58 research outputs found
Nokkosen mikrobit kuriin höyryllä
Kuivayrtit sisältävät usein liian paljon mikrobeja, jotta niiden myynti esimerkiksi ulkomaille tai rohdosteollisuuteen onnistuisi. MTT Sotkamon hankkeessa testattiin mikrobien vähentämistä yrteistä uudella menetelmällä, höyrykäsittelyllä. Menetelmä voisi sopia sellaisille kuivattaville yrteille ja rohdoksille, joiden arvoaineet eivät haihdu herkästi.vo
Oreganon öljyt talteen pizzapellolta
Kreikkalainen oregano kasvaa hyvin Etelä-Suomessa ja sadosta voidaan tislata kotimaista oreganoöljyä. Tämä öljy on laadultaan parempaa kuin tuontiöljy. Taimien istuttamista lukuun ottamatta koko tuotantoketju voidaan koneellistaa.vo
Pohjoismaiset moniviranomaisyhteistyön toimintamallit nuorten hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä ja rikosten ehkäisyssä
Tässä tutkimushankkeessa kuvataan ja vertaillaan nuorten hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen ja rikosten ehkäisyyn kohdistuvat Pohjoismaiset moniammatilliset toimintamallit. Toimintamalleja on viisi eli yksi Tanskassa (SSP/DK), Norjassa (SLT/NO) ja Suomessa (Ankkuri) sekä kaksi mallia Ruotsissa (SIG/SE ja SSPF/SE). Tieto malleista kerättiin verkosta saattavista kirjallisista dokumenteista (n=53) sekä toimintamalleissa toimivien ammattilaisten (n=8) haastatteluilla.
Pohjoismaisissa moniammatillisissa toimintamalleissa päätoimijoina ovat poliisi, sosiaalitoimi sekä koulu tai terveystoimi. Päätoimijat ovat lisäksi laajassa yhteistyössä eri kunnan, poliisin ja kolmannen sektorin toimijoiden kanssa. Yhteistyötä toteutetaan säännöllisissä tapaamisissa tai työskentelemällä yhteisessä työtilassa. Moniammatillista tukea tarvitsevat nuoret tunnistetaan tavallisimmin poliisin rekisteristä tai ammattilaisten tiedon ja kokemusten perusteella. Tuki nuorelle suunnitellaan yhteistyössä nuoren ja perheen kanssa vastaamaan yksilöllisiä tarpeita. Moniammatillisen yhteistyön on todettu vahvistavan ennaltaehkäiseviä toimintoja, kun tiedon vaihto lisääntyi ja toiminnot olivat koordinoidumpia.
Vertailussa tuli esille, että kokemukset toimintamalleista ja niiden hyödyistä ovat olleet myönteisiä, mutta näyttöä toimintamallien vaikuttavuudesta ei juuri ole saatavilla. Kirjaamisen ja seurannan systematisoiminen kansallisesti edistäisi toiminnan arviointia. Jatkossa toimintamallien kehittäminen edellyttääkin niiden näyttöön perustuvuuden sekä vaikuttavuuden arviointia
Caries Experience and Erosive Tooth Wear in Finnish Men Conscripts 2021: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: In Finland, the development of oral health in young, 19- to 21-year-old males regarding restorative treatment need seems to have slowed down according to cross-sectional conscript studies between 1976 and 2011. At the individual level, the mean number of decayed teeth (DT > 0) has also steadily continued to decline. In Finland, military service is mandatory, and around 85% of males complete it. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the oral health status of young men at the beginning of the 2020s. Methods: The data were collected in July 2021 in the eight biggest Finnish Defence force garrisons by ten calibrated dentists serving in the ranks. The inclusion criteria for this study were a year of birth between 2000 and 2002 and male gender (n = 508). Third molars were included. Restorative treatment need was evaluated using ICDAS scoring. The study was designed according to the STROBE guidelines. Results: Mean DT value was 1.13 when third molars were included and 1.03 when they were excluded. Mean DMFT value was 3.23 and 2.98, respectively. The proportion of conscripts with DT > 0 was 36.4% and 34.8%, respectively. The prevalence of caries was concentrated among a small number of conscripts. Most (76.5%) had BEWE (basic erosive wear examination) of 0–2. Conscripts in the moderate and severe ETW (erosive tooth wear) groups (BEWE 3–13) comprised 23.5% of the cohort. None of the conscripts fell into the most severe group (BEWE 14–18). Conclusions: The oral health of conscripts has improved over the last ten years, and restorative treatment need has decreased significantly. Compared to previous studies, restorative treatment need was concentrated on an even smaller proportion of conscripts
