16,243 research outputs found

    Lepton masses and mixings in orbifold models with three Higgs families

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    We analyse the phenomenological viability of heterotic Z(3) orbifolds with two Wilson lines, which naturally predict three supersymmetric families of matter and Higgs fields. Given that these models can accommodate realistic scenarios for the quark sector avoiding potentially dangerous flavour-changing neutral currents, we now address the leptonic sector, finding that viable orbifold configurations can in principle be obtained. In particular,it is possible to accomodate present data on charged lepton masses, while avoiding conflict with lepton flavour-violating decays. Concerning the generation of neutrino masses and mixings, we find that Z(3) orbifolds offer several interesting possibilities.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures. References adde

    SUSY Soft Breaking Terms from String Scenarios

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    The general SUSY soft breaking terms for a large class of phenomenologically relevant string scenarios (symmetric orbifolds) are given. They show a certain lack of universality, but not dangerous for flavor changing neutral currents. To get more quantitative results a specific SUSY breaking mechanism has to be considered, namely gaugino condensation in the hidden sector. Then, it turns out that squark and slepton masses tend to be much larger than scalar masses (mϕ>10Mam_{\phi} > 10 M_a), which probably is a quite general fact. Experimental bounds and the requirement of a successful electroweak breaking without fine tuning impose further restrictions on the soft breaking terms. As a consequence the gluino and chargino masses should be quite close to their present experimental limits, whereas squark and slepton masses should be much higher (> 1 TeV).Comment: (Talk presented at the SUSY-93 Conference, Boston, March 29 - April 2, 1993), 11 pages, CERN--TH.6922/9

    The non-linear q-voter model

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    We introduce a non-linear variant of the voter model, the q-voter model, in which q neighbors (with possible repetition) are consulted for a voter to change opinion. If the q neighbors agree, the voter takes their opinion; if they do not have an unanimous opinion, still a voter can flip its state with probability ϵ\epsilon. We solve the model on a fully connected network (i.e. in mean-field) and compute the exit probability as well as the average time to reach consensus. We analyze the results in the perspective of a recently proposed Langevin equation aimed at describing generic phase transitions in systems with two (Z2Z_2 symmetric) absorbing states. We find that in mean-field the q-voter model exhibits a disordered phase for high ϵ\epsilon and an ordered one for low ϵ\epsilon with three possible ways to go from one to the other: (i) a unique (generalized voter-like) transition, (ii) a series of two consecutive Ising-like and directed percolation transition, and (iii) a series of two transitions, including an intermediate regime in which the final state depends on initial conditions. This third (so far unexplored) scenario, in which a new type of ordering dynamics emerges, is rationalized and found to be specific of mean-field, i.e. fluctuations are explicitly shown to wash it out in spatially extended systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamical phase coexistence: A simple solution to the "savanna problem"

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    We introduce the concept of 'dynamical phase coexistence' to provide a simple solution for a long-standing problem in theoretical ecology, the so-called "savanna problem". The challenge is to understand why in savanna ecosystems trees and grasses coexist in a robust way with large spatio-temporal variability. We propose a simple model, a variant of the Contact Process (CP), which includes two key extra features: varying external (environmental/rainfall) conditions and tree age. The system fluctuates locally between a woodland and a grassland phase, corresponding to the active and absorbing phases of the underlying pure contact process. This leads to a highly variable stable phase characterized by patches of the woodland and grassland phases coexisting dynamically. We show that the mean time to tree extinction under this model increases as a power-law of system size and can be of the order of 10,000,000 years in even moderately sized savannas. Finally, we demonstrate that while local interactions among trees may influence tree spatial distribution and the order of the transition between woodland and grassland phases, they do not affect dynamical coexistence. We expect dynamical coexistence to be relevant in other contexts in physics, biology or the social sciences.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Theoretical Biolog


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    The way that herpetologists have traditionally measuredlive snakes is by stretching them on a ruler andrecording the total length (TL). However, due to the thinconstitution of the snake, the large number of intervertebraljoints, and slim muscular mass of most snakes,it is easier to stretch a snake than it is to stretch anyother vertebrate. The result of this is that the length ofa snake recorded is infl uenced by how much the animalis stretched. Stretching it as much as possible is perhapsa precise way to measure the length of the specimenbut it might not correspond to the actual length ofa live animal. Furthermore, it may seriously injure a livesnake. Another method involves placing the snake in aclear plexiglass box and pressing it with a soft materialsuch as rubber foam against a clear surface. Measuringthe length of the snake may be done by outlining itsbody with a string (Fitch 1987; Frye 1991). However, thismethod is restricted to small animals that can be placedin a box, and in addition, no indications of accuracy of thetechnique are given. Measuring the snakes with a fl exibletape has also been reported (Blouin-Demers 2003)but when dealing with a large animals the way the tapeis positioned can produce great variance on the fi nal outcome.In this contribution we revise alternative ways tomeasuring a snake and propose a method that offers repeatableresults. We further analyze the precision of thismethod by using a sample of measurements taken fromwild populations of green anacondas (Eunectes murinus)with a large range of sizes

    Spatial genetic structure in the saddled sea bream (Oblada melanura [Linnaeus, 1758]) suggests multi-scaled patterns of connectivity between protected and unprotected areas in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs are advocated worldwide for the achievement of marine conservation objectives. Although the knowledge about population connectivity is considered fundamental for the optimal design of MPAs and networks, the amount of information available for the Mediterranean Sea is currently scarce. We investigated the genetic structure of the saddled sea bream ( Oblada melanura) and the level of genetic connectivity between protected and unprotected locations, using a set of 11 microsatellite loci. Spatial patterns of population differentiation were assessed locally (50-100 km) and regionally (500-1000 km), considering three MPAs of the Western Mediterranean Sea. All values of genetic differentiation between locations (Fst and Jost's D) were non-significant after Bonferroni correction, indicating that, at a relatively small spatial scale, protected locations were in general well connected with non-protected ones. On the other hand, at the regional scale, discriminant analysis of principal components revealed the presence of a subtle pattern of genetic heterogeneity that reflects the geography and the main oceanographic features (currents and barriers) of the study area. This genetic pattern could be a consequence of different processes acting at different spatial and temporal scales among which the presence of admixed populations, large population sizes and species dispersal capacity, could play a major role. These outcomes can have important implications for the conservation biology and fishery management of the saddled sea bream and provide useful information for genetic population studies of other coastal fishes in the Western Mediterranean Sea
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