145 research outputs found

    Topos “Karjala” in Bilingual Poetry by A. Volkov

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    The observations on the specifics of the Karjala topos in the works of the bilingual poet A. Volkov is for the first time presented in the article. It has been proved that in his mind “Karjala” is associated with “native land”, the memory of ancestors, native language, Livvik’s happiness itself. In Russian and Karelian-language poems, the recreated spaces of “Karjala” are semantically similar. This locus is open (the center of the universe) and closed  (the outskirts of Russia) at the same time. Like an archeologist, the author turns to the understanding of the mythological genealogy of “Karjala”, its ancestral homeland, proto-language, archetypes of national consciousness, totem signs. The authors found that the bilingual view of the universe allowed the poet to conceptualize in a new  way and reveal, in the context of world history and culture, the main concepts in the life of Livvik Karelians: native dialect, memory of tradition, Karelian genotype, Livvik happiness. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the  socalled semantic “transitions” from one ethnic picture of the world to another (remembering is transformed into crying, the genesis of the native language as a gift from God — into the path to God). In the poetic reconstruction of the Karjala topos by A. Volkov, the Karelian worldview is fundamental, the Russian language and literature is a guide in the formation of an original poetic tradition. For the first time, the original poems of A. Volkov and their auto-translations were introduced into scientific circulation

    Certain Legal Problems of Medical Examination for Drug Intoxication

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    The article discusses some of the problematic issues of the law enforcement of a medical examination for drug intoxication as a measure of ensuring the proceedings in an administrative case, and the use of the results of this examination as evidence in a case of an administrative offense. Certain contradictions of the legislation governing the medical examination procedure and the procedural features of the use of the results obtained in deciding on an administrative offense case have been identified. The necessity of introducing amendments to the legislation aimed at increasing the level of legal protection of citizens, including those brought to administrative responsibility, is substantiated. Separate directions are proposed for improving the legal and organizational framework for conducting the examination for drug intoxication, including the establishment of common criteria for assessing the state of intoxication, taking into account acceptable levels of threshold levels of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, other chemicals and their metabolites in the human body

    Международная перевозка крупнотоннажных грузов на примере перевозки компонентов ветроэнергетической установки

