861 research outputs found

    Combining transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation to predict somatic mutations altering the gene regulatory program in cancer cells

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    While most cancer studies focused on patient variations lying in protein-coding regions, the noncoding ~98% of the genome, containing cis-regulatory regions that control when and where genes are expressed, is largely unexplored. Transcription factors are key proteins binding to cis-regulatory regions to modulate the rate of gene transcription. Delineating the specific positions at which a TF binds DNA is of high importance in deciphering gene regulation. As cancer is a disease of disrupted cellular regulation, it is critical to analyze these regions to highlight patient somatic mutations altering the gene regulatory program of the cells. I will present our recent works on the evaluation of the combined effects of transcriptional and post-transcriptional dysregulation of gene expression. Our analyses culminated with the identification of mutations at TFBSs affecting the expression of key protein-coding and miRNA genes with a cascading dysregulating effect of the cells’ regulatory program. Our predictions were enriched for protein-coding and miRNA genes previously annotated as potential cancer drivers. Functional enrichment analyses highlighted the dysregulation of key pathways associated with carcinogenesis. These results confirm that our method predicts cis-regulatory mutations related to the dysregulation of key gene regulatory networks in cancer patients. This new strategy represents an original methodology to decipher how the gene regulatory program is disrupted in cancer cells by combining transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression

    Les enjeux de la communication dans le milieu humanitaire: : audit de communication d'une Fondation oeuvrant dans la récolte et redistribution des fonds lors de catastrophes et conflits

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    « Je vais vous parler d’un produit de rĂȘve, il n’a pas de prix Ă©tabli Ă  l’avance, le client paie ce qu’il veut et ce qu’il peut payer pour ce produit, aucun inventaire n’est requis mais on n’est jamais en rupture de stock ; on obtient un paiement cash Ă  la commande et le crĂ©dit n’a pas de cours [
] Ce produit, c’est le don dans ce qu’il offre comme satisfaction morale. » ANDREWS, Francis. Fund Raising. Marketing for Human Need, DMI, Milestone Report, 1976 Pour qu’il y ait ce don, cette gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ© de la part d’un donateur, il faut que celui-ci ait confiance en nous et la certitude que son argent sera utilisĂ© pour la cause voulue. Telle est l’une des missions de la ChaĂźne du Bonheur, en souhaitant ĂȘtre une Fondation transparente et proche de ses donateurs et du public. La communication est un Ă©lĂ©ment indispensable pour les entreprises de nos jours. Elle l’est tout autant lorsque l’on oeuvre dans l’humanitaire. Tout l’objectif de ce travail peut se rĂ©sumer en quelques lignes : comment communiquer auprĂšs de ses donateurs et du public afin de leur transmettre ces prĂ©cieuses informations ? Ce travail, Ă©laborĂ© sous la forme d’un audit, s’est intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  la communication de la ChaĂźne du Bonheur. Ses diffĂ©rents supports ont tous Ă©tĂ© passĂ©s en revue afin d’identifier leur potentiel et d’analyser la façon dont ils sont utilisĂ©s aujourd’hui. Au travers de ces lignes, je vous expliquerai de quelle façon communique la ChaĂźne du Bonheur avec une analyse de chacun de ses outils ainsi que des possibilitĂ©s qui s’offrent Ă  elle pour aller encore plus loin dans sa stratĂ©gie. Une section se concentrera plus particuliĂšrement sur la partie digitale de leur communication. Puis, nous nous tournerons vers les donateurs : que pensent-ils de la communication de la Fondation, quelles sont les informations qu’ils s’attendent Ă  recevoir de sa part, quels sont les supports privilĂ©giĂ©s pour suivre la ChaĂźne du Bonheur. La derniĂšre partie de notre analyse s’intĂ©ressera Ă  la visibilitĂ© mĂ©diatique de la Fondation ainsi qu’aux relations entretenues entre le journaliste et l’attachĂ© de presse, leurs attentes, grĂące Ă  des interviews menĂ©es auprĂšs des deux professions. Ces analyses nous permettront de formuler des recommandations qui seront prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  l’attention de la ChaĂźne du Bonheur et hiĂ©rarchisĂ©es selon les thĂšmes abordĂ©s tout au long de ce travail : communication classique et digitale, relations avec les donateurs/public et Ă©changes avec les mĂ©dias

