193 research outputs found

    The Myxococcus xanthus Two-Component System CorSR Regulates Expression of a Gene Cluster Involved in Maintaining Copper Tolerance during Growth and Development

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    Myxococcus xanthus is a soil-dwelling member of the δ–Proteobacteria that exhibits a complex developmental cycle upon starvation. Development comprises aggregation and differentiation into environmentally resistant myxospores in an environment that includes fluctuations in metal ion concentrations. While copper is essential for M. xanthus cells because several housekeeping enzymes use it as a cofactor, high copper concentrations are toxic. These opposing effects force cells to maintain a tight copper homeostasis. A plethora of paralogous genes involved in copper detoxification, all of which are differentially regulated, have been reported in M. xanthus. The use of in-frame deletion mutants and fusions with the reporter gene lacZ has allowed the identification of a two-component system, CorSR, that modulates the expression of an operon termed curA consisting of nine genes whose expression slowly increases after metal addition, reaching a plateau. Transcriptional regulation of this operon is complex because transcription can be initiated at different promoters and by different types of regulators. These genes confer copper tolerance during growth and development. Copper induces carotenoid production in a ΔcorSR mutant at lower concentrations than with the wild-type strain due to lack of expression of a gene product resembling subunit III of cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase. This data may explain why copper induces carotenoid biosynthesis at suboptimal rather than optimal growth conditions in wild-type strains.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government (grants CSD2009-00006 and BFU2012-33248, 70% funded by FEDER). This work was also supported by the National Institute of General Medical Science of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01GM095826 to LJS, and by the National Science Foundation under award number MCB0742976 to LJS. JMD and JP received a fellowship from Junta de Andalucía to do some work at University of Georgia

    Efectos del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad durante el periodo transitorio en jugadores de fútbol sub-19

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    Actualmente existe un creciente interés por la aplicación del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (HIIT) en fútbol (Buchheit et al. 2013). La eficacia mostrada por esta metodología de entrenamiento para mejorar las variables del rendimiento ha provocado una mayor aplicación en deportes colectivos (Iaia et al. 2009). Sin embargo, es escasa la literatura científica acerca de su impacto en fútbol. Por ello, el objetivo del trabajo es comparar los efectos sobre el rendimiento del HIIT versus entrenamiento tradicional durante el periodo transitorio invernal en jugadores de fútbol sub-19

    Friction during earthquakes: 25 years of experimental studies

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    Notas: Export Date: 21 March 2022Dynamic fault strength (rock friction in the broad sense) and its evolution with seismic slip and slip rate are among the most relevant parameters in earthquake mechanics. Given the large slip rate (1 m s-1 on average), displacement (up to tens of meters), effective stress (tens of MPa), typical of seismic faulting at depth, thermo-mechanical effects become outstanding: dynamic fault strength is severely affected by fluid and rock phase changes, extreme grain size reduction, and the production of amorphous and unstable materials in the slipping zone. Here, first we will summarize the most relevant findings about dynamic fault strength during seismic slip mainly obtained thanks to the exploitation of dedicated experimental machines (i.e., rotary shear apparatus). However, the interpretation of this experimental dataset remains debated because of technical limitations which impede us to measure fundamental parameters such as temperature, strain rate, pore fluid pressure and grain size in the slipping zone. Without a sound estimate of these physical parameters, any constitutive law proposed to describe the evolution of dynamic fault strength during simulated seismic slip remains speculative. Then, we will discuss the results of some recent experiments which exploit new technical approaches to overcome the main limitations of the previous studies. The experimental approach, together with field studies of the geometry and architecture of exhumed faults and modelling, remains our most powerful tool to investigate seismic-related deformation mechanisms in both natural and human-induced earthquakes

    Fabrication of luminescent nanostructures by electron-beam direct writing of PMMA resist

