16 research outputs found

    Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak: Studi Komparasi pada Pemikiran Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar Dewantara

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    ABSTRAK Lunturnya nilai-nilai moral dari diri manusia, telah melahirkan banyak pelanggaran dan penyelewengan di berbagai bidang. hal ini tidak bisa lepas dari peran dan tanggung jawab keluarga sebagai pilar pendidikan pertama bagi seseorang, masyarakat yang membesarkan, dan lembaga pendidikan di bangku- bangku sekolah. Meskipun segala upaya telah dilakukan, kesadaran individu tetap mengambil tempat terdepan dalam aplikasi nilai-nilai yang diperolehnya. Apabila menilik lebih jauh, sebenarnya telah banyak solusi yang ditawarkan oleh para ulama dan tokoh pendidikan untuk masalah tersebut, di antaranya adalah Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah, Bagaimana konsep pendidikan akhlak Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar Dewantara?, Apa persamaan dan perbedaan mereka dalam memahami Pendidikan Akhlak, dan apa kontribusi mereka dalam pengembangan pendidikan akhlak saat ini? Dari fokus masalah tersebut penulis mengambil langkah untuk menganalisisnya atau menelitinya dengan tujuan mengetahui dan memahami Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak menurut Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar Dewantara, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai kontribusi pemikiran dalam dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian library research. Sedangkan metode dalam mengumpulkan data adalah dengan mencari data dokumentasi atau yang lainnya dari berbagai sumber yang sejalan dengan penelitian ini. Kemudian metode analisis data yang dipakai oleh penulis adalah content analysis dan interpretasi data. Ibn Miskawaih memulai pembahasannya dari jiwa manusia, yang dibagi menjadi tiga macam, yakni jiwa amarah, jiwa kebinatangan, dan jiwa berfikir. Hal ini karena jiwa dipandang sebagai pemeran terpenting dalam bertindak atau sebagai pemunculan akhlak. Akhlak yang dipopulerkan oleh Ibnu Miskawaih ini adalah akhlak yang berdasarkan pada doktrin jalan tengah. Ibn Miskawaih secara umum memberi pengertian pertengahan (jalan tengah) tersebut antara lain dengan keseimbangan, moderat, harmoni, utama, mulia, atau posisi tengah antara ekstrem kelebihan dan ekstrem kekurangan masing-masing jiwa manusia. Dari sini terlihat bahwa Ibn Miskawaih memberi tekanan yang lebih untuk pertama kali buat pribadi manusia. Selanjutnya Konsep Pendidikan akhlak menurut Ki Hadjar Dewantara adalah pemberian nasehat-nasehat, materi-materi, anjuran-anjuran yang dapat mengarahkan anak pada keinsyafan dan kesadaran akan perbuatan baik yang sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan anak, mulai dari masa kecilnya sampai pada masa dewasanya agar terbentuk watak dan kepribadian yang baik untuk mencapai kebahagiaan lahir dan batin. Dalam proses pendidikan tersebut harus ada pendidik dan anak didik. Pendidikan akhlak yang dikembangkan oleh Ki Hadjar Dewantara berdasarkan pada asas pancadharma, yang terdiri dari kodrat alam, kemerdekaan, kebudayaan, kebangsaan dan kemanusiaan. Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar Dewantara memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan dalam memandang pendidikan akhlak. Tetapi, secara umum mereka sepaham dalam memahami pendidikan akhlak. Salah satu persamaan yang mereka sepakati adalah mengenai hakikat pendidikan akhlak dan materi pendidikan akhlak, yaitu syari’at Islam. Sedangkan perbedaan dari keduanya adalah mengenai dalam memandang guru pendidikan akhlak. Ibn Miskawaih lebih ketat dalam menentukan pendidik pendidikan akhlak. Kontribusi pemikiran Ibn Miskawaih dan Ki Hadjar dewantara terhadap dunia pendidikan akhlak saat ini tidak diragukan lagi. Pemikiran mereka menjadi standarisasi pendidikan saat ini. Misalnya, pemikiran Ibn Miskawaih dalam mempengaruhi standar profesionalisme guru dan pemikiran Ki Hadjar Dewantara dalam mendekonstruksi lingkungan pendidikan di Indonesia yang hanya di sekolah menjadi lebih luas dan tidak terbatas (keluarga dan masyarakat) dalam internalisasi nilai-nilai akhlak kepada anak, yang dikenal dengan Tri Pusat Pendidikan. Hasil pemaparan di atas diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memperbaiki pendidikan akhlak pada zaman sekarang, sehingga tidak lagi terdenganr kasus-kasus amoral yang dilakukan oleh civitas academika. ABSTRACT Disintegration of moral values of human self, has given birth to many violations and abuses in various fields. this can not be separated from the role and responsibilities of the family as the first pillar of education for someone, people who raised, and institutions around the school benches. Although every effort has been made, the awareness of individuals continue to take the forefront in the application of the values obtained. If the view is more distant, in fact have many solutions offered by the scholars and educational leaders for the problem, among them are Ibn Miskawayh and Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The focus of the problem in this research is, How can the concept of moral education Ibn Miskawaih and Ki Hadjar Dewantara?, What are the similarities and their differences in understanding Moral Education, and what their contribution in the development of moral education today? The authors focus on the problem of taking steps to analyze or examine the purpose of knowing and understanding the concept of Moral Education according to Ibn Miskawayh and Ki Hadjar Dewantara, so it can be used as a contribution to thinking in education. This study is a descriptive qualitative research library research. While the method of collecting data is to find documentation or other data from various sources that are in line with this research. Then the data analysis methods used by the authors are content analysis and data interpretation. Ibn Miskawayh began its discussion of the human soul, which is divided into three kinds, namely the soul of rage, animalistic soul, and spirit of thinking. This is because the soul is seen as an important actor in the acting or the appearance of morality. Character popularized by Ibn Miskawayh is based on the doctrine of moral compromise. Ibn Miskawayh generally gives light mid (middle way), among others with balance, moderation, harmony, major, noble, or a middle position between the extreme shortage of excess and extremes of each human soul. It seems that Ibn Miskawayh provide more pressure for the first time for the human person. Furthermore, according to the concept of moral education is the provision of Ki Hadjar Dewantara advice, materials, suggestions that can lead children on awareness of good deeds in accordance with the level of child development, ranging from his childhood until his adult life in order to form character and a good personality to achieve physical and spiritual happiness. In the process of education must have educators and students. Moral education developed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara pancadharma based on the principles, which consist of nature, freedom, culture, nationality and humanity. Ibn Miskawayh and Ki Hadjar Dewantara have looked at the similarities and differences in moral education. However, they generally like-minded in understanding the moral education. One of the similarities that they agree on is about the nature of moral education and character education materials, namely the Islamic shari'ah. While the difference of the two is about the moral education teacher looking. Ibn Miskawayh more rigorous in determining the moral education of educators. Intellectual contributions of Ibn Miskawayh and Ki Hadjar Dewantara moral education to the world today no doubt. Their thinking into the current educational standards. For example, the thought of Ibn Miskawayh in influencing the thinking of teachers and professional standards of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in deconstructing the education environment in Indonesia is only in schools becomes more widespread and not limited to (family and community) in the internalization of moral values to children, known as the Tri Center Education. Exposure on the expected results can be used as benchmarks for improving moral education in contemporary times, so they no longer terdenganr cases by unscrupulous civitas academica