    Concurrent engineering and design for manufacture in the medical device industry

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    Concurrent Engineering (CE) is an approach to product development in which engineers work on design and manufacturability at the same time. The ultimate goal of concurrent engineering is to reduce the time-to-market while improving quality. This thesis goes into details about the tools necessary to achieve successful product development in the Medical Device Industry. The novelty of this thesis is not in the tools themselves but rather in the way that they are applied to the medical device industry. The need for the CE approach is of utmost importance because of the vast competition in the medical device industry. The times now require changes. These changes are depicted in detail early in this thesis. This latter suggests that manufacturing is to be perceived like another science. The axiomatic approach to manufacturing answers these needs. A new way of designing a product and collecting data is relevant. It is known as the technique of Quality function Deployment (QFD). Finally, all these tools are managed with the phase approach to management. I sincerely think that this thesis will constitute an invaluable tool for managers and engineers in the medical industry

    Économies haĂŻtienne et dominicaine : dĂ©pendance et/ou interdĂ©pendance?

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    Notre propos dans cet article est surtout de soulever la question de linterdépendance des économies haïtienne et dominicaine afin de signaler des pistes pour une recherche entre elles dune synergie pouvant avoir des répercussions positives qui amélioreraient les conditions de vie de la population de lßle. En dautres termes, la dépendance de léconomie haïtienne une fois constatée, notre objectif serait essentiellement didentifier les facteurs, les ressources ou les faits qui démontreraient une corrélation entre ces deux économies

    La communication comme levier de croissance d'une entreprise

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    Le Domaine du Paradis, domaine viticole crĂ©Ă© en 1983 dans la campagne genevoise, a atteint son maximum de production depuis plusieurs annĂ©es. En envisageant les investissements nĂ©cessaires Ă  son dĂ©veloppement, une problĂ©matique revient dans la discussion : Nous souhaitons nous dĂ©velopper et nous donner les moyens de grandir, mais quels sont les leviers Ă  disposition pour favoriser cette croissance? Ce travail a pour objectif de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question en se basant sur une analyse du secteur de la vente de vins en Suisse. Pour ce faire, je me baserai sur ladocumentation technique, sur diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es et sur des Ă©lĂ©ments d'actualitĂ© pour proposer une analyse pertinente du Domaine du Paradis et du marchĂ© dans lequel il Ă©volue. GrĂące Ă  l'immersion dans ce secteur d'activitĂ© particuliĂšrement sectorisĂ© en Suisse, nous verrons au travers de ce travail que la communication sera le rĂ©el Ă©lĂ©ment diffĂ©renciateur sur lequel le Domaine du Paradis devra axer sa stratĂ©gie de dĂ©veloppement Ă  long terme pour lui permettre de se dĂ©velopper sur le marchĂ© national. Ce travail se basera sur 5 Ă©tapes clĂ©s : 1. Portrait de l'entreprise et dĂ©finition de sa problĂ©matique 2. Analyse de son environnement micro et macro-Ă©conomique 3. Analyse de son positionnement et de ses moyens de communication actuels au moyen d'enquĂȘtes et de sondages 4. Analyse des comportements de consommation et d'achat en Suisse 5. DĂ©finition des grands axes stratĂ©giques Ă  adopter, et recommandation d'un plan de communication adaptĂ©

    Création et organisation d'un événement cinématographique: étude d'un cas pratique

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    Dans le cadre des Ă©tudes de la filiĂšre d’Economie d’Entreprise Ă  la Haute Ecole de Gestion de GenĂšve, les Ă©tudiants sont amenĂ©s Ă  rĂ©diger un travail de Bachelor. Ce dernier permet de rĂ©pondre Ă  une problĂ©matique en lien avec le monde de l’entreprise. L’objectif de ce prĂ©sent travail est de diversifier les activitĂ©s Ă©vĂ©nementielles de l’entreprise Daily Media et plus particuliĂšrement du journal Daily Movies. En parallĂšle de ses activitĂ©s journalistiques, Daily Movies organise annuellement une soirĂ©e cinĂ©matographique qui connaĂźt un rĂ©el succĂšs depuis maintenant cinq ans et aimerait proposer une seconde soirĂ©e toujours orientĂ©e autour du cinĂ©ma. Ainsi, ce travail propose Ă  l’équipe de Daily Movies un nouveau concept de soirĂ©e cinĂ©matographique et apporte des recommandations personnalisĂ©es au niveau de l’organisation qui gravite autour de ce projet. La recherche d’une salle, la communication de l’évĂ©nement ainsi que la mĂ©thode pour acquĂ©rir les droits de projection sont des exemples de points traitĂ©s tout au long de ce travail

