156 research outputs found

    Approach of Characterization of the Grinding Wheel Topography as a Contribution to the Energy Modelling of Grinding Processes

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    AbstractA major percentage of the kinematic energy during the grinding process is converted into heat. The energy conversion is significantly influenced by the grinding wheel topography. Therefore the distribution and the shape of the cutting edges have to be considered in order to give a general model of energy conversion in grinding. This paper introduces an approach to describe and characterize the cutting edges of a grinding wheel topography, taking the elasto-plastic material behavior of the workpiece into account. Finally, based on experimental results the influence of the grinding wheel topography on energy conversion is shown using the presented model

    Att skapa en mix-template (mixningsmall) : en processbeskrivning av att skapa en mix-template som används för musikproduktion

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    Syftet med denna forskning är att utöka mitt eget kunnande kring skapandet av en mix-template. Detta gör jag genom att skapa min version av en mix-template i inspelningsprogrammet Cubase samt pröva resultatet i praktiken. Målet är att ha en mix-template som gör mixningsjobbet lättare och snabbare att utföra. Denna process har lett till att jag har utvecklats som mixare samt att mitt arbetssätt har förbättrats. Jag hoppas med detta arbete hjälpa andra som är intresserade av att skapa en mix-template samt klargöra processen i fråga. Frågeställningar till detta projekt är: • Hur skapar man en mix-template? • Hur använder man en mix-template i praktiken?The goal with this study is to increase my knowledge around making my own mix-template. I do this by creating my version of a mix-template in the recording software Cubase and by evaluating the results in practice. The goal is to have a mix-template that makes mixing easier and quicker to execute. This process has resulted in me developing further as a mixer and my workflow has improved. I hope this study will help others who are interested in creating a mix-template and to clarify the process behind this. Questions I am asking are: • How do you create a mix-template? • How do you use a mix-template in practice

    Family-friendly working conditions as an advantage in the competition for the next generation of doctors

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    AbstractMulti-technology platforms with two workspaces are considered to be promising production resources to enable an efficient manufacture of complex workpieces in small lot sizes. However, the advantages in terms of productivity in comparison to multi-technology platforms with a single workspace have not been quantified so far. This paper presents such a quantification approach based on dynamic discrete-event modeling of platforms with one and two workspaces. Slight variations in the configuration setup of the platforms as well as the machining of distinct part spectra are discussed. It is found that the installation of the most frequently applied technology resource in each workspace enhances the productivity of platforms with two workspaces significantly. Therefore, the advantages of multiple workspaces should be elucidated further taking into account acquisition cost and throughput time

    A Case for Integrated Data Processing in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Large-scale cyber-physical systems such as manufacturing lines generate vast amounts of data to guarantee precise control of their machinery. Visions such as the Industrial Internet of Things aim at making this data available also to computation systems outside the lines to increase productivity and product quality. However, rising amounts and complexities of data and control decisions push existing infrastructure for data transmission, storage, and processing to its limits. In this paper, we exemplarily study a fine blanking line which can produce up to 6.2 Gbit/s worth of data to showcase the extreme requirements found in modern manufacturing. We consequently propose integrated data processing which keeps inherently local and small-scale tasks close to the processes while at the same time centralizing tasks relying on more complex decision procedures and remote data sources. Our approach thus allows for both maintaining control of field-level processes and leveraging the benefits of “big data” applications

    A Discussion on Removal Mechanisms in Grinding Polycrystalline Diamond

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    Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) grinding takes an important role in the field of tool manufacture. Regardless, there is still lack of process knowledge about the occurring material removal mechanisms in PCD grinding. In order to get a better understanding of the process characteristics, the surface integrity zone of PCD inserts has been analyzed in detail after grinding for the first time. The drawn conclusion questions solely ductile or brittle behavior as removal mechanisms. Both thermal and mechanical process loads during the grinding process lead to thermophysical and chemical effects on a micro-and mesoscopic-scale and might thus have a significant impact on the material removal mechanism

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O presente relatório é referente à ação educativa realizada durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, em contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. As instituições onde decorreram os diferentes contextos são de rede pública, sendo dois grupos de crianças de três e de seis anos de idade, respetivamente. Apresentamos a contextualização das instituições envolventes bem como a caracterização de cada um dos grupos. Explanamos ainda um conjunto de experiências de aprendizagem que foram selecionadas, com o intuito de apresentar uma visão integrada da ação educativa desenvolvida nos contextos supra referenciados. A ação pedagógica foi desenvolvida em conjunto com as crianças, as Educadoras de Infância e Professoras Cooperantes valorizando sempre uma ação participativa. Os dados recolhidos sobre os grupos de crianças foram obtidos através de instrumentos de recolha de dados de registo de observação e dos diálogos com o educadora/professora. O trabalho realizado foi fruto da nossa formação académica, da nossa investigação, com o intuito de promover nas crianças aprendizagens significativas, assentes em pedagogias ativas e participativas. Refere-se ainda o respeito pelo ritmo da criança no processo de ensino e aprendizagem e a sua capacidade de interação no meio em que está inserida, pois são elas as protagonistas.The present report refers to the educational activities conducted during the Supervised Teaching Practice in the context of Preschool Education and First Primary School. Both contexts are public institutions with two groups of children from three and six years of age, respectively. We present the context of the surrounding institutions as well as the characterization of each group also we explain a set of learning experiences selected in order to present an integrated view of the educational activity developed in the context referenced above. The pedagogical action was developed on a partnership between children, Childhood Educators and Cooperating Teachers always valuing a participatory action. The data collected about the groups of children were obtained through data collection instruments for registration of observation and dialogue with the educator/teacher. The work was the result of our academic training, our investigation, with the aim of promote meaningful learning in young children, based on active and participatory pedagogies. Also note the respect for the pace of the child in the process of teaching and learning and their ability to interact in the environment in which it operates, because they are the protagonists

    Vorhersage des Formänderungsvermögens

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    Vorhersage des Formänderungsvermögens

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