21 research outputs found


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    Background/Objective: This study investigates the effect of lumbar stabilization and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) training on muscle strength and muscle endurance. Methods: Sixty-four participants between the ages of 15 and 69 years, graded “protrusion and bulging lumbar herniation” according to the Macnab Classification, were divided into four groups of 16: lumbar stabilization training (strength training, 5 days/week for 4 weeks); PNF training (5 days/week for 4 weeks); physical therapy (hot pack, TENS, ultrasound, 5 days/week for 4 weeks); and control (without any application). Sociodemographic features were recorded and muscle strength tested. Before and after exercise, a visual analog scale (VAS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were measured by a physical therapist. After 4 weeks, the evaluations were repeated. Results: There were significant increases in muscle strength and muscle endurance in the lumbar stabilization group, who also showed significant improvement in pain intensity at rest and during activity, and in ODI (p<0.05). Similar results were observed in the PNF group (p<0.05), although not to the same extent. Patients undergoing physical therapy showed significant differences only in pain intensity at rest, at activity, and in ODI (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the control group. Conclusion: Undertaking an appropriate physiotherapy and rehabilitation program aiming to reduce waist circumference of patients with low muscle strength and low muscle endurance will help to increase muscle strength and endurance and reduce pain, and contribute toward the correction of functional disabilities.  Article visualizations

    The segmental Body Composition comparison of Freestyle and Greco-Roman style wrestlers with Bioelectrical impedance method

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    Amacı: Grekoromen ve Serbest güreşçilerin vücut kompozisyonunun segmental olarak analizinin yapılarak farklılıkların belirlenmesidir. Yöntem Bu çalışma, Büyükler Dünya Şampiyonası öncesi hazırlık kampında yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya, Serbest (n23) ve Grekoromen stil (n23) güreşçiler katılmıştır. Çalışmada, tüm güreşçilerden Bioelektrik Impedans (BIA) analizörü kullanım protokolüne uygun olarak güreşçilerin sağ ve sol kol, bacak ve gövde yağ yüzdeleri (YY) ve yağsız vücut kütleleri (YVK) segmental olarak belirlendi. Hidrasyon seviyelerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla refractometre cihazı kullanıldı. Alınan tüm ölçümler (sağ ve sol kol, bacak ve gövde YY ve YVK) bağımsız t-test istatistikleri kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı (P0.05) Bulgular: 74 ve 84 kg Serbest ve Grekoromen güreşçilerin vücut kompozisyonu segmental analizinde sadece sağ ve sol kol bölgelerinde istatistiksel açıdan yağ % ve yağsız kas kütle oranı arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmaktadır (P0.05). Diğer sıkletlerde, vücut bölmeleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan yağ yüzdeleri ve yağsız vücut kütle oranı arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmamaktadır (P0.05). Sonuç: Sporun uygulanış tarzı güreşçiler üzerinde az da olsa vücut kompozisyonun da değişim oluşturmaktadır.Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the differences between freestyle and Greco-Roman style wrestlers‘ body composition as segmental. Material and method: This study was conducted during the Senior National Camping preparatory camp. Freestyle wrestlers (n23) and Greco-Roman wrestlers (n23) attended in this study . As segmental, right and left arms, legs and trunk percentage of fat and fat free mass were assessed by using a Bioelectrical Impedance analyzer (Tanita Body Composition Analyzer BC- 418). However, Atago Refractometer pen device was used to determine levels of hydration. All measurements (right and left arms, legs and trunk) were compared by using independent t-test statistics (P0.05). Conclusion: the implementation of sport- style on wrestlers is a slight change in body composition

    High Dose of Caffeine Mouth Rinse Increases Resistance Training Performance in Men

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    Caffeine mouth rinsing (CMR) has been shown to enhance exercise performance. However, no studies have analyzed the effects of different dosages of CMR on muscular performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different dosages of CMR on strength (bench press 1 repetition maximum (1-RM)) and muscular endurance (60% of 1-RM repetitions to failure) in resistance-trained males. Fourteen resistance-trained males (age: 23 ± 2 years, height: 179 ± 3 cm, body mass: 83 ± 4 kg, BMI: 17 ± 2 kg/m2) completed four conditions in random order. The four conditions consisted of a mouth rinse with 25 mL solutions containing either 1% (250 mg) of CMR (low dose of CMR: LCMR), 2% (500 mg) of CMR (moderate dose of CMR: MCMR), 3% (750 mg) of CMR (high dose of CMR: HCMR) and sweetened water (placebo: PLA) for 5 s prior to a bench press strength and muscular endurance test. Maximal strength, muscular endurance, heart rate (HR) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded for each condition. There were no significant differences in strength (p = 0.30) and HR (p = 0.83) between conditions. HCMR significantly increased muscular endurance performance (p = 0.01) and decreased RPE values (p = 0.01). In conclusion, CMR did not affect bench press 1-RM strength performance, but muscular endurance responses to CMR seems to be dose-dependent

