12 research outputs found

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Improving skills in pediatric rheumatology in Colombia: a combined educational strategy supported by ILAR

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    5 páginasColombia is a densely populated country with a small number of pediatric rheumatology specialists, including 14 specialists for a population of 1,927,000 children in 2014. The objective of the study was to improve the skills required for early identification, timely referral, and management of musculoskeletal diseases, especially juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), in a group of pediatricians and pediatric residents in a remote region of Colombia. Supported by grant programs developed by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR), a combined educational strategy (blended learning) was implemented based on two classroom educational activities and four online modules. The students’ acquired knowledge and perception of the strategy were evaluated. Scores were reported as median values and interquartile ranges (IQR), and the differences between scores were estimated using the Wilcoxon test for equal medians. Forty-one students were enrolled, 37 completed the online modules, and 33 attended the final in-person session. The results of the written tests demonstrated an improved ability to solve clinical problems compared with the results of the tests before the course (the median initial vs. final test scores 3 (IQR = 1) vs. 5 (IQR = 0), p = 0.000). The students reported high levels of satisfaction related to compliance with the proposed objectives, the relevance of the contents and activities performed, and the impact on everyday practice. These types of strategies are useful as tools for continuing medical education. However, the results pertain only to short-term learning. It is necessary to evaluate their impact on “lifelong learning.

    Educación y reumatología en el pregrado: ¿enseñamos suficiente?

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    6 páginasIntroduction Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the second leading cause of disability worldwide. There are difficulties in the early diagnosis and therapeutic approach to these pathologies, with a negative impact on their outcomes. Access to rheumatology is limited, with a low supply in the face of growing demand, which makes the general practitioner the first contact for care. Objectives Describe the perception and confidence that general practitioners have regarding the training in rheumatology received at undergraduate level. Materials and methods Observational cross-sectional study, with a Likert-type survey tool being used. The study included general practitioners graduated from the Colombian Medicine program between 2009 and 2019. The variables studied were those related to the curriculum, acquired knowledge or skills, and proficiency in content in rheumatology compared to practice. Subjects who attended a specialist or who had an employment relationship with a specialist rheumatology centre were excluded. Results and conclusions A total of 102 physicians were surveyed, and 86 completed questionnaires were included in the final analysis. Of these, 83.4% were graduates of private universities. Over two-thirds (37%9) had a formal subject in rheumatology, 16% received training with specific strategies, 54% expressed security when performing the ME physical examination, and 47% were safe in the diagnostic approach, and prescription of disease-modifying drugs. In order to strengthen the training in rheumatology required by the undergraduate, a joint effort is required with the medical schools in defining the competencies and skills of the primary care physician, together with the health needs and available educational strategies.Introducción Las enfermedades musculoesqueléticas (ME) son la segunda causa de discapacidad mundial. Se presentan dificultades en el enfoque diagnóstico y terapéutico temprano de estas enfermedades, lo cual tiene un impacto negativo en sus desenlaces. El acceso a Reumatología es limitado, con una baja oferta frente a la creciente demanda, lo que convierte al médico general en el primer contacto de atención. Objetivos Describir la percepción y la confianza que tienen los médicos generales respecto a la formación en reumatología recibida en el pregrado. Materiales y métodos Estudio observacional de corte transversal en el cual se indagó a médicos generales, egresados de programas de medicina colombianos entre el 2009 y 2019, mediante un cuestionario con respuesta tipo Likert, sobre variables relacionadas con el planteamiento curricular, los conocimientos o habilidades adquiridas y la suficiencia en el contenido en reumatología con respecto a la práctica. Se excluyó a los sujetos que cursaran algún programa de especialización o que tuvieran relación laboral con un centro especializado de Reumatología. Resultados y conclusiones Se encuestó a 102 médicos; 86 encuestas fueron incluidas en el análisis final. El 83,4% de ellos eran egresados de universidades privadas, el 37% contó con una asignatura formal de reumatología, el 16% recibió formación con estrategias específicas, el 54% manifestó seguridad al realizar el examen físico musculoesquelético, el 47% expresó sentirse seguro en el enfoque diagnóstico y la prescripción de medicamentos modificadores de la enfermedad. Es necesario fortalecer la formación en Reumatología en el pregrado; se requiere un trabajo conjunto con las facultades de medicina en la definición de competencias del médico de Atención Primaria, alineado con las necesidades de salud y las estrategias educacionales disponibles

    Analysis of focus groups of Colombian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A qualitative look at representations of the disease

