1,115 research outputs found

    Computational modelling approaches to vaccinology

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    Excepting the Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems, the Immune System is the most complex of somatic systems in higher animals. This complexity manifests itself at many levels from the molecular to that of the whole organism. Much insight into this confounding complexity can be gained through computational simulation. Such simulations range in application from epitope prediction through to the modelling of vaccination strategies. In this review, we evaluate selectively various key applications relevant to computational vaccinology: these include technique that operates at different scale that is, from molecular to organisms and even to population level

    Is empowerment of female radiologists still needed? Findings of a systematic review

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    Considering that radiology is still a male-dominated specialty in which men make up more than two thirds of the workforce, this systematic review aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the current role of women in radiological imaging, focusing on the main aspects such as career progression, leadership, academic practice, and perceived discrimination. Three electronic databases were searched up to 21 October 2020. To identify additional records, weekly automatic email alerts were set up on PubMed until December 2020 and reference lists of key studies and included papers were screened. Two reviewers independently performed the search, study selection, quality appraisal, data extraction, and formal narrative synthesis. In case of disagreement, a third reviewer was involved. Across the 61 included articles, women worked more often part-time and held fewer positions of power in hospitals, on editorial boards, and at the academic level (associate and full professors). Women were less often in relevant positions in scientific articles, had fewer publications, and had a lower H-index. Discrimination and sexual harassment were experienced by up to 40% and 47% of female radiologists, respectively. Our study highlights that women in radiology are still underrepresented and play a marginal role in the field, struggling to reach top and leading positions

    Traditional vs. novel approaches to coastal risk management: A review and insights from Italy

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    Coastal areas frequently face critical conditions due to the lack of adequate forms of land use planning, environmental management and inappropriate coastal risk management, sometimes leading to unexpected and undesired environmental effects. Risk management also involves cultural aspects, including perception. However, the acknowledgement of risk perception by stakeholders and local communities, as one of the social pillars of risk analysis, is often lacking.. Starting from an overview of the risk concept and the related approaches to be addressed, the paper investigates the evolution of coastal risk management with a focus on the Italian case study. Despite the design and adoption of national policies to deal with coastal risks, coastal management still shows in Italy a fragmented and poorly coordinated approach, together with a general lack of attention to stakeholder involvement. Recent efforts in the design of plans aiming at reducing risks derived from climate change and mitigating their impacts (National Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation; National Climate Change Adaptation Plan; National Recovery and Resilience Plan activities) should be effective in updating knowledge about climate change risks and in supporting national adaptation policies

    A validated method to assess the network length and the heat distribution costs of potential district heating systems in Italy

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    The evaluation of the district heating network investment costs requires knowledge of its topology. However, when assessing district heating potential, the topology is not known a priori and a simulation is required. One method for the generation of simulated networks involves the use of Minimum Spanning Tree, from the graph theory. In this work a method that simulate the network through MST is presented. The census sections borders and local road networks are used as inputs for the identification of the MST. The method has been validated by running experimental simulations in areas where the district heating is already present, allowing the comparison of the respective lengths. The validation showed a variable but systematic overestimation. The study of the error has brought to defining correlations correcting the length of the MST. The MST has been then used together with real networks lengths to elaborate a novel equation describing the effective width in correlation with the number of building ratio instead of plot ratio. The new expression confirms the exponential tendency of the effective width and gives higher results for Italian cities then for Scandinavian ones, showing an important impact of city structure in the curve. The city of Milano is finally used as a case study to show the effects of using the updated effective width curve

    (130) Elektra Delta -- on the stability of the new third moonlet

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    The aim of this work is to verify the stability of the proposed orbital solutions for the third moonlet (Delta) taking into account a realistic gravitational potential for the central body of the quadruple system (Alpha). We also aim to estimate the location and size of a stability region inside the orbit of Gamma. First, we created a set of test particles with intervals of semi-major axis, eccentricities, and inclinations that covers the region interior to the orbit of Gamma, including the proposed orbit of Delta and a wide region around it. We considered three different models for the gravitational potential of Alpha: irregular polyhedron, ellipsoidal body and oblate body. For a second scenario, Delta was considered a massive spherical body and Alpha an irregular polyhedron. Beta and Gamma were assumed as spherical massive bodies in both scenarios. The simulations showed that a large region of space is almost fully stable only when Alpha was modeled as simply as an oblate body. For the scenario with Delta as a massive body, the results did not change from those as massless particles. Beta and Gamma do not play any relevant role in the dynamics of particles interior to the orbit of Gamma. Delta's predicted orbital elements are fully unstable and far from the nearest stable region. The primary instability source is Alpha's elongated shape. Therefore, in the determination of the orbital elements of Delta, it must be taken into account the gravitational potential of Alpha assuming, at least, an ellipsoidal shape

    Monoclonal Antibodies for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: State of the Art and Perspectives

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    Monoclonal antibodies have been the most successful therapeutics ever brought to cancer treatment by immune technologies. The use of monoclonal antibodies in B-cell Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) represents the greatest example of these advances, as the introduction of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab has had a dramatic impact on how we treat this group of diseases today. Despite this success, several questions about how to optimize the use of monoclonal antibodies in NHL remain open. The best administration schedules, as well as the optimal duration of rituximab treatment, have yet to be determined. A deeper knowledge of the mechanisms underlying resistance to rituximab is also necessary in order to improve the activity of this and of similar therapeutics. Finally, new antibodies and biological agents are entering the scene and their advantages over rituximab will have to be assessed. We will discuss these issues and present an overview of the most significant clinical studies with monoclonal antibodies for NHL treatment carried out to date