689 research outputs found

    Communicating Information on Nature-Related Topics: Preferred Information Channels and Trust in Sources

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    How information is communicated influences the public’s environmental perceptions and behaviors. Information channels and sources both play an important role in the dissemination of information. Trust in a source is often used as a proxy for whether a particular piece of information is credible. To determine preferences for information channels and trust in various sources for information on nature-related topics, a mail-out survey was sent to randomly selected U.S. addresses (n = 1,030). Diverse groups of people may have differing communication preferences. Therefore, we explored differences in channel preferences and trust by demographics using regression models. Overall, the most preferred channels were personal experience, reading online content, and watching visual media online. The most trusted sources were science organizations, universities, and friends/family. Channel preferences varied the most by education level and age, while source trust was most influenced by education, race, age, and size of current residence (rural-urban). The influence of demographics varied depending on the individual channel and source, with some groups preferring certain channels or sources but not others. Results are useful to consider when disseminating information on nature-related topics to a general public audience. More broadly, results also suggest spreading information using different channels and sources depending on the specific audience being targeted

    Spatio-temporal patterns and characteristics of swine shipments in the U.S. based on Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection

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    Domestic swine production in the United States is a critical economic and food security industry, yet there is currently no large-scale quantitative assessment of swine shipments available to support risk assessments. In this study, we provide a national-level characterization of the swine industry by quantifying the demographic (i.e. age, sex) patterns, spatio-temporal patterns, and the production diversity within swine shipments. We characterize annual networks of swine shipments using a 30% stratified sample of Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI), which are required for the interstate movement of agricultural animals. We used ICVIs in 2010 and 2011 from eight states that represent 36% of swine operations and 63% of the U.S. swine industry. Our analyses reflect an integrated and spatially structured industry with high levels of spatial heterogeneity. Most shipments carried young swine for feeding or breeding purposes and carried a median of 330 head (range: 1–6,500). Geographically, most shipments went to and were shipped from Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. This work, therefore, suggests that although the swine industry is variable in terms of its size and type of swine, counties in states historically known for breeding and feeding operations are consistently more central to the shipment network

    Spatio-temporal patterns and characteristics of swine shipments in the U.S. based on Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection

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    Domestic swine production in the United States is a critical economic and food security industry, yet there is currently no large-scale quantitative assessment of swine shipments available to support risk assessments. In this study, we provide a national-level characterization of the swine industry by quantifying the demographic (i.e. age, sex) patterns, spatio-temporal patterns, and the production diversity within swine shipments. We characterize annual networks of swine shipments using a 30% stratified sample of Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI), which are required for the interstate movement of agricultural animals. We used ICVIs in 2010 and 2011 from eight states that represent 36% of swine operations and 63% of the U.S. swine industry. Our analyses reflect an integrated and spatially structured industry with high levels of spatial heterogeneity. Most shipments carried young swine for feeding or breeding purposes and carried a median of 330 head (range: 1–6,500). Geographically, most shipments went to and were shipped from Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. This work, therefore, suggests that although the swine industry is variable in terms of its size and type of swine, counties in states historically known for breeding and feeding operations are consistently more central to the shipment network

    MicroRNA profiling reveals marker of motor neuron disease in ALS models

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder marked by the loss of motor neurons (MNs) in the brain and spinal cord, leading to fatally debilitating weakness. Because this disease predominantly affects MNs, we aimed to characterize the distinct expression profile of that cell type to elucidate underlying disease mechanisms and to identify novel targets that inform on MN health during ALS disease time course. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short, noncoding RNAs that can shape the expression profile of a cell and thus often exhibit cell-type-enriched expression. To determine MN-enriched miRNA expression, we used Cre recombinase-dependent miRNA tagging and affinity purification in mice. By defining thein vivomiRNA expression of MNs, all neurons, astrocytes, and microglia, we then focused on MN-enriched miRNAs via a comparative analysis and found that they may functionally distinguish MNs postnatally from other spinal neurons. Characterizing the levels of the MN-enriched miRNAs in CSF harvested from ALS models of MN disease demonstrated that one miRNA (miR-218) tracked with MN loss and was responsive to an ALS therapy in rodent models. Therefore, we have used cellular expression profiling tools to define the distinct miRNA expression of MNs, which is likely to enrich future studies of MN disease. This approach enabled the development of a novel, drug-responsive marker of MN disease in ALS rodents.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease in which motor neurons (MNs) in the brain and spinal cord are selectively lost. To develop tools to aid in our understanding of the distinct expression profiles of MNs and, ultimately, to monitor MN disease progression, we identified small regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) that were highly enriched or exclusive in MNs. The signal for one of these MN-enriched miRNAs is detectable in spinal tap biofluid from an ALS rat model, where its levels change as disease progresses, suggesting that it may be a clinically useful marker of disease status. Furthermore, rats treated with ALS therapy have restored expression of this MN RNA marker, making it an MN-specific and drug-responsive marker for ALS rodents.</jats:p

    Polyaromatic hydrocarbons in pollution: a heart-breaking matter

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    Air pollution is associated with detrimental effects on human health, including decreased cardiovascular function. However, the causative mechanisms behind these effects have yet to be fully elucidated. Here we review the current epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence linking pollution with cardiovascular dysfunction. Our focus is on particulate matter (PM) and the associated low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as key mediators of cardiotoxicity. We begin by reviewing the growing epidemiological evidence linking air pollution to cardiovascular dysfunction in humans. We next address the pollution‐based cardiotoxic mechanisms first identified in fish following the release of large quantities of PAHs into the marine environment from point oil spills (e.g. Deepwater Horizon). We finish by discussing the current state of mechanistic knowledge linking PM and PAH exposure to mammalian cardiovascular patho‐physiologies such as atherosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, arrhythmias, contractile dysfunction and the underlying alterations in gene regulation. Our aim is to show conservation of toxicant pathways and cellular targets across vertebrate hearts to allow a broad framework of the global problem of cardiotoxic pollution to be established. AhR; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Dark lines indicate topics discussed in this review. Grey lines indicate topics reviewed elsewhere.publishedVersio