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    10 páginasEl lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad crónica que expone a los pacientes a situaciones estresantes físicas, psíquicas, familiares, laborales y sociales. Se conoce que la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de estos pacientes es inferior a la de la población general y que el estrés está relacionado con el empeoramiento del LES. El estudio de los factores que determinan la percepción del paciente con LES permitiría conocer los mecanismos que inciden negativamente en la calidad de vida y promover intervenciones que conlleven su mejoría

    Guaco : a plant agent used in the New Kingdom of Granada against symptoms generated by disorders of the musculoskeletal system

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    Objetivo Contextualizar una receta médica de comienzos del siglo xix en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la cual se prescribe el guaco para disminuir síntomas generados por afecciones del sistema músculo-esquelético. De igual forma analizar, en función de los conocimientos actuales, cómo actúa la fórmula sobre mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la enfermedad, explicando la reducción del dolor y las secuelas asociadas. Material y método Búsqueda documental en el Archivo Histórico Cipriano Rodríguez Santamaría, de la Biblioteca Octavio Arizmendi Posada, de la Universidad de La Sabana. Se analizó el documento denominado Reumatismo. Posteriormente se realizó una revisión de la literatura entre 1999-2018, en las bases de datos ScienceDirect/ClinicalKey/Scielo. Conclusiones Existe evidencia científica que podría explicar la efectividad del guaco, usado en el Nuevo Reino de Granada por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y analgésicas aportadas por componentes como la cumarina y los flavonoides. Sin embargo, una descripción vaga en la posología del guaco, signos, síntomas y comorbilidades que no se mencionan en la receta, dificulta analizar la eficacia del tratamiento y cómo lograba disminuir o controlar específicamente los síntomas dados por afecciones del sistema músculo-esquelético con su aplicación. Esta tradición, en consecuencia, carece de sustento propiamente científico para el tratamiento médico de enfermedades osteomusculares.Q4Objective To contextualize a medical prescription of the early 19th century in the New Kingdom of Granada, in which guaco was prescribed to reduce symptoms caused by musculoskeletal system disorders, which were ill-defined at the time. Similarly, based on current knowledge, to analyse the manner in which the formula acts on pathophysiological mechanisms of rheumatic diseases, in order to explain the reduction of pain, and associated sequelae. Material and method Documentary research into the Cipriano Rodríguez Santamaría Historical Archive of the Octavio Arizmendi Library of the University of La Sabana, in Chía, Colombia. The document analysed was called Rheumatism. Subsequently, a review of the literature was carried out in Science Direct / Clinical Key / Scielo databases in the period from 1999 to 2018. Conclusions There is scientific evidence that supports the efficiency of guaco used in the Kingdom of New Granada due its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, a vague description of the dosage of the guaco, signs, symptoms, and comorbidities, which are not mentioned in the prescription, hinders the understanding of its application and the thorough effectiveness of the treatment in order to control the symptoms of musculoskeletal system conditions. This tradition, consequently, lacks proper scientific support for the medical treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.N/

    The challenges of implementing team-based learning to the medical major programs

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    15 páginasIntroduction: Team-based learning is a student-centered teaching and learning strategy, in which the teacher has the role of a facilitator. It constitutes an active learning pedagogical method that improves motivation towards learning and leads students to apply their knowledge to solve problems and combine theory with practice. Advances in medical education worldwide have led medical schools to opt for such strategies. Objective: To identify the challenges of implementing team-based learning in the medical major programs. Results: Through the application of team-based learning to the medical major programs, such factors as work and study overloads were identified as having an impact on the strategy participants, together with the need to guarantee prior training to the process stakeholders, the importance of adequate distribution of the working groups, and the additional resources that must be guaranteed. Conclusions: In order to obtain full pedagogical benefits, the implementation of team-based learning must be systematic, a process requiring training and preparation processes for both students and teachers. Like any change, it will demand conviction, time and adjustments throughout the process.Introducción: El aprendizaje basado en equipos es una estrategia de enseñanza y de aprendizaje centrada en el alumno, en la cual el profesor tiene un rol facilitador. Este constituye un método pedagógico de aprendizaje activo que mejora la motivación hacia el aprendizaje y lleva a los alumnos a aplicar sus conocimientos para resolver problemas y combinar la teoría con la práctica. Los avances en educación médica a nivel mundial han llevado a las escuelas de medicina a optar por este tipo de estrategias. Objetivo: Identificar los retos de la implementación del aprendizaje basado en equipos en los programas de medicina. Resultados: Mediante la aplicación del aprendizaje basado en equipos en los programas de medicina, se identificaron los factores de sobrecarga laboral y de estudio con incidencia en los participantes en la estrategia, la necesidad de garantizar entrenamiento previo a los actores del proceso, la importancia de la realización de una adecuada distribución de los grupos de trabajo, y los recursos adicionales que deben garantizarse. Conclusiones: Para obtener beneficios pedagógicos de forma plena, la implementación del aprendizaje basado en equipos debe ser sistemática, lo que requiere procesos de formación y preparación, tanto de los estudiantes como de los profesores. Como cualquier cambio, demandará convicción, tiempo y ajustes a lo largo del proceso