    Analisis kebijakan program guru penggerak sebagai upaya regenerasi supervisor pendidikan yang berkualitas di indonesia

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    Educational supervision is one of the principal functions and duties of the principal. The principal as a pedagogical supervisor must be guided by the objectives of the pedagogical supervisor, namely to improve teaching and improve the quality of teacher work. In this case, government policies, regulations or programs related to education supervision are needed. Therefore, this study aims to identify government policies and programs in the field of school supervision. The data collection technique used is a literature review with qualitative research methods. This study concludes that government policies and programs in the form of driving teacher programs act as wheels to change education for the better in the future and can reproduce quality supervisors

    Analisis peran supervisi pendidikan dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru

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    This paper aims to understand how educational supervision is to increase teacher professionalism and how efforts can be made to improve teacher professionalism. This paper uses a qualitative method with analysis from various literature studies. Data analysis techniques according to Miles Huberman and Sandana (2014). The results of the study prove that the impact of educational supervision has an effect on improving the quality of teacher professionalism. In addition, the principal also plays an important role in the professional improvement of teachers. Principals must be able to be good consultants for teachers by providing assistance in solving problems or difficulties experienced by teachers. To increase teacher professionalism, a school principal is also expected to be able to provide input that can help teachers

    The determinant factors of school organizational change in Madura, East Java, Indonesia

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    Organizational change is a phenomenon that must be faced and carried out by every individual in the organization to achieve organizational goals. Embodiments of organizational change often occur not because it suits the needs of the organization but because of personal interests and power. This study aimed to determine the main factors that can create change, namely the relationship of leadership and political pressure of school principals that influence organizational change in the Public Secondary School in Madura, East Java, Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach to survey methods. Based on the achievement of its objectives, this study included causal explanation research, the analysis of this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and a sample of about 650 people collected from 1000 respondents taken from 130 schools through probability sampling techniques using AMOS software. The results showed that the leadership and political pressure of regional heads were the main factors of organizational change at SMPN (Public Secondary School) in Madura, East Java. Organizational Change depends very much on the role of the political pressure of the regional head through education policy, as well as the role of the principal's leadership in running the wheels of the organization so that the school's goals can be achieved. This study also showed that the principal's leadership as an intermediary variable from political pressure shows no influence because the political pressure of the regional head is directly related to organizational change

    Description of the development of local wisdom based school culture in the excellent junior high school

