25 research outputs found

    إستخدام كتاب دراسة التسهيل يف تعليم اللغة العربية لرتقية مهارة الكالم يف الفصل السابع مبدرسة اخلدجية الثانوية اإلسالمية جوغوروغو جناوي : دراسة حتليلية وصفية

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    يبحث هذا البحث عن إستخدام كتاب دراسة التسهيل يف تعليم اللغة العربية لرتقية مهارة الكالم يف الفصل السابع مبدرسة اخلدجية الثانوية اإلسالمية جوغوروغو جناوي )دراسة حتليلية وصفية(. والكالم هو احد من املهارات األساسية يف تعليم اللغة العربية، ويف تعليم اللغة العربية حيتاج إىل الطريقة واملادة والوسيلة املناسبة لوصول إىل غاية التعليم املنشوبة، ومن الوسائل التعليمية هي كتاب الدرس، وكلهم من عناصر جناح التعليم السيما يف تعليم مهارة الكالم. يهدف هذا البحث أن يعرف كيفية إستخدام كتاب دراسة التسهيل يف تعليم اللغة العربية والعوامل املسهلة والعائقة فيه. يستخدم الباحث يف هذا البحث بثا نوعيا ألن البياانت اليت مت احلصول عليها الباحث يعتمد على اخللفية الطبيعية يف شكل البياانت الصفية وكيفية إستخدام كتاب وترقية كالم التالميذ إبستعمال اللغة العربية والسلوكيات اليت ميكن أن تالحظ. وأما الطريقة اليت قام هبا الباحث جلمع البياانت فهي طريقة املشاهدة وطريقة املقابلة وطريقة التوثيق. والنتائج يف هذا البحث هي أن إستخدام كتاب دراسة التسهيل يف تعليم اللغة العربية يف الفصل السابع مبدرسة اخلدجية الثانوية اإلسالمية جوغوروغو جناوي له هدف عظيم وهو ألن يكون املتعلم ماهر بتعبي ما يذوقه يف ذهنه وما ينظره بكالم صحيح، وطريقة التعليم املستخدمة مناسبة لنوعية املعلم ونوعية التالميذ ونوعية املراد حتقيقها. والوسائل التعليمية املستخدمة غي كامل هي وسائل القدمية. والتقييم الذي يقوم به املعلم مناسبة األمور اليت يتوفق عليها جناح املعلم يف معرفة ترقية كالم التالميذ. والعوامل املسهلة يف إستخدام كتاب دراسة التسهيل يف تعليم اللغة العربية هي: حيرتف املعلم اللغة العربية تكلما صحيحا ويستخدم املعلم كثيا من الطرق التعليمية ويشرح املعلم شرحا واضحا وحيرك املعلم للطالب أن يكثر التكلم بللغة العربية. وأما العوامل العائقة هي: كفائة الطالب املتنوعة والوسائل مل يتوافر بلكامل


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh citarasa dan pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Perusahaan yang diteliti adalah rumah makan bebek goreng H. Slamet Asli Cabang kartosuro solo di pekanbaru, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode koesioner terhadap 100 orang responden yang diambil dari pelanggan rumah makan bebek goreng H. Slamet Asli Cabang kartosuro solo di pekanbaru. Dengan teknik sampling Insidental. Analisis yang di gunakan adalah regresi linear berganda dengan tahap-tahap pengujiannya adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik dan pengujian hipotesis melalui uji determinasi, uji t dan uji F. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan persamaan regresi linier berganda yaitu Y= 5.102 + 0,250x1 + 0,255x2 + e dan hasil koefisien determinasi memiliki R Square sebesar 0.493. Hal ini berarti 49,3 % dari variasi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan rumah makan bebek goreng H. Slamet bisa dijelaskan oleh citarasa dan pelayanan. Sedangkan sisanya (100%-49,3% = 50,7%) dijelaskan oleh variabel independen lain yang tidak diukur dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini juga di ketahui cita rasa dan pelayanan secara simultan dan parsial berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Kata Kunci: Cita Rasa, Pelayanan dan Kepuasan Pelangga

    Stability of Granular Tunnel

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    We demonstrated the stability of tunnels made of granular matters is strongly dependent on the grain size, tunnel diameter, and water content in the granules. Larger tunnel radius, larger grain size, and too much water content tend to destabilize the tunnel. We also develop a model to describe such findings. We identified a phase diagram of stability which greatly controlled by granular bond order. For granular bond order of larger than unity, we can always made a stable tunnel. However, for granular bond order of less than unity, we obtain a general expression for maximum tunnel thickness that can be made. To best of our knowledge, this is the first exploration regarding the granular tunnel stability.Comment: 13 pages, 6 Figures, and 1 Tabl


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    The business sustainability of the batik SMEs is a hot topic for research, considering that the batik industry has a historical and cultural background. This study aims to create a theoretical model of business sustainability that is influenced by financial literacy and is mediated by intellectual capital and risk attitudes. The research location was in Kediri, East Java province, with 36 respondents taken by simple random sampling. Data was taken using a questionnaire using a Likert scale. Data analysis uses the SEM structural equation with the SmartPLS application. The results showed that financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on business sustainability, financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on intellectual capital, and financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on risk attitude. Intellectual capital had a positive and significant effect on business sustainability. However, the risk attitude variable does not affect business sustainability. Then the effect of financial literacy on business sustainability mediated by intellectual capital has positive and significant results. Meanwhile, the influence of financial literacy on business sustainability mediated by risk attitude obtained insignificant results


