47 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK , 2019. Perbandingan Daya Tahan Kardiovaskuler bagi Atlet Jam Tidur Kurang dan Cukup ditinjau dari Hemoglobin pada Atlet Hoki FIK UNM. Skripsi. Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan. Universitas Negeri Makassar (dibimbing oleh Ichsani dan Abdul Rahman). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan: Apakah ada perbedaan daya tahan kardiovaskuler bagi atlet hoki ketika memiliki jam tidur kurang dan ketika memiliki jam tidur cukup ditinjau dari hemoglobin. Variabel dalam penelitian ini antara lain jam tidur sebagai variabel bebas, daya tahan kardiovaskuler sebagai variabel terikat, dan hemoglobin sebagai variabel kontrol. Populasi untuk penelitian ini adalah atlet hoki Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Makassar (FIK UNM) yang kemudian diambil sampel sebanyak 10 orang dengan metode accidental sampling dan diteliti sebanyak dua kali, yaitu saat memiliki jam tidur kurang dan saat memiliki jam tidur cukup. Teknik penelitian data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistika yaitu uji anakova. Instrument yang digunakan adalah penilaian bleep test dan pengukuran kadar hemoglobin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sampel jam tidur kurang memiliki penilaian bleep test yang berkisar dibawah rata-rata dan memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang terlalu cair (dibawah 14 g/dl). Sedangkan sampel jam tidur cukup memiliki penilaian bleep test yang berkisar di atas rata-rata dan memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang baik (berkisar di antara 14-18 g/dl). Selain itu, pada hasil uji anakova terlihat bahwa hasil uji F antara data sampel jam tidur kurang dan cukup sebesar 4,666 dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,045. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel jam tidur berpengaruh secara signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: ada perbedaan daya tahan kardiovaskuler bagi atlet hoki yang memiliki jam tidur kurang dan yang memiliki jam tidur cukup ditinjau dari hemoglobin. Kata Kunci : Daya Tahan Kardiovaskuler, Jam Tidur, Hemoglobi

    Sistem temu kembali informasi dengan mendayagunakan media katalog perpustakaan

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    Catalog is a list of books owned by the librariy and arranged according to a particular system.The opbjective of catalogs in librariy is to publish a list of library materials through written by someone and particular title was collected in the list (entry) .In its development, the catalog of manual (book form, and the form of cards) is slow but sure is abandoned by the user.todays, online catalog or commonly called OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is one of tools that the most popular in library searching. The Online catalog has more advantages than manual


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    Konflik adalah sesuatu yang tak bisa terhindarkan oleh manusia. Konflik merupakan fitrah dasar dalam kehidupan masyarakat begitu pun dalam kehidupan mahasiswa sebagai masyarakat berintelektual. Konflik Mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar dikonstruksi oleh mahasiswa dengan berbagai macam latar belakang dan motif yang mempengaruhi, oleh karena itu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (i) Bagaimana konflik antarmahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar? (ii) Bagaimana dialektika konflik antarmahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar?. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah (i) untuk mengetahui bagaimana konflik antarmahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, (ii) dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dialektika konflik antarmahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik wawancara (Snowboll).Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (i) konflik di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, yaitu insidentil dan by desain dari mahasiswa dengan tujuan dan kepentingan yang berbedabeda, kemudian (ii) dialektika konflik antarmahasiswa dibuktikan dengan konflik kekerasan yang terus menerus terjadi sampai hari baik konflik yang melibatkan mahasiswa antar Fakultas, Program Studi, dan Organisasi Kedaerahan (Organda). Kata Kunci: Dialektika, Konflik, dan Mahasisw

    Antara Pendidikan dan Kekerasan terhadap Anak di Lingkungan Sekolah

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    Factually, the school is the place to gain knowledge, in schools that also students or students can develop their talents, interests and all potentials. But frequent frictions so that ideally the school should be a place to develop the potential of students, turning into a container of violence against children. The next issue is whether all elements in the school environment or do not realize that in the school there is violence in schools. From there need to be no understanding kekeraan revitalization of the students in the school environment, so that any form of violence against the students can not be allowed in the school environment. There are several reasons the appearance of school violence, such as Fator educational process, as it is known that the learning process in the school environment is not entirely stable, due to the curriculum, educators condition, input protégé. While the advances in information technology and its use of massive school environment has dragged the psychological condition of students become alienated from the conditions of learning the truth, Similarly, the mental state and behavior of teachers that would hetrogen and sometimes-kaadang unstable, these conditions when in direct contact with students certainly have an impact on friction, friction least psychologically, on the other hand the values ​​of care that teachers do, indeed felt by parents, especially parents who are educators began to dim in the educational process. What is mentioned above, is not to be something permanent to live in the school of environmental, efforts to minimize it always becomes a necessity, because the condition was raw, but must be done consciously by all parties, educators, students and parents. Therefore, give a space of freedom for students to learn authoritatively be one alaternatif, which is accompanied by the planting of self-efficacy of teachers permanently in implementing education, so that all will have an impact on teachers\u27 pedagogical abilities

    The Academic Management Applied at Pesantren Musthafawiyah and its Implication in Enhancing Students’ Achievement and School Existence

