; Struktur komunitas ikan; Cyprinida

    Knee stiffness post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction- factors to worry about

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    Background: Knee stability is affected by integrity of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Knee stiffness is a worrying postoperative complication, preventing patients from returning back to pre-injury sport level. In this study, we analyzed incidence of knee stiffness post ACL reconstruction and possible associated risk factors. Methods: This is retrospective study, was held in Royal Medical Services/Jordan–Queen Alia Military hospital/Arthroscopic and Sport injuries division. We analyzed 250 patients’ data using computerized patients record system (CPRS) called Hakeem complaining of knee stiffness post ACL reconstruction between July 2022 and July 2023, whom ACL reconstructive surgeries were performed between March and September 2022. Results: Incidence of knee stiffness post ACL reconstruction is about 1.5% (4 out of 250). All of those 4 patients were males,3 of them had limited flexion (75%), while 1 of them had limited extension (25%). All of the 3 patients having extension contracture had an associated medial meniscus tear, repaired at time of ACL reconstruction, while flexion contracture patient had an isolated ACL tear. Conclusions: Incidence of knee stiffness post ACL reconstruction is about 1.5%. 75% of patients were associated with medial meniscus tear, who underwent meniscus repair and hinged knee brace was applied. We conclude that ACL patients having an associated meniscus tear managed by meniscus repair and hinge knee brace are at higher risk to develop knee stiffness. Therefore, we recommend limiting the usage of knee brace for ACL reconstruction with meniscus repair only

    Ellagic acid: A potent glyoxalase-I inhibitor with a unique scaffold

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    The glyoxalase system, particularly glyoxalase-I (GLO-I), has been approved as a potential target for cancer treatment. In this study, a set of structurally diverse polyphenolic natural compounds were investigated as potential GLO-I inhibitors. Ellagic acid was found, computationally and experimentally, to be the most potent GLO-I inhibitor among the tested compounds which showed an IC50 of 0.71 mol L–1. Its binding to the GLO-I active site seemed to be mainly driven by ionic interaction via its ionized hydroxyl groups with the central Zn ion and Lys156, along with other numerous hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. Due to its unique and rigid skeleton, it can be utilized to search for other novel and potent GLO-I inhibitors via computational approaches such as pharmacophore modeling and similarity search methods. Moreover, an inspection of the docked poses of the tested compounds showed that chlorogenic acid and dihydrocaffeic acid could be considered as lead compounds worthy of further optimization

    A Systemic Review of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults and the Clinical Management of Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Iron deficiency is the most frequent cause of anaemia worldwide. It impairs quality of life, increases asthenia and can lead to clinical worsening of patients. In addition, iron deficiency has a complex mechanism whose pathologic pathway is recently becoming better understood. The discovery of hepcidin has allowed a better clarification of iron metabolism regulation. Furthermore, the ratio of concentration of soluble transferrin receptor to the log of the ferritin level, has been developed as a tool to detect iron deficiency in most situations. Therefore, the problem of this research lies in exploring the cause of iron deficiency that always be sought because the underlying condition can be serious. This review will summarize the current knowledge regarding diagnostic algorithms for iron deficiency anemia. The majority of aetiologies occur in the digestive tract, and justify morphological examination of the gut. First line investigations are upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy, and when negative, the small bowel should be explored; newer tools such as video capsule endoscopy have also been developed. The treatment of iron deficiency is aetiological if possible and iron supplementation whether in oral or in parenteral form

    HSD3B1 genotype identifies glucocorticoid responsiveness in severe asthma

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    Asthma resistance to glucocorticoid treatment is a major health problem with unclear etiology. Glucocorticoids inhibit adrenal androgen production. However, androgens have potential benefits in asthma. HSD3B1 encodes for 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (3β-HSD1), which catalyzes peripheral conversion from adrenal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to potent androgens and has a germline missense-encoding polymorphism. The adrenal restrictive HSD3B1(1245A) allele limits conversion, whereas the adrenal permissive HSD3B1(1245C) allele increases DHEA metabolism to potent androgens. In the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) III cohort, we determined the association between DHEA-sulfate and percentage predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1PP). HSD3B1(1245) genotypes were assessed, and association between adrenal restrictive and adrenal permissive alleles and FEV1PP in patients with (GC) and without (noGC) daily oral glucocorticoid treatment was determined (n = 318). Validation was performed in a second cohort (SARP I&II; n = 184). DHEA-sulfate is associated with FEV1PP and is suppressed with GC treatment. GC patients homozygous for the adrenal restrictive genotype have lower FEV1PP compared with noGC patients (54.3% vs. 75.1%; P < 0.001). In patients with the homozygous adrenal permissive genotype, there was no FEV1PP difference in GC vs. noGC patients (73.4% vs. 78.9%; P = 0.39). Results were independently confirmed: FEV1PP for homozygous adrenal restrictive genotype in GC vs. noGC is 49.8 vs. 63.4 (P < 0.001), and for homozygous adrenal permissive genotype, it is 66.7 vs. 67.7 (P = 0.92). The adrenal restrictive HSD3B1(1245) genotype is associated with GC resistance. This effect appears to be driven by GC suppression of 3β-HSD1 substrate. Our results suggest opportunities for prediction of GC resistance and pharmacologic intervention

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity in Children Infected With the Omicron Variant