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    Pondok Pesantren is a system of tafaqquh fiddin which needs to be supported by several components, both software, and hardware that support the existence of pesantren as a system. Al Kamal Blitar integrated Islamic boarding school (PPTA) is one of the Islamic boarding schools that was born before independence and continues to develop education by using the salaf, and khalaf system and synergizing with formal education. This study discusses the Standardization Development carried out at PPTA. So the purpose of this study was to see the form of development carried out by PPTA in standardizing education. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive form. The results of this study indicate that; 1) PPTA Blitar continues to develop standardization of Islamic boarding schools which include aspects; development of formal and non-formal educational institutions, standardization of teaching staff, and existing curriculum standards. 2) Standards for teaching staff must have standards by their respective scientific fields, while the curriculum standards used have also gone through an in-depth review process. 3) The process of developing educational standardization has been carried out by the integrated Al Kamal Islamic Boarding School for a relatively long period and has gone well

    Desain By Pass Line dan Pig Launcher pada Gas Trunkline BS Kambitin II- BS III Tanjung, Proyek Adaro Wilayah Field Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan

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    Pig launcher on pigging system is a cleaning facility of trunkline installation for “EPC Tanjung Area Upgrading Production Facility and Dismantling Production Facility” project connected to bypass line from gas scrubber KBII-V-0001. The design of pig launcher is based on ASME Sec. VIII div. 1 checked with PV Elite while the PG-1007-A-3”, PG-1008-A-3”, PG-0011-A-2” and PG-0010-A-6” bypass line is based on ASME B31.3 using AutoCAD Plan 3D. Local stress shell in cylindrical shells due to by pass line loadings using WRC 107 and method of finite  elements shows that stress that happen is much lower from the limits. Flange Check of nozzle outlet to analyze the failure caused by piping force and moment using CAESAR II software shows that equivalent of  pressure is much lower from limits

    The Effect of Nonwoven Microfiber Substrate Polypropylene Thickness to Air Filtration Performance of Polyacrilonitrille Nanofiber

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    Since a nanofiber medium on itself is soft and fragile and cannot be used alone as air filters. Coating nanofiber on a rigid substrate to form a composite that can be handled readily is necessary. Beside can improve the filtration efficiency, adding the substrate will also save the use of nanofibers mat itself. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of substrate thickness on the performance of nanofibers mat in aerosol filtration in order to find the optimum thickness of substrate that can increase the quality of nanofiber filter. The substrate used was a low cost microfiber non-woven fabric made from polypropylene (PP). The nanofibers mat was composed of electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with concentration of 9 wt.% which dissolved at N,N dimethylformamide (DMF). Five variations of PP different in thickness was used as substrate. From the SEM image, it was found that there is increasing fiber diameter of PAN after electrospun into PP substrate. From the porosity estimation of each nanofiber, it was found that the porosity decreased with increasing the substrate thickness. For test the performance of nanofiber filter, the particles of polystyrene latex (PSL) which generated by atomizer was used as the aerosol particle. In addition, to evaluate the performance filter in PM2.5 filtration, the experiment was carried out with generate the smoke from burning incense. Air filtration performance of all variations is obtained by comparison the results of measurement including: pressure drop, efficiency and quality factor. From the results, there is limitation on the substrates thickness based on the value of the quality factor obtained. Overall, PP nonwoven as the substrates gives the great contribution on the efficiency of PAN nanofiber. Keywords: substrate, polypropylene, thickness, nanofiber, air filtration

    Correlation between Structures and Antioxidant Activities of Polyvinylpyrrolidone/ Garcinia mangostana

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    Nanofiber mats of polyvinyl(pyrrolidone) (PVP) with Garcinia mangostana extract (GME) as the encapsulated drug have been developed using electrospinning. SEM images of all electrospun PVP/GME composite nanofiber mats showed that they had similar and smooth morphology, no beads, and spindle shape. Its average diameter decreased and its surface area therefore increased with the decrease of its PVP concentration. The benefit of high surface area is obvious in drug delivery systems for poorly water-soluble drugs. Their FTIR spectra indicated that PVP and GME interacted intermolecularly via hydrogen bonds in the composite nanofiber mats. A conformational change in the C-H chain of PVP occurred in the composite nanofiber mats due to the intermolecular interactions. Their XRD patterns confirmed that they were amorphous because of amorphization during electrospinning. The XRD analyses also strengthened the FTIR studies; namely, GME and PVP formed intermolecular interactions in the electrospun composite nanofiber mats. As a result, GME as the encapsulated drug was molecularly dispersed in the electrospun PVP nanofiber matrix that functioned as a drug delivery system. From the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, the composite nanofiber mats exhibited very high antioxidant activities despite having been exposed to high voltage during electrospinning. Therefore, they are potential antioxidant products for food and pharmaceutics

    Analysis and Determination of Self-Inductance through Direct and Indirect Measurements Methods

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    Practicum is an activity that helps students to understand an abstract concept. One of the concepts in physics that requires practicum is the concept of electricity. Inductance is an electrical quantity studied in high and vocational high schools. This study aims to determine the inductor's inductance value using several methods and analyze the most suitable method for determining the inductor inductance value. The inductor used is a commercial inductor with a color band code with an inductance value of 2.7 mH and a tolerance of 10%. Inductor inductance measurements were carried out using a benchtop LCR meter, handheld LCR meter, series RLC method, and LC resonance method. Each measuring instrument requires a frequency setting: refer to the manual for benchtop and handheld LCR meters, the resonant frequency for the serial RLC method, and adjusting the AFG (arbitrary function generator) frequency. Hence, a clear oscillation pattern is visible on the oscilloscope. The results of this study indicate that measurements using benchtop LCR meters, handheld LCR meters, and LC resonance methods produce inductance values within the inductance tolerance limits