13 research outputs found

    Employee’s productivity at the operation of indonesian railway

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    This research was done to study the effect of the physical work environment and nonphysical workplace environment on employee’s productivity. It was conducted at the Indonesian Railway Corp. operation district 8. The population consists of 250 employees and the sample was determined using Slovin’s equation with the size 71 employees. The data was taken using a questionnaire and analyzed using linear regression to analyze the partial and simultaneous effect of the physical work envi-ronment and nonphysical workplace environment towards employee’s productivity. Based on the statistical analysis conducted using SPSS 18, the p-Value of the physical workplace environment and nonphysical workplace environment are 0.013 and 0.036 respectively, both are less than 0.05. Thus, it indicates that the physical workplace environment and nonphysical workplace environment significantly and partially affect employee’s productivity, while the F-count is 14.831 and its p-Value is 0.000 (<0.05) indicating that physical workplace environment and non-physical workplace environment simultaneously affected employee’s productivity. The regression coefficient (R2) was 0.504 or 50.4 %. Therefore, it also shows that the physical workplace environment and non-physical workplace environment simultaneously affected employee’s productivity about 50.4%, and about 49.6% might be affected by other variables

    Peran Pemerintah terhadap Pengembangan Eksistensi Pariwisata di Madura Berbasis Halal Tourism

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja peran dan strategi pemerintah (Dinas Pariwisata) terhadap pengembangan pariwisata di Madura berbasis halal tourism. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer melalui teknik pengumpulan data dari observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.&nbsp;peran pemerintah khususnya pada Dinas Pariwisata di Madura sudah melakukan berbagai upaya dalam pengembangan pariwisata yang ada di Madura. Peran tersebut terdiri dari tiga aspek yaitu fasilitator, dinamisator dan motivator. Aspek fasilitator sebagai penyedia dan penunjang sarana prasarana serta infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Aspek dinamisator sebagai upaya menggerakan dan memelihara dinamika kepariwisataan seperti pembentukan POKDARWIS serta pembuat kebijakan menjadi katalisator bagi pertumbuhan dan pengembangan pariwisata. Sedangkan aspek motivator ini pemerintah sebagai pelopor dan pemberi edukasi pada pengelola pariwisata dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan pihak terkait melalui pelatihan atau pembinaan. Selain itu strategi pemerintah Dinas Pariwisata di Madura dalam mengembangkan juga sudah terlaksana dengan baik melalui promosi dan kerja sama dengan pihak luar, hal ini dilakukan untuk menarik daya tarik masyarakat terhadap pariwisata yang ada di Madura. Meskipun belum adanya regulasi resmi terkait pariwisata halal dari pemerintah, sudah menerapkan komponen yang ada dalam pariwisata halal. Hal ini didukung karena adanya kultur budaya Masyarakat Madura selalu mengedepankan nilai-nilai keislaman pada kehidupan sehari-harinya, khususnya pada industri pariwisata.&nbsp

    Strategi Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Petani Indonesia, Review Manajemen Strategis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun kerangka strategi peningkatan kesejahteraan petani, terkait kondisi petani, stakeholder pertanian, strategi yang dilakukan, dan ukuran kinerja, untuk memberikan gambaran trend manajemen strategis dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Penelitian ini mengandalkan studi pustaka dari artikel tentang aspek sosioekonomi dan kebijakan pertanian di Indonesia. Kelembagaan, tata niaga, produksi pertanian, kebutuhan komoditas pertanian, regulasi pertanian, keuangan, manajemen risiko, demografi sosial, teknologi pertanian, ekologi, adalah kondisi yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan petani Indonesia. Strategi penguatan kesejahteraan petani yang teridentifikasi adalah: intensifikasi, ekstensifikasi, diversifikasi usaha, manajemen pemasaran dan rantai pasok, kemitraan dan kelembagaan, adopsi teknologi, manajemen risiko dan keuangan. Penerapan strategi ini memerlukan sinergi stakeholder pertanian: pemerintahan pusat dan daerah, industri, pedagang komoditas, lembaga keuangan, koperasi dan lembaga tani. Ukuran kinerja dari strategi-strategi ini adalah: peningkatan produktifitas, pengurangan biaya, perbaikan kualitas produk, akses pasar lebih luas, kestabilan keuangan, perlindungan risiko, kondisi kerja lebih baik, diferensiasi sumber penghasilan, dan kelestarian lingkungan