    Utilizing Patient-Derived Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Tumor Organoids to Predict Carboplatin Resistance

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    The development of patient-derived tumor organoids (TOs) from an epithelial ovarian cancer tumor obtained at the time of primary or interval debulking surgery has the potential to play an important role in precision medicine. Here, we utilized TOs to test front-line chemotherapy sensitivity and to investigate genomic drivers of carboplatin resistance. We developed six high-grade, serous epithelial ovarian cancer tumor organoid lines from tissue obtained during debulking surgery (two neoadjuvant-carboplatin-exposed and four chemo-naïve). Each organoid line was screened for sensitivity to carboplatin at four different doses (100, 10, 1, and 0.1 µM). Cell viability curves and resultant EC50 values were determined. One organoid line, UK1254, was predicted to be resistant to carboplatin based on its EC50 value (50.2 µM) being above clinically achievable Cmax. UK1254 had a significantly shorter PFS than the rest of the subjects (p = 0.0253) and was treated as a platinum-resistant recurrence. Subsequent gene expression analysis revealed extensively interconnected, differentially expressed pathways related to NF-kB, cellular differentiation (PRDM6 activation), and the linkage of B-cell receptor signaling to the PI3K–Akt signaling pathway (PI3KAP1 activation). This study demonstrates that patient-derived tumor organoids can be developed from patients at the time of primary or interval debulking surgery and may be used to predict clinical platinum sensitivity status or to investigate drivers of carboplatin resistance

    University Of New England: A Story In Pictures

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    From the Preface: “…This book is an attempt to capture UNE’s spirit through photography and minimal textual annotations. Finding a theme that runs through, and connects, the various colleges and organizations that eventually coalesced into the University of New England was relatively easy. Westbrook College, St. Francis College, and the New England Foundation for Osteopathic Medicine (NEFOM) were all motivated by providing opportunities to minority groups and improving the quality of life in our region. The pioneers who established these organizations and saw them through their early years left an indelible mark on the genetic makeup of UNE, one that continues to thrive today. A practical vision, rooted in an unshakeable commitment to human dignity, has been our guiding star from the start. A willingness to explore new strategies and adopt change have served us well. This is the spirit that photographer Holly Haywood and writer Philip Shelley set out to convey in this book. … The book was designed by Marine Miller and Laura Duffy … and conceived and produced during the last year of Danielle Ripich’s presidency (2016–17)…”https://dune.une.edu/unebooks/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Loss of DAP12 and FcRγ drives exaggerated IL-12 production and CD8(+) T cell response by CCR2(+) Mo-DCs

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    Dap12 and FcRγ, the two transmembrane ITAM-containing signaling adaptors expressed in dendritic cells (DC), are implicated in the regulation of DC function. Several activating and adhesion receptors including integrins require these chains for their function in triggering downstream signaling and effector pathways, however the exact role(s) for Dap12 and FcRγ remains elusive as their loss can lead to both attenuating and enhancing effects. Here, we report that mice congenitally lacking both Dap12 and FcRγ chains (DF) show a massively enhanced effector CD8(+) T cell response to protein antigen immunization or West Nile Virus (WNV) infection. Thus, immunization of DF mice with MHCI-restricted OVA peptide leads to accumulation of IL-12-producing monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DC) in draining lymph nodes, followed by vastly enhanced generation of antigen-specific IFNγ-producing CD8(+) T cells. Moreover, DF mice show increased viral clearance in the WNV infection model. Depletion of CCR2+ monocytes/macrophages in vivo by administration anti-CCR2 antibodies or clodronate liposomes completely prevents the exaggerated CD8+ T cell response in DF mice. Mechanistically, we show that the loss of Dap12 and FcRγ-mediated signals in Mo-DC leads to a disruption of GM-CSF receptor-induced STAT5 activation resulting in upregulation of expression of IRF8, a transcription factor. Consequently, Dap12- and FcRγ-deficiency exacerbates GM-CSF-driven monocyte differentiation and production of inflammatory Mo-DC. Our data suggest a novel cross-talk between DC-ITAM and GM-CSF signaling pathways, which controls Mo-DC differentiation, IL-12 production, and CD8(+) T cell responses

    Decreasing body size is associated with reduced calving probability in critically endangered North Atlantic right whales

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (grant nos. N000142012697 and N000142112096) and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (grant nos. RC20-1097, RC20-7188 and RC21-3091). Photogrammetry was supported by NOAA grant no. NA14OAR4320158 to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and by NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center.Body size is key to many life-history processes, including reproduction. Across species, climate change and other stressors have caused reductions in the body size to which animals can grow, called asymptotic size, with consequences for demography. A reduction in mean asymptotic length was documented for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, in parallel with declines in health and vital rates resulting from human activities and environmental changes. Here, we tested whether smaller body size was associated with lower reproductive output, using a state-space model for individual health, survival and reproduction that quantifies the mechanistic links between these processes. Body size (as represented by the cube of length) was strongly associated with a female's calving probability at each reproductive opportunity. This relationship explained 62% of the variation in calving among reproductive females, along with their decreasing health (20%). The effects of decreasing mean body size on reproductive performance are another concerning indication of the worsening prospects for this species and many others affected by environmental change, requiring a focus of conservation and management interventions on improving conditions that affect reproduction as well as reducing mortality.Peer reviewe