2,311 research outputs found

    The price puzzle and monetary policy transmission mechanism in Pakistan: Structural vector autoregressive approach

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    This paper address the issue of monetary policy effectiveness and the price puzzle, a positive response of prices to monetary tightening, in Pakistan. Study examines the effects of monetary policy shock on price level and other macroeconomic variables such as output, exchange rate and money supply within the structural VAR framework over the period 1992: M1 to 2010:M08. We find that a contractionary monetary policy shock has a positive effect on prices and the output increase over some horizon following the monetary tightening but continuously falls after initial rise. The results also indicate that monetary contractions in Pakistan over period reviewed associated with persistent depreciation of domestic currency value relative to the U.S. dollar.Monetary policy, Price puzzle, Structural VAR, Pakistan

    The Effect of Return On Assets (ROA) on The Expenditure of Zakat Funds in Islamic Banks in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of return on assets on the expenditure of zakat funds in Islamic banks in Indonesia. To find out the results of the research, the researchers used a quantitative approach with this type of research using quantitative descriptive methods. Quantitative descriptive research is a research that provides an overview of the effect of return on assets on the expenditure of zakat funds in Islamic banks in Indonesia. The results of his research indicate that Return on Assets has a significant effect on the expenditure of zakat funds. The ROA variable has a significant effect on the expenditure of zakat funds in Islamic banks. This result is in accordance with the probability value which shows (0.05 > 0.0000). This means that the greater the ROA value obtained, the greater the expenditure of zakat funds on Islamic banks, because the potential for a greater ROA will have an impact on increasing zakat funds.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh return on asset terhadap pengeluaran dana zakat pada bank syariah di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui hasil penelitiannya, maka peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif merupakan penelitian yang memberikan gambaran tentang adanya sebuah pengaruh return on asset terhadap pengeluaran dana zakat pada bank syariah di Indonesia. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa Return on Asset berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengeluaran dana zakat. Variabel ROA memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap pengeluaran dana zakat pada bank syariah. Hasil ini sesuai dengan nilai probabilitas yang menunjukkan (0,05 > 0,0000). Artinya semakin besar nilai ROA yang diperoleh akan semakin besar pula pengeluaran dana zakat pada bank syariah, karena potensi ROA yang bertambah besar akan berdampak pengeluaran dana zakat yang meningkat

    Reforms in triple talaq in the personal laws of Muslim states and the Pakistani legal system: Continuity versus change

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    يحلل هذا البحث الإصلاحات والتعديلات التي أجريت في بعض الدول الإسلامية فيما يتعلق بمسألة الطلاق ثلاث مرات في مجلس واحد. ذهب غالبية فقهاء السنة إلى أن الطلاق ثلاث مرات بألفاظ متتابعة يقع ثلاث طلقات. وذلك بخلاف مذهب ابن تيمية وابن القيم وأئمة الشيعة الذين يعتبرون الطلاق ثلاثاً في مجلس واحد بمثابة طلقة واحدة فقط. معظم الدول العربية وكذلك العديد من الدول الإسلامية مثل مصر، وسوريا، والأردن، والعراق والسودان، والمغرب، والكويت، واليمن، وأفغانستان، وليبيا، والكويت، وقطر، والبحرين، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، قد اتبعت أثناء صياغة قوانينها الخاصة مذهب ابن تيمية وابن القيم بشأن هذه المسألة. وفي هذا الصدد يمثل قانون الزواج والطلاق (للمسلمين) لعام 1951، في سريلانكا، بصيغته المعدّلة لعام 2006، أكثر التشريعات القانونية المثالية التي تخص طلاق الثلاثThis work analyses the reforms carried out in some of the Muslim states regarding the issue of triple divorce in one session. According to a majority of Sunni jurists, pronouncing the word “talaq” three times in succession, equates with three “talaqs.” On the contrary, according to Ibn Taimiyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, and the Shi‘a Imamiyah, three pronouncements of the word talaq in one session equals only one talaq. Most Arab, as well as many Muslim states such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Sudan, Morocco, Kuwait, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, have, while formulating their own laws, followed Ibn Taimiyah's and Ibn al-Qayyim's positions on this issue. In this regard, Sri Lanka's Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) Act, 1951, as amended up to 2006, seems to be the most ideal legislation on triple talaq. In Pakistan, the Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961, has abolished triple talaq, as the procedure laid down in section 7 is largely applicable to one or two pronouncements only and excludes three pronouncements. Furthermore, some portions of section 7 are in clear contravention of the dictates of Islamic law, which adds to this precarious section's peculiarity. The superior courts in Pakistan and Bangladesh have not been consistent in interpreting the law on this important subject, while on the other hand, some Indian High Courts have treated triple talaq as invalid

