33 research outputs found

    The role of Spanish health libraries in scientific publication

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    Health libraries have been established as publication support services. Despite its importance, there is currently no study about the services that these centers offer. The aim of this work is to understand the role that libraries play in institutional scientific publishing policies. The sample was taken from the National Catalogue of Hospitals, the list of libraries of the Catalogue of Periodicals in Spanish Health Sciences Libraries (c17) and the National Catalogue of Health Sciences Publications (CNCS). Subsequently, virtual health libraries have also been incorporated. From this list, a questionnaire about library staff and activities related to publication process was sent. We obtained a participation rate of 61.21%. The average number of technical personnel was 1.15 in virtual libraries and 0.81 in hospital libraries. The activities carried out have been: training activities (82.2%), counselling (90.1%), dissemination (30.7%) and evaluation (50.5%). The staff in libraries are insufficient. In many cases technicians assume an overwork of serving in both (virtual and hospital libraries). Most libraries offer training and research support services although there are differences between virtual and hospital ones. There is a relationship between the number of technicians and the publication support services

    Propuesta de perfil profesional del bibliotecario/documentalista especializado en ciencias de la salud

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    Proposal of a professional profile of the librarian/information scientist specialized in health sciences. In 2017 BiblioMadsalud held a working day from which emerged the proposal to create a permanent Working Group, #BiblioRHRH, whose main objective is the development of a professional profile for the need to adequately define the functions and skills of our profession, identifying areas of application in continuous changing. The most common problem in our field is that the figure of the health sciences librarian is not well defined. It means that jobs and competitive applications do not correspond to the specific professional librarian competencies and, therefore, with the skills, knowledge and mastery of the tools required to offer complete and high quality profesional librarian services. We take the document Professional Profiles of the Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria as a reference and we’re working on the Health Sciences 3 Librarian profile elaboration, given that the publication allows the possibility of creating more specific and updated profiles. The aim of this paper is to present the Health Sciences Librarian profile elaborated by the BiblioMadSalud #BiblioRRHH Working Group

    Propuesta de perfil profesional del bibliotecario/documentalista especializado en ciencias de la salud

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    Proposal of a professional profile of the librarian/information scientist specialized in health sciences. In 2017 BiblioMadsalud held a working day from which emerged the proposal to create a permanent Working Group, #BiblioRHRH, whose main objective is the development of a professional profile for the need to adequately define the functions and skills of our profession, identifying areas of application in continuous changing. The most common problem in our field is that the figure of the health sciences librarian is not well defined. It means that jobs and competitive applications do not correspond to the specific professional librarian competencies and, therefore, with the skills, knowledge and mastery of the tools required to offer complete and high quality profesional librarian services. We take the document Professional Profiles of the Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria as a reference and we’re working on the Health Sciences 3 Librarian profile elaboration, given that the publication allows the possibility of creating more specific and updated profiles. The aim of this paper is to present the Health Sciences Librarian profile elaborated by the BiblioMadSalud #BiblioRRHH Working Group

    Bibliomadsalud, cooperating in a common space

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    XVI Jornadas Nacionales de Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud. Oviedo, 4-5 de abril de 2019. Contiene presentación, comunicación y vídeo de comunicaciones en formato exprés.BiblioMadSalud surge, en 2015, como una red informal de profesionales de bibliotecas en activo, que tienen como denominador común la temática (ciencias de la salud) y la ubicación geográfica (Comunidad de Madrid) pero pertenecientes a distintas administraciones (estatal y autonómica), contextos (Administración, hospitales, organizaciones profesionales, universidades y Organismos públicos de investigación) y ámbitos (público y privado) con el objetivo de promover la coordinación y colaboración entre sus instituciones, en un formato organizativo innovador a nivel regional y nacional.BiblioMadSalud emerges in 2015 as an informal network for library professionals in active service that that have as common denominator their discipline (Health Sciences) and geographical location (Comunidad de Madrid), but separated by their dependence of different government bodies (Central State or Autonomous Communities), contexts (Administration, Hospitals, Professional Organizations, Universities and Public Research Organizations) or sectors (public or private). Its goal is to promote coordination and collaboration between their institutions through an innovative organizational model that works at regional and national level.N