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    This study aimed to examine the implications of the academic management of Pesantren Musthafawiyah in improving santri achievement and the existence of the pesantren. Given that Pesantren Musthafawiyah is the oldest pesantren on the island of Sumatra, which was established in 1912, and in its history, the pesantren has experienced many challenges in its academic management. The research method used was a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, with the Miles and Huberman model as the data analysis technique. The results showed that the academic management of Pesantren Musthafawiyah had positive implications for students’ achievement both in the academic and non-academic fields. In addition to the academic management of Pesantren Musthafawiyah, it was able to provide positive implications for the existence of the pesantren, the preference of students and parents of students as well as the general public towards Pesantren Musthafawiyah, which viewed Pesantren Musthafawiyah as having excellent, full of achievement, charismatic, popular, having exemplary alumni and consistent in its education system

    Pengembangan dan Inovasi untuk Peningkatan Layanan Perpustakaan

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    Packaging of information is one of development and innovation to improve library services. Definition of packaging information is a process to reprocess the existing information from one form to another better and interesting, The purpose of packaging of information is to bring information resources to users for easy, precise and quick. In this paper described the shapes, stages of the process of packaging activities informasidan also the added value obtained for the library


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    Changes and developments in education are identical to learning. Because learning is a means to change. Changes as learning outcomes can emerge changes in physical, intellectual, emotional and behavioral changes. Not all learning can achieve the above, systematic and systematic learning that can lead to these changes. The failure of learning is one of the obstacles to change. Deep understanding of the inhibiting factors of learning is one way to overcome them. Failure to learn is a trigger for academic failure achieved by students at school. In this paper there are seven factors that lead to academic failure of students in school, among others: The active cycles experienced by students before they become the trigger for further failure, weaknesses in students in learning that are unclear what orientation and learning objectives in school, weak business those who have not yet shown a resilient effort in learning, low self-control that appears in the effort of low self-discipline in learning, lack of noble attitude that does not seem to like the heavy burden of learning, does not like challenges such as lethargy when added with assignments more learning assignments, low perceptions of learning success which usually do not have an effort to pursue higher achievement, hopes of going forward are very low. All these factors must be packaged systematically so as not to become the biggest obstacle for students in learning not to fail in school. Basically, in schools and in madrasas the teacher has implemented an effort to reduce the failure. It's just that the way teachers do is very conventional, not yet giving contributive meaning to solving student learning failures. like giving assignments or recitation. During this time the task is interpreted in a way to overcome the weaknesses of students, the task should be interpreted as a functional positive attribution to the strengthening of the results of weaknesses or failures of student learning


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    Factually, the school is the place to gain knowledge, in schools that also students or students can develop their talents, interests and all potentials. But frequent frictions so that ideally the school should be a place to develop the potential of students, turning into a container of violence against children. The next issue is whether all elements in the school environment or do not realize that in the school there is violence in schools. From there need to be no understanding kekeraan revitalization of the students in the school environment, so that any form of violence against the students can not be allowed in the school environment. There are several reasons the appearance of school violence, such as Fator educational process, as it is known that the learning process in the school environment is not entirely stable, due to the curriculum, educators condition, input protégé. While the advances in information technology and its use of massive school environment has dragged the psychological condition of students become alienated from the conditions of learning the truth, Similarly, the mental state and behavior of teachers that would hetrogen and sometimes-kaadang unstable, these conditions when in direct contact with students certainly have an impact on friction, friction least psychologically, on the other hand the values ​​of care that teachers do, indeed felt by parents, especially parents who are educators began to dim in the educational process. What is mentioned above, is not to be something permanent to live in the school of environmental, efforts to minimize it always becomes a necessity, because the condition was raw, but must be done consciously by all parties, educators, students and parents. Therefore, give a space of freedom for students to learn authoritatively be one alaternatif, which is accompanied by the planting of self-efficacy of teachers permanently in implementing education, so that all will have an impact on teachers' pedagogical abilities


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    Student learning situations in schools do not always benefit psychologically for certain students and teachers, because there are attitudes and behaviors of students that show contradiction with should occur. Ideally, the student should seriously study but is sometimes shown by aberrant behavior. Student learning orientation should focus on achieving success, get maximum achievement in a school, but sometimes fact justeri on the contrary, studying student no more just doing duty for the sake of pleasing parent and reach social status finished school. What is described above, the emergence is not without cause, the attitude of disorientation of students' learning in school is basically sourced from internal students themselves rather than from external factors. Students' disorientation in learning does not just appear, but arises from a cause, among them is the negative cycle of academic development experienced by students, low perceptions of learning, and effort in learning is very low. The adverse effects of these three factors will also affect students' attitudes toward learning, such as the use of ego in learning is greater than the logic, avoidance of challenges, such as dislike of difficulties, because it does not like to something hard and become a heavy burden for the brain , So can not measure the success and failure in learning. The consequences of it all have an effect on their behavior, such as tend to be difficult   to   control   to   learn   by   the   teacher, ignorance of the teacher and the lesson, likes to belittle the lesson learned, the less attention to the lesson   and   sometimes   show   the   destructive behavior when facing the  excessive challenge in learning, So the challenge he likes to be physically fit is not an intellectual challenge. In order to provide solutions to the attitudes and behaviors of students as described above, there needs to be a breakthrough that can be done, at least can be done through two kinds of strategies, namely motivation strategy and emotional strategy. Both are solutions that are internal rather than external