    Methods for measuring adherence to oral disease-modifying drugs in rheumatoid arthritis and factors associated with low adherence to pharmacological treatment

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    10 páginasObjectives To review the definitions, associated factors, as well as the methods for the measurement and determination of adherence to oral disease modifying drugs in rheumatoid arthritis. Methods A search of the literature was carried out in the PUBMED databases up to December 2017 using MeSH terms: (((“Arthritis, Rheumatoid” [Mesh] AND “Medication Adherence” [Mesh]) OR “Patient Compliance” [Mesh]) AND “Antirheumatic Agents” [Mesh]). Only articles that included an adult population and were in Spanish or English were reviewed. Results From the 387 articles found, 43 were included for general review (definitions of adherence, compliance, concordance and persistence, components, classification and dimensions of adherence, risk factors related to non-adherence, description of direct and indirect methods for measuring adherence). Only 9 articles measured adherence and included information about risk factors related to non-adherence to oral treatment in rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusions The adherence to pharmacological treatment in rheumatoid arthritis is sub-optimal and is associated with less effectiveness in the control of inflammatory activity. The main factors related to low adherence include problems of drug access and availability, increased activity and duration of the disease, polypharmacy, use of medications for prolonged periods, socioeconomic stratum, ethnicity, adverse drug reactions, perception of ineffectiveness of the medication, and concomitant diseases. It is necessary to incorporate the systematic measurement of pharmacological adherence within clinical practice. It is also important to identify the most frequent risk factors associated with low adherence, in order to design strategies aimed at improving patient adherence and achieve better clinical outcomes.Objetivos Revisar definiciones, factores asociados a adherencia, métodos para medición y determinación de adherencia a medicamentos modificadores de la enfermedad orales en artritis reumatoide. Métodos Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos de Pubmed hasta diciembre de 2017 mediante términos MeSH (((«Arthritis, Rheumatoid» [Mesh] AND «Medication Adherence» [Mesh]) OR «Patient Compliance» [Mesh]) AND «Antirheumatic Agents» [Mesh]) de artículos que estuvieran en idioma español o inglés e incluyeran solo población adulta. Resultados De un total de 387 artículos encontrados, 43 se incluyeron para la revisión general, con información sobre definiciones de adherencia, cumplimiento, concordancia y persistencia, componentes, clasificación y dimensiones, factores de riesgo relacionados con la no adherencia al tratamiento, descripción de los métodos de medición. Solo 9 artículos midieron adherencia e incluyeron información sobre factores relacionados con adherencia a medicamentos orales en artritis reumatoide. Conclusiones La adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en artritis reumatoide es subóptima y se relaciona con menor efectividad en el control de la actividad inflamatoria. Los principales factores relacionados con baja adherencia incluyen problemas de acceso y disponibilidad del medicamento, mayor actividad y duración de la enfermedad, polifarmacia, uso de medicamentos por periodos prolongados, bajo estrato socioeconómico, etnia, reacciones adversas por medicamentos, percepción de inefectividad de la medicación y enfermedades concomitantes. Es necesario incorporar de forma sistemática la medición de adherencia farmacológica dentro de la práctica clínica rutinaria y la identificación de los factores de riesgo más frecuentes asociados a una baja adherencia con el fin de diseñar estrategias encaminadas a mejorar la adherencia de los pacientes y lograr mejores desenlaces clínicos

    Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis

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    10 paginasPsoriatic arthritis is a relatively recent description disease in the rheumatology field. Previously physicians considered that the patient with psoriasis and any type of arthropathy had two diseases that coincided at the time: psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. There have been many attempts to classify these patients adequately. In the last 36 years seven criteria for the classification of this entity have appeared. In this article we made a summary of the clinical characteristics, laboratories and imaging in psoriatic arthritis. Furthermore, we intend to describe the classification criteria in chronological order.La artritis psoriática es una enfermedad de relativamente reciente descripción en el campo de la reumatología, pues previamente se consideraba que este tipo de pacientes cursaban con dos entidades nosológicas distintas que convergían en el tiempo: psoriasis y artritis reumatoide. Han sido múltiples los intentos por clasificar adecuadamente a estos pacientes y esto ha llevado a la aparición de 7 criterios de clasificación en los últimos 36 años. En el presente artículo haremos un recuento de las principales características clínicas, de laboratorio e imagenológicas de la artritis psoriática. Además, cada uno de los criterios de clasificación se describirá en orden cronológico de aparición

