66 research outputs found

    Censura e instancias reformistas en la corte de Francisco I : l'Inquisiteur de Margarita de Navarra en la historia de Cymbalum Mundi

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    El papel de Margarita de Navarra en la difusión del pensamiento reformista en Francia está estrechamente ligado al misterio que todavía rodea al autor del tratado clandestino Cymbalum Mundi. La historia de la censura considera la condena de este volumen una consecuencia del clima de sospecha creado por la ruptura del delicadísimo equilibrio de poderes ejercidos por el Parlamento y la Facultad de Teología de la Sorbona, las dos instituciones más activas en la lucha contra la herejía. En el contexto de ideas, polémicas, personajes y debates en los que el Cymbalum se coloca idealmente para enmarcar su importancia en la historia del pensamiento religioso del Cinquecento, la obra literaria de Margarita de Navarra constituye una referencia útil para circunscribir un escenario fecundo y problemático. Un texto en concreto, pertenenciente al la producción teatral no bíblica de la reina, se presenta como un pequeño panfleto de actualidad ofreciendo una serie de elementos que, aunque sólo maginalmente, pueden relacionarse con la historia de censura del Cymbalum Mundi. Se trata de L'Inquisiteur, una farce que vuelve a evocar las persecuciones contra el evangelismo.Margarita de Navarra's role in the diffusion of reformist thought in France is closely linked to the mystery surrounding the author of the clandestine treatise Cymbalum Mundi. %e history of censorship considers the condemnation of this volume to be a consequence of the climate of suspicion created by the rupture of the highly delicate balance of powers exercised by the Parliament and the Faculty of %eology, the two in stitutions most active in the fight against heresy. In the contesxt of ideas, controversies, personalities and debates in which Cymbalum ideally situates itself to better enumerate its importance in the history of religious thought of the XVIIth Century, the literary work of Margarita de Navarra constitutes a useful reference to circumscribe a fertile and problematic scenario. A concrete text, belonging to the queen's non-Biblical theatrical production, L'Inquisiteur, presents itself as a small pamphlet of current events offering a series of elements which, though only marginally, can be related with the censorship of the Cymbalum

    Teatro gesuita e tradizione pagana: due scenari di argomento polacco nella Francia di Mazarino

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    Nel 1646, per i tipi di Toussainct Quinet, viene pubblicata a Parigi una tragicommedia di argomento polacco, il Sigismond duc de Varsau di Gillet de la Tessonerie. Gillet, autore di commedie e tragicommedie di successo, rielabora una materia che si stava diffondendo in Francia per motivi di carattere essenzialmente politico. Si poneva infatti il problema di celebrare sulla scena letteraria l’inizio del lungo regno (fino al 1668) di Luisa Maria Gonzaga, andata sposa a Ladislao IV nel 1645 sott..

    Sous le signe de l’interférence. Les classiques de la littérature française dans la collection Einaudi « Scrittori tradotti da scrittori »

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    Ce travail propose une réflexion sur quelques figures d’écrivains confrontés avec la pratique traductive dans le cadre de la collection Einaudi « Scrittori tradotti da scrittori » (1983-2000) qui avait pour but de donner un nouvel élan aux classiques de la littérature en redécouvrant des points de vue inédits, selon l’intuition de Giulio Einaudi, pour qui la double identité d’auteur-traducteur permettait de saisir des nuances insoupçonnées de l’œuvre. Cette opération se présente comme un laboratoire sur plusieurs plans : son étude permet de vérifier l’hypothèse d’un haut degré de contamination entre traduction, réécriture et essai interprétatif, d’analyser les retombées effectives de la traduction sur l’écriture chez les auteurs qui, dans un cadre paratextuel, avouent des interférences créatives dans leur travail, ainsi que d’évaluer les stratégies éditoriales qui président au choix des traducteurs et des textes à traduire.This paper proposes to analyse several literary figures confronted with translational practice within the framework of the Einaudi collection’s «Scrittori tradotti da scrittori» (1983-2000). The aim of this collection was to give new momentum to literary classics by rediscovering novel points of view, which – according to Giulio Einaudi – author-translators were better equipped to discover and let emerge. This reflection presents itself as a laboratory in several ways: its study allows one to verify the hypothesis of a high degree of contamination among translation, rewriting and interpretive essay, to analyse the effective impact of translation on writing in authors who, in a paratextual context, admit to creative interferences in their work, and to evaluate editorial strategies about the choice of titles and translators

    Pour une approche interculturelle: le texte littéraire translingue dans l'enseignement du FLE

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    Dans le cadre du renouvellement des approches à la didactique du FLE le retour du texte littéraire comme laboratoire langagier et comme espace à explorer a fait place à une littérature monde en voie de canonisation qui par sa spécificité liée à la variété des contextes semble privilégier un point de vue hybride et métissé valorisant les altérités. Les trajectoires individuelles de certains auteurs translingues font de leur œuvre à caractère autobiographique un document authentique qui résonne avec les expériences et les intérêts des étudiants d’aujourd’hui. Cet article présente un projet de lecture de quelques autobiographies langagières en classe de FLE niveau avancé pour vérifier dans quelle mesure et par quelles stratégies l’exploitation de la complexité des écritures translingues dans l’enseignement supérieur peut encourager l’élaboration d’un regard interculturel

    Il panegirico franco-spagnolo di Loubayssin de la Marque (1639): quale lingua al servizio del potere

