25 research outputs found


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    Il lavoro svolto consiste nella valutazione energetica degli edifici dell’oasi della Laguna di Orbetello (Centro di Educazione Ambientale “A. Peccei”) e della sede centrale del WWF Italia a Roma. Per gli edifici dell’oasi, lo studio consiste in primo luogo nell’analisi del fabbisogno energetico degli edifici secondo la normativa vigente; in secondo luogo nella valutazione delle prestazioni delle coperture ventilate presenti, in termini di risparmio di calore entrante nell’edificio in estate; infine vengono proposti alcuni interventi di riqualificazione energetica suddivisi in cinque grandi aree di pertinenza: la messa in efficienza dell’involucro, la messa in efficienza degli impianti termico ed elettrico, lo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali costituite dalla radiazione solare (progetto di un impianto solare termico per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria e ristrutturazione degli impianti fotovoltaici presenti), dall’acqua (riduzione del fabbisogno idrico, riciclo delle acque grigie, impianto di fitodepurazione) e dal combustibile producibile in loco (sostituzione delle caldaie obsolete presenti con caldaie a cippato). Per ogni intervento è stato proposto un modello di progettazione e dimensionamento degli impianti in gioco, ed è stato quindi dato un prospetto del risaparmio ottenibile in termini di diminuzione del fabbisogno di energia primaria, idrica e di combustibile. Tale procedimento è stato adottato anche per la valutazione energetica della sede centrale WWF di Roma, avvalendosi di opportune modifiche legate al diverso contesto

    Criticalities in the NZEB retrofit of scholastic buildings: analysis of a secondary school in Centre Italy

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    Abstract In Italy, the recast of the European Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings (2010/31/EU) is implemented with specific definitions and deadlines for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. We focus our attention on schools, not only for their social importance and high visibility, but also because in the next future a significant share of these buildings is likely to undergo refurbishment for different purposes than the energetic one. We start to analyze the criticalities associated with the current Italian legislation on NZEBs by means of a bottom-up approach: we choose a benchmark secondary school (located in Pisa, hosting about 750 students) and perform an accurate energy audit of the building system, together with an energy and economic simulation of an NZEB retrofit. More in detail, we present the case study and explain its choice as an appropriate representative of the existing scholastic buildings in Centre Italy; besides, we build two concurrent energy models, based on tailored and asset rating methods, we propose technically-feasible actions for deep renovation, and simulate, for both models, the associated energy and economic savings after 20 years of use. We observe long payback periods of the retrofit measures, due to low yearly energy uses in the existing configuration. Based on these results, we attempt to extend to a more general level the considerations on strengths and weaknesses encountered in the present application of the Italian regulation on NZEBs

    Neuroactive Steroids in First-Episode Psychosis: A Role for Progesterone?

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    Neuroactive steroids may play a role in the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders, but few studies examined this issue. We compared serumlevels of cortisol, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and progesterone between a representative sample of firstepisode psychosis (FEP) patients and age- and gender-matched healthy subjects. Furthermore, we analyzed the associations between neuroactive steroids levels and the severity of psychotic symptom dimensions.Male patients had lower levels of progesterone than controls

    Classification of cow diet based on milk mid infrared spectra: a data analysis competition at the "International workshop of spectroscopy and chemometrics 2022"

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    In April 2022, the Vistamilk SFI Research Centre organized the second edition of the "International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics - Applications in Food and Agriculture". Within this event, a data challenge was organized among participants of the workshop. Such data competition aimed at developing a prediction model to discriminate dairy cows' diet based on milk spectral information collected in the mid-infrared region. In fact, the development of an accurate and reliable discriminant model for dairy cows' diet can provide important authentication tools for dairy processors to guarantee product origin for dairy food manufacturers from grass-fed animals. Different statistical and machine learning modelling approaches have been employed during the workshop, with different pre-processing steps involved and different degree of complexity. The present paper aims to describe the statistical methods adopted by participants to develop such classification model.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Effects of Feed Supplementation on Nesfatin-1, Insulin, Glucagon, Leptin, T3, Cortisol, and BCS in Milking Ewes Grazing on Semi-Natural Pastures