Caries Experience and Erosive Tooth Wear in Finnish Men Conscripts 2021: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: In Finland, the development of oral health in young, 19- to 21-year-old males regarding restorative treatment need seems to have slowed down according to cross-sectional conscript studies between 1976 and 2011. At the individual level, the mean number of decayed teeth (DT > 0) has also steadily continued to decline. In Finland, military service is mandatory, and around 85% of males complete it. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the oral health status of young men at the beginning of the 2020s. Methods: The data were collected in July 2021 in the eight biggest Finnish Defence force garrisons by ten calibrated dentists serving in the ranks. The inclusion criteria for this study were a year of birth between 2000 and 2002 and male gender (n = 508). Third molars were included. Restorative treatment need was evaluated using ICDAS scoring. The study was designed according to the STROBE guidelines. Results: Mean DT value was 1.13 when third molars were included and 1.03 when they were excluded. Mean DMFT value was 3.23 and 2.98, respectively. The proportion of conscripts with DT > 0 was 36.4% and 34.8%, respectively. The prevalence of caries was concentrated among a small number of conscripts. Most (76.5%) had BEWE (basic erosive wear examination) of 0–2. Conscripts in the moderate and severe ETW (erosive tooth wear) groups (BEWE 3–13) comprised 23.5% of the cohort. None of the conscripts fell into the most severe group (BEWE 14–18). Conclusions: The oral health of conscripts has improved over the last ten years, and restorative treatment need has decreased significantly. Compared to previous studies, restorative treatment need was concentrated on an even smaller proportion of conscripts
Caries Experience and Erosive Tooth Wear in Finnish Men Conscripts 2021 : A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: In Finland, the development of oral health in young, 19- to 21-year-old males regarding restorative treatment need seems to have slowed down according to cross-sectional conscript studies between 1976 and 2011. At the individual level, the mean number of decayed teeth (DT > 0) has also steadily continued to decline. In Finland, military service is mandatory, and around 85% of males complete it. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the oral health status of young men at the beginning of the 2020s. Methods: The data were collected in July 2021 in the eight biggest Finnish Defence force garrisons by ten calibrated dentists serving in the ranks. The inclusion criteria for this study were a year of birth between 2000 and 2002 and male gender (n = 508). Third molars were included. Restorative treatment need was evaluated using ICDAS scoring. The study was designed according to the STROBE guidelines. Results: Mean DT value was 1.13 when third molars were included and 1.03 when they were excluded. Mean DMFT value was 3.23 and 2.98, respectively. The proportion of conscripts with DT > 0 was 36.4% and 34.8%, respectively. The prevalence of caries was concentrated among a small number of conscripts. Most (76.5%) had BEWE (basic erosive wear examination) of 0-2. Conscripts in the moderate and severe ETW (erosive tooth wear) groups (BEWE 3-13) comprised 23.5% of the cohort. None of the conscripts fell into the most severe group (BEWE 14-18). Conclusions: The oral health of conscripts has improved over the last ten years, and restorative treatment need has decreased significantly. Compared to previous studies, restorative treatment need was concentrated on an even smaller proportion of conscripts.Peer reviewe
Correction: Patinen et al. Caries Experience and Erosive Tooth Wear in Finnish Men Conscripts 2021: A Cross-Sectional Study. Dent. J. 2022, 10, 122
There was an error in the original publication [...
Autismikirjon häiriön varhainen tunnistaminen ja diagnosointi Suomessa - perheiden näkemys
English summaryPeer reviewe
Neonatal Alexander Disease : Novel GFAP Mutation and Comparison to Previously Published Cases
Alexander disease (AxD) is a genetic leukodystrophy caused by GFAP mutations leading to astrocyte dysfunction. Neonatal AxD is a rare phenotype with onset in the first month of life. The proband, belonging to a large pedigree with dominantly inherited benign familial neonatal epilepsy (BFNE), had a phenotype distinct from the rest of the family, with hypotonia and macrocephaly in addition to drug-resistant neonatal seizures. The patient deteriorated and passed away at 6 weeks of age. The pathological and neuroimaging data were consistent with the diagnosis of AxD. Genetic analysis of the proband identified a novel de novo GFAP missense mutation and a KCNQ2 splice site mutation segregating with the BFNE phenotype in the family. The GFAP mutation was located in the coil 2B region of GFAP protein, similar to most neonatal-onset AxD cases with an early death. The clinical and neuroradiological features of the previously published neonatal AxD patients are presented. This study further supports the classification of neonatal-onset AxD as a distinct phenotype based on the age of onset.Peer reviewe
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