475 research outputs found


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    Di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, pencemaran oleh air limbah domestik merupakan jumlah pencemar terbesar (85%) yang masuk ke badan air. Sedangkan di negara maju pencemar domestik mencakup 15% dari seluruh pencemar yang memasuki badan air. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental sederhana dengan rancangan post test only group control design. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektifitas metode elektrokoagulasi  dan destilasi dalam menurunkan beban pencemar kimia pada limbah cair domestic. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh limbah cair yang ada di parit perumahan dagymoi tubo. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 liter limbah cair yang ada di parit perumahan dagymoi tubo . teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dissolved Oxigen pada perlakuan destilasi meningkat sebesar 566,66 % (6,8 ppm) sedangkan Dissolved Oxigen pada elektrokoagulasi meningkat sebesar 266,67% (3,2 ppm) dan pH pada destilasi maupun elektrokoagulasi menjadi netral dengan angka 7. Perlakuan dengan menggunakan destilasi lebih efektif dalam Meningkatkan DO, akan Tetapi sama dalam menetralkan pH.

    Sustainability Rankings: Impacts on Corporate Sustainability

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    Companies are increasingly being held responsible for their actions because of pressure to maintain a positive public perception, comply with legislation, fulfill their company vision, and outperform competitors. An increasing number of organizations now publish sustainability rankings to evaluate the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of companies. While the purpose of many sustainability rankings varies and may range from informing the public to informing investment decisions, many rankings also aim to improve the sustainability of companies. This report identifies changes, both improvements and declines, in the sustainability rankings of eight companies in the health care industry and attempts to connect these changes to corporate sustainability efforts. Interviews of sustainability professionals from within several of these companies provide insight on the causes for changes in rankings, the internal impacts of these changes, and the general impacts of sustainability rankings within their company. This analysis found that many companies have experienced a notable change in one or more sustainability rankings over the past several years. While it was challenging to identify the causes or impacts of a single ranking using externally available information, the interviews proved valuable. The causes of changes in rankings included changes to the company’s sustainability strategy and the development of a cohesive effort to perform well on the rankings that were considered most influential. Rankings that are well-recognized tend to have a greater impact on companies than those that are newer, focus on a specific topic, or are located in only one region. Rankings can generally impact companies by sparking discussion among employees, encouraging companies to evaluate their strategy to communicate sustainability, and providing a platform for sustainability professionals to communicate the company’s successes. Because employees are often drivers for a company’s sustainability, these findings indicate that sustainability rankings may provide a means to drive sustainability when this opportunity is recognized and utilized

    Pengaruh Latar Belakang Pendidikan, Skala Usaha, Pengetahuan Akuntansi Terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada UMKM

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of educational background, business scale and accounting knowledge on the use of accounting information systems in MSMEs in the furniture industry in Nagrak Village, Sukabumi Regency. This research is a quantitative research and uses primary data in the form of a questionnaire. The sampling technique was simple random sampling and 54 respondents. The data analysis method used was validity test, reliability test, descriptive statistical test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression and partial test. By testing using SPSS21. The results of the study stated that educational background and accounting knowledge had a positive effect on the use of accounting information systems. Meanwhile, the business scale has no effect on the use of accounting information systems

    Djibouti code of conduct : an instrument to suppress piracy in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden

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    Penilaian Stok Karbon Tanah Organik pada Beberapa Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur

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    Penilaian stok karbon tidak hanya pada vegetasi hutan, tetapi juga pada tanah termasuk tanah pertanian atau kebun, karena secara global stok SOC (soil organic carbon) ternyata merupakan teresterial terbesar cadangan karbon organik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui stok karbon tanah organik di kebun lada, kebun campuran, kebun karet, kebun jati dan lahan semak. Metode pengambilan sampel tanah ditentukan secara purposive sampling, kemudian untuk analisis stok karbon tanah organik berdasarkan kerapatan lindak, C-organik dan kedalaman tanah mengacu pada penilaian oleh Badan Standarisasi Nasional.Total SOC di berbagai tempat tergantung dari karakteristik tanah, curah hujan, manajemen pengolahan tanah, topografi, organisme tanah, dan faktor lingkungan lainnya. Berdasarkan penilaian SOC di kebun campuran dan kebun karet lebih tinggi, yaitu 160 dan 121 ton/ha. Kedua lahan tersebut memiliki kelerengan datar, sehingga potensi kehilangan bahan organik di tanah permukaan akibat erosi tergolong rendah. Sedangkan di kebun lada, jati dan semak masing-masing 60. 25 dan 24 ton/ha. Penilaian total SOC berdasarkan kandungan C-organik, kerapatan lindak (Bulk Density) dan kedalaman tanah tertentu pada tiap satuan unit lahan dianggap cukup signifikan, sehingga penelitian seperti ini lebih banyak lagi dilakukan dalam rangka menguatkan informasi untuk estimasi total SOC untuk daerah yang lebih luas atau secara global

    Crime, social control and social organisation : a historically oriented analysis of crime and social control with special reference to Kenya

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    This thesis, taking Kenya as a specific example is an attempt to look at crime and social control in its historical specificity. The thesis takes social control as the point of departure in its explanation of crime. Underlying the analysis offered here is the contention that any meaningful explanation of crime must start with an appreciation of the relationship between crime and social con¬ trol, especially the role law in general and criminal law in particular plays in the creation and development of specific social structures and its consequences for the general social fabric

    Analysis of Head Loss in Pipe System Components: Quasi-one-Dimensional Nozzle Flow

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    The problem under investigation is to determine the flow-field variables that is the total head which is the sum total of Elevation head, velocity head  and pressure head instantaneous distributions as a function of distance through the nozzle up to “steady-state” solution that is, when the result approach the stage where the flow-field variables are not materially changing any more. The finite difference method is used to arrive at the results. Effects of temperature and density on velocity and pressure are analyzed with the help of a graph and table. It is found that the total head loss needed to accelerate the fluid through the constriction/the nozzle throat causes fluid velocity to increase. Keywords: Quasi-one-dimensional flow, Head loss, Incompressible flow, Steady state flow

    Learning Community dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas XII SMA Lpp Umi Makassar

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    . Learning Community in Learning English Speaking Skills High School Class XII LPP Umi Makassar. One of the methods that can be applied in an effort to develop students' ability to speak is learning community (community learning and studying together). Learning community is a concept of creating shared learning in school, the learning process between teachers and teachers, teachers and students, students with students, and even among the school community with the community outside the school. This study aimed to describe the extent to which the effectiveness of the learning community in learning English speaking skills high school students of class XII LPP UMI Makassar measured using desaian research that is experimental type of pretest-posttest control group design experiments. Furthermore, data were collected using observation and oral tests were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that the learning community is effectively used in improving the skills of English speaking high school students of class XII LPP UMI Makassar. It is based on the results of data analysis showed that the average test speaking skills of students who take classes that implement the learning in the learning community is higher than the results of the test speaking skills of students who take the learning in the classroom learning community that does not apply

    The symptom and genetic diversity of cassava brown streak viruses infecting cassava in East Africa

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    The genetic and symptom diversity of six virus isolates causing cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) in the endemic (Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania) and the recently affected epidemic areas (Uganda) of eastern Africa was studied. Five cassava varieties; Albert, Colombian, Ebwanateraka, TMS60444 (all susceptible) and Kiroba (tolerant) were graft inoculated with each isolate. Based on a number of parameters including the severity of leaf and root symptoms, and the extent of virus transmission by grafting, the viruses were classified as either severe or relatively mild. These results were further confirmed by the mechanical inoculation of 13 herbaceous hosts in which the virulent isolates caused plant death in Nicotiana clevelandii and N. benthamiana whereas the milder isolates did not. Phylogenetic analysis of complete coat protein gene sequences of these isolates together with sequences obtained from 14 other field-collected samples from Kenya and Zanzibar, and reference sequences grouped them into two distinct clusters, representing the two species of cassava brown streak viruses. Put together, these results did not suggest the association of a hypervirulent form of the virus with the current CBSD epidemic in Uganda. Identification of the severe and milder isolates, however, has further implications for disease management and quarantine requirements