University Of New England: A Story In Pictures


From the Preface: “…This book is an attempt to capture UNE’s spirit through photography and minimal textual annotations. Finding a theme that runs through, and connects, the various colleges and organizations that eventually coalesced into the University of New England was relatively easy. Westbrook College, St. Francis College, and the New England Foundation for Osteopathic Medicine (NEFOM) were all motivated by providing opportunities to minority groups and improving the quality of life in our region. The pioneers who established these organizations and saw them through their early years left an indelible mark on the genetic makeup of UNE, one that continues to thrive today. A practical vision, rooted in an unshakeable commitment to human dignity, has been our guiding star from the start. A willingness to explore new strategies and adopt change have served us well. This is the spirit that photographer Holly Haywood and writer Philip Shelley set out to convey in this book. … The book was designed by Marine Miller and Laura Duffy … and conceived and produced during the last year of Danielle Ripich’s presidency (2016–17)…”

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