68 research outputs found

    Sparse Distribution Pattern Of Some Plant Species In Two Afromontane Rain Forests Of The Eastern Arc Mountains Of Tanzania

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    Mountain forests play major roles in biodiversity; containing many endemics and species of conservation concern. The diversity and distribution patterns of plants in mountain ecosystems are influenced by various environmental and anthropogenic factors that exhibit heterogeneity over space and time. This study analysed species diversity and distribution patterns on two afromontane rain forests of the eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania in the west Usambaras and Ulugurus to assess any possible threats to biodiversity conservation in this region. A hundred sample plots (0.02 ha) were established on each of the two mountain ranges in such a way as to cover as much variations as possible from valley bottoms to ridge tops. The analysis was based on species importance values computed from the average of the relative basal area and relative density as well as species frequency. Using different diversity indices, the study showed that the mountains have high species diversity. Eighteen endemic species were identified in the Usambaras and thirty-two in the Ulugurus. These endemics are fairly shared between the two mountains and other mountain massifs of the Eastern Arc. Based on our analysis of species distribution, it was found that the proportion of sparsely (rarely) distributed species was over 30% and 49% for the woody species and total vascular plants, respectively. These findings are important in alerting on possible decline of biodiversity in the region and prompting the development of policies to address rare, threatened, and endangered plant species, which are non-existence in Tanzania. We suggest further surveys in the forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains to determine whether the apparently sparse distribution of some species may be found in reasonable abundances elsewhere and quantify the manner and type of use of the forest resources by surrounding local communities to determine their possible impacts on species distribution. TJFNC Vol. 75 2004: pp. 74-9

    Soils, Science and Community ActioN (SoilSCAN): a citizen science tool to empower community-led land management change in East Africa

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    Pastoralist communities worldwide face complex challenges regarding food and feed productivity. Primary production systems are under stress, nutritional choices are changing and the relationship between development and agriculture is undergoing profound transformation. Under increasing pressure from climate and land use change, East African agro-pastoral systems are approaching a tipping point in terms of land degradation. There is an urgent need for evidence-led sustainable land management interventions to reverse degradation of natural resources that support food and water security. A key barrier, however, is a lack of high spatial resolution soil health data wherein collecting such information for each individual community is beyond their means. In this context, we tested whether bridging such data gaps could be achieved through a coordinated programme at the boundary between participation and citizen science. Key outputs included a community-led trial of a hand-held soil scanner, which highlighted a range of positive benefits and practical challenges in using this technology in this context, with identification of some potential solutions; and a targeted soil organic matter and nutrient status dataset in a small catchment-based community setting. The results show that if the practical challenges can be resolved, use of portable soil scanner technology has the potential to fill key knowledge gaps and thereby improve resilience to the threat of land degradation through locally responsive farmer and community decision-making

    Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania: Part I – sediment source tracing in three neighbouring river catchments

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    Water bodies in Tanzania are experiencing increased siltation, which is threatening water quality, ecosystem health, and livelihood security in the region. This phenomenon is caused by increasing rates of upstream soil erosion and downstream sediment transport. However, a lack of knowledge on the contributions from different catchment zones, land-use types, and dominant erosion processes, to the transported sediment is undermining the mitigation of soil degradation at the source of the problem. In this context, complementary sediment source tracing techniques were applied in three Tanzanian river systems to further the understanding of the complex dynamics of soil erosion and sediment transport in the region. Analysis of the geochemical and biochemical fingerprints revealed a highly complex and variable soil system that could be grouped in distinct classes. These soil classes were unmixed against riverine sediment fingerprints using the Bayesian MixSIAR model, yielding proportionate source contributions for each catchment. This sediment source tracing indicated that hillslope erosion on the open rangelands and maize croplands in the mid-zone contributed over 75% of the transported sediment load in all three river systems during the sampling time-period. By integrating geochemical and biochemical fingerprints in sediment source tracing techniques, this study demonstrated links between land use, soil erosion and downstream sediment transport in Tanzania. This evidence can guide land managers in designing targeted interventions that safeguard both soil health and water quality

    “We will change whether we want it or not”: Soil erosion in Maasai land as a social dilemma and a challenge to community resilience

