
Proceso de selección de recursos de información en una biblioteca de Ciencias de la Salud de nueva creación en el marco de una política cooperativa de adquisiciones


Introduction: Hospital of Fuenlabrada is the last hospital created within the Madrilenian Health System, in 2004. The Direction of the Hospital from the beginning considered the necessity to have a virtual library that it was integrated in the "without papers" conception of the management of this center. As well, the library was born within the framework of the cooperative structure of the hospital libraries of the Community of Madrid (the Committee of Libraries of Health Sciences of the CAM). Objectives: Exhibition of the advantages of the participation in a cooperative policy of acquisitions. Exhibition of which it would have supposed the creation of the library without belonging to a collective project Methodology: For the decision making in the selection of the scientific journal they were handled: Catalogue of the Virtual Library of Agency Laín Entralgo, Journal Citation Reports, interviews with Heads of Service and Directors of the Hospital, electronic budgets of diverse bookstores and suppliers, requests of ILL made by the internal users Results: The professionals of the Hospital of Fuenlabrada have a collection of more than 2,100 titles of journals, of which the Library maintains subscription to 85 (in 2005). The contribution of the Library of the Hospital of Fuenlabrada supposes the incorporation of new titles that did not appear in the collective catalogue of the Committee (19 journals), or that few libraries had (16 titles) Conclusions: The process of the selection of the periodicals collection in a library framed in a consortium is favored and supposes an opportunity of diversification of resources (acquisition of products like "UpToDate or "MdConsult"). Despite it is necessary the communication and awareness to certain user groups so that the project be perceived as a positive opportunity and not as something imposed of external form. The acquisition of new products can be used like proving stand for the future incorporation of resources to the shared collection of the Committee, as well as for the incorporation of new centers in the future

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