11 research outputs found

    菌類の構成糖に関する生化学的研究 II : ねながのひとよたけの子実体発育時の構成糖に変化について(農芸化学部門)

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    ねながのひとよたけCoprinus cinereusの子実体成長時の糖質の変化を検討した。遊離のglucoseはStalkではStalkの急伸長に先立って, Capでは少しおくれて増加しする。多糖については, StalkではCapの自己隔解がはじまる段階までglucanが増加しつづけ, chitinは胞子の成熟期迄増加するが以後減少する。Capではglucanもchitinも減少の一途をたどる。The changes of carbohydrates were studied during fruiting of mushroom Coprinus cinereus. Glucan and chitin contents were markediy reduced in the cap, and increased temporarily in the stalk during the development of fruit body. The stalk had a high level of glucan content particulary at the stage of maximum elongation


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