    Chromosomal periodicity and positional networks of genes in Escherichia coli

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    Escherichia coli periodic gene distribution is identified for a periodic interval of 33 kb.Two positional networks of genes are discovered by studying gene periodic distribution: one is driven by metabolic genes and the other by genes involved in cellular processing and signaling.A functional core of Escherichia coli genes drives gene periodic distribution.A few chromosomal regions that preserve gene transcription profiles across environmental changes are identified.This single genome analysis approach can be taken as a footprint for a large-scale bacterial and archaeal periodic distribution analysis

    Predicted human structural clusters of miRNAs target cancer genes

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    Deregulation of gene expression is one of the main characteristics of cancer cells. The implication of microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs implicated in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, in this process have rapidly become evident. As protein-coding genes, miRNAs can act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes (we speak about oncomirs). Recent studies have highlighted the paralogous clusters of miRNAs mir-17-92 and mir-106a-363 to be involved in carcinogenesis. It features the importance of a local and structural organization of miRNAs with potential impact on cancers. We performed computational predictions of structural clusters of miRNAs sharing the same characteristics as the two previously described clusters at the human genome scale. We show a functional organization of miRNAs in structural clusters where the predicted miRNA targets are enriched for cancer associated genes. On the other hand, we also show co-localization of structural clusters of miRNAs with genes involved in signaling pathways known to be disrupted in cancer. Taken together, the results provide new insights into the organization of miRNAs in the human genome along with their potential impact on carcinogenesis

    Disentangling transcription factor binding site complexity

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    The binding motifs of many transcription factors (TFs) comprise a higher degree of complexity than a single position weight matrix model permits. Additional complexity is typically taken into account either as intra-motif dependencies via more sophisticated probabilistic models or as heterogeneities via multiple weight matrices. However, both orthogonal approaches have limitations when learning from in vivo data where binding sites of other factors in close proximity can interfere with motif discovery for the protein of interest. In this work, we demonstrate how intra-motif complexity can, purely by analyzing the statistical properties of a given set of TF-binding sites, be distinguished from complexity arising from an intermix with motifs of co-binding TFs or other artifacts. In addition, we study the related question whether intra-motif complexity is represented more effectively by dependencies, heterogeneities or variants in between. Benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods for their respective tasks and applications on motif discovery output from recent tools detect and correct many undesirable artifacts. These results further suggest that the prevalence of intra-motif dependencies may have been overestimated in previous studies on in vivo data and should thus be reassessed.Peer reviewe

    The Chronic Urticaria Registry: rationale, methods and initial implementation

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    Background: Chronic urticaria (CU) is a common disease, characterized by the recurrent appearance of wheals, angioedema or both for more than 6 weeks. Its underlying biology is not well understood, and many patients do not obtain sufficient relief from recommended treatments. Patient registries are rapidly growing as a form of research, because they can provide powerful, data-driven insights about the epidemiology of diseases, real-world effectiveness of treatments, rare patient types, safety monitoring, healthcare costs and opportunities for quality improvement of healthcare delivery. Objectives: The Chronic Urticaria Registry (CURE) has been designed to improve the scientific understanding, clinical treatment and healthcare planning of CU patients. This report describes the rationale, methods and initial implementation of this registry. Methods: Chronic Urticaria Registry is an ongoing, prospective, international, multicentre, observational, voluntary registry of patients with CU. Participation in CURE is open to any physician treating CU patients, regardless of location, medical specialty or type of practice setting. CURE aims to collect data on all CU patients, with no intentional selection or exclusion criteria. It collects baseline and follow-up data on the patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger and risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization. Results: Chronic Urticaria Registry is a landmark achievement of the global urticaria medical community. As of 26 February 2020, 39 centres around the world have joined the registry and 35 have entered baseline data on a total of 2946 patients. Publications of this data will be forthcoming soon. Conclusions: Chronic Urticaria Registry is eagerly seeking the participation of more physicians and the support of more governmental, charitable and commercial sponsors from around the world. Here, in this paper, we invite other physicians to join this unique project to improve the lives of patients with CU
