556 research outputs found

    Projeto Alvorada: uma oportunidade de inclusão educacional aos egressos do sistema prisional / Alvorada Project: an opportunity for educational inclusion to the egress of the prison system

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    O presente artigo tem por objeto de estudo a temática inclusiva a partir do Projeto Alvorada, um programa educacional promovido pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP). A partir desse programa, os egressos prisionais tem a oportunidade de participar de cursos de capacitação profissional, o que auxilia no processo de ressocialização. Nessa linha, a pesquisa busca dar amplitude ao Projeto, propondo sua vinculação ao Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional à Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA). A partir de uma  abordagem qualitativa, a pesquisa se caracteriza como bibliográfica  apresentando dados do sistema carcerário brasileiro. Por fim, o artigo traz uma proposta de um novo Termo Contratual de Cooperação e a constituição de um Projeto de Lei educacional e inclusivo

    Micro far-infrared dielectric response of lanthanide orthotantalates for applications in microwave circuitry.

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    Lanthanide orthotantalates LnTaO4 (Ln ? La, Nd, Dy and Lu) were synthesized by solid-state reactions at 1300 C leading to well crystallized single-phase materials. XRD and infrared spectroscopic investigations showed that the samples exhibited three different monoclinic crystal structures depending on the lanthanide ion: P21/c (for La), I2/a (for Nd) and P2/a (for Dy and Lu). For LaTaO4, 21 polar modes could be depicted from the unpolarized infrared reflectivity spectrum, while group theory tools foreseen 33 infrared-active modes e the absent mode are likely hidden by accidental degeneracy. The smaller lanthanides (Nd, Dy and Lu) exhibited all the 15 predicted infrared-active bands, in perfect agreement with group-theory calculations, despite the mixing of polarization symmetry due to the polycrystalline nature of the samples. The intrinsic (infrared) dielectric properties were determined for all samples indicating that these orthotantalate ceramics could be candidates for microwave (MW) circuitry applications. LaTaO4 ceramics exhibited the best MWdielectric response among the investigated LnTaO4 ( 3 r ? 21.2 and estimated Qu f z 77 THz), followed by DyTaO4 ( 3 r ? 19.9 and Qu f z 75 THz), NdTaO4 ( 3 r ? 18.7 and Qu f z 55 THz), and LuTaO4 ( 3 r ? 16.2 and Qu f z 60 THz)

    Traditional knowledge as an ethical fundamental for the conservation of biodiversity in the floodplains of the Amazon

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    Este artigo descreve e analisa componentes dos sistemas de gestão dos recursos naturais praticados por comunidades ribeirinhas, explorando os resultados de duas décadas de atividades de um projeto de pesquisa nas várzeas do estuário amazônico. A análise mostra que a dinâmica dos sistemas ribeirinhos estimula a sustentabilidade ecológica e proporciona uma base sólida para a subsistência das famílias. As comunidades ribeirinhas têm desenvolvido uma ética de conservação dos recursos naturais da várzea, resultando em formas de organização social caracterizadas pela equidade e pela ação coletiva. Essa ética tem potencial para se tornar ferramenta estratégica para a conservação dos ecossistemas de várzea na Amazônia, ameaçados pela exploração madeireira descontrolada e pelas intervenções de organizações externas que propõem modelos fortemente contrastantes de organização social. O desafio é assegurar e melhorar o contexto institucional das comunidades ribeirinhas, evitando enfraquecer a base do seu sistema socioambiental tradicional, o que requer ideias e estratégias inovadoras

    Avaliação da dor durante o cateterismo por via transradial utilizando Escala Visual Analógica

