41 research outputs found

    A arte engajada de João das Neves : o artista-TXAI e suas metáforas da coletividade

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    A partir de textos, vídeos e de duas entrevistas – com João das Neves e com Ileana Diéguez – este trabalho traz um panorama das características marcantes nas encenações do artista, das quais participei como atriz e como atriz idealizadora, produtora e/ou coautora, e uma reflexão sobre pontos de ressonância e dissonância entre a chamada arte engajada, tal como ele a entendia e praticava, e o que hoje chamamos artivismo9213515

    Old age in the opinions of thirty

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    Podstawę i bezpośrednią inspirację do podjęcia sformułowanego oraz wyrażonego w tytule problemu stanowiła dla piszącego obserwacja pokolenia współczesnych trzydziestolatków. Dokonując rozpoznania i charakterystyki tej grupy wiekowej, warto nie tylko diagnozować zaobserwowane zjawiska, lecz także postawić pytania dotyczące kwestii ich stosunku do starości, a także tego, jakimi będą seniorami. Tekst niniejszego artykułu zamierza jedynie zasygnalizować wspomniany problem, a także stać się impulsem do dalszych działań. Artykuł składa się z czterech części. W pierwszej wyjaśniony zostanie semantyczny sens pojęć kryterium obiektywne i subiektywne. W drugiej przedstawiony będzie obiektywny obraz pokolenia współczesnych trzydziestolatków. W trzeciej, w świetle przeprowadzonych badań, ukazany zostanie subiektywny obraz trzydziestolatków. Ostatnia, czwarta część zawiera refleksję dotyczącą wychowania do starości.The basis and a direct inspiration of taking up reformulated and expressed issue in the title, was for writer the observation of contemporary generation of thirty-year-olds. By making the diagnosis and characteristics of this age group, it is worth to not only diagnose the observed phenomena, but also to ask ourselves questions about their attitude towards an old age, and also what kind of seniors they will be. The text of this article intends to only indicate the problem, and also become a catalyst for further action. Article consists of the following parts. The first semantic concepts will explain the meaning of the criterion of objective and subjective. The second will present an objective picture of the generations of today’s thirdly-year-olds. In the third, in the light of the studies shown, will be a subjective image of aforementioned group of people. The last fourth part, contains the reflection concerning education to old age.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Inhabiting the image and provoking the matter : the collaborative imagination in the process of creation of Banho & Tosa and Bonecas Quebradas shows

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    Orientador: Ana Cristina CollaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: A pesquisa investiga a imaginação colaborativa em processos de construção concomitante de texto e cena, apresentando aspectos éticos e estéticos desses modos de criação e refletindo sobre atitudes e procedimentos para a afinação do conjunto das imaginações nesse tipo de processo. Baseia-se em dois percursos criativos vivenciados por mim como atriz, e como atriz e co-autora, em entrevistas com diversos artistas e em um referencial teórico amplo para a apreensão dos modos como as imaginações individuais em processos colaborativos tecem uma trama dramatúrgica compartilhadaAbstract: The research investigates the collaborative imagination in processes of text and scene concomitant construction, presenting ethical and aesthetic aspects of those modes of creation and reflecting on attitudes and procedures for the attuning of the set of imaginations in this kind of process. It is based on two creative paths experienced by me as an actor and as co-author, on interviews with artists and on theoretical references for the apprehension of ways that individual imaginations involved in collaborative processes of creation weave together a shared dramaturgical plotDoutoradoTeatro, Dança e PerformanceDoutora em Artes da CenaCAPE

    Nuclear Factor κB Subunits RelB and cRel Negatively Regulate Toll-like Receptor 3-mediated β-Interferon Production via Induction of Transcriptional Repressor Protein YY1

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    The induction of β-interferon (IFN-β) is a key anti-viral response to infection by RNA viruses. Virus-induced expression of IFN-β requires the co-operative action of the transcription factors IRF-3/7, NF-κB, and ATF-2/c-Jun on the IFN-β promoter leading to the orderly recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. Although viruses strongly activate NF-κB and promote its binding to the IFN-β promoter, recent studies have indicated that NF-κB is not essential for virus-induced expression of IFN-β. Herein, we examined the role of NF-κB in regulating IFN-β expression in response to the viral-sensing Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). Intriguingly pharmacological inhibition of the NF-κB pathway augments late phase expression of IFN-β expression in response to TLR3 stimulation. We show that the negative effect of NF-κB on IFN-β expression is dependent on the induction of the transcriptional repressor protein YinYang1. We demonstrate that the TLR3 ligand polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly(I:C)) induces expression and nuclear translocation of YinYang1 where it interacts with the IFN-β promoter and inhibits the binding of IRF7 to the latter. Evidence is also presented showing that the NF-κB subunits c-Rel and RelB are the likely key drivers of these negative effects on IFN-β expression. These findings thus highlight for the first time a novel self-regulatory mechanism that is employed by TLR3 to limit the level and duration of IFN-β expression

