506 research outputs found

    Restorative Justice On Death Caused By Traffic Accident

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    This study aims to determine how the application of Restorative Justice to Traffic Accidents That Cause Death. An empirical research method that serves to see the law in a real sense and examines how the law works in the community. The data collection process used interview techniques and direct data collection at the Gorontalo City Police Traffic Unit Office. This study uses a qualitative method by describing it descriptively. The results showed that many cases were not processed to the Gorontalo District Court because there were several factors, namely, Not getting sufficient evidence, the accident that occurred was not a crime, the perpetrator of the accident died, the perpetrator of the accident was still a minor, The family of the accident victim who has been sincere, and the family of the victim who does not want to deal with the court because it takes a long time and the criminal case has expired. Regarding efforts to resolve cases of traffic accidents that result in death, namely ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Diversion, and SP3 (Termination of Investigation)

    The Role of Higher Institutions in Creating Awareness on Challenges of MUIP in Communicating its Waqf Possession

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    This paper analyzes the fenomena regarding issues of waqf and its impact on the ummah development. Waqf has significant impact on the ummah development in term of social, economic, political and legal process. The good governance of waqf institutions of waqf assets and properties, MUIP in particular has enhanced the economic, education and worship of the ummah within the MUIP jurisdiction. Waqf reported as an important aspect of religious ummah’s activity, that is increasing the awareness of social care


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    Konstruksi memiliki perkembangan yang pesat bagi suatu negara. Hal tersebut dapat digambarkan berdasarkan peningkatan laju pertumbuhan konstruksi mencapai 5,76% (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2020). Dapat dikatakan sector konstruksi merupakan salah satu industri yang memiliki risiko tinggi (suparno et al, 2019). Kontribusi kecelakaan di sektor konstruksi banyak disebablan oleh perilaku tidak selamat walaupun sudah ada program keselamatan yang berjalan. Sebagian besar perilaku tidak selamat memiliki akar penyebab ketidakmampuan dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya dan mispresepsi terhadap risiko serta tindakan yang mereka ambil (Habibnezhad, M., et al., 2016). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran faktor-faktor yang membentuk persepsi risiko pada pekerja konstruksi PT.X Proyek Z dengan pendekatan dimensi Risk Perceived dan dimensi sosial budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah semi-kuantitaif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pekerja Proyek sebanyak 44 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat untuk menggambarkan distribusi frekuensi masing-masing faktor dan akan dilakukan analisis mendalam dari gambaran distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 10 faktor yang membentuk persepsi risiko pekerja Proyek Z masih harus ditingkatkan, terdapat 3 faktor yang menjadi prioritas yaitu dengan faktor knowledge of risk, control of risk, dan common dread. Manajemen proyek Z diharapkan mampu meningkatkan persepsi risiko pekerja proyek Z agar dapat menjadi role model untuk para pekerja dan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja

    Examining the compliance of hospitality services in KLIA Malaysia with Maqasid al-Shariah

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the hospitality services at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 1 (KLIA 1). Specifically, it attempted to examine hospitality in Islamic law, the hospitality services offered at the airport and the extent to which they were in line with Maqasid al-Sharia (the intent of Islamic law). To achieve these objectives, inductive method was used to gather information about hospitality and Maqasid al-Shari’ah from classic and modern books. Survey method was also used to collect data by questionnaire from tourists at the aforementioned airport, and foreign students and workers residing in Malaysia. Descriptive analytical method was then used to discuss the data collected from the two sources. This research ended with the conclusions that the hospitality services at the airport achieved some objectives of the Islamic law such as taysir (alleviation), cooperation and respect for human rights, and that the implementation of hospitality services which suits Maqasid al-Shari’ah plays a pivotal role in attracting tourists as the Maqasid al-Shari’ah is based on fitrah, which exists in every human being

    Exploring the effectiveness of advertising towards brand recall / Noorsyazwani Azri Zulkifli and Anisah Mohamad Razali

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    This research was conducted to explore the marketing tool which is the Effectiveness Advertising towards Brand Recall. The population of this research was among the staff of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and Radio TelevisyenMalaysia (RTM) Angkasapuri. Researcher and only 150 respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling. This research will be analyzed and examined by using three major independent variables which are advertising frequency, advertising type, and product involvement. Type of analysis in this research involves Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The result found that there is a significant relationship between independent variables towards the brand recall amongst staffs in MARDI Headquarter and Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM)

    Exploring the effectiveness of advertising towards brand recall / Noorsyazwani Azri Zulkifli and Anisah Mohamad Razali