    Associations of the Levels of C4d-bearing Reticulocytes and High-avidity Anti-dsDNA Antibodies with Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    9 páginasObjective There are no laboratory tools that detect early flares in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our aim was to validate in our population the previous findings of the association of C4d-bearing reticulocytes (R-C4d) compared to anti-dsDNA antibodies, with disease activity assessed by the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment–Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI) and the British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG) 2004 scales. Methods All patients who met the 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria and were seen consecutively in 2013 at a specialized SLE care clinic were included. Disease activity was established by the SELENA-SLEDAI and BILAG 2004. Anti-dsDNA and R-C4d were quantified in peripheral blood. Comparisons were made between values of active and inactive patients, and the correlations between the SELENA-SLEDAI and serum levels of anti-dsDNA and R-C4d were measured. Results Sixty-two patients (83.9% women) were included. A total of 32.3% had active disease according to the SELENA-SLEDAI. There was a significant statistical difference (p = 0.0001) in the distribution of R-C4d between disease activity groups. The correlation coefficient between R-C4d and the SELENA-SLEDAI score was rs = 0.738 (p = 0.0001). R-C4d differed between patients with and without activity in the BILAG 2004 constitutional, mucocutaneous, gastrointestinal, renal, and hematological domains. Conclusion R-C4d showed a higher correlation with SLE activity measured by the SELENA-SLEDAI and BILAG 2004 than anti-dsDNA did, suggesting a possible involvement in diagnosing disease activity. Prospective studies that confirm these findings and evaluate its involvement in followup are needed

    Safety and efficacy of oral levosimendan in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (the REFALS study) : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial

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    Background There is an urgent unmet need for new therapies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In a clinical study with healthy volunteers, levosimendan, a calcium sensitiser, was shown to improve neuromechanical efficiency and contractile function of the human diaphragm. We aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral levosimendan in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with a focus on respiratory function. Methods The REFALS study is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial at 99 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis specialist centres in 14 countries worldwide. People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were eligible for participation if they were at least 18 years of age and had a sitting slow vital capacity (SVC) of 60-90% predicted. Participants were randomly assigned (2:1) by interactive web-response system to receive either levosimendan or placebo. The capsules for oral administration were identical in appearance to maintain blinding of participants and investigators. The primary endpoint was the change from baseline in supine SVC at 12 weeks, assessed as the percentage of predicted normal sitting SVC. The key secondary endpoint was the combined assessment of function and survival (CAFS) up to 48 weeks. Analyses were done in the intention-to-treat population, comprising all participants who were randomly assigned. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03505021) and has been completed. An extension study (REFALS-ES; NCT03948178) has also been completed, but will be reported separately. Findings Between June 21, 2018, and June 28, 2019, 871 people were screened for the study, of whom 496 were randomly assigned either levosimendan (n=329) or placebo (n=167). Participants were followed up between June 27, 2018 and June 26, 2020, for a median duration of 50.1 (IQR 37.5-51.1) weeks. The median duration of treatment was 47.9 (IQR 26.4-48.1) weeks. Change from baseline in supine SVC at 12 weeks was -6.73% with levosimendan and -6.99% with placebo, with no significant difference between the treatments (estimated treatment difference 0.26%, 95% CI -2.03 to 2.55, p=0.83). Similarly, at week 48, CAFS did not differ between treatment groups (least squares mean change from baseline 10.69, 95% CI -15.74 to 37.12; nominal p value=0.43). The most frequent adverse events were increased heart rate (106 [33%] of 326 receiving levosimendan vs 12 [7%] of 166 receiving placebo), fall (85 [26%] vs 48 [29%]), headache (93 [29%] vs 36 [22%]), and dyspnoea (59 [18%] vs 32 [19%]). 33 (10%) participants allocated levosimendan and 20 (12%) assigned placebo died during the trial, mainly due to respiratory failure or progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Interpretation Levosimendan was not superior to placebo in maintaining respiratory function in a broad population with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Although levosimendan was generally well tolerated, increased heart rate and headache occurred more frequently with levosimendan than with placebo. The possibility of a clinically relevant subgroup of responsive individuals requires further evaluation