33 research outputs found

    Geometria do fêmur proximal em ossos de brasileiros

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    Objetivo: Fornecer dados sobre a morfometria do fêmur proximal adulto para que se estabeleçam parâmetros e correlações entre as diversas medidas dessa porção do osso de brasileiros. Material e Método: Realizamos a avaliação da geometria da extremidade proximal de 183 fêmures secos de adultos brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, sem idade cronológica determinada. A morfometria constou da obtenção das medidas: comprimento do colo do fêmur (CCF); largura do colo do fêmur (LCF); comprimento do eixo femoral (CEF); ângulo colodiafisário (ACD). Foi realizada também a densitometria óssea (DEXA) de 18 fêmures. A análise estatística constou do cálculo da média aritmética (X); desvio-padrão (SD) e mediana (Me), sendo testadas essas variáveis quanto ao lado através dos testes t de Student e Não- Paramétrico de Mann Whitney. Realizamos a correlação e a regressão linear simples entre as variáveis que apresentavam associação com o CEF. Resultado: Correlacionamos as medidas morfométricas com a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e as densidades entre si. Encontramos os seguintes valores médios para os lados direito e esquerdo: CCF = 24,9 ± 4,5 mm e 24,3 ± 4,2 mm; LCF = 26,7 ± 3,1 mm e 26,3 ± 3,3 mm; CEF = 92,1 ± 6,9 mm e 92,0 ± 7,1 mm; ACD = 111,2° ± 5,9 e 114,2° ± 5,5. A correlação entre CEF x ACD não foi significante. As correlações entre morfometria e DMO foram menos significativas que as correlações das densidades entre si. Conclusão: Podemos acreditar que a associação entre o CEF e as outras medidas pode ter valor preditivo no risco de fratura. Considerando a importância desse fator, procedemos a este estudo para podermos fornecer dados da geometria femoral de ossos de brasileiros, bem como possibilitar aplicação desses dados na prática clínica.On this work, the evaluation of the proximal extremity of 183 dry femurs, taken from corpses of Brazilian adults, collected, randomly, in the Anatomic Department of the State University of Rio de Janeiro has been analyzed; either sex status or chronological age of the sample were not considered on this work. Morphometric measurements were taken, and bony densiometry (DEXA) done on 18 of then. The morphometric measurements were: length of the femoral neck (CCF); width of the femoral neck (LCF); length of femoral axis (CEF); neck-shaft angle (ACD). The measurements were then submitted to arithmetic average (X), standard deviation (SD) and medium (Me), the Student t and Non-Parametric Mann Whitney tests, as well as the linear regression and correlation analysis between the variables that presented in association with CEF. A correlation analysis morphometric measurements and the mineral bone density (DMO) were also done, as well as the density itself. The average values found for the right and left sides were: CF = 436.9 ± 26.3 mm and 441.7 ± 27.7 mm; CCF = 24.9 ± 4.5 mm and 24.3 ± 4.2 mm; LCF = 26.7 ± 3,1 mm and 26.3 ± 3.3 mm; LDF = 29.8 ± 2.9 mm and 30.7 ± 2.6 mm; DCF = 43.5 ± 3.3 mm and 43.9 ± 3.7 mm; CEF = 92.1 ± 6.9 mm and 92.0 ± 7.1 mm; AI = 111.2° ± 5.9 and 114.2° ± 5.5; AT= 16 ° and 18°. The results have shown no significant differences regarding the femur side (right and feft) , but those have been shown when CEF versus DCF and CEF versus LDF have been compared. The morphometry has also been correlated to the densiometry and no significance has been found. A positive significance has been found in the densiometry itself. The literature review has mentioned differences in race, bone mass and proximal extremity architecture and has postulated their relevance regarding the potential fracture risk. Based on this work, the authors have concluded that such a study could be used as a parameter for the Brazilians femurs, and it could be related to the clinical practice


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    As informações referentes à qualidade fisiológica das sementes de crambe são escassas quando comparadas às das grandes culturas. A avaliação do vigor de sementes pode ser realizada por vários métodos, sendo um dos mais usados o teste do envelhecimento acelerado. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o envelhecimento acelerado variando  tempos de exposição a temperatura de 41°C. As sementes foram distribuídas sobre telas de alumínio, no interior de caixas plásticas contendo 40 mL de água destilada. As caixas foram mantidas em câmara regulada a 41°C por  12, 24, 48, 72 e 96 h mais o controle a 0 h. Após cada período, as sementes foram submetidas ao teste de germinação, calculando-se a percentagem de plântulas normais, anormais, sementes duras e mortas, após oito dias da instalação do teste, mantidas em germinador a 25 ºC. As sementes submetidas aos períodos de 72 e 96 h apresentaram baixo percentual de plântulas normais, diferindo estatisticamente do controle e dos períodos de 12, 24 e 48 h, com elevado percentual de sementes mortas (64 e 25,75% respectivamente). As submetidas por 96 h apresentaram 71,75% de sementes duras, diferindo de todos os tratamentos. Nas condições em que os testes foram realizados, conclui-se que as sementes de crambe apresentaram redução do vigor quando expostas ao envelhecimento acelerado a partir de 72 h.&nbsp