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    This research aims to describe and find the development of local wisdom based school culture in the Excellent Junior High School. The research design used a qualitative approach. The data collection used interview and observation techniques. The research results showed that the development of local wisdom based school culture in the Excellent Junior High Shcool was significant in term of quantity and quality. The description of the research was by applying some habits such as 5S (Sapa/Greet, Senyum/Smile, Salam/Regard, Sopan and Santun/Polite), nationalism culture (singing Indonesian anthem), literacy culture, clean culture, speaking the local language on Friday, and religious culture. Such habituation was done through some steps such as: giving the idea, clarification, socialization, implementation, and evaluation. An excellent school is a school that applies the local wisdom based school culture since it can give positive values for the students such as raising the value of discipline, politeness, good deed, being committed to the God, smartness, hospitality, cooperation, integrity, and independence. Such habituation can improve the quality of the school and create the academic and non-academic achievement. The proof was the research result as applied in the Excellent Junior High Schools. The schools reached the title of national adiwiyata, became the reference school and pilot project of character education. The conclusion is the local wisdom based school culture implemented consistently can be one of the indicators to be an excellent school in the societ


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     An inclusive school is a school concept that consciously strives to guarantee children's rights and protection for children with special needs to get adequate and responsible access to education. Therefore, in practice, it refers to the principles of good management. The learning process is based on children's needs, a conducive learning climate, a supportive classroom atmosphere, and the priority of fulfilling children's learning rights. This paper examines the management of inclusive schools in Islamic schools in East Java. The aims of this research are: (1). explore forms of inclusive school policies in Islamic schools in East Java; (2). Describe the implementation of the management of inclusive children's schools in Islamic schools in East Java. Researchers used a qualitative approach with a multi-site research type. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis with three stages; the first stage is data reduction, data presentation, and triangulation. The results of the study show: (1.) The form of policies implemented in the process of managing inclusive children's schools in Islamic schools in East Java is based on the four pillars of the principles of inclusive children's schools, namely non-discrimination, the best interest for children's growth, respect for children and values beliefs originating from religious teachings; (2.) The implementation of the management of inclusive children's schools begins with the stages of situation analysis, equalization of perceptions, organization and formation of a program implementation team.


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    Public policy in managing natural disasters in Indonesia has not yet optimal. Nonetheless, there emerge programs to deal with natural disasters as the case of the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption. The government relocated the survivors using the Rekompak (Community-Based Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Society and Settlement) program. Researcher employs interpretative approaches to understanding the reality which experienced by local inhabitants. Rekompak finished in 2014 at Pagerjurang, but this study uncover the side of the survivors who have moved to the new residential area. As the final statement, this study presents that moving residents' residences is not only a matter of physical displacement, but other conditions might hinder the resilience of local inhabitants such as changes in economic and socio-cultural conditions

    Penyusunan dan Pelatihan Kerangka Kerja Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Populer untuk Mahasiswa

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    Posisi karya tulis ilmiah yang dipublikasikan oleh mahasiswa sangat penting terutama untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan kemampuan analisis akademik dan juga meningkatkan reputasi akademik Program Studi hingga Universitas akan tetapi muncul berbagai masalah seperti publikasi karya tulis ilmiah terutama karya tulis ilmiah populer yang seringkali tidak memiliki tolak ukur dan panduan yang jelas. Oleh karena itu tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang publikasi karya ilmiah populer sebagai usaha untuk meningkatan kemampuan akademik dan reputasi program studi melalui sebuah kerangka kerja yang komprehensif. Dalam proses penyusunan kerangka kerja publikasi karya tulis ilmiah populer maka diperlukan tahapan yang sistematik yaitu dimulai dari penyusunan kerangka kerja melalui sebuah buku panduan, melakukan validasi terhadap buku panduan tersebut yang kemudian diperlukan sebuah workshop sebagai sarana edukasi bagi mahasiwa dan hasil akhir buku panduan dievaluasi oleh mahasiswa dan juga dosen sehingga semakin komprehensif. Pada akhirnya dapat disusun sebuah buku panduan sebagai kerangka kerja publikasi karya tulis ilmiah populer untuk mahasiswa yang dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan pelatihan guna meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang publikasi karya tulis ilmiah popule


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    Madrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan formal bertanggung jawab untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Dalam hal ini kinerja mengajar guru mempunyai peranan srategis dalam pencapaian keberhasilan siswa di sekolah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru di dalam kelas di antaranya adalah perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan motivasi berprestasi guru.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan motivasi berprestasi guru terhadap kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, melalui teknik analisis data korelasional dan regresi dengan menggunakan statistik parametrik. Data diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu guru yang berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur yang berjumlah 169 orang, dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 64 orang.Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur sangat tinggi, motivasi berprestasi guru MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur sangat tinggi, dan kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur sangat baik. Sedangkan, kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah terhadap kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur yang kuat, Kontribusi motivasi berprestasi guru terhadap kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur yang kuat, dan kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan motivasi berprestasi guru terhadap kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 pada MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur yang kuat. Kesimpulannya, terdapat kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan motivasi berprestasi guru terhadap kinerja mengajar guru berpendidikan S1 MTs Satu Atap di Kabupaten Sumenep Jawa Timur yang kuat. Rekomendasinya, untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja mengajar guru, perlu optimalisasi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala madrasah yang efektif dan motivasi berprestasi guru yang tinggi. Kinerja mengajar guru yang perlu diperhatikan adalah aspek perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, serta perbaikan dan pengayaan pembelajara