1,531 research outputs found

    Criades globals: noves formes de precarització de les joves universitàries en situació d'au pair

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    Au pair mobility, originally conceived as a form of cultural exchange, conceals forms of paid work and without a clear legal basis, developed mainly by young women with higher education. This program has become a way for middle-class families that can outsource housework, getting cheap and very flexible care work. First, we describe how in a context of increasing of the vital precariousness, the dominant discourses on human capital and cosmopolitanism prescribe as desirable the mobility in order to increase the employability. Second, by analyzing in-depth interviews we approach to the experiences and representations of women that were employed as au pairs. The results highlight the use of this program to address the absence of labour expectations. This use forced by the situation outlined a scenario that intensifies the pressure felt by the au pairs. Everyday relationships with the families favour the emergence and maintenance of forms of exploitation, hidden under the guise of family relations, where the exchanges are guided by the logic of reciprocity and emotional rewards

    Por mis hijos lo que sea... o casi : identidades de madres y padres que han vivido un divorcio

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    A partir de los discursos de personas divorciadas o separadas (de generaciones nacidas entre 1965 y 1975), se analiza la configuración de las identidades parentales. El divorcio implica reorganizar aspectos relativos al cuidado de hijos/as, favoreciendo la reflexión sobre la propia identidad parental. Nuestra hipótesis problematiza los resultados de Solsona y Ferrer (2010), quienes destacan la centralidad del hecho de ser madres y padres entre las generaciones mayores. Destacan entre los resultados que las mujeres reubican la maternidad al mismo nivel de importancia que otros aspectos de sus trayectorias vitales, mientras que los hombres tienden a idealizar la paternidad. From the discourses of divorced or separated (from generations born between 1965 and 1975), this article analyses the configuration of parental identities. Divorce involves reorganizing aspects of caring for children, encouraging reflection on self-parental identity. Our hypothesis problematizes the results of Solsona and Ferrer (2010), who emphasize the centrality of being mothers and fathers among the older generations. We highlight among the findings that men and women are redefining perceptions about their role as parents. Women displace motherhood at the same level of importance as other aspects of their life trajectories, while men tend to idealize parenthood

    Técnicas de ofensa y defensa a los fallos por corrupción de memoria

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    Las técnicas de ataque a aplicaciones por corrupción de memoria aprovechanlas debilidades de los programas para obtener ejecución de código arbitrario. Estosfallos de programación han sido utilizados por diferentes ataques desde la década delos ochenta. Este documento presenta las diferentes técnicas que puede utilizar unatacante para lograr su objetivo y las precauciones que debe tener un desarrolladorde aplicaciones, para evitar que su programa esté expuesto a vulnerabilidades quepermitan ejecutar ataques por corrupción de memoria. Los fabricantes de sistemasoperativos y compiladores introdujeron diferentes mecanismos de defensa paraproteger las aplicaciones. Estos mecanismos no son excluyentes y cada uno tiene suspropios objetivos de diseño para añadir nuevas capas de seguridad

    The cult of the entrepreneur within the EU framework: The advance of an entrepreneurship activation model

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    This paper approaches the concept of 'activation' by looking at the notion of what an entrepreneur is. At present, the entrepreneur is Neo-Liberalism's Poster Child and is enshrined in EU-2020 programmes. It should be noted that the diffusion of entrepreneurship is taking place against the background of two great changes in the social and employment fields. The first is the progressive corporatisation of wage labour, with a drive towards individualisation and taking responsibility mainly in qualified jobs. The second is the blurring of boundaries in salaried work due to the proliferation of new kinds of self-employment. Salaried work, especially for highly-skilled staff, is being re-cast in an entrepreneurial mould. This redefinition is forging new practices and archetypes that will transform the world of work. This paper therefore makes a deeper analysis of labour activation processes in the EU-2020 strategy through the idea of the entrepreneur

    Hoy es el futuro : de la activación universitaria a las respuestas colectivas frente a la precariedad juvenil.

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    La precarización de la juventud universitaria discurre en paralelo a la intensificación de los mensajes sobre la activación. Estos mensajes, apoyados en la noción de la empleabilidad, responsabilizan a los jóvenes de las dificultades para encontrar empleos mínimamente dignos. Frente a esta doble agresión (la precarización y su legitimación), una parte de la juventud ha articulado respuestas colectivas y ha desplegado estrategias de resignificación y visibilización del conflicto social. En el presente texto examinamos críticamente el proceso de extensión de la doctrina neoliberal de la activación en relación a la universidad y analizamos las acciones de Juventud Sin Futuro, una iniciativa colectiva protagonizada por jóvenes universitarios

    Design Optimization of the Aeronautical Sheet Hydroforming Process Using the Taguchi Method

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    The aluminium alloy sheet forming processes forging in rubber pad and diaphragm presses (also known as hydroforming processes) are simple and economical processes adapted to aeronautical production. Typical defects of these processes are elastic recovery, necking, and wrinkling, and they present di culties in control mainly due to property variations of the sheet material that take place during the process. In order to make these processes robust and unresponsive to material variations, a multiobjective optimization methodology based on the Taguchi method is proposed in the present study. The design of experiments and process simulation are combined in the methodology, using the nonlinear finite element method. The properties of sheet material are considered noise factors of the hydroforming process, the objective being to find a combination of the control factors that causes minimal defects to noise factors. The methodology was applied to an AA2024-T3 aluminium alloy sheet of 1 mm thickness stamping process in a diaphragm press. The results allowed us to establish the optimal pressure values, friction coeficient between sheet and block, and friction coeficient between sheet and rubber to reduce the elastic recovery variations and the minimal thickness before noise facts

    MREM: Una red recurrente con estados neuronales generalizados

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    Presentación de una generalización de las redes de Hopfiel

    Min–max MPC using a tractable QP problem

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    Min–max model predictive controllers (MMMPC) suffer from a great computational burden that is often circumvented by using approximate solutions or upper bounds of the worst possible case of a performance index. This paper proposes a computationally efficient MMMPC control strategy in which a close approximation of the solution of the min–max problem is computed using a quadratic programming problem. The overall computational burden is much lower than that of the min–max problem and the resulting control is shown to have a guaranteed stability. A simulation example is given in the paper
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