33 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to examine the factors that could affect the distribution of jobs accomplishment, which was included the distribution of corporate social media, information technologies competencies, and jobs interconnections. This research used the partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to test the proposed hypothesis. Participants in this study included 367 respondents as the employees in Indonesia.  The data collected in this research used a surveyed approached to get responses from participants. The results of data analysis in this research revealed that corporate social media had a significant direct effect on jobs accomplishment and jobs interconnections. In addition, the information technologies competencies had also showed to have an essential direct role in jobs accomplishment and jobs interconnections. Jobs interconnections had also showed to have a significant direct influence on jobs accomplishment. This study proved that jobs interconnections had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between corporate social media and jobs accomplishment, but it had no influencers the relationship between information technologies competencies and jobs accomplishment

    The Effect of Self-Efficacy, Self-Leadership, and Work Ethic on Employee Performance in Manufacturing Companies

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the role of self-leadership, self-efficacy, and work ethic on employee performance in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach with explanatory methods to determine the causality among variables. The population was manufacturing employees in Surabaya, Indonesia, with a sample of 260 employees who responded to the questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. Data analysis was done using multiple linear regression. T-test and F-test were used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that selfleadership, self-efficacy and work ethic play a role in the value of 0.680. In other words, the three aspects had a 68% influence on improving employee performance. While the hypothesis testing showed, the F-test had a significant effect of <0.05. The results implied a significant effect, but only self-efficacy has a significant effect on employee performance. In contrast, self-leadership and work ethic have no significant effect. This indicates that employees should be encouraged to have self-efficacy to improve their performance. Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Self-Leadership, work ethic and employee performanc


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    This research was conducted to analyze the variables that can influence critical thinking in students of Malaysia and Indonesia. The population was students of higher institutions and alumni from several universities in Malaysia and Indonesia. The data was collected by survey method, which is the questionnaire. SmartPLS was used to analyze the data. The findings indicate that both education and student factors have significant influence on the critical thinking and Performance of Malaysian and Indonesian students. However, family and healthy food do not significantly influence on critical thinking and performance of students. Interestingly, in terms of education and family conditions has differences between Indonesians and Malaysians, and Indonesian respondents are higher than Malaysians. Furthermore, for personal factor and healthy food has significant differences. In this respect, Malaysian respondents show higher results than Indonesian respondents. Keyword: Ecucational Factor, Personal personality, Family Factors, Healthy Food, Critical Thinking, and Academic Performanc

    Workability and Self Awareness on Employee Engagement in Indonesian Manufacturing Industries

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of Work ability and Self Awareness on Employee Engagement of the manufacturing Industries. Respondents of this study is the employees from manufacturing industries with a sample of 80 taken randomly from 6 companies in Surabaya Indonesia, the source of data used in this research are primary data taken by survey techniques with questionnaire as a instruments that have been tested for validity and reliability. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, multiple correlation, t-test and F-test. The Results of this study shows that work ability has a significant effect on Employee Engagement, as well as Self Awareness has a significant effect on employee Engagement, the implication of this study is that to increase employee Engagement can be done by providing support to employees on improving work capability and employee elf awareness in the company, because there are many research which states that employee engagement can improve the employee performance

    The Influence of Work Ability and Self Confidence on Employee Performance pn Cosmetic Companies in Surabaya Indonesia

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    This study aims to prove and analyze the influence of work ability, self-confidence on employee performance. The respondents of this study were 105 employees of several companies in Surabaya. The research used total population sampling or sampling techniques that make all members of the population a sample. The data collection method used in this study is the survey method with questionnaires as instruments. The results of this study indicate that work ability has a significant effect on employee performance. Self Confidence has a significant influence on employee’s performance. Work ability and self-confidence simultaneously significantly influence employee’s performance, this research implies that to improve employee’s performance, the company must pay attention to the ability of employees, and self confidence to increase employee performance. Keywords: Work Ability; Self Confidence; Employee performance

    ANALISIS KELAYAKAN INVESTASI BUDIDAYA TAMBAK UDANG EKTENSIF DAN SEMI INTENSIF (Studi Kasus Budidaya Udang Bapak Abdul Wafi dan Bapak Sakkin di Pulau Bawean)