    Dissecting the claims of legitimization for the ritual of female circumcision or female genital mutilation (FGM)

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    يتناول هذا البحث الحجج المختلفة التي يطرحها المناصرون لختان الإناث استناداً إلى الشريعة الإسلامية، وذلك لمعرفة ما إذا كان ختان الأطفال الإناث واجباً على المسلمين وفقاً للشريعة، أم أنه تقليد عرفي وثقافي، أم أنه أمر يعود للتفضيل الشخصي في مختلف البلدان الإسلامية التي تطبق هذه الممارسة. يخلص هذا البحث إلى أن تلك الحجج التي تدعم ختان الإناث إما غير موثوق منها أو ضعيفة أو لا تلزم المسلمين بتطبيق هذا الممارسة. وأن أصل هذه العادة يرجع إلى تقاليد تجمع بين العرف والثقافة أو لا يتعدى كونها مسألة تفضيلية عند بعض المسلمينThis work analyses the various arguments put forward by the supporters of female genital mutilation (FGM) under Islamic law to determine whether this practice has its roots in Islam, whether it is a customary or cultural tradition, or whether it is a matter of personal preference in different parts of the Muslim world where the practice exists. The findings of this work are that the arguments given in support of FGM are either not reliable, are weak or, do not order Muslims to carry out this practice. Instead, this horrific practice is rooted in customary-cum-cultural tradition or, is a matter of personal preference for some Muslims but cannot be legitimized under Islamic law

    Peran Dewan Pengawas Syari’ah Dalam Shariah Governance Di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah

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    Model Shariah Governance dalam lembaga keuangan syariah merupakan tata kelola yang menawarkan produk dan jasa yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Keberadaan Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) adalah untuk melakukan menasehati dan mengawasi terhadap aktivitas lembaga keuangan syariah dalam rangka menciptakan kemaslahatan bank dan ekonomi, serta menumbuhkan kepercayaan dari para stakeholders dan publik secara umum bahwa praktik dan aktivitas yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan syariah. Secara lebih dekat aktivitas lembaga keuangan syariah agar tidak terjadi adanya problem, maka DPS berperan penting disetiap daerah untuk melakukan pengawasan lebih detail. Dalam paper ini penulis bermaksud untuk melakukan analisis terhadap sistem pengawasan DPS dalam shariah governance dengan melalui pendekatan pustaka yang memanfaatkan teks berupa buku, jurnal, dan asas-asas hukum, kaedah-kaedah hukum dalam nilai peraturan hukum konkrit dan sistem hukum

    The Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production in Pakistan

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    Three main factors that contribute to agricultural growth are the increased use of agricultural inputs, technological change and technical efficiency. Technological change is the result of research and development efforts, while technical efficiency with which new technology is adopted and used more rationally is affected by the flow of information, better infrastructure, availability of funds and farmers’ managerial capabilities. Higher use and better mix of inputs also requires funds at the disposal of farmers. These funds could come either from farmers’ own savings or through borrowings. In less developed countries like Pakistan where savings are negligible especially among the small farmers, agricultural credit appears to be an essential input along with modern technology for higher productivity.

    The Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production in Pakistan

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    Agricultural credit plays an important role in enhancing the agricultural productivity in developing countries like Pakistan. The study discusses various indicators of agricultural credit in Pakistan and presents results of estimated production function using institutional credit as one of the explanatory variables. Over the years, increased percentage of agricultural GDP has been disbursed as institutional credit. During the study period disbursement of institutional credit per cropped hectare also depicted an increasing trend in nominal terms. However, it declined in real terms from late 1980’s to early 1990s. Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL)-- formerly known as Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP), provides the major share of institutional credit. The share of production loans in total loan advanced has been increasing during 1980-81 to 1986-87 and after mid 1990’s. It shows multiple shifts in credit policy from loans for fixed capital to advances for operational capital during the study period. The OLS estimates of the production function revealed that institutional credit affects agricultural production positively. Water availability at the farm gate, labor, and cropping intensity are the other important variables that affect agricultural output positively. However, the shocks like floods, cotton leaf curl virus (CLCV), and drought have caused significant decline in agricultural output during certain years.institutional credit; agricultural production; production function

    Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Introduction (Pbi) Dalam Desain Printed Circuit Board (Pcb) Bagi Mahasiswa Prodi T. Elektronika (D3) Dan P.t. Elektronika (S1) Ft Uny

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    ABSTRACKResearch purpose is know student trouble in developing ability desain PCB and determine steps that shouldbe done to increase ability desain PCB.Research design use survey method and by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. Population are ElectronicsTechnical Education and Electronics Technical students that take subject Technical Drawing teaching year 2010 /2011 and 2011 / 2012. Total respondents 34 persons from population which amounted 80 persons. Instrument usedis closed and open quesioner.Research conclusion: the most difficult in draw component symbol is transformator fingered by 38,24%respondents. The most difficult in draw code position component at PCB is arrange component a type of fingeredby 38,24% respondents. The most difficult in design band PCB is determine band junction fingered by 41,67%respondents. Steps that should be done to increase very ability design PCB for student that is: should be careful,patient, dilligence, make skets, read guide, use elektronics symbol pattren, learn from example, discussion withfriend, consider component used and measure, and early mendesain in paper millimeters block

    Upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik dengan penggunaan metode reading guide dalam pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadis pokok bahasan berkompetisi dalam kebaikan kelas XI IPS 1 di MA NU Hasyim Asy’ari 03 Kudus 2010/2011

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Reading Guide pada pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadis pokok bahasan berkompetisi dalam kebaikan Kelas XI IPS I Semester Genap di MA NU Hasyim Asyari 03 Kudus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa XI IPS I Semester Genap di MA NU Hasyim Asyari 03 Kudus tahun 2010/2011 dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 38 orang. Prosedur penelitian terdiri dari 4 tahap dari setiap siklusnya, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Proses pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadis dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Reading Guide. Indikator hasil belajar pada penelitian ini berupa tercapainya ketuntasan belajar secara individu maupun klasikal. Adapun pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan metode: tes, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data hasil pengamatan tes prestasi (achievement test) atau nilai evaluasi diolah dengan statistik deskriptif untuk menggambarkan keadaan peningkatan pencapaian keberhasilan tiap siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: keberhasilan penerapan metode Reading Guide dalam pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadis pokok bahasan berkompetisi dalam kebaikan bagi peserta didik kelas XI IPS 1 di MA NU Hasyim Asy’ari 03 Kudus yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Pada proses pembelajaran Pra Siklus, pembelajaran yang terjadi di kelas belum cukup kondusif, karena peserta didik cenderung kurang aktif dalam menerima pelajaran, sulit menemukan titik fokus terhadap mata pelajaran, malu untuk bertanya, kurang membaca dan basik kemampuan siswa yang rendah. Pada pembelajaran siklus I, dengan penerapan metode Reading Guide proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung sudah membaik, ini terlihat dari prosentase keaktifan peserta didik 54, 35% dan prestasi belajar mengalami kenaikan dengan prosentase ketuntasan belajar peserta didik yang semula 44,74% menjadi 60,52% dengan rata-rata semula 57,37 naik menjadi 68,81. Pada pembelajaran siklus II, dengan penerapan metode Reading Guide proses pembelajaran sudah terpusat pada materi pelajaran. Hal ini terlihat dari kenaikan prosentase keaktifan siswa dari siklus I, 54,35% menjadi 71,55% dan prosentase ketuntasan belajar pada siklus 60,52% menjadi 78,94%, sedangkan nilai rata-rata peserta didik siklus I, 68,81 menjadi 77,76. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari pra siklus ke siklus I kemudian ke siklus II dan tidak perlu dilakukan siklus III

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Kompetensi Dasar Register Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    The objective of this study was to develop interactive learning media for the basic competency of Register Based on Guided Inquiry that can be utilized as learning media for the students. The study was conducted using the Research and Development method. The experiment was performed to determine the functions of navigation buttons of the media.The result of this study showed that all navigation functions operate properly with the percentage of 100 %