62 research outputs found

    The Level of Knowledge and Skills of Special Education Teachers in Teaching with the use of Learning Through Play Method

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    Children construct knowledge through a meaningful play. Playing is a norm for each child; hence they are more inclined to learn through play. Children’s playing activities have to be significantly planned by teachers to obtain a quality product. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the level of knowledge and skills in teaching with the use of learning through play method. The research samples consisted of 44 teachers from 9 schools with the Integrated Special Education Programme in the district of Kinta Selatan, Perak, Malaysia. This quantitative research used survey through a questionnaire that was adapted from Norhaya Isa. The questionnaire had 3 sections which were teachers’ demography, the level of knowledge in teaching using the learning through play method, and the level of skills in teaching using the learning through play method. The research findings were analysed descriptively using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22.0. A pilot study was conducted and the coefficient value Alpha Cronbach was high which was 0.937. A descriptive analysis of the mean scores showed that the teachers’ levels of knowledge and skills were high. In conclusion, the research findings showed that teachers’ level of knowledge and skills in implementing teaching and learning through the learning through play method is vital in producing successful special needs pupils. Therefore, teachers need to improve their knowledge as well as to vary their skills in using the various methods of teaching and learning

    Toughening polyamide 6 nanocomposites with maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene octene

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    Rubber toughened nanocomposites consisting of ternary blends of polyamide 6 (PA 6), maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene octene (POEgMAH) and organoclay montmorillonite (MMT) were prepared by melt compounding followed by injection moulding. The organoclay content was kept constant at 4 wt% while the POEgMAH content was varied between 5 to 20 wt%. The mechanical properties were studied through tensile, flexural and impact properties. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to examine the morphology of the nanocomposties. The results showed that, the incorporation of 4 wt% organoclay significantly increased the stiffness and strength but at the expense of the toughness. Izod impact measurement indicated that the addition of POEgMAH led to a significant improvement in the impact strength of the nanocomposites. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) revealed that an intercalation organoclay silicate layer structure was formed in rubber-toughened PA6 nanocomposites. SEM study revealed a two-phase morphology where POE, as droplets was dispersed finely and uniformly in the PA6 matrix

    Effect of ammonium polyphosphate on flame retardancy, thermal stability and mechanical properties of alkali treated kenaf fiber filled PLA biocomposites

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    In present research polylactic acid (PLA) biocomposites were prepared from PLA and kenaf fiber using dry blending, twin screw extrusion and compression molding techniques. PLA was blended with kenaf core fiber, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and ammonium polyphosphate (APP). Kenaf fiber was treated with 3%, 6% and 9% NaOH solution separately. Both raw and treated kenaf along with 10, 15 and 20 phr APP was utilized during composite preparation. The effects of APP content and alkali treatment on flammability, thermal and mechanical properties of kenaf fiber filled PLA biocomposites were investigated. APP is shown to be very effective in improving flame retardancy properties according to limiting oxygen index measurement due to increased char residue at high temperatures. However addition of APP decreased the compatibility between PLA and kenaf fiber, resulting in significant reduction of the mechanical properties of PLA biocomposites. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that NaOH treatment improved the thermal stability of PLA biocomposites and decreased carbonaceous char formation

    Smoking cessation and its relationship with religiosity: a review of literature

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    This study aims to systematically review the literature regarding the relationship between religiosity/spirituality and smoking behaviour. Systematic searches were conducted to identify the literature published since 2013-2019 based on sets of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Four electronic databases were used to identify the literature, including Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest and PubMed. The search was limited to full-text articles/ review papers and in English or Malay language only. Articles on smoking prevention and other nicotine delivering devices such as vape or electronic cigarette were excluded from the study. Initially, 26,938 articles were retrieved, but only 12 were finalised to be critically appraised. Out of the 12 studies, five studies revealed a significant relationship between religious/spiritual activities and cessation while the others showed an inverse association between religiosity and smoking. Religiosity/spirituality played an essential role in influencing smoking behaviour, making it an important vehicle to complement other existing tobacco control efforts. Limited studies were focusing on the Islamic religion despite the growing number of the Muslim population worldwide. Thus further research on the integration of Islamic religion in the smoking cessation program is highly recommended, especially in a Muslim country like Malaysia


