4,193 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of spectral fluctuations for a quantum system with infinitely many components

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    Extending the idea formulated in Makino {\it{et al}}[Phys.Rev.E {\bf{67}},066205], that is based on the Berry--Robnik approach [M.V. Berry and M. Robnik, J. Phys. A {\bf{17}}, 2413], we investigate the statistical properties of a two-point spectral correlation for a classically integrable quantum system. The eigenenergy sequence of this system is regarded as a superposition of infinitely many independent components in the semiclassical limit. We derive the level number variance (LNV) in the limit of infinitely many components and discuss its deviations from Poisson statistics. The slope of the limiting LNV is found to be larger than that of Poisson statistics when the individual components have a certain accumulation. This property agrees with the result from the semiclassical periodic-orbit theory that is applied to a system with degenerate torus actions[D. Biswas, M.Azam,and S.V.Lawande, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 43}, 5694].Comment: 6 figures, 10 page

    Semiconductor-enriched single wall carbon nanotube networks applied to field effect transistors

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    Substantial progress on field effect transistors "FETs" consisting of semiconducting single wall carbon nanotubes "s-SWNTs" without detectable traces of metallic nanotubes and impurities is reported. Nearly perfect removal of metallic nanotubes is confirmed by optical absorption, Raman measurements, and electrical measurements. This outstanding result was made possible in particular by ultracentrifugation (150 000 g) of solutions prepared from SWNT powders using polyfluorene as an extracting agent in toluene. Such s-SWNTs processable solutions were applied to realize FET, embodying randomly or preferentially oriented nanotube networks prepared by spin coating or dielectrophoresis. Devices exhibit stable p-type semiconductor behavior in air with very promising characteristics. The on-off current ratio is 10^5, the on-current level is around 10 μ\muA, and the estimated hole mobility is larger than 2 cm2 / V s

    Enhanced electrical and optical properties of room temperature deposited Aluminium doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) thin films by excimer laser annealing

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    High quality transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) often require a high thermal budget fabrication process. In this study, Excimer Laser Annealing (ELA) at a wavelength of 248 nm has been explored as a processing mechanism to facilitate low thermal budget fabrication of high quality aluminium doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films. 180 nm thick AZO films were prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering at room temperature on fused silica substrates. The effects of the applied RF power and the sputtering pressure on the outcome of ELA at different laser energy densities and number of pulses have been investigated. AZO films deposited with no intentional heating at 180 W, and at 2 mTorr of 0.2% oxygen in argon were selected as the optimum as-deposited films in this work, with a resistivity of 1×10−3 Ω.cm, and an average visible transmission of 85%. ELA was found to result in noticeably reduced resistivity of 5×10−4 Ω.cm, and enhancing the average visible transmission to 90% when AZO is processed with 5 pulses at 125 mJ/cm2. Therefore, the combination of RF magnetron sputtering and ELA, both low thermal budget and scalable techniques, can provide a viable fabrication route of high quality AZO films for use as transparent electrodes

    Simplicity of eigenvalues in the Anderson model

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    We give a simple, transparent, and intuitive proof that all eigenvalues of the Anderson model in the region of localization are simple

    The repulsion between localization centers in the Anderson model

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    In this note we show that, a simple combination of deep results in the theory of random Schr\"odinger operators yields a quantitative estimate of the fact that the localization centers become far apart, as corresponding energies are close together

    Development of a FPGA based PCI-express to optical link interface card, KINPEX

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    Decorrelation estimates for the eigenlevels of the discrete Anderson model in the localized regime

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    The purpose of the present work is to establish decorrelation estimates for the locally renormalized eigenvalues of the discrete Anderson model near two distinct energies inside the localization region. In dimension one, we prove these estimates at all energies. In higher dimensions, the energies are required to be sufficiently far apart from each other
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