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    RESUMOIntroduçãoPacientes submetidos a procedimentos por via transradial podem apresentar dor associada ao espasmo da artéria radial. A dor pode ser avaliada utilizando‐se a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), um método unidimensional de fácil aplicação. Analisamos a percepção de dor utilizando a EVA e a correlacionamos com a percepção de espasmo pelo operador.MétodosRegistro observacional, prospectivo, unicêntrico, que incluiu pacientes submetidos a procedimentos diagnósticos ou terapêuticos por acesso transradial. A EVA é constituída por uma linha horizontal de 100mm, que traz nos extremos as inscrições “ausência de dor” e “dor insuportável”. O paciente foi instruído a marcar o ponto que representava a dor percebida no momento do procedimento. O operador quantificou o espasmo como zero se sem dor, 1 para dor sem resistência à movimentação dos cateteres, 2 para resistência leve, 3 para resistência moderada e 4 para resistência intensa.ResultadosA avaliação de dor pelo paciente por meio da EVA foi possível em todos os pacientes, e teve média de 25,5±25,7mm. Pelo operador, o espasmo foi classificado em grau zero em 53 casos (35,8%); grau 1 em 67 (45,3%); grau 2 em 24 (16,2%); grau 3 em 3 (2,0%); e grau 4 em 1 (0,7%). Os coeficientes de correlação tau b de Kendall e Ro de Spearman foram, respectivamente, de 0,527 e 0,647, mostrando correlação positiva moderada entre a percepção de dor pelo paciente e a percepção de espasmo pelo operador.ConclusõesA EVA pode ser utilizada para a avaliação de espasmo durante os procedimentos que utilizem a via transradial, tendo demonstrado correlação positiva com a avaliação de espasmo pelo operador.ABSTRACTBackgroundPatients undergoing transradial procedures may experience pain associated with radial artery spasm. The pain can be assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), an easy‐to‐apply, one‐dimensional method. This study analyzed the perception of pain using the VAS and correlated it with the perception of spasm by the interventionist.MethodsThis was an observational, prospective, single‐center registry, which included patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic transradial procedures. The VAS consists of a 100‐mm horizontal line, which has at its extremes the words “no pain” and “unbearable pain”. The patient was instructed to identify the point that represented the perceived pain during the procedure. The interventionist quantified the spasm as zero for no pain, 1 for pain with no resistance to catheter movement, 2 for mild resistance, 3 for moderate resistance, and 4 for intense resistance.ResultsPain assessment by patients using the VAS was possible in all patients, and had a mean of 25.5±25.7mm. For the interventionist, spasm was classified as grade zero in 53 cases (35.8%); grade 1 in 67 (45.3%); grade 2 in 24 (16.2%); grade 3 in 3 (2.0%); and grade 4 in 1 patient (0.7%). Kendall's tau b and Spearman's (rho) rank correlation coefficients were, respectively, 0.527 and 0.647, showing a moderate positive correlation between the perception of pain by the patient and the perception of spasm by the operator.ConclusionsVAS can be used to assess spasm during procedures that use the transradial access, showing a positive correlation with spasm assessment by the interventionist

    A risk score for predicting peripheral arterial disease in individuals 75 years or older

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in the elderly is high. Most are asymptomatic and the sensitivity of the physical exam is low. In Brazil, little is known in regard to PAD risk factors in the elderly. OBJECTIVES: To identify risk factors for PAD among elderly individuals (> 75 years) in the community and to develop a prediction score. METHODS: Cross-sectional, prospective, community-based study nested within a cohort study (Epidoso). A total of 176 individuals were assessed. PAD was defined as an ankle-brachial index 18 points defined the high risk individuals and yielded sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 85.9%, 71.4%, 63.2% and 89.9%, respectively. Receiver-operator characteristic analysis yielded area under curve of 85%, indicating excellent discrimination and goodness-of-fit statistics indicated excellent calibration (p=0.639). CONCLUSION: Because of its good performance, the proposed score can become a simple and useful tool to identify elderly community residents at higher risk of PAD who should be considered for further investigation.FUNDAMENTO: A prevalência de doença arterial periférica (DAP) é elevada entre os idosos. A maioria é assintomática e o exame físico pouco sensível. No Brasil, os fatores associados à DAP em idosos são pouco conhecidos. OBEJETIVOS: Identificar os fatores associados à presença de doença arterial periférica (DAP) em idosos (> 75 anos) da comunidade e desenvolver um escore de predição da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, aninhado em uma coorte prospectiva (Epidoso). Foram avaliados 176 idosos (> 75 anos) da comunidade. A presença de DAP foi definida por meio do índice tornozelo-braquial 75 anos) da comunidade com alto risco para DAP e que mereceriam investigação mais detalhada.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUNIFESPSciEL