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    Heavy and oversized transportation requires solving a whole range of tasks, such as choosing a suitable method of customs clearance and of a customs post, determining the optimal route, correctly selecting vehicles, ensuring safety of related infrastructure, and road traffic, such as the width of the carriageway, height and width of bridges, tunnels, power lines, ordering permits for travel on certain road segments, ordering heavy and oversized cargo escorting service, providing the special labour regime and working conditions for drivers.The objective of the study was to provide options for solving the listed issues and offer choice of best modes of transport, routes of delivery of heavy and oversized cargo.This article based on the example of multimodal supply of components of wind power plant through the Russian national and foreign territory analyses issues of choosing a mode of transport for multimodal transportation of heavy and oversized cargo; of individuality of routes for movement of goods with non-standard weight and size characteristics; of developing a survey route, and of preliminary preparing transportation of heavy and oversized cargo. Identification of difficulties faced by participants in similar projects, helped to reveal preliminary solutions which might increase the efficiency of any individual transportation. Described features of transportation of this kind of cargo in Russia focused particularly on customs regulations governing crossing of the border of the Russian Federation by multicomponent goods. Since about 70 % of total «door-to-door» transportation, comprising haulage of heavy and oversized cargo, are performed by road transport, the article highlights the road transportation segment.The conclusion suggests that the main task when developing a route is to ensure safety of cargo transportation. The identified phases comprise choosing and calculating the route, the coordination of obtaining permits for transportation of heavy and oversized cargo with various organisations on different segments of the route. Solutions for import customs clearance of multicomponent disassembled cargo, particularly in case of non-simultaneous delivery, are examined.Перевозки крупногабаритных и тяжеловесных грузов требуют решения целого комплекса задач, таких как выбор подходящего способа таможенного оформления и таможенного поста, определение оптимального маршрута, корректный подбор транспортных средств, обеспечение безопасности сопутствующей инфраструктуры и дорожного движения, включая такие аспекты, как ширина проезжей части, высота и ширина мостов, туннелей, линий электропередач, заказ разрешительной документации на проезд по определённым участкам, заказ службы сопровождения при транспортировке крупногабаритных грузов, предоставление режима и условий работы водителям.Целью являлось предоставление вариантов решения перечисленных вопросов и предложение оптимальных видов транспорта, маршрута доставки крупногабаритных и тяжеловесных грузов.В статье с использованием примера мультимодальной поставки компонентов ветроэнергетической установки как по иностранной территории, так и внутри Российской Федерации рассмотрены вопросы выбора вида транспорта; индивидуальности маршрутов движения грузов, имеющих нестандартные весогабаритные характеристики; разработки сюрвейерского маршрута и важности предварительной подготовки к перевозке крупногабаритных и тяжеловесных грузов. Выявлены сложности, с которыми сталкиваются участники аналогичных проектов, предварительное решение которых может повысить их эффективность. Показаны особенности осуществления перевозки указанных грузов в Российской Федерации, в том числе в части таможенного регулирования при пересечении границ Российской Федерации многокомпонентными грузами. С учётом того, что в России около 70 % общего объёма перевозок «от двери до двери», в том числе и в перевозках крупногабаритных и тяжеловесных грузов, осуществляется автомобильным транспортом, акцент в значительной мере сделан на сегменте перевозки этим видом транспорта.Предложен вывод, что основной задачей при разработке маршрута является обеспечение безопасности транспортировки груза. Выделены этапы выбора и расчёта маршрута, согласования разрешительных документов на провоз крупногабаритных и тяжеловесных грузов с различными организациями на различных участках маршрута. Приведены решения для импортного таможенного оформления сложных грузов в разборе и при их неодновременной поставке

    Economic mechanism of regulating land relations in the agricultural sector of Russia

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    The present study substantiates the economic basis for regulating land relations in the agricultural sector, outline the main stages of the formation and development of land relations in Russia. It also carries out a comparative analysis of land relations in Russia and foreign countries, presents theoretical aspects of economic regulation of land relations in the agricultural sector and considers domestic and foreign experience of the regulation of land relations. The activities of human society in connection with land are carried out on the basis of social relations, the key element of which is land relations. Transformations and regulation of land relations occur in the process of agrarian transformations. Historically, it has been proven that the implementation of agrarian reforms that change the socioeconomic situation, the working conditions of people, the production and marketing of products, does not bring about solid results without a proper transformation of land relations. The unique role of land relations in the system of agrarian reforms suggests that agrarian restructuring must begin with land reform.peer-reviewe

    Environmental Aspects of Treatment with Lactose-containing Biological Preparations in Organic Agriculture

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    The paper presents data from developing a technology for production of protectingstimulating lactose-containing biological preparations to be applied in growing small grain crops. The process diagram of the biological preparation production includes 7 stages: raw feed acceptance, quality evaluation; separation of fat and casein dust; production of plant extracts; fermentation of the plant extracts with whey; sterilization; bottling and packaging; storage and sales Studies of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the biological preparation have been completed and its photometric indicators have been studied to standardize the preparation. Influence of the biological preparation onto growth-stimulating activity of winter wheat seeds variety DON-85 was studied in the laboratory. Application of the protecting-stimulating biological preparation to wheat cultivation (var. DON-95) and agricultural applicability were studied in field studies conducted on the test plots of instructional and experimental farm of Stavropol State Agricultural University. Practical recommendations for use have been developed

    Anatomical optical, biomechanical and morphometric parameters of the eye in children with acquired myopia and syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

