30 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pencemaran Sungai Deli terlihat dari airnya yang berwarna kecoklatan, sampah-sampah berserakan yang menumpuk, mulai dari pinggir hingga aliran sungai terlihat dari pendangkalannya, terjadi di beberapa titik, 70% pencemaran Sungai Deli disebabkan oleh limbah padat dan cair, limbah domestik, limbah industri, dan di sepanjang Sungai Deli mempengaruhi kualitas air sungai. Menurunnya kualitas air ditandai dengan warna air yang berubah menjadi kecoklatan dan berbau, padahal sebagian masyarakat bantaran sungai masih memanfaatkan air sungai Deli untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan aktivitas mencari ikan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kebiasaan hidup membuang sampah ke sungai. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kesadaran Masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan Sungai. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat sekitar Sungai Deli Medan dengan membudayakan kesadaran bersih Sungai/susur Sungai. Kegiatan ini telah berjalan efektif atau lancar yang diikuti oleh mitra dan paserta keseluruhan 32 orang dengan persentase peningkatan kesadaran mitra 90%.Abstract: The pollution of the Deli River can be seen from the brownish water, the scattered rubbish that has piled up, from the edge to the river flow, visible from its shallowing, occurs at several points, 70% of the Deli River pollution is caused by solid and liquid waste, domestic waste, industrial waste, and along the Deli River affects river water quality. The decline in water quality is indicated by the color of the water turning brownish and smelly, even though some people along the river still use the Deli river water for their daily needs and fishing activities. This is caused by the habit of throwing rubbish into the river. Therefore, public awareness is needed to keep the river clean. This activity aims to provide understanding and knowledge to the community around the Deli River in Medan by cultivating awareness of clean rivers/rivers. This activity has run effectively or smoothly and was attended by partners and a total of 32 participants with a percentage increase in partner awareness of 90%


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    Panitia pengawas pemilu di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal mengawasi jalannya pemilihan umum legislatiftidaklah semudah apa yang dikatakan,banyak terjadi pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak dilapangan. Namun, disetiap ada pelanggaran yang terjadi sudah pasti menjadi tugas dari panwasluapabila terbukti dapat diberikan sanksi hukum yang patut dan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penulis merumuskan masalah bagaimana pelaksanaan tugas dan pengawasan panwaslu dalam pemilihan legislatif tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. kemudian faktor penghambat yang dihadapi Panwaslu Mandailing Natal dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong kepada Field Research. Sedangkan, sifat penelitian adalah bersifat deskriptif. Maksud dari deskriptif ialah penelitian yang memberikan gambaran jelas dan terperinci mengenai pelaksanaan pengawasan pemilihan umum legislatif Tahun 2014 oleh panitia pengawas pemilu di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal menurut Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2007”. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan pengawasan pemilihan umum legislatif tahun 2014 oleh panitia pengawas pemilu di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal telah berjalan pelaksanaanya dari pemantauan dan pengawasan terhadap pemutakhiran data pemilih, persyaratan dan tata cara pencalonan. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya panwaslu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal telah bekerja dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, ada beberapa temuan dan laporan dari masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan persyaratan pencalonan tetapi sifatnya hanya administrasi dan tidak sampai pada tindak pidana, diharapkan kepada panwaslu agar bekerja dengan lebih keras lagi. Hambatan atau kendala yang dihadapi oleh Panwaslu Kabupaten Mandailing Nataldalam melaksanakan tugasnya terdapat dua faktor yaitu faktor eksternal dan internal. faktor eksternalnyayaitu,terbatasnya dana yang diberikan negara, sedangkan faktor internalnya yaitu,terbatasnya sumber daya manusiasertafaktor rekrutmen dan pembentukan panwaslu

    Assertive Speech Acts in Mata Najwa Program of Episode Gare-Gare Corona

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    The main objective of this study is to find out the types and functions of assertive speech acts that appear in Mata Najwa program in episode Gara-Gara Corona. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method by analyzing and explaining the data obtained. The data in this study were speech segments in the Mata Najwa episode Gara-Gara Corona which indicate assertive speech acts. The data source in this study is the video of the program entitled "gara-gara Corona" taken from Youtube, which was published by Narration Newsroom on March 13, 2020. The steps taken in data collection techniques were, firstly downloading video from Youtube, the second listens to the utterances, and the third transcribes the utterances into written language. Then the speech data obtained was selected based on research questions related to the types and functions of assertive speech acts. At the stage of presenting the results of the analysis, it was presented using an informal presentation method, namely presentation using ordinary words. The results showed that the assertive speech act types that appeared in the event were 23 pairs of utterances, consisting of 11 pairs of assertive speech acts telling, 6 pairs of assertive speech acts stated, 3 pairs of assertive speech acts suggest, and 3 pairs of utterances assertive speech acts boast

