11,252 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of IGR J19405-3016

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    IGR J19405-3016 is reported in the 3rd IBIS catalog as being one of its lowest significance sources (~4.6 sigma under an exposure of about 371 ks). This leads to a caveat in multi-wavelength study although the source was identified in optical as a Seyfert 1. The currently increased INTEGRAL data stimulate us to investigate the reality of this source. We analyze all available observations carried out by INTEGRAL and Swift on IGR J19405-3016. We find that IGR J19405-3016 has a detection significance of ~ 9.4 sigma in the 20-60 keV band during the observational period between March 2003 and March 2008. Thus confirms a real source detection reported previously. The source position and error location are therefore updated. The source is found to be constant over years at the hard X-rays. Over the three XRT observations, the source flux varied by up to 39% from the average, and the spectrum is generally soft. The combined XRT/ISGRI spectrum is well fitted with a simple power law model (photon index 2.11+-0.03). Such a photon index is well consistent with the mean value 1.98 (dispersion 0.27) as obtained from Swift/BAT AGN samples at 14-195 keV. The spectral slope of IGR J19405-3016 is larger than the average spectral slope found by Molina et al. (2009). A similar discrepancy is found with the results of Beckmann et al. (2009) regarding Seyfert 1 AGNs. A possible explanation of this simple spectral description may be that the low level of the column density allows for the `true' spectrum to appear at soft X-rays as well.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Non-Perturbatively Improved Quenched Hadron Spectroscopy

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    We make a quenched lattice simulation of hadron spectroscopy at beta=6.2 with the Wilson action non-perturbatively improved. With respect to the unimproved case, the estimate of the lattice spacing is less influenced by the choice of input hadron masses. We study also the effects of using an improved quark mass in the fits to the dependence of hadron masses upon quark masses.Comment: 12 pages, including 5 postscript figure

    The prompt optical/near-infrared flare of GRB 050904: the most luminous transient ever detected

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    With a redshift of z=6.295, GRB 050904 is the most distant gamma-ray burst ever discovered. It was an energetic event at all wavelengths and the afterglow was observed in detail in the near-infrared bands. We gathered all available optical and NIR afterglow photometry of this GRB to construct a composite NIR light curve spanning several decades in time and flux density. Transforming the NIR light curve into the optical, we find that the afterglow of GRB 050904 was more luminous at early times than any other GRB afterglow in the pre-\emph{Swift} era, making it at these wavelengths the most luminous transient ever detected. Given the intrinsic properties of GRB 050904 and its afterglow, we discuss if this burst is markedly different from other GRBs at lower redshifts.Comment: The Astronomical Journal, in press; revised version, including the comments of the referee (one figure added, text restructured, all conclusions unchanged), 7 pages, 3 figure

    Resolving Gamma-Ray Burst 000301C with a Gravitational Microlens

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    The afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 000301C exhibited achromatic, short time-scale variability that is difficult to reconcile with the standard relativistic shock model. We interpret the observed light curves as a microlensing event superimposed on power-law flux decays typical of afterglows. In general, a relativistic GRB shock appears on the sky as a thin ring expanding at a superluminal speed. Initially the ring is small relative to its angular separation from the lens and so its flux is magnified by a constant factor. As the ring grows and sweeps across the lens its magnification reaches a maximum. Subsequently, the flux gradually recovers its unlensed value. This behavior involves only three free parameters in its simplest formulation and was predicted theoretically by Loeb & Perna (1998). Fitting the available R-band photometric data of GRB 000301C to a simple model of the microlensing event and a broken power-law for the afterglow, we find reasonable values for all the parameters and a reduced chi^2/DOF parameter of 1.48 compared with 2.99 for the broken power-law fit alone. The peak magnification of ~2 occurred 3.8 days after the burst. The entire optical-IR data imply a width of the GRB ring of order 10% of its radius, similar to theoretical expectations. The angular resolution provided by microlensing is better than a micro-arcsecond. We infer a mass of approximately 0.5 M_Sun for a lens located half way to the source at z_s=2.04. A galaxy 2'' from GRB 000301C might be the host of the stellar lens, but current data provides only an upper-limit on its surface brightness at the GRB position.Comment: to appear in the ApJ Letters, 13 pages, 3 figures (one additional figure included); all data used for the fits available at ftp://cfa-ftp.harvard.edu/pub/kstanek/GRB000301C/ and through WWW at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/oir/Research/GRB

    Constraining ΩM\Omega_M and Dark Energy with Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    An Eγ,jetEp1.5E_{\gamma,{\rm jet}}\propto {E'_p}^{1.5} relationship with a small scatter for current γ\gamma-ray burst (GRB) data was recently reported, where Eγ,jetE_{\gamma,{\rm jet}} is the beaming-corrected γ\gamma-ray energy and EpE'_p is the νFν\nu F_\nu peak energy in the local observer frame. By considering this relationship for a sample of 12 GRBs with known redshift, peak energy, and break time of afterglow light curves, we constrain the mass density of the universe and the nature of dark energy. We find that the mass density ΩM=0.35±0.150.15\Omega_M=0.35\pm^{0.15}_{0.15} (at the 1σ1\sigma confident level) for a flat universe with a cosmological constant, and the ww parameter of an assumed static dark-energy equation of state w=0.84±0.830.57w=-0.84\pm^{0.57}_{0.83} (1σ1\sigma). Our results are consistent with those from type Ia supernovae. A larger sample established by the upcoming {\em Swift} satellite is expected to provide further constraints.Comment: 8 pages including 4 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters, typos correcte