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    The development and application of technological innovations have been some of the main focuses of the productive sectors. One technological innovation that has been gaining prominence is the three-dimensional modeling (3D) of inventory and forest planning activities. In this study, it was possible to assess the accuracy of three-dimensional scanning of trunks of Tectona grandis L.f. by digital photogrammetry by using photos taken with a smartphone. The study was carried out in a Teak plantation of 46.54 ha. Systematic sampling by plots was used. Based on the diametric distribution of the stand, thirty trees were selected for the three-dimensional scanning procedure by the Close to Range technique. After three-dimensional scanning, each tree was scaled by the Smalian method and sectioned into 2.35 meters long logs for assessment using the xylometer method. The thirty trees resulted in 121 logs that had their volumes measured using the xylometer. Using three-dimensional modeling, it was possible to model and measure the volume of 71 logs in classes A (0.10 to 2.45), B (2.45 to 4.80), and C (4.80 to 7.15). The trunk of the trees could not be modeled for all trees at the highest heights because of the quality of the cloud of data points. Records that could not be entirely modeled (2.35 meters) were ignored. The cubing methods were compared by the paired t-test. Therefore, it was possible to model lower logs (0.10 m to 2.45 m) more accurately than by using the traditional Smalian method, with a one-meter interval between sections

    A educação cooperativista em modelo de tradução e controle da estratégia: estudo de caso em uma cooperativa agroindustrial

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    This paper deals with the insertion of cooperative education as a critical success factor in a model of translation and control of strategy in marketing cooperatives, in the context of the reality of Parana - Brazil and, more specifically, of a marketing cooperative of Parana. Based on the theoretical background on translation and control of strategy and on cooperative movement and education, interviews were carried out with experts on cooperative movement, followed by an instrumental case study in a marketing cooperative of Parana. The paper discusses several interactions that cooperative education maintains, directly or indirectly, with other analytical categories in the model of translation and control of strategy in marketing cooperatives, such as the cooperative doctrine, the mission of the cooperative, the balance between the cooperative and members, the cooperative's organizational culture, the commitment, the loyalty, the production delivered to the cooperative and the financial surpluses. It is concluded that such a model should consider cooperative education as a critical success factor, related to the Planning control lever, which conceives, schedules and executes educational and awareness actions to reconcile the cooperative doctrine with the cooperative's organizational culture.Este artigo trata da inserção da educação cooperativista como um fator crítico de sucesso em modelo de tradução e controle da estratégia em cooperativas agroindustriais, no contexto da realidade do Paraná - Brasil e, mais especificamente, de uma cooperativa agroindustrial paranaense. Partindo da base teórica sobre tradução e controle da estratégia e sobre movimento e educação cooperativista, foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas em cooperativismo, seguidas de estudo de caso instrumental em uma cooperativa agroindustrial paranaense. São discutidas no artigo diversas interações que a educação cooperativista mantém, direta ou indiretamente, com outras categorias de análise do modelo de tradução e controle da estratégia em cooperativas agroindustriais, como a doutrina cooperativista, a missão da cooperativa, o equilíbrio entre a cooperativa e os associados, a cultura organizacional da cooperativa, o comprometimento, a fidelidade, a produção entregue na cooperativa e as sobras financeiras.  Conclui-se que modelo dessa natureza deve considerar a educação cooperativista como um fator crítico de sucesso, relacionado à alavanca de controle do Planejamento, que conceba, programe e execute ações educacionais e de conscientização para conciliar a doutrina cooperativista com a cultura organizacional da cooperativa

    Environmental education in São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo, Brazil: An analysis of the municipal solid waste management / Educação ambiental em São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo, Brazil: Uma análise da gestão municipal de resíduos sólidos

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    Due to the creation of Law No.12,305/2010, responsible for establishing the National Policy on Solid Waste, the existence of open dumps in Brazil came into question, since it became prohibited, which consequently brought the need to change the form of solid waste management in the country. From this perspective, the Association of Recyclable Materials Collectors (ASCAT) was established with the responsibility for carrying out various activities with waste. In the municipality of São Gabriel da Palha, the ASCAT was installed in the former dependencies of the open dump. With the enactment of Law No. 12,305/2010, the site underwent some changes, and the solid waste was destined for trenches that were later grounded. However, it can be seen from a street-based approach, that a significant part of the population believes that ASCAT still works on an open dump. In this way, this article proposes to present a synthesis about the reasons that cause the lack of knowledge of the citizens on subjects related to the correct destination of garbage in the municipality itself, as well as a presentation of the work of ASCAT and, finally, a study of the area where the waste was dumped