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of feed supplementation on body condition score (BCS) and different metabolic hormones concentration in lactating sheep reared in Italian Central Apennine pastures during the grazing summer period. In this study, 24 Comisana x Appenninica pluriparous ewes from June until August were divided into two homogenous groups: the control group (UNS) was free to graze, while the other group (SUP), in addition to grazing, was supplemented with 600 g/day/head of cereals. At the start of the supplementation and at an interval of 9–10 days until the end of experimentation, BCS evaluation and blood withdrawal to assay nesfatin-1, insulin, glucagon, leptin, triiodothyronine and cortisol levels were performed. Univariable analysis showed no remarkable differences between the groups, while multivariable analysis suggested that the UNS group was characterized by a lower BCS and greater nesfatin-1 than the SUP group. These findings can be considered in relation to milk production, which shows a clear better persistence in the SUP group. Our results indicate that nutritional supplementation has protected ewes from the usual lowering of the body state linked to lactation and provides a good maintenance of milk production, determining also a better overall body and metabolic state of the animals, which is important at the beginning of the sexual season

    Effects of Feed Supplementation on Nesfatin-1, Insulin, Glucagon, Leptin, T3, Cortisol, and BCS in Milking Ewes Grazing on Semi-Natural Pastures

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of feed supplementation on body condition score (BCS) and different metabolic hormones concentration in lactating sheep reared in Italian Central Apennine pastures during the grazing summer period. In this study, 24 Comisana x Appenninica pluriparous ewes from June until August were divided into two homogenous groups: the control group (UNS) was free to graze, while the other group (SUP), in addition to grazing, was supplemented with 600 g/day/head of cereals. At the start of the supplementation and at an interval of 9–10 days until the end of experimentation, BCS evaluation and blood withdrawal to assay nesfatin-1, insulin, glucagon, leptin, triiodothyronine and cortisol levels were performed. Univariable analysis showed no remarkable differences between the groups, while multivariable analysis suggested that the UNS group was characterized by a lower BCS and greater nesfatin-1 than the SUP group. These findings can be considered in relation to milk production, which shows a clear better persistence in the SUP group. Our results indicate that nutritional supplementation has protected ewes from the usual lowering of the body state linked to lactation and provides a good maintenance of milk production, determining also a better overall body and metabolic state of the animals, which is important at the beginning of the sexual season

    Goji berries supplementation improves productive performance of rabbit

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of Goji berries on the productive performance of rabbits. One month before insemination, the New Zealand White does (20 animals/group) were fed a commercial standard diet (group C), supplemented with 1% or 3% Goji (groups 1G and 3G, respectively). After weaning, 50 rabbits/group were randomly selected and fed with the same diet of mothers (C, 1G or 3G) up to 91 days of age. 1G group showed lower pre-weaning mortality (31%, 15%, and 29% for C, 1G and 3G, respectively; P < 0.05), higher litter size (5 \ub1 1, 7 \ub1 1, and 6 \ub1 1 rabbits for C, 1G and 3G, respectively; P < 0.05) and litter weight (1278 \ub1 72, 1541 \ub1 61, 1319 \ub1 61 g for C, 1G and 3G, respectively; P < 0.05) at day 18, and higher litter size at weaning (4 \ub1 1, 6 \ub1 1, 4 \ub1 1 rabbits for C, 1G and 3G, respectively; P = 0.05) than C group. The supplemented groups showed higher body weight at the slaughter (2072 \ub1 32 g, 2212 \ub1 28 g and 2313 \ub1 32 g for C, 1G and 3G, respectively; P < 0.01) than C. Our results show that a supplementation of feed with Goji berries results in an improvement of productive performance in rabbit

    Le Norme UNI/TS 11300 Parti 1 e 2 – Tutte le Novità della Revisione 2014

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    Questo testo ha lo scopo di rendere immediatamente disponibile, in modo schematico, l’insieme di novità introdotte con gli ultimi cambiamenti apportati alle norme sulla Certificazione Energetica. Ci si riferisce alle norme UNI/TS 11300, parti 1 e 2, pubblicate inizialmente nel 2008 e per le quali sono appena uscite (2 ottobre 2014) versioni aggiornate con notevoli revisioni e integrazioni. Tutte le modifiche e le aggiunte saranno opportunamente segnalate e brevemente commentate per dare un’idea, agli interessati, delle principali novità

    SEAS (Software Energetico per Audit Semplificati - Simplified Energy Auditing Software), versione 3.0

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    Software con interfaccia grafica per l'audit energetico negli edifici ad uso residenziale, uffici, scuole e degenze ospedaliere, sviluppato in collaborazione con ENEA. Basato sul linguaggio Java, con database MySQL