    The Acute Effects of Normobaric Hypoxia on Strength, Muscular Endurance and Cognitive Function: Influence of Dose and Sex

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    The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of different levels of hypoxia on maximal strength, muscular endurance, and cognitive function in males and females. In total, 13 males (mean ± SD: age, 23.6 ± 2.8 years; height, 176.6 ± 3.9 cm; body mass, 76.6 ± 2.1 kg) and 13 females (mean ± SD: age, 22.8 ± 1.4 years; height, 166.4 ± 1.9 cm; body mass, 61.6 ± 3.4 kg) volunteered for a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Participants completed a one repetition strength and muscular endurance test (60% of one repetition maximum to failure) for squat and bench press following four conditions; (i) normoxia (900 m altitude; FiO2: 21%); (ii) low dose hypoxia (2000 m altitude; FiO2: 16%); (iii) moderate dose hypoxia (3000 m altitude; FiO2: 14%); and (iv) high dose hypoxia (4000 m altitude; FiO2: 12%). Heart rate, blood lactate, rating of perceived exertion, and cognitive function was also determined during each condition. The one repetition maximum squat (p = 0.33) and bench press (p = 0.68) did not differ between conditions or sexes. Furthermore, squat endurance did not differ between conditions (p = 0.34). There was a significant decrease in bench press endurance following moderate (p = 0.02; p = 0.04) and high (p = 0.01; p = 0.01) doses of hypoxia in both males and females compared to normoxia and low dose hypoxia, respectively. Cognitive function, ratings of perceived exertion, and lactate were also significantly different in high and moderate dose hypoxia conditions compared to normoxia (p < 0.05). Heart rate was not different between the conditions (p = 0.30). In conclusion, high and moderate doses of acute normobaric hypoxia decrease upper body muscular endurance and cognitive performance regardless of sex; however, lower body muscular endurance and maximal strength are not altered

    Türk polisinin bazi fiziksel ve somatotip özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of Turkish National Police. A total of 351 male police from a Turkish General Directorate of Security participated in this study voluntarily ( :21.49&plusmn;1.06 yrs). Subjects&rsquo; height, body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage and somatotype characteristics were determined. Body fat percentage was determined by Jackson &amp; Pollock&nbsp; formula and somatotype properties were determined according to Heath-Carter system. The sit and reach test was used for the determination of flexibility, the visual reaction test was used for determination of reaction time, the counter movement (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) tests were used for the determination of anaerobic performance,10-30 meter transition (speed) times were used for the determination of sprint performance and 1-mile run test was used for determination of determined of maximal oxygen consumption capacity (VO2max). Results indicated subjects have normal body mass index (22.11 &plusmn; 2.05), low body fat percentage (8.51 &plusmn; 2.87) and ectomorphy-mesomorphy properties (2.67-4.59-2.96). Results of flexibility, visual reaction values was 30.45&plusmn;5.9 cm, 420.47&plusmn;43.87. Anaerobic performance; the anaerobic power of CMJ, relative CMJ, SJ and relative SJ values of subjects were 948.49&plusmn;121.27 watt, 13.40&plusmn;.90 watt/kg, 899.99&plusmn;117.83 watt and 12.71&plusmn;.89watt/kg respectively while the 10m, 30m and VO2max values was 1.75&plusmn;.07, 4.35&plusmn;.18 second and 52.4&plusmn;2.0 respectively. As a conclusion, the findings of the present study indicated that Turkish National Police have good physical fitness and somatotype characteristics.&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu &ccedil;alışmanın amacı, T&uuml;rk polisinin bazı fiziksel ve somatotip &ouml;zelliklerini belirlemektir. &Ccedil;alışmaya Ankara Emniyet Genel M&uuml;d&uuml;rl&uuml;ğ&uuml;&rsquo;nde &ccedil;alışan toplam 351 g&ouml;n&uuml;ll&uuml; erkek polis (:21.49&plusmn;1.06yıl) katılmıştır. &Ccedil;alışmaya katılan deneklerin boy uzunluğu, v&uuml;cut ağırlığı, v&uuml;cut k&uuml;tle indeksleri, v&uuml;cut yağ y&uuml;zdeleri ve somatotip &ouml;zellikleri belirlenmiştir. V&uuml;cut yağ y&uuml;zdesi ile Jackson ve Pollock form&uuml;l&uuml; ile hesaplanırken, somatotip &ouml;zellikler Heath-Carter y&ouml;ntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Esneklik belirlenmesinde uzan-eriş testi, reaksiyon zamanının belirlenmesinde g&ouml;rsel reaksiyon testi, anaerobik performansın belirlenmesinde aktif sı&ccedil;rama (AS) ve skuat sı&ccedil;rama (SS) testi, sprint performansın belirlenmesinde 10-30 metre testi kullanılırken, oksijen t&uuml;ketim kapasitesinin belirlenmesinde ise 1 mil koşu testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, &ccedil;alışmaya katılan polislerin, normal v&uuml;cut kitle indeksine (22.11 &plusmn; 2.05),&nbsp; d&uuml;ş&uuml;k v&uuml;cut yağ y&uuml;zdesine (8.51 &plusmn; 2.87) ve ekto-mezomorf (2.67-4.59-2.96) somatotip &ouml;zelliğine sahip olduklarını g&ouml;stermiştir. Ayrıca esneklik ve g&ouml;rsel reaksiyon zamanı değerlendirme sonucunda sırasıyla 30.45&plusmn;5.9cm, 420.47&plusmn;43.87 ms olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonu&ccedil;ların yanı sıra anaerobik performans değerlendirme sonucunda; AS, 948.49&plusmn;121.27 watt; relatif AS, 13.40&plusmn;.90 watt/kg; SS, 899.99&plusmn;117.83 watt; relatif SS 12.71&plusmn;.89watt/kg olarak bulunurken sprint değerleri ise, 10m, 1.75&plusmn;.07 ve 30m, 4.35&plusmn;.18 saniye olarak bulunmuştur. Tahmini VO2maks değerleri ise 59.25&plusmn;2.60 ml/kg/dk olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonu&ccedil; olarak T&uuml;rk polislerinin iyi bir fiziksel uygunluğa ve somatotip &ouml;zelliklerle sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir.&nbsp;&nbsp