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordSoil erosion is a major environmental challenge that undermines economic development in many regions of the world. While much previous work explored physical processes behind this problem, less attention has been paid to social, cultural, and psychological parameters that make a significant impact on soil erosion through the land use practices that they support. The present paper addresses this gap by conducting a qualitative exploration of agro-pastoralist stakeholders’ experiences of soil erosion in northern Tanzania, using the community resilience framework and the social dilemmas approach as theoretical lenses. Interview data suggests that the factors that make communities vulnerable to soil erosion challenges include the centrality of cattle keeping practice to pastoralists’ cultural identity, lack of social cohesion, lack of alternative livelihood opportunities, and weak governance structures. We argue that the ways towards resolving the dilemma lie in addressing relevant cultural norms, building cohesive and open communities, and strengthening local governance.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)British Academ

    Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania: Part II – sedimentological evidence of phased land degradation

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    Soil resources in parts of Tanzania are rapidly being depleted by increased rates of soil erosion and downstream sediment transport, threatening ecosystem health, water and livelihood security in the region. However, incomplete understanding to what effect the dynamics of soil erosion and sediment transport are responding to land-use changes and climatic variability are hindering the actions needed to future-proof Tanzanian land-use practices. Complementary environmental diagnostic tools were applied to reconstruct the rates and sources of sedimentation over time in three Tanzanian river systems that have experienced changing land use and climatic conditions. Detailed historical analysis of sediment deposits revealed drastic changes in sediment yield and source contributions. Quantitative sedimentation reconstruction using radionuclide dating showed a 20-fold increase in sediment yield over the past 120 years. The observed dramatic increase in sediment yield is most likely driven by increasing land-use pressures. Deforestation, cropland expansion and increasing grazing pressures resulted into accelerating rates of sheet erosion. A regime shift after years of progressive soil degradation and convergence of surface flows resulted into a highly incised landscape, where high amounts of eroded soil from throughout the catchment are rapidly transported downstream by strongly connected ephemeral drainage networks. By integrating complementary spatial and temporal evidence bases, this study demonstrated links between land-use change, increased soil erosion and downstream sedimentation. Such evidence can guide stakeholders and policy makers in the design of targeted management interventions to safeguard future soil health and water quality

    Drivers of increased soil erosion in East Africa’s agro-pastoral systems: changing interactions between the social, economic and natural domains

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordIncreased soil erosion is one of the main drivers of land degradation in East Africa’s agricultural and pastoral landscapes. This wicked problem is rooted in historic disruptions to co-adapted agro-pastoral systems. Introduction of agricultural growth policies by centralised governance resulted in temporal and spatial scale mismatches with the complex and dynamic East African environment, which subsequently contributed to soil exhaustion, declining fertility and increased soil erosion. Coercive policies of land use, privatisation, sedentarisation, exclusion and marginalisation led to a gradual erosion of the indigenous social and economic structures. Combined with the inability of the new nation-states to provide many of the services necessary for (re)developing the social and economic domains, many communities are lacking key components enabling sustainable adaptation to changing internal and external shocks and pressures. Exemplary is the absence of growth in agricultural productivity and livelihood options outside of agriculture, which prohibits the absorption of an increasing population and pushes communities towards overexploitation of natural resources. This further increases social and economic pressures on ecosystems, locking agro-pastoral systems in a downward spiral of degradation. For the development and implementation of sustainable land management plans to be sustainable, authorities need to take the complex drivers of increased soil erosion into consideration. Examples from sustainable intensification responses to the demands of population increase, demonstrate that the integrity of locally adapted systems needs to be protected, but not isolated, from external pressures. Communities have to increase productivity and diversify their economy by building upon, not abandoning, existing linkages between the social, economic and natural domains. Locally adapted management practices need to be integrated in regional, national and supra-national institutions. A nested political and economic framework, wherein local communities are able to access agricultural technologies and state services, is a key prerequisite towards regional development of sustainable agro-pastoral systems that safeguard soil health, food and livelihood security.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)British Academ