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    We report on the conversion of non-luminescent conventional poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)-based electron-beam resists into luminescent materials when used as negative-tone resists, that is, when exposed to high electron irradiation doses. Raman spectroscopy reveals the chemical transformation induced by electron irradiation which is responsible for the observed luminescence in the visible (blue) region. The emission intensity from exposed PMMA-based patterns can be controlled by the electron irradiation dose employed to create them

    Satisfaction of students with university institution and academic performance

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    En el presente artículo, se ha investigado la relación existente entre el rendimiento académico y la satisfacción con la institución educativa en alumnos universitarios. Nuestra hipótesis de partida era que se hallaría una correlación positiva entre ambas variables. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 101 estudiantes de Licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad de Granada. El instrumento de evaluación que se ha utilizado es el SEUE (Satisfacción de los Estudiantes Universitarios con su Educación) de Gento y Vivas (2003). Este instrumento incluye una serie de subdimensiones acerca del constructo estudiado que hemos tenido en cuenta en el análisis estadístico. Tras el análisis de los resultados hemos comprobado que no se ha confirmado la hipótesis, ya que no se observa una correlación significativa entre las variables estudiadas. Junto con la discusión de los resultados, incluimos una serie de limitaciones a tener en cuenta para futuras investigaciones.In the present article, we have investigated the relationship between academic performance and satisfaction with the educational institution in university students. Our hypothesis was that we would be found a positive correlation between both variables. For this, we used a sample of 101 students of degree in psychology at the University of Granada. The assessment tool that has been used is the SEUE (Satisfacción de los Estudiantes Universitarios con su Educación) of Gento and Vivas (2003). This instrument includes some subdimensions about studied construct which we have taken into account in the statistical analysis. After the analysis of the results we have verified that not been confirmed the hypothesis, since there isn´t a significant correlation between the variables studied. Along with the discussion of the results, we have included a series of limitations to keep in mind for future research.Proyecto de innovación docente "ReiDoCrea". Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    Robot Mapping and Localisation for Feature Sparse Water Pipes Using Voids as Landmarks

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    Robotic systems for water pipe inspection do not generally include navigation components for mapping the pipe network and locating damage. Such navigation systems would be highly advantageous for water companies because it would allow them to more effectively target maintenance and reduce costs. In water pipes, a major challenge for robot navigation is feature sparsity. In order to address this problem, a novel approach for robot navigation in water pipes is developed here, which uses a new type of landmark feature - voids outside the pipe wall, sensed by ultrasonic scanning. The method was successfully demonstrated in a laboratory environment and showed for the first time the potential of using voids for robot navigation in water pipes

    CorE from Myxococcus xanthus Is a Copper-Dependent RNA Polymerase Sigma Factor

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    The dual toxicity/essentiality of copper forces cells to maintain a tightly regulated homeostasis for this metal in all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. Consequently, many genes have previously been reported to participate in copper detoxification in bacteria. Myxococcus xanthus, a prokaryote, encodes many proteins involved in copper homeostasis that are differentially regulated by this metal. A σ factor of the ECF (extracytoplasmic function) family, CorE, has been found to regulate the expression of the multicopper oxidase cuoB, the P1B-type ATPases copA and copB, and a gene encoding a protein with a heavy-metal-associated domain. Characterization of CorE has revealed that it requires copper to bind DNA in vitro. Genes regulated by CorE exhibit a characteristic expression profile, with a peak at 2 h after copper addition. Expression rapidly decreases thereafter to basal levels, although the metal is still present in the medium, indicating that the activity of CorE is modulated by a process of activation and inactivation. The use of monovalent and divalent metals to mimic Cu(I) and Cu(II), respectively, and of additives that favor the formation of the two redox states of this metal, has revealed that CorE is activated by Cu(II) and inactivated by Cu(I). The activation/inactivation properties of CorE reside in a Cys-rich domain located at the C terminus of the protein. Point mutations at these residues have allowed the identification of several Cys involved in the activation and inactivation of CorE. Based on these data, along with comparative genomic studies, a new group of ECF σ factors is proposed, which not only clearly differs mechanistically from the other σ factors so far characterized, but also from other metal regulators
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