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    This research was conducted to explore the marketing tool which is the Effectiveness Advertising towards Brand Recall. The population of this research was among the staff of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) Angkasapuri. Researcher and only 150 respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling. This research will be analyzed and examined by using three major independent variables which are advertising frequency, advertising type, and product involvement. Type of analysis in this research involves Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The result found that there is a significant relationship between independent variables towards the brand recall amongst staffs in MARDI Headquarter and Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM)

    Institusi Mufti Dan Fatwa : Satu Analisa Terhadap Enakmen Dan Beberapa Fatwa Pilihan Negeri Sembilan [KF4605.35. Z94 2004 f rb] [Microfiche 7610]

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    Tesis ini yang diberi judul �Institusi Mufti dan Fatwa: Satu Analisa Terhadap Enakmen dan Beberapa Fatwa Pilihan Negeri Sembilan� membincangkan konsep fatwa dan mufti, adab, syarat-syarat dan sejarah, enakmen fatwa dan mufti Negeri Sembilan dan juga beberapa fatwa pilihan. Tujuan tesis ini untuk memahami dan mengkaji peruntukan enakmen negeri dan fatwa di Negeri Sembilan. The thesis confined on The Mufti�s and Fatwa�s Institution: An analysis on enactment and numerous selected �fatwa� which comprised several main parts as follows: The concept of �fatwa� and �mufti�, values, requirements (�syarat�) and its history, the �fatwa� and mufti�s enactment of Negeri Sembilan and various selected �fatwa�. The rationale of the thesis is to study the enactment and fatwa in Negeri Sembilan

    The effect of ethnic relations course on the students perceptions towards ethnic relations among first year students of one public university in Malaysia

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    AbstractMalaysia is a multi-racial country and unity is an important agenda for the country's political, social and economic stability. The Malaysian prime minister enhanced this vital agenda with his “One Malaysia” concept that alert the Malaysian citizen to have a high sense of responsibility towards building a united nation. Every citizen should have high tolerance attitude among them. The Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education has taken stern action in realizing this concept of unity by introducing a course known as Ethnic Relations. The course should be taken by every students in private and public universities. A study was conducted on first year students perceptions towards ethnic relations in Malaysia mainly between the Malays and the non Malays which consists of Chinese, Indian and other ethnics. The sample of the study were 320 first year students of one of the public university in Malaysia who register for Ethnic Relations course in the first semester for the 2009/2010 session. Questionnaires were given to the students before the implementation of the ethnic relations module and after their completion of the course. The aspects of questionnaires are culture, identity, stereotype, interaction, prejudice and plurality. This is an action research and data was analyzed by using mean. Before the implementation of the module, from the mean it was found that there was a difference of perceptions between the different ethnic related to the aspects of culture, identity and stereotype. The findings will be discussed later in the paper

    The influence of technology, environment and user acceptance on the effectiveness of information system project selection using SEM

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    The selection of the present information system project is difficult because of the many factors that influence it. Information system project should pay attention to the user acceptance, technology and the environment in terms of their influence on the information system project selection.The purpose of this paper is to determine how much influence user acceptance, technology and the environment have on the information system project selection.This research uses data obtained from several ministries and analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Models).The results found that the technology and the environment affects user acceptance. Moreover, technology and environment affect the effectiveness of the information systems project selection through the mediating effect of user acceptance. User acceptance, tested by the incorporation of usefulness and ease of use, the results are more modest and in line with previous theories. Furthermore, the external environment highly impacts the information system project selection

    Design And Development Of Single-Axis Solar Tracking System Using Microcontroller

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    The solar panel has been used increasingly in the recent years in converting the solar energy into electrical energy. Solar tracking system plays an important role in increasing the energy output of the solar panel. In this project, single-axis solar tracking systems have been designed and develop to be used with silicon photovoltaic device. With solar tracking, it will become possible to generate more energy since the solar panel can maintain a perpendicular profile to the light intensity of the sun. Thus, the tracking of the sun and positioning of the solar panel is important. This project discusses the design and develops of the solar tracking that has a single axis of freedom. For this tracker, Light Dependant Resistor is used to detect the position of the sun. To analyse the performance, sensors are used to measure the important parameters. This operation is controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. The performance of the solar panel is being analysed based on two conditions which are with the solar tracking system and pv panel at fixed position. As a result, this tracker system produces 18%-31% more output energy than conventional solar panels which do not use the tracking system because this system increases the efficiency of the panel since the panel is exposed to the light concentration of light from the sun. This system is the technology able to give a good impact to every consumer who is concerned to keep the performance of the solar panel at optimum level