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    ABSTRAK. Pandemi COVID-19 mulai muncul pada akhir tahun 2019. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap perubahan tatanan dalam berbagai kehidupan. Salah satu penyebab dari perubahan tatanan ini adalah karena semua kegiatan yang pada awalnya dilakukan di luar rumah, berubah total dengan sistem Work From Home (WFH) dan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) menjadi kegiatan yang dilakukan di dalam rumah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan perubahan fungsi dan bentuk ruang hunian di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, sesuai dengan tujuannya untuk melihat perubahan bentuk dan fungsi hunian sederhana. Perubahan bentuk dilakukan dengan mengamati bentuk dan fungsi sebelum dan sesudah pandemi,  mengamati keadaan saat pandemic dan melakukan wawancara untuk mengetahui bentuk dan fungsi sebelum pandemic. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling pada 13 rumah dengan luasan kecil, sedang, dan besar. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya perubahan yang terjadi pada rumah di sebabkan oleh pandemi yang terjadi.Perubahan tersebut ditemukan pada bertambahnya aktivitas yang terjadi pada ruang.Sedangkan bentuk ruang dan rumah tidak mengalami perubahan.Penambahan aktivitas ini disebabkan karena adanya WFH (bekerja dari rumah) dan BDR (belajar dari rumah), yang merupakan dua aktivitas tambahan yang muncul selama pandemic. Temuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah dua ruang yang digunakan oleh pengguna untuk melakukan kegiatan selama pandemic yaitu ruang tamu dan kamar. Ruang tamu digunakan sebagai tempat belajar daring bagi pengguna usia SD, namun untuk pengguna usia SMA dan kuliah kegiatan BDR/kuliah daring dilakukan di dalam kamar. Sedangkan orangtua melakukan kegiatan WFH lebih banyak di kamar karena membutuhkan ketenangan dan privasi. Kata kunci: Perubahan, fungsi dan bentuk, hunian ABSTRACT. The COVID-19 pandemic began to emerge at the end of 2019. This condition affects changes in the order of different lives. One of the causes of this change is that all activities that were originally carried out outside the home have completely changed with the Work From Home (WFH) and Learning From Home (BDR) systems into activities carried out at home. This study aims to identify and describe changes in the function and form of residential spaces during the pandemic. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method following its purpose to see changes in the form and function of simple dwellings. Changes in the form are carried out by observing the form and function before and after the pandemic, observing the situation during the pandemic, and conducting interviews to find out the form and function before the pandemic. Data were collected by purposive sampling on 13 houses with small, medium, and large areas.The result of this study is that changes occurred in the house caused by the pandemic. These changes were found in the increased activity in the room. Meanwhile, the shape of the room and place did not change. This additional activity was due to the existence of WFH (working from home). And BDR (study from home) are two different activities that have emerged during the pandemic. Another finding from this study is that users use two spaces to carry out activities during the pandemic: the living room and the bedroom. The living room is used as an online learning place for elementary school-age users, but for high school and college-age users, BDR / online lecture activities are carried out in the room. Meanwhile, parents do WFH activities more in the room because they need peace and privacy.Keywords: Change, function and form, residenc

    PLA/Kenaf/APP biocomposites: effect of alkali treatment and ammonium polyphosphate (APP) on dynamic mechanical and morphological properties

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    Kenaf-filled polylactic acid (PLA) biocomposites were prepared using dry blending, twin screw extrusion and compression molding. PLA was blended with raw and alkali treated kenaf, polyethylene glycol and ammonium polyphosphate (APP). Dynamic mechanical properties of biocomposites were investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis. Storage modulus of composites decreased, while magnitude of damping peaks increased with increase in APP content. The T g of composites shifted to lower values with APP addition. Alkali treatment improved interfacial adhesion between PLA and kenaf. SEM analysis indicates good dispersion of APP in PLA matrix, however interfacial adhesion between PLA and matrix decreased with increasing APP content

    Exploring the effects of nanofillers of epoxy nanocomposite coating for sustainable corrosion protection

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    Development of coating durability and sustainability for industry to facilitate the corrosion potential minimization attract much attention in recent year. The selection of appropriate coating material is necessities to improve corrosion protection of metal. Epoxy nanocomposite coatings filled with different amount of graphene nanoplateles (GNP) and montmorillonite (MMT) was prepared via mechanical agitation process to enhance the flame retardancy and anticorrosion performance of mild steel substrates. Salt fog test, limiting oxygen index (LOI) and water absorption result reveal that embedding a small amount of filler remarkably improved anticorrosion performance and flame retardancy of epoxy nanocomposite coatings. Present study suggests a development of nanocomposite coating with superior mechanical properties which was evaluated by adhesion tape test

    EPsmartcoat : Epoxy coating based green nanofillers

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    Bio-based epoxy coating which suitable for wide ranges applications. Affordable and excellent aesthetic value of green coating materials. Benefits of EPsmartcoat : flame retardancy and corrosion-free life (virtual freedom from maintenance and repair)

    Religiosity and its relationship with smoking cessation: a systematic review

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    Objective: This study aims to systematically review the literature regarding the relationship between religiosity and smoking behaviour. Methods: Four electronic databases were used to identify the literatures including Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest and PubMed. The search was limited to full text articles and in English or Malay only. Articles on smoking prevention and other nicotine delivering devices such as vape or electronic cigarette were excluded from the study. Results: Initially, 10,154 articles were retrieved and 12 met the inclusion criteria. Out of the 12 studies, five studies revealed a significant relationship between religious activities and cessation while the others showed inverse associations between religiosity and smoking. Conclusion: Religiosity played an important role in influencing smoking behaviour, making it an important vehicle to complement other existing tobacco control efforts. Limited studies were focusing on the Islamic religion despite the growing number of Muslim populations worldwide. Thus, further research on the integration of Islamic religion in smoking cessation program is highly recommended especially in a Muslim country like Malaysia

    Sustainable flame retardant coating based graphene oxide and montmorillonite

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    A comparative study of epoxy filled graphene oxide (GO) and montmorillonite (MMT) and its combination on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of epoxy nanocomposite coatings has been investigated. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) were carried out to determine the flame retardancy and thermal stability properties and clarifying the correlations between different nanofillers fraction. The result suggests that the formation of an efficient hybrid network evidenced by enhanced the flame retardancy as well as thermal stability performance of epoxy nanocomposite coating. The adhesion tape test results revealed that hybrid nanofillers exerts an obviously synergistic effect, demonstrated by the increased in adhesion strength compare to a single nanofillers. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed a high dispersion of hybrid GO/MMT due to the physical interaction between the nanofillers and epoxy matrix, responsible for the improved of coating’s performance