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    SHORT SUMMARY: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection from the Omicron variant in children/adolescents is less severe than infection from the Delta variant. Those 6 to <18 years also have less severe disease than those <6 years old. BACKGROUND: There are limited data assessing coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) disease severity in children/adolescents infected with the Omicron variant. METHODS: We identified children and adolescents <18 years of age with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with Delta and propensity score-matched controls with Omicron variant infection from the National COVID-19 Database in Qatar. Primary outcome was disease severity, determined by hospital admission, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), or mechanical ventilation within 14 days of diagnosis, or death within 28 days. RESULTS: Among 1735 cases with Delta variant infection between 1 June and 6 November 2021, and 32 635 cases with Omicron variant infection between 1 January and 15 January 2022, who did not have prior infection and were not vaccinated, we identified 985 propensity score-matched pairs. Among those who were Delta infected, 84.2% had mild, 15.7% had moderate, and 0.1% had severe/critical disease. Among those who were Omicron infected, 97.8% had mild, 2.2% had moderate, and none had severe/critical disease (P < .001). Omicron variant infection (vs Delta) was associated with significantly lower odds of moderate or severe/critical disease (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], .07-.18). Those aged 6-11 and 12 to <18 years had lower odds of developing moderate or severe/critical disease compared with those younger than age 6 years (aOR, 0.47; 95% CI, .33-.66 for 6-11 year olds; aOR, 0.45; 95% CI, .21-.94 for 12 to <18 year olds). CONCLUSIONS: Omicron variant infection in children/adolescents is associated with less severe disease than Delta variant infection as measured by hospitalization rates and need for ICU care or mechanical ventilation. Those 6 to <18 years of age also have less severe disease than those <6 years old

    Protection of Omicron sub-lineage infection against reinfection with another Omicron sub-lineage

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    There is significant genetic distance between SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant BA.1 and BA.2 sub-lineages. This study investigates immune protection of infection with one sub-lineage against reinfection with the other sub-lineage in Qatar during a large BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron wave, from December 19, 2021 to March 21, 2022. Two national matched, retrospective cohort studies are conducted to estimate effectiveness of BA.1 infection against reinfection with BA.2 (N = 20,994; BA.1-against-BA.2 study), and effectiveness of BA.2 infection against reinfection with BA.1 (N = 110,315; BA.2-against-BA.1 study). Associations are estimated using Cox proportional-hazards regression models after multiple imputation to assign a sub-lineage status for cases with no sub-lineage status (using probabilities based on the test date). Effectiveness of BA.1 infection against reinfection with BA.2 is estimated at 94.2% (95% CI: 89.2–96.9%). Effectiveness of BA.2 infection against reinfection with BA.1 is estimated at 80.9% (95% CI: 73.1–86.4%). Infection with the BA.1 sub-lineage appears to induce strong, but not full immune protection against reinfection with the BA.2 sub-lineage, and vice versa, for at least several weeks after the initial infection

    SARS-CoV-2 infection hospitalization, severity, criticality, and fatality rates in Qatar.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic resulted in considerable morbidity and mortality as well as severe economic and societal disruptions. Despite scientific progress, true infection severity, factoring both diagnosed and undiagnosed infections, remains poorly understood. This study aimed to estimate SARS-CoV-2 age-stratified and overall morbidity and mortality rates based on analysis of extensive epidemiological data for the pervasive epidemic in Qatar, a country where < 9% of the population are ≥ 50 years. We show that SARS-CoV-2 severity and fatality demonstrate a striking age dependence with low values for those aged < 50 years, but rapidly growing rates for those ≥ 50 years. Age dependence was particularly pronounced for infection criticality rate and infection fatality rate. With Qatar's young population, overall SARS-CoV-2 severity and fatality were not high with < 4 infections in every 1000 being severe or critical and < 2 in every 10,000 being fatal. Only 13 infections in every 1000 received any hospitalization in acute-care-unit beds and < 2 in every 1000 were hospitalized in intensive-care-unit beds. However, we show that these rates would have been much higher if Qatar's population had the demographic structure of Europe or the United States. Epidemic expansion in nations with young populations may lead to considerably lower disease burden than currently believed

    SARS-CoV-2 infection hospitalization, severity, criticality, and fatality rates

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    AbstractBackgroundThis study aimed to estimate the age-stratified and overall morbidity and mortality rates of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection based on an analysis of the pervasive SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Qatar, a country with &lt;9% of the population being ≥50 years of age.MethodsInfection disease outcomes were investigated using a Bayesian approach applied to an age-structured mathematical model describing SARS-CoV-2 transmission and disease progression in the population. The model was fitted to infection and disease time-series and age-stratified data. Two separate criteria for classifying morbidity were used: one based on actual recorded hospital admission (acute-care or intensive-care-unit hospitalization) and one based on clinical presentation as per World Health Organization classification of disease severity or criticality.ResultsAll outcomes showed very strong age dependence, with low values for those &lt;50 years of age, but rapidly growing rates for those ≥50 years of age. The strong age dependence was particularly pronounced for infection criticality rate and infection fatality rate. Infection acute-care and intensive-care-unit bed hospitalization rates were estimated at 13.10 (95% CI: 12.82-13.24) and 1.60 (95% CI: 1.58-1.61) per 1,000 infections, respectively. Infection severity and criticality rates were estimated at 3.06 (95% CI: 3.01-3.10) and 0.68 (95% CI: 0.67-0.68) per 1,000 infections, respectively. Infection fatality rate was estimated at 1.85 (95% CI: 1.74-1.95) per 10,000 infections.ConclusionsSARS-CoV-2 severity and fatality in Qatar was not high and demonstrated a very strong age dependence with &lt;4 infections in every 1,000 being severe or critical and &lt;2 in every 10,000 being fatal. Epidemic expansion in nations with young populations may lead to lower disease burden than previously thought.</jats:sec
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