31 research outputs found

    إنتاج مادة 17 ألفا هيدروكسي البروجستيرون على مستوى المخمر المعملي بواسطة فطرة كاننجهاميلا إيكينولاتا

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    The mircrobiological transformation of progesterone by a local isolate of Cunninghamella echiiiulata using a laboratory fermentor was studied. Progresterone (10-50 g/1) wetted by Tween 80 was added to 48-hour old culture and the transformation was left to proceed for 72 hours. Thereafter, the different transformation products were resolved chromatog-raphically. The identity of each product was established through the determination of m.p., mixed m.p., optical rotation and ultraviolet as well as infrared absorption spectra. A comparison of the R{ values of each product with that of the corresponding reference using different solvent systems as well as their colour expressed with two spray reagents, was used as a further proof for the identity of the isolated products. With all concentrations of progesterone tested, maximum yield of 17ot -hydroxyprogesterone was obtained after 48 hours of fermentation Progesterone concentrations of 10 and 20 g/1 were almost quantitatively converted to the different transformation products after 72 hours of fermentation. Using a concentration of 20 g/1 and incubation period of 48 hours, the transformation product mixture consisted of unchanged progesterone (6%), 17 o< -hydroxyprogesterone (54%),llotrhydroxyprogesterone (29%) and llo<;,17<^-dihydroxy-progesterone (2.5%).تم استخدام مخمر صناعي سعة 2 لتر لاختيار مقدرة الفطرة على تكوين هذه المادة في ظروف تشبه تلك المطبقة في الصناعة . وبدراسة تركيزات متعددة فن مادة البروجستيرون تتراوح ما بين 10جرام /لتر إلى 50جرام /لتر ، وجد أن أنسب التركيزات المختبرة هو تركيز 20 جرام من البروجستيرون لكل لترمن الوسط الغذائي ، حيث تم تحويل كل البووجستيرون المضاف إلى المشتقات المختلفة خلال 72 ساعة من بدء الاضافة . ووجد أن أعلى معدل لتكوين مادة 17 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون كان بعد 48 ساعة من بدأ إضافة البروجستيرون . عند فصل المواد الناتجة من تحول البروجستيرون بواسطة الفطرة المستخدمة وذلك بواسطة أعمدة الفصل باستخدام مادة الالومينا وجد أن البروجستيرون يتحول إلى : 17 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون ( 54 %) 11 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون (29%) 11 ألفا ، 17 ألفا - ثنائي هيدروكسي البروجستيرون (2.5%

    Existence of monotonic LφL_\varphi-solutions for quadratic Volterra functional-integral equations

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    We study the quadratic integral equation in the space of Orlicz space EφE_{\varphi} in the most important case when φ\varphi satisfies the Δ2\Delta_2-condition. Considered operators are not compact and then we use the technique of measure of noncompactness associated with the Darbo fixed point theorem to prove the existence of a monotonic, but discontinuous solution. Our present work allows to generalize both previously proved results for quadratic integral equations as well as that for classical equations. Due to different continuity properties of considered operators in Orlicz spaces, we distinguish different cases and we study the problem in the most important case – in such a way to cover all Lebesgue spaces LpL_p (p1p \geq 1)

    Improving Abiotic Stress Resistance In Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) By Mutagenesis And Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2333 on 14.02.2017 by CS (TIS)Abiotic environmental stress such as drought, salinity and low temperature are common conditions that adversely affect plant growth and crop production. Breeding for crop resistance to abiotic stress is difficult due to its multigenic nature. An alternative approach is through DNA mutation and DNA transfer. These approaches were employed and tested in this research and comparison between them was carried out. NEU and NMU induced mutant lines and control plants were sub-cultured many times on maintenance medium and stored at 5°c for 2 years and then tested for salt and hydroxyproline resistance as in-vitro and in-vivo plants and proline content was measured. Non-acclimated and acclimated in-vivo plants were also assessed for resistance to freezing. Control plants had little or no NaCI or hydroxyproline resistance whilst selected plants showed varying degrees of resistance. In-vitro and in-vivo responses of selected lines were correlated. Leaf proline content was increased markedly in the mutant lines and the greatest proline contents occurred following NaCI stress with the most respondent line having 100 fold levels compared to the controls. Both non-acclimated and acclimated selected lines showed improved frost resistance over controls. The results clearly demonstrated that NaCI, frost and hydroxyproline resistance were stable traits over repeated in-vitro subcultures and prolonged low temperature storage. A complete range of mutants with single, double or triple resistance traits were produced. The level of resistance however was not necessarily correlated with the level of proline and some lines showed resistance without elevated proline. It is concluded that elevated proline is not essential for improved resistance to abiotic stress in cauliflower, but where it does occur it does improve resistance. Integration of APX and SOD stress genes into cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) plants was achieved by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens – mediated transformation method. The procedure utilized polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of insert DNA directly after isolation of individual colonies without the necessity of separate procedures for DNA isolation and purification. Preliminary selection of transgenic plants was performed on different combinations of kanamycin, gentamycin and tetracycline containing medium. Integration of the introduced stress gene (APX and SOD) in the plants was confirmed by using β-glucuronidase gene (GUS) and leaf disc assays as a gene fusion and diagnostic marker, respectively. The stable integration of the APX and SOD gene at 478 bp was detected by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the putative transgenic plants. Analysis of APX and SOD gene expression under salt treatment showed that putative transgenic cauliflower survived the salinity stress comparing with the control plants