    The Kinds of Illocutionary Act by Yusuf Hamka in Youtube Channel Deddy Corbuzier Podcast

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    Abstract: This study aimed to describe the types of illocutionary speech acts found in Yusuf Hamka's statements on Dady Corbuzier's YouTube channel podcast. This research used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data obtained in this study were Yusuf Hamka's speech which was accessed on Deddy Corbuizer's YouTube podcast channel. Data collection techniques in this study used observing and note-taking techniques, while the data collection techniques used were data reduction and data concluding. The research results obtained are, the five types of illocutionary speech acts 1). Assertive, 2). Directive, 3). expressive 4). commissive. 5) Declarative is found in Yusuf Hamka's statement on Deddy's  Corbuzier podcast. The conclusion of this study is that all utterances will contain illocutionary speech acts if the said words are included in the classification of the five types of speech acts that exist in illocutionary acts.  Keywords: Speech acts; illocutionary acts; youtube; podcas

    An Analysis of Hate Speech Against K-Pop Idols and Their Fans on Instagram and Twitter from The Perspective of Pragmatics

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    Pragmatics is as a study of meaning conveyed by speakers or researchers and interpreted by listeners or readers. Social media itself is a means of communication that is easily accessed by anyone. Social media itself is a means of communication that is easily accessed by anyone. Everyone is free to reveal anything through their social media accounts. This study aims to describe the forms of hate speech including its illocutionary form found on Instagram and Twitter pages. Hate speech is contradicted to the concept of politeness in a language which is an indicator of linguistic elegance. Instagram and twitter are a social chain that aims to help account owners to share or upload photos to other users. This research used descriptive qualitative. Qualitative methodologies refer to research produces which produce descriptive data: people’s own written or spoken words and behaviours. The data were analysed by using interactive model Technique of Miles, Huberman and Saldana. The object of this study includes comments containing hate speech found on Instagram and Twitter pages. Based on the results of observations on Twitter and Instagram pages, it was found that some of the following data include hate speech aimed at several K-Pop idols and illocutionary comments. The results of the study indicate that 41 comments were indicated as hate speech in the form of insults, 4 comments on defamation, 6 comments on blasphemy, and 2 comments on provocation. Meanwhile, in regards to illocutionary comments, there are 12 assertive utterances, 3 directive utterances, 3 expressive utterances, and 3 declarative utterances


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    This study aimed to discuss the stages, comparisons, and factors of first language acquisition of male and female children of age 2 years old through utterances spoken in phonological, morphological and syntactic stages. This type of research used qualitative methods and descriptive approaches. The objects of this research were male child with initial (AM) and female child with initial   (FA) and they are two years old The data of this study were taken from field observations published in the video and analyzed according to phonological, morphological and syntactic stages and then proceed with a comparative analysis of the mechanisms and factors for language acquisition. The results of this study showed that in the stages of language acqusition male child with initial (AM) was superior then female child with initial (FA) in the phonological, morphological, syntactic, in the comparisons stage male child with initial (AM) tended to imitate what his mother uttered while female child with initial (FA) was kind of observing and in the factors oh the language acquisition both of child between male and female were cused by different social interaction factor