    The effects of dehydration on athletic performance and monitoring hydration levels

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    Dehidrasyon, sporcularda sadece atletik performansı düşürmekle kalmaz bununla birlikte ciddi derecede sağlık sorunlarına hatta ölümlere bile yol açabilmektedir. Özellikle uzun süreli dayanıklılık gerektiren yarışma ve antrenman ortamlarında sporcuların hidrasyon düzeyinin takip edilmesi ve uygun hidrasyon düzeyinin sağlanması performansın maksimum düzeye çıkarılmasında önem oluşturmaktadır. Bu derleme çalışmasında, yapılan araştırmalar doğrultusunda, sıvı kaybının performans üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri ve hidrasyon düzeyinin tespit edilmesine yönelik olarak kullanımı kolay, pratik ve aynı zamanda güvenilir yöntemler hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Vücut hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesine yönelik çok sayıda yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan mükemmel bir yöntem olmamasına rağmen vücut ağırlık değişimleri, bazı kan değerleri, idrar parametreleri sıklıkla kullanılan yöntemler arasındadır. Vücut ağırlığı değişimi ve idrar testleri, kullanımı kolay ve girişimsel olmayan (nonivasive) yöntemler olması sebebiyle spor ortamlarında akut ve kronik hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesinde daha yaygın olarak kullanılabilecek yöntemler olarak önerilmektedir.Dehydration not only reduced athletic performance, but also may lead to severe health problems and death. Especially, for athletes, monitoring hydration and ensuring proper hydration levels have significant effect in maximizing performance requiring long term durability training and competition environments. The purpose of this review is to provide information about negative effects of water loss on performance, and to determine the level of hydration with an easy to use, practical and reliable methods also had been known by athletes and coaches by previous studies. A lot of methods are used to determine the level of body hydration. Although there is no gold standard for determining the level of body hydration changes, body weight changes, some blood values and urine parameters are the commonly used methods. Because using body weight change and urine test methods are easy and noninvasive, they are recommended for determining the level of acute and chronic hydration as the more commonly used methods in the sport settings


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    Koz, Mitat/0000-0002-5793-6999WOS: 000357270000015PubMed: 25559900Demirkan, E, Koz, M, Kutlu, M, and Favre, M. Comparison of physical and physiological profiles in elite and amateur young wrestlers. J Strength Cond Res 29(7): 1876-1883, 2015The aim of this study is to examine the physical and physiological determinants of wrestling success between elite and amateur male wrestlers. The wrestlers (N = 126) were first assigned to 3 groups based on their competitive level (top elite, elite, and amateur) and then to 6 groups according to their body mass (light, middle, and heavy weight) and their competitive level (elite and amateur). Top elite and elite wrestlers had significantly (p 0.05) more training experiences and maximal oxygen uptake compared with the amateur group. In separating weight classes, light- and middle-weight elite (MWE) wrestlers had significantly (p 0.05) more training experience (7-20%) compared with the light- and middle-weight amateur (MWA) wrestlers. No significant differences were detected between elite and amateur groups (light-, middle-, and heavy-weight wrestlers) for age, body mass, height, body mass index, and body fat (p > 0.05), with the exception of height for heavy wrestlers. Leg average and peak power values (in watts and watts per kilogram) in MWE were higher than MWA (6.5 and 13%, p 0.05). Relative leg average power value in heavy-weight elite (HWE) (in watts per kilogram) was higher than heavy-weight amateur (HWA) (9.6%, p 0.05). It was seen that elite wrestlers in MWE and HWE statistically possessed a higher V.o(2)max (12.5 and 11.4%, respectively) than amateur middle- and heavy-weight wrestlers (p 0.05). The results of this study suggest that training experience, aerobic endurance, and anaerobic power and capacity will give a clear advantage for the wrestlers to take part in the elite group