107 research outputs found


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    In Japan, the language learning environment for CLD Children is in the process of reform. Based on my research findings on South American Nikkei, the paper discusses three areas for improvement: (1) support for “translanguaging” learning according to children's attributes, (2) a shift from language knowledge learning to content-integrated language learning (CLIL), and (3) development of a reference framework for language education for children as a second language.日本では、CLDの子どもたちの言語学習環境が改革されつつある。本論文では、南米日系人を対象とした筆者の研究成果に基づいて、以下の3つの改善点 (1)子どもの属性に応じた「トランスランゲージング」学習の支援、(2)言語知識学習から内容統合型言語学習(CLIL)への移行、(3)第二言語としての子どもの言語教育の参照フレームワークの開発、を論じた

    A\u27\u27Translanguaging" developmental Assessment should be given to CLD children - A study to distinguish behveen a developmental disorder and temporary double-limited -

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    現在日本の小学校の特別支援学級には数多くの外国にルーツを持つ児童(CLO児童)が在籍している。CLO児童は一般的に一時的なダブルリミテッド状況にあるのか機能的障害なのかの見分けがつきにくく,特別支援学級に誤配躍されるケースが多く見られる。特に集住地区である東海地区においては,多くのブラジル国籍の児童が特別支援学級に在籍している。本研究では,日本の学校の特別支援学級に在籍,または発達障害と見られている日系ブラジル人児童6名に対し,ポルトガル語と日本語の言語能力調査と,ポルトガル語と日本語による知能検査(WISC-N)を行った。その結果,IQ, 行動観察共に障害がないと思われる児童が2名いた。また,CLO児童は言語相補的にパフォーマンスが現れる可能性があることが明らかになった。この結果よりバイリンガルテスターによる発達アセスメントを行う必要性があることが示唆された。In recent years, a special-needs class of elementary school in Japan enrolls many CLD children who have roots in foreign countries. Generally, it is difficult for a CLD child to tell whether it is temporary double-limited or functional obstacle, and many cases are misdirected in a special-needs class. Especially in the Tokai area, which many Brazilian live children are enrolled in those classes. In this study, six Japanese Brazilian children enrolled in a special needs class of Japanese elementary school or seen as a developmental disorder are asked to investigate the language ability of Portuguese and Japanese, intelligence test in Portuguese and Japanese (WISC-IV) was conducted. As a result, there were two children who seemed to have no obstacles with both IQ and behavioral observation. In addition, it became clear that there is a possibility that CLD children appear performance linguistically complementarily. As a result, it was suggested that there is a need to conduct a developmental assessment by a bilingual tester

    超級日本語話者の談話特性 : テキストマイニングを用いた分析

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    金沢大学関西学院大学一橋大学Kanazawa UniversityKwansei Gakuin UniversityHitotsubashi University本稿は,いわゆる超級レベルの日本語学習者の口頭産出における談話的特徴を探るものである。まず,本研究における枠組みを得るために,ACTFL-OPIやCEFRの評定基準,および先行研究をもとに,超級話者の談話を特徴づける要素を取り出し,それらを談話内容の質に関わる部分と聞き手への配慮に関わる(メタ言語)部分に大別した。そのうち,談話内容の質に関わる部分として,結束性のある談話を産出するために重要な指示表現の使用傾向を,そして,聞き手配慮に関わる部分として,フィラー,終助詞,試行的提示の使用傾向を,OPIインタビューデータをもとに,テキストマイニングの手法を用いて,上級話者と超級話者で比較分析した。その結果,超級話者は上級話者に比べ(1)文脈指示のコの使用頻度が高い,(2)発話緩和や発話の埋め合わせの機能を持つ「ね」の使用頻度が高い,(3)フィラーの多様化が見られる,(4)言葉を選んでいることを示す試行的提示の使用頻度が高い,などの特徴が見られた。The purpose of this study is to investigate discourse characteristics of the Japanese produced by superior-level non-native speakers. We first considered the ACTFL-OPI and CEFR rating scales and reviewed previous research. We then extracted the factors that characterize superior-level speakers and divided them into two categories: those related to discourse quality and those related to consideration for listeners. On the basis of OPI interview data, we compared these factors in the speech of superior-level speakers and that of advanced-level speakers by applying a text mining technique. The results revealed the following characteristics of superior-level speakers: (1) they use more ko- type anaphoric demonstratives than advanced-level speakers, (2) they use more sentence-final particles that function as utterance mitigation, (3) they utilize varied fillers, (4) they use attempt expressions to demonstrate that they are seeking appropriate words