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    The aim this research was to get the information about the effect of Visualization straregy on the students reading comprehension who were from SMA Swasta Nurcahaya Medan at school year 2022/2023. Quantitative method was applied in carrying out this research. After carrying out the research, the writer got research findings. Visualization strategy has given significant impact on the students’ reading comprehension. From the research result, it was known that the implementation of Visualization Strategy is more effective than conventional teaching strategy in teaching reading comprehension. The writer did the pre-test. From the pre-test it can be seen that 66.90 were the mean scores of the students who came from control class. The writer did the post-test to the students who were control class. The mean scores of the students were 74.28. Meanwhile, the  writer also got the data from the experimental class. After doing pre-test in the experimental class, it can be seen that the mean scores of the students were 67.57. After doing the post-test, it can be seen that the mean scores of the students were 85.81. The writer compared the mean scores of the students who were from the control class and the experimental class. The mean scores were compared after doing the pre-test and the post-test. From the result of the post-tests, the writer could make conclusions. The students’ mean scores from the experimental class were higher than the students’ mean scores from the controlc class (85.81>74.28). The difference of mean scores were 11.53. The writer implemented t-test in carrying out this research. After doing the test. it was known that t-observed value was 5.67. After seeing the result, t-test (5.67) was higher than the t-table (1.675) (p = 0.05 and df = 56). By seeing this data, the writer concluded that Visualization Strategy significanlty affected the reading comprehension of the students who were from SMA Swasta Nurcahaya Medan. Keywords: The Effect, Visualization Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Tex

    Kinerja Aparat Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Desa Pantai Labu Pekan

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    Issues raised in this study were: (1) Performance village officials in governance at the village Pantai Labu Pekan Subdistrict Pantai Labu, (2) Obstacles and barriers village official duties in improving governance in the Village Pantai Labu Pekan Subdistrict Pantai Labu, (3 ) The efforts barriers village official duties in improving governance in the village of Pantai Labu Sub Distrik Pantai Labu District of Deli Serdang. This study uses a qualitative description of data analysis methods that take the study site on Coast Village Office District of Coast Pantai Labu Pekan. Source of data in this study is the head of the village and local villagers. Data were collected by interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the Village Administrative District of Coast Pantai Labu Pekan Sub-Distrik Pantai Labu in terms of the governance process that emphasizes teamwork, discipline, creativity and responsibility have not been able to provide maximum services that fit the needs of the community

    The Analysis of Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary of Speech Acts in the Short Story "Rembulan dalam Cappuccino" by Seno Gumira Ajidarma

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    The aims of this research are to analyze and to identify the forms of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary of speech acts in “Rembulan dalam Cappuccino” short story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary of speech acts are the scope of Pragmatics where we know, one of the fields of linguistics that studies language along with its context is also called pragmatics. Basically, pragmatics is a scientific study that studies how a language is used in communication. In contrast to linguistics which studies and discusses the structure of language internally, pragmatic studies examine the meanings of external lingual units. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with a pragmatic study. Then, the research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The data and data sources used in this study is “Rembulan dalam Cappuccino” short story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma, and other sources such as books, articles, journals, and previous research that related to the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary of speech acts study. The data collection technique that writer used is library research, with data analysis technique in the form of identifying and classifying data, analyzing and presenting data, and conclusion or verification. The result showed that there were 15 dialogues that contain types of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary of speech acts from a total of 25 dialogues in that short story. As many as 13 dialogues that containing the type of locutionary, 15 dialogues that containing the types of illocutionary, and 1 dialogue which is a type of perlocutionary of speech acts


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to understand how brand image and sexual orientation affect the amount of product purchased during counter makeover transactions at Sun Plaza Medan. This type of analysis is an associative analysis, one that connects two or more variables. 120 people make up the sample size or respondents in this study; hence, the sampling technique that will be used is random sampling. With a population of around 120 people and an error level of less than 0.01, the sample in this study consisted of about 55 people. The analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. Data collection was carried out using observations and questionnaires during the data collection process, which combined data from the first and second stages.According to the study's findings, Brand Image data on partial tests was positively and significantly correlated with Purchase Intention. Because Brand Image has a variable tcount number of 3,753 and a fixed tcount number of 2,004, the tcount exceeds the ttable. (3.753 > 2.004) and a lower threshold for significance (0.009 0.05). With a positive and significant effect on Lifestyle's relationship to Purchase Interest, the variable Lifestyle's tcount value is 8.540, and the ttable's value is 2.004, meaning that tcount > ttable (8.540 > 2.004), and the significance level is less than 0, 05 (0.004 0.05). In parallel, Brand Image and Goodwill increased positively and significantly with respect to the amount of MakeOver products purchased at the Sun Plaza Medan counter, with an Fcount value of 62,218 and a Sig. value of 0.000b. F count > F table (62.218 > 3.16) or significance (Sig.) 5% (0.000 0.05), as appropriate.Keywords: Brand image, good health, and solid behavior are the key words