    BiblioMadSalud, cooperando en un espacio común

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    También Abstract en Inglés.Resumen.Introducción: BiblioMadSalud (BMS) surge en 2015, como una red informal de profesionales de bibliotecas en activo que tienen como denominador común la temática (ciencias de la salud) y la ubicación geográfica (Comunidad de Madrid) pero pertenecientes a distintas administraciones (estatal y autonómica), contextos (Administración, hospitales, organizaciones profesionales, universidades y organismos públicos de investigación) y ámbitos (público y privado) con el objetivo de promover la coordinación y colaboración entre sus instituciones, en un formato organizativo innovador a nivel regional y nacional. Material y método: Análisis descriptivo del proceso y desarrollo de BiblioMadSalud. Resultados: BibliomadSalud se ha desarrollado a partir de sucesivas etapas: 1. Génesis: diseño y planificación de su identidad, funcionalidades y estructura; 2. Organización: creación de sus órganos competentes como Comité Ejecutivo, Grupos de Trabajo y Asamblea; e. Puesta en marcha: elaboración de un directorio geolocalizado de bibliotecas, organización de tres jornadas de participación asamblearia, constitución de 10 grupos de trabajo (BiblioBaremo, BiblioMOOCsalud, Estadísticas, Contribuyendo al OA, Callejeando, Recursos de aprendizaje, #BiblioRRHH, BiblioEvalúa, BiblioEstructura y BiblioVisibilidad), organización de actividades formativas trimestrales y difusión en redes sociales. Conclusiones: la colaboración entre instituciones de distintas administraciones, contextos y ámbitos, siempre resulta enriquecedora; trabajar organizados en Grupos de Trabajo con objetivos concretos facilita la visibilización de resultados; las actividades formativas periódicas han contribuido a una mayor cohesión del colectivo; la constitución como red informal, aunque útil en el momento de arranque, dará paso a alguna estructura asociativa más estable para la continuidad de BMS.S

    BiblioMadSalud, cooperando en un espacio común

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    BiblioMadSalud (BMS) surge en 2015, como una red informal de profesionales de bibliotecas en activo que tienen como denominador común la temática (ciencias de la salud) y la ubicación geográfica (Comunidad de Madrid) pero pertenecientes a distintas administraciones (estatal y autonómica), contextos (Administración, hospitales, organizaciones profesionales, universidades y organismos públicosde investigación) y ámbitos (público y privado) con el objetivo de promover la coordinación y colaboración entre sus instituciones, en un formato organizativo innovador a nivel regional y nacional. Material y método: análisis descriptivo del proceso y desarrollo de BiblioMadSalud.Resultados: BibliomadSalud se ha desarrollado a partir de sucesivas etapas: 1. Génesis: diseño y planificación de su identidad, funcionalidades y estructura; 2. Organización: creación de sus órganos competentes como Comité Ejecutivo, Grupos de Trabajo y Asamblea; e. Puesta en marcha: elaboración de un directorio geolocalizado de bibliotecas, organización de tres jornadas de participación asamblearia, constitución de 10 grupos de trabajo (BiblioBaremo, BiblioMOOCsalud, Estadísticas, Contribuyendo al OA, Callejeando, Recursos de aprendizaje, #BiblioRRHH, BiblioEvalúa, BiblioEstructura y BiblioVisibilidad), organización de actividades formativas trimestrales y difusión en redes sociales.Conclusiones: la colaboración entre instituciones de distintas administraciones, contextos y ámbitos, siempre resulta enriquecedora; trabajar organizados en Grupos de Trabajo con objetivos concretos facilita la visibilización de resultados; las actividades formativas periódicas han contribuido a una mayor cohesión del colectivo; la constitución como red informal, aunque útil en el momento de arranque, dará paso a alguna estructura asociativa más estable para la continuidad de BMS.BiblioMadSalud (BMS) emerges in 2015 as an informal network for library professsionalsin active service that have as common denominator their discipline (Health Sciences) and geographical location (Comunidad de Madrid), bur separated by their dependence of different government bodies (Central State or Autonomous Communities), contexts (Administration, Hospitals, Professional Organizations, Universities and Public Research Organizations) or sector (publico r private). Its goa lis to promote coordination and collaboration between their instituions through an innovative organizational model that Works at regional an national level.Methods: Descriptive análisis of the genesis and development of BiblioMadSalud.Results: BiblioMadSalud has evolved over successive stages: 1: Genesis: design and planning of its identity, functionalities and structure; 2.Organization: creation of thir competent bodies, such as the Executive Committee, task groups or Assembly; 3. Impelentation: creation of a geolocated directory of libraries, organization of three anual meeting of participation in the Assemby, formation of 10 task groups (BiblioBaremo, BiblioMOOCsalud, Estadísticas, Contribuyendo al OA, Callejeando, Recursos de aprendiaaje, #BiblioRRHH, BiblioEvalúa, BiblioEstructura y BiblioVisibilidad), organization of quarterly education activities and disseminationon social networks.Conclusion: cooperation betwwwn institutions from different administrations, contexts and sectors is always rewarding; working in task groups with particular objetives helps to make the results visible; periodic educational activities contribute to a better cohesiono f the collective; the constitution as an informal network, though useful at firt, Will give way to a more stable associative structure for the continuity of BMS

