90 research outputs found

    The Sectarian Ideology of the Islamic Online Media in Indonesia

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    Numerous  Islamic  groups  in  Indonesia  use  the  internet  to  offer  ideology  against  other  groups  or other sects to internet users. This study focuses on sectarian ideology on Islamic online media in Indonesia. Having combined and sought this media, I found that lppimakassar.com and manhajsala- fi.com  are  the  most  intensive  sites  in  offering  sectarian  ideology.  This  study  aims  to  examine  the ideological identity and pattern of the websites linked to the administrators or writers of the web- sites. To find their ideology, this article uses topic headings, news, and articles to analyze. This meth- od has led me to find two Islamic online media: lppimakassar.com and manhajsalafi.com. The former is affiliated to the Salafi group while the latter to the Aswaja group. These two websites adopt their thoughts abroad.DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v1i2.546

    Relevansi Pemikiran Jalaluddin Rumi Terhadap Pendidikan Islam (Konsep Pendidikan Akhlaq dan Tasawuf Dalam Buku Fihi Ma Fihi)

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    Buku Fihi Ma Fihi merupakan salah satu karya besar dari seorang tokoh sufi bernama Jalaluddin Rumi, yang memuat ceramah-ceramah Rumi dalam bentuk prosa. Berisi tentang materi perkuliahan, refleksi, dan komentar yang membahas tentang masalah seputar akhlak dan Tasawuf  yang dilengkapi dengan tafsiran Al-Quran dan Hadis. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1). Bagaimana konsep pendidikan akhlak dan Tasawuf perspektif pendidikan Islam? 2). Bagaimana nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dan Tasawuf yang terkandung dalam buku Fihi Ma Fihi karya Jalaluddin Rumi? 3). Bagaimana relevansi nilai pendidikan akhlak dan Tasawuf  pada buku Fihi Ma Fihi terhadap Pendidikan Islam? Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif yang berbentuk deksriptif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah kepustakaan (library research). Objek penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah karya sastra berupa buku yang berjudul Fihi Ma Fihi Karya Jalaluddin Rumi. Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh penulis untuk memperoleh data adalah dengan mencari buku-buku yang relevan dengan obyek kajian dengan sumber data primer berasal dari buku Fihi Ma Fihi. Metode yang dilakukan penulis dalam tesis ini adalah metode dokumenter yakni mencari data variabel yang berupa catatan, naskah, transkip buku dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1). Nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dan Tasawuf pada buku Fihi Ma Fihi meliputi Cinta, Khauf dan Raja’, Tawakal, Ikhlas, Muraqabah, Berdzikir kepada Allah, Istikamah, Tawadu’, Sabar, Mujahadah, Memaafkan dan Memuliakan terhadap sesama. 2). Nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam buku Fihi Ma Fihi karya Jalaluddin Rumi dapat tercermin dari proses pendidikan rohani pada manusia agar ia mengikuti apa yang dikehendaki Allah, Tuhan semesta dan jagat raya ini. Merupakan proses pencapaian kesempurnaan potensi spiritual manusia yang ditunjukan dengan pencapaian dalam wujud kebersihan rohani, keluasan dalam berpikir, kedalaman pemahaman ilmu, keutamaan akhlak, yang membawa manusia menuju kepada Tuhan. Kata Kunci : Tasawuf, Akhlak, dan Pendidika


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    AbstractRiddell’s Research (2001) shows the various elements in Islam, such asdoctrine, debate, theology, writing Manuscripts, commentary, legal, mystical, thought, and the reform movement, participate in developing the archipelago, from the 16th century until the 20th century. Islam also influences not only on the teachings and religious thought but also on writing systems and languages. In other words, the public acceptance of the Archipelago to Islam, Islam brings into acculturation with the local culture. This paper will look how the sermon to be a discourse which also influences the way of people of Aceh in the issue of jihad, it also wages a fight against the Dutch ambition to conquer Aceh as the most important regions in the archipelago at that time. The result of this research shows how the text can inflame resistance to colonization (read: Dutch) andfostering self-sacrifice anything for the sake of religion and motherland.Keywords: Sermon, Aceh war, Ottoman Turkish

    Tinjauan Islam Soal Bencana Alam

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    This article explains the view of Islam on disaster. The author uses nine terms that represent the whole picture of disaster in Islamic‟s point of view. The terms are zhulumât, al-kubar, al-karb, sû', nailan, 'adzâb, sayyi'ah, dâ'irah, dan mushîbah. There are six kinds of disaster that mentioned in the Quran: flood, earthquake, hail, drought, and hunger. On the other hand, there are eight Ada delapan wisdoms from disaster

    The Use of Semantic Translation Method in Ḍau’u al-Misbāh fī Bayāni Ahkāmi al-Nikāh

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    This study was aimed at investigating the use of semantic translation method in the translation of the Ḍau’u al-Misbāh fī Bayāni Ahkāmi al-Nikāh by K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. After translating the data objects, the analysis process was carried out by describing the use of semantic translation method applied to translate the text. The results of this study revealed that semantic translation method used in translating Ḍau’u al-Misbāh fī Bayāni Ahkāmi al-Nikāh was an effective method to use in translating such classical texts, in which it eases the translator to produce translations that are acceptable in the target language (TL), easy to understand, and as closely as possible with the meaning of the sourch language (SL), and help the translator to preserve the writer's ideas

    Verba Transitif dan Intransitif dalam Bahasa Arab

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    Arabic words are distinguished from each other by their three forms:1) ism, noun, which consists of definite and undefinite noun; 2) fiʝl,verb that consists of: a) fiʝl mâdhÎ: past form, fiʝl mudhâriʝ: presentand future form, fiʝl amr: imperative form, b) mutaʝaddÎ and lâzim:respectively transitive and intransitive verb; and 3) harf, particle. Thisarticle focuses on the transitive and intransitive verbs of Arabic

    Analisis Komponen Makna dan Makna Leksem dalam Kontruksi Kalimat Uli Al- Amr dan Amir Al- Mu'minin

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    The research target is to explain semantic field of UIi al-Amr and Amir al-Mu'minin in Arabic, especially, which is found in Al-Qur'an and Hadis. The relationship among lexemes is paradigmatic The analysis of each lexeme in the sentence construction shows the meaning ofeach lexeme has synonymous meaning with other at one time and has diherent meaning in other time. Each lexeme could has negative and positive connotation. The connotations are depending on its context and collaration, On the analysis of sentence construction, there are polysemy and homonymy tendency of those lexemes

    Cakrawala linguistik arab

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    Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan baru mengenai pengkajian bahasa arab dengan pendekatan linguistik modern, disamping mempertahankan linguistik tradisional.xi, 181 hlm. 20,9 c
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