    Protein-protein interactions of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3

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    BACKGROUND: Although 2,061 proteins of Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3, a hyperthermophilic archaeon, have been predicted from the recently completed genome sequence, the majority of proteins show no similarity to those from other organisms and are thus hypothetical proteins of unknown function. Because most proteins operate as parts of complexes to regulate biological processes, we systematically analyzed protein-protein interactions in Pyrococcus using the mammalian two-hybrid system to determine the function of the hypothetical proteins. RESULTS: We examined 960 soluble proteins from Pyrococcus and selected 107 interactions based on luciferase reporter activity, which was then evaluated using a computational approach to assess the reliability of the interactions. We also analyzed the expression of the assay samples by western blot, and a few interactions by in vitro pull-down assays. We identified 11 hetero-interactions that we considered to be located at the same operon, as observed in Helicobacter pylori. We annotated and classified proteins in the selected interactions according to their orthologous proteins. Many enzyme proteins showed self-interactions, similar to those seen in other organisms. CONCLUSION: We found 13 unannotated proteins that interacted with annotated proteins; this information is useful for predicting the functions of the hypothetical Pyrococcus proteins from the annotations of their interacting partners. Among the heterogeneous interactions, proteins were more likely to interact with proteins within the same ortholog class than with proteins of different classes. The analysis described here can provide global insights into the biological features of the protein-protein interactions in P. horikoshii

    A Practical Report of an Intensive Japanese Language Program using Dekiru Nihongo

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    近年,課題解決型・学習者の自律性重視の初級日本語教材が出版され,日本語教育機関で使われているが,大学でそれらの教材を使用した場合の実践報告はあまり見られない。本報告では『できる日本語』初級,初中級(嶋田和子監修,アルク,2011)を大学の集中日本語教育で使用した場合の授業実践結果,教育効果,課題について報告し,大学で使用する際にはコンテンツのアカデミック化が必要であることを,課題の改善方法として提示する。In recent years, task-based Japanese teaching materials, such as Dekiru Nihongo (hereafter referred to as DK) , have been published and widely used at Japanese language schools. However, not many universities have adopted task-based textbooks; hence, there are few reports on how such textbooks are used at a university level. This study provides a practical report on intensive Japanese language classes which used DK as a textbook. The authors explain how the elementary and pre-intermediate courses were structured, how effectively students acquired "listening and speaking" skills, and what challenges arose and how these challenges were dealt with. In order to use the above textbooks at a university, contents must be modified to fit academic lives of university students

    ベトナムゴボゴワシャ ニ トッテ カンエツゴチシキ ハ ニホンゴガクシュウ ニ ドノテイド ユウリニ ハタラクカ -ニチエツカンジゴ ノ イッチド ニ モトヅク ブンセキ