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    Bawean Island is one of the areas located in Gresik Regency. The main commodities of Bawean Island are agriculture and fisheries. The sector that is the mainstay is fisheries, where the presence of marine is one of the factor sectors that influence the development of the fisheries sector. Shrimp cultivation is an aquaculture business related to the maintenance of shrimp from fry until the shrimp are ready for sale. Shrimp aquaculture systems consist of extensive and semi-intensive systems. Extensive shrimp farming is shrimp ponds that still use nature's grace and low costs. While semi-intensive shrimp ponds are shrimp ponds that require high costs compared to extensive shrimp ponds. The methods used in this research are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate Of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), and Profibility Index (PI) methods. The author conducted a survey by calculating the amount of income and income made in Extensive and Semi-Intensive Shrimp Ponds to find out how well a business is built. The results of the Extensive Shrimp Pond research show an income of Rp. 340,000,000 and semi-intensive Shrimp Ponds with an income of Rp. 671,000,000, NPV of Extensive Shrimp Ponds of Rp. 219,486,340 and Semi Intensive Shrimp Ponds of Rp. 339,274,084, IRR for Extensive Shrimp Ponds of Rp. 6.01% and Semi-Intensive Shrimp Ponds of Rp. 6.82%, PP Shrimp Ponds Extensive 3 months 41 days and PP Shrimp Ponds Extensive 3 months 52 days. PI for Extensive Shrimp Ponds Rp. 4.93 and Rp. Semi-Intensive Shrimp Pond. 9,42

    Community Participation In Developing Cupak Village As A Tourist Destination In Jombang, East Java, Indonesia

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    This research was conducted to utilize a model of community participation in the development Cupak Village as a Tourist Destination in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, which describes the participation of the community in the development of a tourist village. The informants in this study were village officials, pokdarwis administrators, local youth organizations, community representatives and visitors. Information was taken through structured interviews. The study results show that developing a tourism village requires participation from various parties, including the community as the major actor, the local government, and stakeholders in charge of providing guidance. Likewise, the university's role took a significant place by providing Assistance in managing the tourism village while the role of SMEs is to provide special products that can be offered to visitors. The implication oif this study. This research aims to provide an overview of village communities in developing tourism villages by involving the community to participate

    Pendirian Taman Baca Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Baca di SDN Bringen I

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    Pendidikan yang tepat dan berhasil adalah pendidikan yang melibatkan anak didik dalam proses berpikir, mencari, menemukan, mengolah dan menyimpulkan sendiri melalui sumber belajar atau membaca.Mendirikan“TAMAN BACA†Layaknya perpustakaan. Menyediakan bahan pustaka yang sangat berguna bagi pelaksanaan dan peningkatan proses belajar mengajar juga dapat mengembangkan daya ingat dan dapat menambah wawasan siswa SDN 1 Bringen. Tujuan utama mendirikan “TAMAN BACA†dapat membangkitkan dan meningkatkan minat baca sehingga tercipta siswa yang cerdas, menjadi sebuah wadah kegiatan belajar siswa, danbisa mewujudkan siswa gemar membaca (reading society )dan gemar belajar (learning society). Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Membaca, Sisw

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Wanita Berwirausaha di Kota Surabaya

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    The aim of this research was to know what factors affected to the women decision making as enterprneur in Surabaya, and to answer to the research problem which is how is the internal dan eksternal factors affected to the women decision makingas as entrepreneur.Data gathering in this research was using survey method with questionair as instrument in this research. Responden in this research come from the women small enterprenuer populations, there was 150 women small enterprenuer choose by the purposif sampling technique. To answer the research problems dan test of hypothesis data was analyzed by using deskriptif analisis, Correlation, Regression F-test dan t-test.The result of the research show to us that the internal factors (interest, empowerment, and motivation) was affected to women in decision making as enterprneur especially interest and motivation, but the empowerment was not affected significantly. Furthermore eksternal factors such as the husband support and financial resource was not all affected but only the husband support was significantly affected. And the most dominant affected between those two variables was Motivation factor


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    The purpose of this study is to develop of new Entrepreneur of the Housewives inSutorejo village, Surabaya Municipality, Indonesia. This study began by providingequipment and batik materials, than training of batik design and coloring as well asbusiness management so that the partners of this study becomes an entrepreneur, so thatcould generate additional income in the prosperous family. This activity is aimed athousewife in Sutorejo village, Mulyorejo Sub-district with name "Group of Serasi 1 andSerasi Group 2" which has the number of members as many as 16 people each group,Previously they did batik in Village office with equipment in turn because there are onlyfew of tools used by all members, and they have minimal of skills especially indesigning, coloring, and business management.This Community Partnership Program (PKM) is done by providing equipment andmaterials as well as training in the field of batik with the design and coloring thatcharacterizes its own as a batik icon that will be in the production of the Serasi group.Moreover, the purpose of this activity is to prepare them as SMEs which capable toproduct, sell and well manage the business appropriately, they must have knowledge inthe field of management, especially business management, Marketing and managingfinance. With equipment, competence on designing batik with coloring techniques andmanagement skill they able to produce and sell batik product to earn income.Keywords: Enterprenuer, Batik Design, Batik Coloring, and Business Managemen