    Nuclear Factor κB Subunits RelB and cRel Negatively Regulate Toll-like Receptor 3-mediated β-Interferon Production via Induction of Transcriptional Repressor Protein YY1

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    The induction of β-interferon (IFN-β) is a key anti-viral response to infection by RNA viruses. Virus-induced expression of IFN-β requires the co-operative action of the transcription factors IRF-3/7, NF-κB, and ATF-2/c-Jun on the IFN-β promoter leading to the orderly recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. Although viruses strongly activate NF-κB and promote its binding to the IFN-β promoter, recent studies have indicated that NF-κB is not essential for virus-induced expression of IFN-β. Herein, we examined the role of NF-κB in regulating IFN-β expression in response to the viral-sensing Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). Intriguingly pharmacological inhibition of the NF-κB pathway augments late phase expression of IFN-β expression in response to TLR3 stimulation. We show that the negative effect of NF-κB on IFN-β expression is dependent on the induction of the transcriptional repressor protein YinYang1. We demonstrate that the TLR3 ligand polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly(I:C)) induces expression and nuclear translocation of YinYang1 where it interacts with the IFN-β promoter and inhibits the binding of IRF7 to the latter. Evidence is also presented showing that the NF-κB subunits c-Rel and RelB are the likely key drivers of these negative effects on IFN-β expression. These findings thus highlight for the first time a novel self-regulatory mechanism that is employed by TLR3 to limit the level and duration of IFN-β expression

    A Violência urbana e suas consequências em um centro de atenção psicossocial na zona norte do município do Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the interference of urban violence and drug trafficking in a Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS - Psychosocial Care Centre) located in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative research with a theoretical-methodological approach based on the principles of participant observation and on fieldwork. Many CAPS of the north zone are situated in areas of high social risk, where there is intensification of violence. The presence of this social issue reflects on the routine of the service, as it needs to create protective strategies, to perform home visits, to assist drug users with precarious life situation and, also, to face new challenges continuously. RESULTS: The high frequency of perception of social problems like the high rates of violence and criminality, the question of drug trafficking, the increase in social inequality and the consequent overlapping of exclusions to which this part of the population is submitted require new studies that allow to understand the consequences of the impact of violence on the mental health of users of treatment services in the community.OBJETIVO: Descrever a interferência da violência urbana e do tráfico de drogas sobre um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) localizado na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem teórico-metodológica baseada nos princípios da observação participante e no trabalho de campo. Grande parte dos CAPS da zona norte está inserida em regiões de maior risco social, onde há intensificação da violência. A presença dessa problemática social se reflete na rotina do serviço, que precisa criar estratégias protetivas, realizar visitas domiciliares, atender à demanda de usuários de drogas com precária situação de vida e ainda enfrentar continuamente novos desafios. RESULTADOS: A elevada frequência da percepção de problemas sociais, como as altas taxas de violência e criminalidade, a questão do tráfico de drogas, o aumento da desigualdade social e a consequente sobreposição de exclusões a que estão submetidas essa parcela da população, requer novos estudos que permitam compreender as consequências do impacto da violência na saúde mental dos usuários de serviços em tratamento na comunidade

    Adaptation of Critical Time Intervention for use in Brazil and its implementation among users of psychosocial service centers (CAPS) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro

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    Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes a mental healthcare model based on the implementation of a community-based service network, in which Psychosocial Service Centers (CAPS) play a fundamental role. The report presents the results of a pilot study which aimed to adapt Critical Time Intervention to the Brazilian context, and to test its feasibility to provide it to persons with schizophrenic spectrum disorders who are enrolled in CAPS of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: The research design included three inter-related phases. Phase one consisted in carrying out qualitative and quantitative field work. This phase included mapping out the socio-demographic, clinical and service utilization data of CAPS users, as well as assessing the mental health needs of participants in the study. The second phase consisted in translation of the CTI clinical manual to include the adaptations made for use in Brazil, which were based on data collected in the first phase, as well as training individuals with moderate education as CTI intervention workers. The third phase consisted of pilot implementation of the adapted intervention among a group of individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders enrolled in CAPS, but with difficulties in being included in treatment.A Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira propõe um modelo de atenção baseado na implantação de uma rede comunitária no qual os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) detêm papel fundamental. Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados do estudo piloto que visou adaptar para o contexto brasileiro a Critical Time Intervention (CTI) e testar sua viabilidade com pessoas com transtornos do espetro esquizofrênico em tratamento nos CAPS do município do Rio de Janeiro. O desenho da pesquisa incluiu três fases inter-relacionadas. A primeira consistiu em trabalho de campo qualitativo e quantitativo. Esta fase incluiu o mapeamento das características sociodemográficas, clínicas e de utilização de serviços dos usuários dos CAPS, bem como conhecer as necessidades concretas dos participantes do estudo. A segunda fase consistiu na tradução do manual clinico da CTI para incluir as adaptações feitas para o seu uso no Brasil, oriundas dos dados coletados na primeira fase, bem como o treinamento de profissionais de nível médio para atuarem como agenciadores da CTI. A terceira fase consistiu na implementação da intervenção adaptada em um grupo de pacientes com transtornos do espectro esquizofrênicos matriculados nos CAPS, mas com dificuldade de se inserir no tratamento.46354642Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Apšvietimas kaip architektūros modernumo simbolis

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    The paper is designed to reveal the aesthetics of artificial lighting and its influence on the architecture of the 20th century. The main topics discussed are electric lighting, which appeard in our history at the end of the 19th century, and the technical development of lighting till the middle of the 20th century. Connections of artificial lighting with visual arts, its influence on advertisement, building architecture and the whole city are analysed. An idea is proposed that although lighting by nature was purely functional, very soon it acquired symbolic ambitions to represent architecture. In modern times architects understood that lighting was both a technological development and a symbol of a new era, when there appeared an independent field of creation - lighting architecture. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama dirbtinio apšvietimo estetika ir jos įtaka XX a. architektūrai. Išryškinta XIX a. pabaigoje atsiradusio elektrinio apšvietimo svarba ir atskleista apšvietimo techninė raida iki XX a. vidurio. Nagrinėjamos dirbtinio apšvietimo sąsajos su vizualiaisiais menais, apšvietimo įtaka reklamai, pastatų architektūrai bei visam miestui. Straipsnyje keliama idėja, kad nors apšvietimo prigimtis pradžioje buvo grynai funkcionali, ji greitai įgavo simbolinių ambicijų – reprezentuoti architektūrą. Architektai į apšvietimą žvelgė ne tik kaip į technologinę pažangą, tai buvo naują erą ženklinantis simbolis, erą, kurioje atsiranda didelės įtakos visoms kūrybinėms idėjoms turinti nauja savarankiška kūrybos sritis – šviesos architektūra. First Published Online: 22 May 2013 Reikšminiai žodžiai: meninis, dirbtinis, elektrinis apšvietimas, stiklo, šviesos architektūra, modernumas


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    Duszpasterski i naukowy dorobek Stefana Wyszyńskiego pozostaje wciąż nieodkryty. W tym artykule sięgam po pojęcie praxis, które jest obecne w wielu tekstach Prymasa Tysiąclecia i z jego pomocą rekonstruuję koncepcję myślenia krytycznego z pozycji chrześcijańskiej. Moje rozważania prezentuję w czterech punkach. W pierwszym opisuję stan współczesnego człowieka za pomocą dwóch par wyrażeń przeciwstawnych: atrofia myślenia versus entropia działania oraz apateizm versus indyferencja. Przez ich skrzyżowanie powstaje punkt oznaczający postulowane przez Wyszyńskiego (pozytywne) „zatrzymanie w myśleniu”. Drugi punkt poświęcony jest rekonstrukcji pojęcia praxis w oparciu o wybrane teksty Wyszyńskiego. Na tej podstawie w trzecim punkcie ukazuję jego pojmowanie myślenia krytycznego. Polega ono na zmianie punktu widzenia albo gotowości do wysłuchania i zrozumienia partnera dialogu. W ostatnim, czwartym punkcie wyciągam dwie pedagogiczne konkluzje przeprowadzonych przeze mnie analiz.Stefan Wyszyński’s pastoral and scientific legacy is still undiscovered. In this article I reach to the notion of a praxis, which is present in many texts of the Primate Wyszyński and use it to revive an idea of critical thinking from a Christian point of view. My dissertation is divided into four parts. In the first part I describe a state of a contemporary human using two pairs of opposing notions: atrophy of thinking versus entropy of action, and apatheism versus indifference. At their meeting point a spot arises, which represents Wyszyński’s idea of a (positive) halt in thinking. The second part is dedicated to a revival of a notion of praxis based on Wyszyński’s selected texts. On this basis in the third part I present his way of understanding of critical thinking. In the last, fourth part I draw two pedagogical conclusions of my analysis