    On solutions of some delay Volterra integral problems on a half-line

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    In this paper, we study the existence of a.e. monotonic solutions of some general delay integral problems for both fractional and integer orders in the space of Lebesgue integrable functions on the interval R+ = [0;1) and in the space of locally integrable functions L1loc (R+). In particular, the uniqueness of solutions for considered problems is obtained

    On quadratic integral equations in Orlicz spaces

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    AbstractIn this paper we study the quadratic integral equation of the formx(t)=g(t)+λx(t)∫abK(t,s)f(s,x(s))ds. Several existence theorems for a.e. monotonic solutions in Orlicz spaces are proved for strongly nonlinear functions f. The presented method of the proof can be easily extended to different classes of solutions

    On the solvability of a nonlinear functional integral equations via measure of noncompactness in

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    Using the technique of a suitable measure of non-compactness and the Darbo fixed point theorem, we investigate the existence of a nonlinear functional integral equation of Urysohn type in the space of Lebesgue integrable functions Lp(RN). In this space, we show that our functional-integral equation has at least one solution. Finally, an example is also discussed to indicate the natural realizations of our abstract result

    Discontinuous solutions of delay fractional integral equation via measures of noncompactness

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    This article considers the existence and the uniqueness of monotonic solutions of a delay functional integral equation of fractional order in the weighted Lebesgue space L1N(R+) L_1^N({\mathbb{R}}^+) . Our analysis uses a suitable measure of noncompactness, a modified version of Darbo's fixed point theorem, and fractional calculus in the mentioned space. An illustrated example to show the applicability and significance of our outcomes is included

    On integrable and approximate solutions for Hadamard fractional quadratic integral equations

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    This article addressed the integrable and approximate solutions of Hadamard-type fractional Gripenberg's equation in Lebesgue spaces L1[1,e] L_1[1, e] . It is well known that the Gripenberg's equation has significant applications in mathematical biology. By utilizing the fixed point (FPT) approach and the measure of noncompactness (MNC), we demonstrated the presence of monotonic integrable solutions as well as the uniqueness of the solution for the studied equation in spaces that are not Banach algebras. Moreover, the method of successive approximations was successfully applied and, as a result, we obtained the approximate solutions for these integral equations. To validate the obtained results, we provided several numerical examples

    Evaluation of Anxiety and Depression among a Sample of Hypothyroidism-Treated Iraqi Patients

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    Background: Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent thyroid disorders worldwide.  Hypothyroidism manifestations are wide spectrum, affecting various systems in human body including the nervous system. Hypothyroidism can cause neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression and diminishing in attention, memory and executive function. Aim: to investigate the level of anxiety and depression in patients with hypothyroidism receiving levothyroxine treatment. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted at Baghdad Center for Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy from March to June 2022. The study population included patients of both genders, aged 18-65 years, diagnosed with hypothyroidism, were receiving levothyroxine treatment and have achieved euthyroid state for at least 2 months prior to their enrolment in the study. Based on levothyroxine dose, the enrolled patients were divided into two groups: low dose group < 1.7 µg/kg/day and high dose group ≥ 1.7 µg/kg. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used for the evaluation of anxiety and depression. Result: The mean age of the participants was 40.35 ± 9.5 years with mean body mass index of 30.61 ± 5.72 kg/m2. The mean scores of anxiety and depression for the total sample are 8.72 ±3.46 and 7.80 ±2.83; respectively, there was statistically non-significant difference for anxiety and depression scores between the low dose group and the high dose group. Conclusion: the presence of anxiety and depression symptoms although the patients were in euthyroid state. However, socio-demographic and clinical characteristics did not significantly influence the scores of anxiety and depression