    Building Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience through Soil Organic Carbon Restoration in Sub-Saharan Rural Communities: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) is widely recognised as pivotal in soil function, exerting important controls on soil structure, moisture retention, nutrient cycling and biodiversity, which in turn underpins a range of provisioning, supporting and regulatory ecosystem services. SOC stocks in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are threatened by changes in land practice and climatic factors, which destabilises the soil system and resilience to continued climate change. Here, we provide a review of the role of SOC in overall soil health and the challenges and opportunities associated with maintaining and building SOC stocks in SSA. As an exemplar national case, we focus on Tanzania where we provide context under research for the “Jali Ardhi” (Care for the Land) Project. The review details (i) the role of SOC in soil systems; (ii) sustainable land management (SLM) techniques for maintaining and building SOC; (iii) barriers (environmental, economic and social) to SLM implementation; and (iv) opportunities for overcoming barriers to SLM adoption. We provide evidence for the importance of site-specific characterisation of the biophysicochemical and socio-economic context for effective climate adaptation. In particular, we highlight the importance of SOC pools for soil function and the need for practitioners to consider the type of biomass returns to the soil to achieve healthy, balanced systems. In line with the need for local-scale site characterisation we discuss the use of established survey protocols alongside opportunities to complement these with recent technologies, such as rapid in situ scanning tools and aerial surveys. We discuss how these tools can be used to improve soil health assessments and develop critical understanding of landscape connectivity and the management of shared resources under co-design strategies.</jats:p

    Inequitable gains and losses from conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot

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    A billion rural people live near tropical forests. Urban populations need them for water, energy and timber. Global society benefits from climate regulation and knowledge embodied in tropical biodiversity. Ecosystem service valuations can incentivise conservation, but determining costs and benefits across multiple stakeholders and interacting services is complex and rarely attempted. We report on a 10-year study, unprecedented in detail and scope, to determine the monetary value implications of conserving forests and woodlands in Tanzania’s Eastern Arc Mountains. Across plausible ranges of carbon price, agricultural yield and discount rate, conservation delivers net global benefits (+US8.2Bpresentvalue,20yearcentralestimate).Crucially,however,netoutcomesdivergewidelyacrossstakeholdergroups.Internationalstakeholdersgainmostfromconservation(+US8.2B present value, 20-year central estimate). Crucially, however, net outcomes diverge widely across stakeholder groups. International stakeholders gain most from conservation (+US10.1B), while local-rural communities bear substantial net costs (-US1.9B),withgreaterinequitiesformorebiologicallyimportantforests.OtherTanzanianstakeholdersexperienceconflictingincentives:tourism,drinkingwaterandclimateregulationencourageconservation(+US1.9B), with greater inequities for more biologically important forests. Other Tanzanian stakeholders experience conflicting incentives: tourism, drinking water and climate regulation encourage conservation (+US72M); logging, fuelwood and management costs encourage depletion (-US$148M). Substantial global investment in disaggregating and mitigating local costs (e.g., through boosting smallholder yields) is essential to equitably balance conservation and development objectives

    Soil erosion in East Africa: an interdisciplinary approach to realising pastoral land management change

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IOP Publishing via the DOI in this record.Implementation of socially acceptable and environmentally desirable solutions to soil erosion challenges is often limited by (1) fundamental gaps between the evidence bases of different disciplines and (2) an implementation gap between science-based recommendations, policy makers and practitioners. We present an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to support co24 design of land management policy tailored to the needs of specific communities and places in degraded pastoral land in the East African Rift System. In a northern Tanzanian case study site, hydrological and sedimentary evidence shows that, over the past two decades, severe drought and increased livestock have reduced grass cover, leading to surface crusting, loss of soil aggregate stability, and lower infiltration capacity. Infiltration excess overland flow has driven (a) sheet wash erosion, (b) incision along convergence pathways and livestock tracks, and (c) gully development, leading to increased hydrological connectivity. Stakeholder interviews in associated sedenterising Maasai communities identified significant barriers to adoption of soil conservation measures, despite local awareness of problems. Barriers were rooted in specific pathways of vulnerability, such as a strong cattle-based cultural identity, weak governance structures, and a lack of resources and motivation for community action to protect shared land. At the same time, opportunities for overcoming such barriers exist, through openness to change and appetite for education and participatory decision-making. Guided by specialist knowledge from natural and social sciences, we used a participatory approach that enabled practitioners to start co-designing potential solutions, increasing their sense of efficacy and willingness to change practice. This approach, tested in East Africa, provides a valuable conceptual model around which other soil erosion challenges in the Global South might be addressed.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the Research Councils UK [now UK Research and Innovation] Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) grant NE/P015603/1, European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 IMIXSED project (ID 644320) and UK Natural Environment Research Council Grant NE/R009309/1 and the support of Joint UN FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme CRP D1.50.17