    Innovation of Textiles through Natural By-Products and Wastes

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    Nowadays, the competitiveness of the textile industry and the consumers’ interest have been increasing the demand for innovative and functional textiles. Allied to this, sustainable developments are playing an increasingly important role in the textile industry. Such concerns led to a new development strategy based on the valorization of bio-based wastes and by-products of different industries, inserting this in the circular economy paradigm. These bio-based wastes and by-products come from several industries, as the agri-food industry. These resources present an enormous potential for valorization in the textile finish due to their intrinsic properties (antimicrobial, prebiotic, antioxidant activity, among others). This chapter will review the latest innovation and textile product development through different by-products and wastes, their main properties and characteristics and the advantages that they offer to the textile industry

    Women managers' teams : social representations about feminine management

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender a maneira como as equipes que têm uma mulher como gerente estão construindo representações sociais sobre este gerenciar. Participaram 74 mulheres e 72 homens de equipes que trabalham com sete mulheres que atingiram o topo de carreira, ocupando cargos administrativos nos níveis DAS 5 e DAS 6 da Administração Pública Federal. Utilizou-se a associação livre de palavras, sendo as respostas analisadas pelo software EVOC. Os resultados indicam que os participantes identificam algumas características que as equipes atribuem ao gerenciamento feminino. Apontam para uma forma de gestão voltada para as relações pessoais, respeito pela pessoa, preocupação com a qualidade do trabalho. Um gerenciamento cujo estilo interativo se caracterizaria pela capacidade de promover a inclusão, característico das formas de redes planas de gestão

    Women managers' teams – social representations about feminine management / Equipes gerenciadas por mulheres - representações sociais sobre gerenciamento feminino

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    The aim of this study was to apprehend the way teams that have a woman as amanager are building the social representation about this management. The participants were 74 women and 72 men whose teams work with seven women who have reached the top of their careers in administrative positions of DAS 5 and DAS 6 levels of the Public Federal Administration. A free association test was applied and analyzed through the EVOC software. The results showed that the participants identified some characteristics on women management that were considered a feminine form of leadership: interpersonal relationship, respect for individuality, concern with the quality of work. This kind of management carries an interactive style that is characterized by the capacity to promote inclusion, which is a characteristic of flat management nets

    Vocal Effects In Military Students Submitted To An Intense Recruit Training: A Pilot Study.

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    This study aims at evaluating the vocal parameters of military officers before and after an Intense Recruit Training (IRT), consisting of a 48-hour exercise protocol involving high vocal demand combined with physical effort, lower body hydration levels, and fewer hours of sleep. Eighty-three young male military officers (aged between 18 and 22 years) were recorded on three occasions: before, immediately after, and 2 weeks after the IRT. Maximum phonation times (MPTs) using vocalization of the vowel /a/, the fricative consonants /s/ and /z/, and connected speech samples were collected. A number of acoustic parameters were analyzed: mean fundamental frequency, mean intensity, jitter, shimmer, harmonics-to-noise ratio, spectral emphasis (acoustic correlate of vocal effort), H1-H2 (difference between the amplitude of the first and the second harmonic), and the frequency and intensity ranges. For the immediate effects, statistical analyses were conducted using a paired sample t test (P = 0.05) to compare two moments: before and after the IRT. For the long-lasting effect, statistical analyses were conducted using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (P = 0.05) to compare between all three moments (before, immediately after, and 2 weeks after the IRT). The MPTs of /a/, /s/, and /z/, the acoustic parameters as spectral emphasis, and the mean of intensity showed statistically significant changes between the data from before and immediately after training took place. The MPT of /a/ and the intensity range showed statistically significant changes between the measurements taken immediately after training and the ones taken 2 weeks after training; there were significant differences in the comparisons between the three groups of data acquired. Some of the acoustic parameters were able to identify changes in the vocal conditions of the military students as consequence of high intensity voice and physical military training. The changes in the vocal intensity and MPT parameters seem to be related to general fatigue and lower hydration. The absence of impact in some parameters, specially 2 weeks after the IRT, may reveal that the students' voice is getting used to the military activities.3061-6