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    In 1639, the Parisian bookseller Morlot published a panegyric to Cardinal of Richelieu written by Loubayssin de la Marque, a Gascon gentleman serving the House of Guisa. The text was printed simultaneously in French and Spanish, and it was the final act of an author who put his bilingualism at the service of the French monarchy. Loubayssin’s marginal personality, grappling with the fleeting balances of political affairs and with the ambiguous dynamics of courtisanship within the language Babel of the court (where Latin, regional tongues and the languages brought in by foreign queens all coexisted), displays an extremely modern trait in his attempts to find his own role and linguistic belonging, which constantly forces him to question his identity. With Deffy de la langue françoise et de l’espagnole he lays out a cautious strategy to redefine the terms of patronage. Here he resorts to the practice of rhetoric and adulation to reformulate the “récit du roi” through the means of translation, a malleable and flexible tool on the fine line between originality and creative imitation

    Las razones del censor : control ideológico y censura de libros en la primera Edad Moderna

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    La col·lecció Studia Aurea Monográfica, coeditada por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y la Universitat de Girona, es una colección auspiciada por Studia Aurea. Revista de Literatura Española y Teoría Literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro.La publicación de este volumen colectivo forma parte de las tareas científicas vinculadas al proyecto Poéticas cristianas y teoría de la censura en el siglo XVI (FFI2009-10704), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España, y al Grup de Recerca Consolidat Poetics and Politics in Early Modern Europe (SGR 2009-0660), financiado por la Generalitat de Catalunya. Ha contado para su elaboración con la Acción Complementaria del MICINN Las razones del censor. El discurso de la intolerancia y la censura en los siglos XVI y XVII (FFI2010-12238-E) y con fondos del programa de «Ajuts a la publicació d'actes de congressos i reunions científiques» de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ACT2010-18).Los índices de libros prohibidos de los siglos xvi y xvii establecen en los prólogos que el fin principal de la censura de textos es la erradicación de la herejía y del error en materia de fe. La prohibición de impresos respondería, pues, a un propósito primario de erradicación de la heterodoxia y de depuración doctrinal; regula, para ello, la creación, impresión, edición, comercio y circulación de libros, y tiene, además, de forma secundaria, efectos disuasorios e inhibitorios sobre la lectura y escritura. Los índices expurgatorios, en cambio, sí permiten la difusión de las obras suspectas, pero sólo si previamente se hubieran sanado sus 'errores' o desviaciones, se hubiera restaurado su (supuesta) forma original o se hubiera reparado la posibilidad de un uso 'depravado' o malintencionado del texto. Una lectura atenta de los índices revela, además, otras 'razones' para la acción censoria, que, con el tiempo, no se limitaría a perseguir la herejía y el error de fe, sino que aspiraría a eliminar otras formas de contestación y a vigilar las costumbres, los usos lingüísticos, la decencia y la honestidad públicas

    Pathological Complete Response to Pembrolizumab plus Axitinib Combination following Serious Immune-Related Adverse Events in an Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient with a History of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs)-based combinations have improved survival outcomes of advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients and are currently recommended as first-line treatment options. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease (AD) of unknown etiology characterized by a chronic inflammatory process involving joints and extra-articular organs. Patients with AD are usually excluded from large randomized clinical trials investigating immunotherapeutic drugs. Therefore, little is known about clinical outcomes of patients with a history of RA treated with ICIs in real-world practice. In the present study, we report the clinical outcome of an advanced RCC patient with a history of RA treated with pembrolizumab in combination with axitinib. The patient experienced serious immune-related adverse events (irAEs) and achieved pathological complete response following only one ICI administration. Our case report shows that ICI-based combinations can be administered efficaciously in advanced RCC patients with a history of AD. However, a close monitoring of these patients is required, given the risk of irAEs and clinical exacerbations of symptoms associated with the preexisting AD. Moreover, prospective clinical data are needed to assess the hypothesis of a correlation between the onset of irAEs and AD flares and responses and survival outcomes to ICIs

    Class 1, 2, and 3 BRAF-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer: A detailed clinical, pathologic, and molecular characterization

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    Purpose: BRAF mutations are grouped in activating RASindependent signaling as monomers (class 1-V600E) or as dimers (class 2-codons 597/601), and RAS-dependent with impaired kinase activity (class 3-codons 594/596). Although clinical, pathologic, and molecular features of V600EBRAFmutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) are well known, limited data are available from the two other classes. Experimental Design: Data from 117 patients with BRAF (92 class 1, 12 class 2, and 13 class 3)-mutated mCRC were collected. A total of 540 BRAF wt mCRCs were included as control. IHC profiling was performed to determine the consensus molecular subtypes (CMS), cytokeratin 7/20 profiles, tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte infiltration, and BM1/BM2 categorization. Overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier and log-rank test. Results: Class 3 BRAF-mutated mCRC was more frequently left sided (P = 0.0028), pN0 (P = 0.0159), and without peritoneal metastases (P = 0.0176) compared with class 1, whereas class 2 cases were similar to class 1. Hazard ratio for OS, as compared with BRAF wt, was 2.38 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.61-3.54] for class 1, 1.90 (95% CI, 0.85-4.26) for class 2, and 0.93 (95% CI, 0.51-1.69) for class 3 (P < 0.0001). Class 2 and 3 tumors were all assigned to CMS2-3. A higher median CD3/CD8-positive lymphocyte infiltration was observed in BRAF-mutated class 2 (P = 0.033) compared with class 3 cases. Conclusions: For the first time, different clinical and pathologic features and outcome data were reported according to the three BRAF mutation classes in mCRC. Specific targeted treatment strategies should be identified in the near future for such patients