101 research outputs found

    Cyberbullying Profiles: Differences in Anxiety, Depression, and Stress in a Sample of Spanish Students

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    The increased prevalence and significant negative consequences associated with cyberbullying justify the need for empirical research that helps provide a deeper understanding of the problem. The objective of this study was to identify the existence of different cyberbullying profiles (according to degree of cybervictimization and cyberaggression of students) and whether these profiles vary with regard to anxiety, depression, and stress. The sample consisted of 1,185 students aged 12 to 18 (M = 14.01; DT = 2.36). A latent class analysis and ANOVA were carried out. The data showed four profiles: not-involved (low scores for cybervictimization and cyberaggression), cybervictims (moderately high scores for cybervictimization and low scores for cyberaggression), cyberbullies (low scores for cybervictimization and moderately high scores for cyberaggression), and cybervictims-cyberbullies (high scores for cybervictimization and cyberaggression). Statistically significant differences in anxiety, depression, and stress were found between the profiles. The group of cybervictims and cybervictims-cyberbullies presented higher anxiety than the not-involved group and cyberbullies. The cybervictims-cyberbullies group showed higher depression and stress levels than the other groups, and the cyberbully group showed a higher level of depression than the not-involved group.This research was financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Agency and the European Regional Development Fund (Proyect PID123118NA-100 funded by MCIN /AEI /10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE

    Creatividad, atención y rendimiento académico en alumnado de conservatorio profesional

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre creatividad, atención y su repercusión en los resultados académicos en las enseñanzas profesionales de música. Para ello, se ha seleccionado una muestra de 84 alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años (M = 14.79; DT = 2.29) que cursan Enseñanzas Profesionales en un Conservatorio de Música público y reglado. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de medida el Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) y el Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Se hallaron correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre (a) atención y creatividad y (b) atención y resultados académicos musicales. En cambio, se hallaron correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre creatividad y rendimiento académico musical. Tras los resultados se pueden establecer programas preventivos o potenciadores de la creatividad y la atención, con el fin de fomentar que la totalidad del alumnado de conservatorio alcance su máximo potencial y un alto rendimiento, ya que éstos son el reflejo de un aprendizaje más eficaz.The current project aim was to analyze the relationship between creativity and attention and its impact on academic performance in professional music studies. For that purpose a sample of 84 students has been selected between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.79; SD = 2.29) from a public Conservatory of Music. The measuring instruments were Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) and Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between (a) attention and creativity and (b) attention and musical academic performance. In contrast, negative and statistically significant correlations were found between creativity and musical academic achievement. After the results, preventive programs or programs to boost creativity and attention can be established in order to encourage all conservatory students to accomplish their full potential and high academic performance, as they are a reflection of an effective learning

    Relationships between school anxiety, trait anxiety, state anxiety and depression in a sample of Spanish adolescents

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    Diferentes estudios han analizado la ansiedad escolar como un constructo unitario sin atender a las diferentes situaciones y sistemas de respuesta que conforman este constructo. El presente estudio considera la ansiedad escolar como un constructo multidimensional y su objetivo fue analizar las relaciones y capacidad predictiva de las situaciones y sistemas de respuesta de la ansiedad escolar sobre la ansiedad rasgo, la ansiedad estado y la depresión. El Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES), el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI y STAIC) y el Inventario de Depresión Infantil (CDI) fueron administrados a una muestra de 1409 estudiantes españoles de 12 a 18 años de edad. Los resultados muestran correlaciones positivas y significativas entre las situaciones y respuestas de ansiedad escolar con ansiedad rasgo, ansiedad estado y depresión. Además, la mayoría de factores situacionales y sistemas de respuesta de la ansiedad escolar son predictores significativos y positivos de la ansiedad rasgo, la ansiedad estado y la depresión. Las implicaciones prácticas de estos resultados son discutidas.Different studies have analyzed school anxiety as a unitary construct, without regard to the different situations and response systems that make up this construct. However, the present study considers the school anxiety as a multidimensional construct. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationships and predictive capacity among situations and responses of school anxiety on trait anxiety, state anxiety and depression. The School Anxiety Inventory (IAES), the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI and STAIC) and the Child Depression Inventory (CDI) were administered to a sample of 1,409 Spanish students of 12 to 18 years. The results show significant and positive correlations between situations and responses of school anxiety with trait anxiety, state anxiety and depression. In addition, situations and responses systems of school anxiety are significant and positive predictors of trait anxiety, state anxiety and depression. The practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Personality Traits and Aggression as Explanatory Variables of Cyberbullying in Spanish Preadolescents

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    There is a growing interest in preventing cyberbullying in youth. However, multiple questions remain as to the relationship between cyberbullying and psychosocial variables. This study examines the relationship between personality traits, aggression and cyberbullying (victims, bullies, victimized bullies and not involved) in 548 Spanish students aged 10 to 13 (50.2% boys). To do so, the Screening of Peer Harassment, the Big Five Questionnaire for Children and the Aggression Questionnaire were used. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the extraversion trait is an explanatory factor for being a victim and openness is a protective factor against being a cyberbully. Agreeableness was found to be a positive predictor of being a cyberbullying victim. Only verbal aggression and anger were included as explanatory factors of being a victim and a victimized bully, respectively. The results are discussed, suggesting their potential implications in the development of preventive programs.This research was funded by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport of Region of Valencia (Spain), grant number GV/2015/111, with Beatriz Delgado as the Principal Researcher