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    Aim of the research – to make a comprehensive assessment of anatomical, optical, biomechanical and morphometric parameters of the eye in children with acquired myopia and syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Materials and methods. We examined patients of 2 groups: the I group – 44 children (88 eyes) with myopia of mild degree and phenotypic manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia, the II group – 40 patients (80 eyes) with myopia and without signs of connective tissue dysplasia. We measured the following parameters: corneal refractive power, corneal diameter and radius, thickness of the cornea, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, sagittal length of the vitreous body, axial length of the eye, corneal hysteresis, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Results. We revealed significant differences in the anatomical, optical and biomechanical parameters of the visual analyzer in children with myopia of mild degree on the background of the UCTD, in contrast to children with myopia and without connective tissue dysplasia, which consisted in corneal refractive power reduction to an average of 41.25 [40.62; 41.75] D, increase in the corneal radius to an average of 8.13 [7.97; 8.28] mm, the corneal diameter to an average of 12.5 [12.1; 12.7] mm, the anterior chamber depth to an average of 3.8 [3.4; 4.0] mm, the sagittal length of the vitreous body to an average of 17.6 [17.3; 18.0] mm, the axial length of eye to an average of 24.9 [24.4; 25.4] mm, decrease in corneal hysteresis to an average of 11.2 [10.6; 11.7] mm Hg. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was reduced to an average of 87 [85; 93] μm. Conclusions. The obtained data can be useful in a comprehensive assessment of ophthalmic manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, in myopic process development prediction and in individual treatment tactics determination


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    It is known at the present time that immunological biomarkers may become more sensitive, non-invasive methods of graft rejection diagnosis than those currently used. A growing amount of studies in animal models shows that chemokines, as active participants in the immune process, may be used to this purpose. Our earlier studies have shown an important prognostic significance of IL-6, IL-2, 17A and IL-1RA increase in pre-operative period as markers of acute kidney allograft rejection. When assessing changes in studied peripheral blood growth factors, we concluded that a sharp decrease in BDNF content is a diagnostically significant early sign of kidney allograft rejection. The aim of this study was to identify the prognostic role of serum chemokine levels at the preoperative stage, taking into account the production of anti-HLA antibodies during the post-transplant period as a risk factor of kidney allograft rejection. A comparative analysis of chemokine serum concentrations was performed in the patients with terminal-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD). In the patients from main clinical groups, the blood cytokine levels were measured 6 hours before transplantation, i.e., Eotaxin (CCL11), GRO-α (CXCL1), IL-8 (CXCL8), IP-10 (CXCL10), MCP-1 (CCL2), MIP-1α (CCL3), MIP-1β (CCL4), SDF-1α (CXCL12), RANTES (CCL5), MIG (CXCL9) by means of multiplex immunological assays, using appropriate test systems. The studies have shown significant changes in several chemokines in the CKD patients compared to age-matched controls. However, the following diagnostically significant biomarkers associated with early rejection of transplanted kidney should be considered: increased concentration of CCL2 and CCL4 chemokines, as well as an acute decrease in CCL11. Significantly decreased CXCL12 concentration in peripheral blood could be considered a marker of favorable posttransplant clinical course.  Occurence of HLA antibodies in recipients is also associated with elevated serum levels of CXCL8, CXCL10, CCL4, and CCL5

    X-ray fluorescence determination of bromine in lake sediments for paleoclimatic studies