    Proceso de selección de recursos de información en una biblioteca de Ciencias de la Salud de nueva creación en el marco de una política cooperativa de adquisiciones

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    Introduction: Hospital of Fuenlabrada is the last hospital created within the Madrilenian Health System, in 2004. The Direction of the Hospital from the beginning considered the necessity to have a virtual library that it was integrated in the "without papers" conception of the management of this center. As well, the library was born within the framework of the cooperative structure of the hospital libraries of the Community of Madrid (the Committee of Libraries of Health Sciences of the CAM). Objectives: Exhibition of the advantages of the participation in a cooperative policy of acquisitions. Exhibition of which it would have supposed the creation of the library without belonging to a collective project Methodology: For the decision making in the selection of the scientific journal they were handled: Catalogue of the Virtual Library of Agency Laín Entralgo, Journal Citation Reports, interviews with Heads of Service and Directors of the Hospital, electronic budgets of diverse bookstores and suppliers, requests of ILL made by the internal users Results: The professionals of the Hospital of Fuenlabrada have a collection of more than 2,100 titles of journals, of which the Library maintains subscription to 85 (in 2005). The contribution of the Library of the Hospital of Fuenlabrada supposes the incorporation of new titles that did not appear in the collective catalogue of the Committee (19 journals), or that few libraries had (16 titles) Conclusions: The process of the selection of the periodicals collection in a library framed in a consortium is favored and supposes an opportunity of diversification of resources (acquisition of products like "UpToDate or "MdConsult"). Despite it is necessary the communication and awareness to certain user groups so that the project be perceived as a positive opportunity and not as something imposed of external form. The acquisition of new products can be used like proving stand for the future incorporation of resources to the shared collection of the Committee, as well as for the incorporation of new centers in the future

    UpToDate en el hospital de Fuenlabrada

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    The library of Hospital de Fuenlabrada subscribed UpToDate in June of 2004 (on site license, with no limit set on the number of simultaneous users). After more than one year of experience, the results of usage are presented, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, for this main tool that provides support to the hospital’s doctors in searching clinical information. UTD saves time and improves the attention given to patients thanks to its fast access and user-friendly interface. It also helps the physicians to keep up to date and they have a high degree of confidence in it. More training is needed in order for users to take greater advantage of the features offered by UTD. A subscription to the online version is recommended for hospital libraries, since it allows doctors to consult it from their offices