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    The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of organizational culture, work motivation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) to employee performance. This research is conducted in Pamekasan Regency Government. The samples of this research are 116 respondents. The sample technique which used in this research is proportional stratified random sampling. And then, this study employs questionnaire by a large number of answers based on a 5-point likert scale to collect the needed data and information.  The result of this research reveals that the work motivation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) influence significantly to employee performance in Pamekasan Regency Government. Nevertheless, organizational culture do not influence significantly to employee performance in Pamekasan Regency Government

    AI Enabled-6G: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Integration of 6G Wireless Communications

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    The research in wireless communication is rapidly shifting to the next generation mobile system, 6G. Fifth-generation mobile network standards are now in use. However, there are still some user criteria that are expected to be satisfied in the sixth-generation communication network. 6G is estimated to enable the unprecedented intelligence Internet of Things with extremely varied stimulating necessities. Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) is considered as a novel paradigm for the designing and optimizing intelligent 6G architectures, standards and functions. By 2030, all of the people would be using 6G.&nbsp;In this paper, we investigate 6G trends, requirements, challenges &amp; potential solutions and how AI-enabled technique can integrate 6G communications. The analysis section provides the need and how AI-empowered technique efficiently and effectively enhances the performance of network. The 6G networks based on intelligent AI architecture used to understand automatic network adjustment, knowledge discovery, intelligent service provisioning, and smart resource management

    Radar Based Activity Recognition using CNN-LSTM Network Architecture

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    Human Activity Recognition based research has got intensified based on the evolving demand of smart systems. There has been already a lot of wearables, digital smart sensors deployed to classify various activities. Radar sensor-based Activity recognition has been an active research area during recent times. In order to classify the radar micro doppler signature images we have proposed a approach using Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory (CNN-LSTM). Convolutional Layer is used to update the filter values to learn the features of the radar images. LSTM Layer enhances the temporal information besides the features obtained through Convolutional Neural Network. We have used a dataset published by University of Glasgow that captures six activities for 56 subjects under different ages, which is a first of its kind dataset unlike the signals captured under controlled lab environment. Our Model has achieved 96.8% for the training data and 93.5% for the testing data. The proposed work has outperformed the existing traditional deep learning Architectures

    Pengaruh Sumber Daya Manusia dan Ekonomi Kreatif pada Peningkatan Parawisata Halal Pantai Lon Malang di kabupaten Sampang

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    Madura Island has many halal tourism destinations that need to be developed, one of which is Lon Malang beach which is located in Sampang Regency, the Regency is known for its people who are very thick with Islamic teachings. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the increase in Halal Tourism in terms of human resources and creative economy. The population and sample in this study were 91 respondents consisting of 37 administrative staff and 54 field workers who are creative economic actors in the halal tourism area of Lon Malang Beach, Sampang Regency, using a quantitative descriptive approach. The data analysis method uses measurement model analysis (Outer Model) and structural model analysis (Inner Model), while hypothesis testing uses t statistical test (partial) and f statistical test (simultaneous) which is assisted by statistical aids, namely SmartPLS version 3.0 software. The results showed that: 1) Human Resources has a significant effect on increasing halal tourism, 2) Creative Economy has a significant effect on Increasing Halal Tourism, 3) Human Resources and Creative Economy have a significant effect simultaneously on Increasing Halal Tourism


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    The tourism industry has entered a new era, namely the digital era of tourism. The digital era of tourism forces tourist destination managers to innovate more in tourism management in line with changes in technological advances. One of the important roles in tourism management is the leadership role of tourism management organizations. One of the leadership styles that can be applied to deal with digital era tourism is transformational leadership. The purpose of this study is to find out whether transformational leadership has been implemented in Tlangoh Beach Pokdarwis to deal with digital era tourism or the 4.0 era, understanding of tourism that has entered the digital era, and strategies that can be applied to deal with digital era tourism. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative which aims to reveal a situation as it should be. The results of the study show that there are two dimensions of transformational leadership that have not yet been implemented by the Pokdarwis chairman, namely: intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. The understanding that tourism has now entered the digital era is also considered lacking in this research. Seeing these problems, there are three strategies that can be implemented to deal with digital era tourism. The strategy is to carry out positioning, differentiating, and branding of tourist destinations

    Implemetation of Employment Services Application System (SAPK) In Updating Civil Servants Data in Indonesia

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    This research background is to find out and analyze the impelementation of staffing service application systems in updating civil servants data in Indonesia.The research method used is qualitatively descriptive. The study used two data sources: direct data and additional data. Information is immediately retrieved by conducting an interview. Additional information is taken from literature studies through books, articles, research journals and media. The results of this study show that through staffing service application systems are able to realize accountable, transparent and up-to-date data. MySAPK application is able to provide faster and excellent service