    Relationship between Cyberbullying, Motivation and Learning Strategies, Academic Performance, and the Ability to Adapt to University

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    Cyberbullying has become a frequent relational problem among young people, which has made it necessary to evaluate and prevent it in the university setting. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between cyberbullying, motivation and learning strategies, the ability to adapt to university, and academic performance. A sample of 1368 Spanish university students (64% female) was administered a battery consisting of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire, the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory Short version, and the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, with their academic performance also being studied. The results found that the victimized bullies have greater difficulties in their organization and planning for study and exams, have fewer control and consolidation strategies, and are less able to adapt to university. Logistic regression analyses show that the greater the difficulties in organization and planning, and the greater the difficulties experienced in exams, the greater the probability of a person being a victim and a victimized bully. In addition, students are less likely to be victims, bullies, and victimized bullies as their ability to adapt to university increases. The findings have been discussed and it has been noted that there is a need to address academic adjustment and the ability to adapt to the university environment as a preventive measure for cyberbullying in university students

    Flipped Learning in Higher Education for the Development of Intrinsic Motivation: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Flipped learning (FL) is being considered, in terms of new educational trends, a beneficial pedagogical model in the classroom. In particular, FL and intrinsic motivation (IM) are key components to the model since they can be crucial to a high-quality education. FL for the development of IM in higher education, as well as searches for potential interventions have, thus improved over the past ten years. However, no reviews that analyze the findings and conclusions reached have been published. Consequently, the objectives of this paper were to analyze the relationship between the use of FL and the IM of students in higher education, and to identify the aspects that should be present in FL models to develop the IM that contributes to high-quality education. Methods: in accordance with PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest was carried out. Results: Of the 407 studies that were initially discovered, 17 underwent a full examination in which all findings and conclusions were analyzed. After implementation, the majority of the FL interventions improved IM results. Conclusion: many key aspects have been identified that must be followed in order to intrinsically motivate students using the FL methodology

    Continuous Compared to Accumulated Walking-Training on Physical Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Sedentary Older Persons

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    The present study aimed to analyze the impact of overground walking interval training (WIT) in a group of sedentary older adults, comparing two different dose-distributions. In this quasi-experimental and longitudinal study, we recruited twenty-three sedentary older adults (71.00 ± 4.10 years) who were assigned to two groups of WIT. The continuous group (CWIT) trained for 60 min/session in the morning, while the accumulated group (AWIT) performed the same duration and intensity of exercise, but it was distributed twice a day (30 min in the morning and 30 more in the afternoon). After 15 weeks of an equal external-load training (3 days/week), Bonferroni post-hoc comparisons revealed significant (p < 0.050) and similar large improvements in both groups in cardiorespiratory fitness and lower limb strength; even larger gains in preferred walking speed and instrumental daily life activity, which was slightly superior for CWIT; and improvements in agility, which were moderate for CWIT and large for AWIT. However, none of the training protocols had an impact on the executive function in the individuals, and only the AWIT group improved health-related quality of life. Although both training protocols induced a general significant improvement in physical function in older adults, our results showed that the accumulative strategy should be recommended when health-related quality of life is the main target, and the continuous strategy should be recommended when weakness may be a threat in the short or medium term

    Relationship between suicidal thinking, anxiety, depression and stress in university students who are victims of cyberbullying

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the predictive capacity of cybervictimization with regards to suicidal thinking and anxiety, depression and stress in university students. The European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 and the Suicidality Scale were administered to a sample of 1282 university students (594 men and 688 women) aged between 18 and 46 (M = 21.65; SD = 4.25). The results suggest that being a cybervictim increases the probability of suicidal thinking and presenting high levels of anxiety, depression and stress. This study highlights the high prevalence rates of cyberbullying in the university environment and how this issue is associated with emotional problems and suicidal thinking. The identification of these relationships may allow for the development of effective preventive intervention measures to respond to this problem

    Cyberbullying in the University Setting. Relationship With Emotional Problems and Adaptation to the University

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    Little scientific attention has been paid to the problem of cyberbullying in the university environment, compared to similar studies conducted on adolescents. This study attempts to analyze the predictive capacity of certain emotional problems (anxiety, depression, and stress) and university adaptation with respect to cyberbullying in victims and aggressors. The European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 and the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire were administered to a sample of 1282 university students (46.33% male) aged between 18 and 46. The results suggest that high levels of depression and stress increase the probability of being a cyberbullying victim, while high levels of depression increase the probability of being a cyberbullying aggressor. Similarly, the personal–emotional and social adaptation of students are found to be predictor variables of being a cyberbullying victim, in that high levels of personal–emotional and social adaptation decrease the probability of being a victim, while high levels of personal–emotional, academic and institutional adaptation decrease the probability of being a cyberbullying victim. The results of this study are of special relevance, since they indicate that intervention programs should consider the influence of emotional intelligence, as well as the relevance students’ adaptation to university