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    Оценена возможность использования традиционного рентгенофлуоресцентного метода анализа (РФА) с волновой дисперсией (РФА ВД) и РФА с полным внешним отражением (РФА ПВО) для изучения распределения брома по глубине керна на примере донных отложений о. Байкал и о. Хара-Нур. Для проведения РФА ВД излучатели массой 200-300 мг и диаметром 10 мм прессовали в виде таблеток на подложке из борной кислоты; содержания брома рассчитывали способом внутреннего стандарта с коррекцией с использованием фундаментальных параметров. Для РФА ПВО из измельченной пробы массой 20 мг готовили суспензию на основе поверхностно-активного вещества Triton X-100, в которую добавляли внутренний стандарт - раствор Ge. Пределы обнаружения брома равны 1 мг/кг и 0.4 мг/кг для РФА ВД и РФА ПВО соответственно. Показано, что результаты определения брома, полученные с помощью разных вариантов РФА, сопоставимы между собой и могут быть использованы при палеоклиматических реконструкциях. Одним из основных преимуществ предлагаемых методик РФА ВД и РФА ПВО является отсутствие необходимости наличия стандартных образцов донных отложений с аттестованным содержанием брома.One of the signals of changing paleoclimate is the concentration of bromine which is increased in the warm periods and correlated with the content of organic matter in sediments. A conventional wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (WDXRF) and total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) have been applied to study the bromine distributions in the sediments of Lake Baikal and Lake Khara-Nur. In order to carry out WDXRF, the samples weighing about 200-300 mg with diameter of 10 mm were pressed as tablets on the boric acid base; the bromine concentrations were calculated by the internal standard method with correction using fundamental parameters. For TXRF measurements the powdered sample weighing 20 mg was suspended in the surface-active solution of Triton X-100 and Ge solution was added for the internal standardization. The detection limits of bromine were 1 mg/kg and 0.4 mg/kg for WDXRF and TXRF respectively. It was shown that the results of the bromine determination obtained with different XRF techniques were comparable to each other and can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. One of the main advantages of the offered WDXRF and TXRF techniques is the lack of necessity for the standard reference materials of sediments with certified content of bromine


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    One of the signals of changing paleoclimate is the concentration of bromine which is increased in the warm periods and correlated with the content of organic matter in sediments. A conventional wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (WDXRF) and total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) have been applied to study the bromine distributions in the sediments ofLakeBaikal andLakeKhara-Nur. In order to carry out WDXRF, the samples weighing about 200-300 mg with diameter of10 mm were pressed as tablets on the boric acid base; the bromine concentrations were calculated by the internal standard method with correction using fundamental parameters. For TXRF measurements the powdered sample weighing 20 mg was suspended in the surface-active solution of Triton X-100 and Ge solution was added for the internal standardization. The detection limits of bromine were 1 mg/kg and 0.4 mg/kg for WDXRF and TXRF respectively. It was shown that the results of the bromine determination obtained with different XRF techniques were comparable to each other and can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. One of the main advantages of the offered WDXRF and TXRF techniques is the lack of necessity for the standard reference materials of sediments with certified content of bromine.Keywords: X-ray fluorescence analysis, XRF, TXRF, SRXRF, sediments, bromine, paleoclimate(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2015.19.4.008G.V. Pashkova1*, E.V. Ivanov2,T.S. Aisueva2, А.А. Shchetnikov1, Yu.N. Markova2, A.L. Finkelshtein2 1Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk,  Russian Federation2Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russian FederationОценена возможность использования традиционного рентгенофлуоресцентного метода анализа (РФА) с волновой дисперсией (РФА ВД) и РФА с полным внешним отражением (РФА ПВО) для изучения распределения брома по глубине керна на примере донных отложений о. Байкал и о. Хара-Нур. Для проведения РФА ВД излучатели массой 200-300 мг и диаметром10 мм прессовали в виде таблеток на подложке из борной кислоты; содержания брома рассчитывали способом внутреннего стандарта с коррекцией с использованием фундаментальных параметров. Для РФА ПВО из измельченной пробы массой 20 мг готовили суспензию на основе поверхностно-активного вещества Triton X-100, в которую добавляли внутренний стандарт – раствор Ge. Пределы обнаружения брома равны 1 мг/кг и 0.4 мг/кг для РФА ВД и РФА ПВО соответственно. Показано, что результаты определения брома, полученные с помощью разных вариантов РФА, сопоставимы между собой и могут быть использованы при палеоклиматических реконструкциях. Одним из основных преимуществ предлагаемых методик РФА ВД и РФА ПВО является отсутствие необходимости наличия стандартных образцов донных отложений с аттестованным содержанием брома.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ, РФА, РФА ПВО, РФА СИ, донные отложения, бром, палеоклимат.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2015.19.4.00