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    本研究は、ベトナム人日本語学習者のための日本語の漢語とベトナム語の漢越語の対照分析である。現代ベトナム語は漢字を使用しないが、語彙には漢語からの借用語(漢越語)が多いため、韓国語・日本語と同様に漢字文化圏に属する。そのため、ベトナム語母語話者は、日本語を学ぶ際に学習ストラテジーとして漢越語知識を活性化させていることが明らかになっている(Tuyen 2003)。しかし、実際に漢越語知識がどの程度日本語学習に効果があるかはまだ明らかにされていない。そこで本研究では、ベトナム人学習者が日本語を学ぶ際、漢越語の知識がどの程度日本語学習に役立つかを明らかにすることを目的に、日本語能力試験出題語彙全約8,000語に占める二字漢字語約4,000語における漢越語との意味の一致状況を調査した。その結果、 (1)二字漢字語においては全体の5割が一致語や類似語である。 (2)1級と2級の二字漢字語については日越漢語の一致や類似が6割近くに達し、更に語彙全体に占める二字漢字語の比率も1級56%、2級46%と高くなっている。 (3)4級語彙については日越の漢字語彙の一致度は多くとも2割以下である。3級も同様に一致度は低い。 (4)和製漢語と漢越語の一致率は6割以上であり、学術専門用語であれば更に一致する可能性がある。ということを明らかにした。これにより、漢越語知識は日本語の習得に役に立つが、特に効果が発揮されるのは中級以降であること、また学術専門用語の学習には漢越語知識が役に立つ可能性が高いことが明らかになった。ただし日本語学習における漢越語の効果については個々の意味の対応の調査だけでなく、書字や音との関係性も踏まえて漢字語彙の認知処理の状況を調べる必要がある。今後の課題である。Although Chinese characters are not used in the Vietnamese language, Vietnamese vocabulary has many loanwords from the Chinese language (Sino- Vietnamese); and the Vietnamese language also be-longs to the cultural area of Chinese characters similar to the Korean and Japanese languages. Therefore, native speakers of Vietnamese can use their knowledge of Sino-Vietnamese as a learning strategy in the study of Japanese(Tuyen 2003). However, the extent to which Sino-Vietnamese effects the study of Japanese is not clear. In this study, in order to clarify the effect of a knowledge of Sino-Vietnamese on native Vietnamese speakers’study of Japanese, we compared the meaning of about 4000 Sino-Vietnamese compound words that include two Chinese characters among a total of 8000 words found in the Japanese language proficiency test. The result is a follows:(1) Among compound words that include two Chinese characters, 50% of all words are homogeneous or similar words.(2) Among compound words that include two Chinese characters at level 1 and level 2, the similarity rate of Sino-Vietnamese and Sino-Japanese is 60%. Furthermore, the ratio of compound words that include two Chinese characters among the total number of words at level 1 is 56% and level 2 is 46%, which is markedly high.(3) For words at levels 3 and 4, the similarity rate is low(4) The similarity rate of Sino-Japanese and Sino- Vietnamese is over 60%; and the rate may be higher for academic words and lexicons. Accordingly, knowledge of Sino-Vietnamese is very useful in studying Japanese, especially, the fact that such knowledge is more useful from the intermediate level or in studying academic words or lexicons is made clear.However, in order to clarify the effectiveness of Sino-Vietnamese on studying Japanese, it is not only necessary to conduct research on meaning, but also on the recognition of Chinese characters in the relation of phonetics and script

    Internal Radiation Exposure Dose in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture after the Accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

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    As a result of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) on 11 March 2011, a huge amount of radionuclides, including radiocesium, was released and spread over a wide area of eastern Japan. Although three years have passed since the accident, residents around the FNPP are anxious about internal radiation exposure due to radiocesium. In this study, we screened internal radiation exposure doses in Iwaki city of Fukushima prefecture, using a whole-body counter. The first screening was conducted from October 2012 to February 2013, and the second screening was conducted from May to November 2013. Study participants were employees of ALPINE and their families who underwent examination. A total of 2,839 participants (1,366 men and 1,473 women, 1-86 years old) underwent the first screening, and 2,092 (1,022 men and 1,070 women, 1-86 years old) underwent the second screening. The results showed that 99% of subjects registered below 300 Bq per body in the first screening, and all subjects registered below 300 Bq per body in the second screening. The committed effective dose ranged from 0.01-0.06 mSv in the first screening and 0.01-0.02 mSv in the second screening. Long-term follow-up studies are needed to avoid unnecessary chronic internal exposure and to reduce anxiety among the residents by communicating radiation health risks

    Clustering of Lyman Break Galaxies at z=4 and 5 in The Subaru Deep Field: Luminosity Dependence of The Correlation Function Slope

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    We explored the clustering properties of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z=4 and 5 with an angular two-point correlation function on the basis of the very deep and wide Subaru Deep Field data. We found an apparent dependence of the correlation function slope on UV luminosity for LBGs at both z=4 and 5. More luminous LBGs have a steeper correlation function. To compare these observational results, we constructed numerical mock LBG catalogs based on a semianalytic model of hierarchical clustering combined with high-resolution N-body simulation, carefully mimicking the observational selection effects. The luminosity functions for LBGs predicted by this mock catalog were found to be almost consistent with the observation. Moreover, the overall correlation functions of LBGs were reproduced reasonably well. The observed dependence of the clustering on UV luminosity was not reproduced by the model, unless subsamples of distinct halo mass were considered. That is, LBGs belonging to more massive dark haloes had steeper and larger-amplitude correlation functions. With this model, we found that LBG multiplicity in massive dark halos amplifies the clustering strength at small scales, which steepens the slope of the correlation function. The hierarchical clustering model could therefore be reconciled with the observed luminosity-dependence of the angular correlation function, if there is a tight correlation between UV luminosity and halo mass. Our finding that the slope of the correlation function depends on luminosity could be an indication that massive dark halos hosted multiple bright LBGs (abridged).Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, Full resolution version is available at http://zone.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~kashik/sdf/acf/sdf_lbgacf.pd