    Unveiling the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray sources III: gamma-ray blazar-like counterparts at low radio frequencies

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    About one third of the gamma-ray sources listed in the second Fermi LAT catalog (2FGL) have no firmly established counterpart at lower energies so being classified as unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs). Here we propose a new approach to find candidate counterparts for the UGSs based on the 325 MHz radio survey performed with Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the northern hemisphere. First we investigate the low-frequency radio properties of blazars, the largest known population of gamma-ray sources; then we search for sources with similar radio properties combining the information derived from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) with those of the NRAO VLA Sky survey (NVSS). We present a list of candidate counterparts for 32 UGSs with at least one counterpart in the WENSS. We also performed an extensive research in literature to look for infrared and optical counterparts of the gamma-ray blazar candidates selected with the low-frequency radio observations to confirm their nature. On the basis of our multifrequency research we identify 23 new gamma-ray blazar candidates out of 32 UGSs investigated. Comparison with previous results on the UGSs are also presented. Finally, we speculate on the advantages on the use of the low-frequency radio observations to associate UGSs and to search for gamma-ray pulsar candidates.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, ApJS accepted for publication (version pre-proof corrections

    IGR J00234+6141 : a new INTEGRAL source identified as an Intermediate polar

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    Following an extensive survey of the galactic plane by the INTEGRAL satellite, new hard X-ray sources are discovered with a significant fraction of Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) among them. We report here the identification of one of these hard X-ray sources, IGR J00234+6141, as an accreting magnetic white dwarf of intermediate polar type. We analyse the high energy emission of the INTEGRAL source using all available data and provide complementary optical photometric and spectroscopic data obtained respectively in August and October 2006. Based on a refined INTEGRAL position, we confirm the proposed optical identification. We clearly detect the presence of a 564 s periodic optical modulation that we identify as the rotation of the white dwarf. The analysis of the optical spectrum also demonstrates that the emission lines show a modulation in radial velocity with an orbital period of Porb = (4.033 +/- 0.005) hr. The two periodicities indicate that IGR00234+6141 is a magnetic CV of the intermediate polar type. This is one of the faintest and hardest sources of this type detected by INTEGRAL. This confirms earlier conclusions that IPs contribute significantly to the population of galactic X-ray sources and represent a significant fraction of the high energy background.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey

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    Context. The INTEGRAL observatory operating in a hard X-ray/gamma domain has gathered a large observational data set over nine years starting in 2003. Most of the observing time was dedicated to the Galactic source population study, making possible the deepest Galactic survey in hard X-rays ever compiled. Aims. We aim to perform a Galactic survey that can be used as the basis of Galactic source population studies, and perform mapping of the Milky Way in hard X-rays over the maximum exposure available at |b|<17.5 deg. Methods. We used sky reconstruction algorithms especially developed for the high quality imaging of INTEGRAL/IBIS data. Results. We present sky images, sensitivity maps, and catalogs of detected sources in the three energy bands 17-60, 17-35, and 35-80 keV in the Galactic plane at |b|<17.5 deg. The total number of sources in the reference 17-60 keV band includes 402 objects exceeding a 4.7 sigma detection threshold on the nine-year time-averaged map. Among the identified sources with known and tentatively identified natures, 253 are Galactic objects (108 low-mass X-ray binaries, 82 high-mass X-ray binaries, 36 cataclysmic variables, and 27 are of other types), and 115 are extragalactic objects, including 112 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and 3 galaxy clusters. The sample of Galactic sources with S/N>4.7 sigma has an identification completeness of ~92%, which is valuable for population studies. Since the survey is based on the nine-year sky maps, it is optimized for persistent sources and may be biased against finding transients.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, long table, Astronomy and Astrophysics 545, A2

    IGR J18483-0311: an accreting X-ray pulsar observed by INTEGRAL

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    IGR J18483-0311 is a poorly known transient hard X-ray source discovered by INTEGRAL during observations of the Galactic Center region performed between 23--28 April 2003. Aims: To detect new outbursts from IGR J18483-0311 using INTEGRAL and archival Swift XRT observations and finally to characterize the nature of this source using the optical/near-infrared (NIR) information available through catalogue searches. Results: We report on 5 newly discovered outbursts from IGR J18483-0311 detected by INTEGRAL.For two of them it was possible to constrain a duration of the order of a few days. The strongest outburst reached a peak flux of 120 mCrab (20--100 keV): its broad band JEM--X/ISGRI spectrum (3--50 keV) is best fitted by an absorbed cutoff power law with photon index=1.4+/-0.3, cutoff energy of ~22 keV and Nh ~9x10^22 cm^-2. Timing analysis of INTEGRAL data allowed us to identify periodicities of 18.52 days and 21.0526 seconds which are likely the orbital period of the system and the spin period of the X-ray pulsar respectively. Swift XRT observations of IGR J18483-0311 provided a very accurate source position which strongly indicates a highly reddened star in the USNO--B1.0 and 2MASS catalogues as its possible optical/NIR counterpart. Conclusions: The X-ray spectral shape, the periods of 18.52 days and 21.0526 seconds, the high intrinsic absorption, the location in the direction of the Scutum spiral arm and the highly reddened optical object as possible counterpart, all favour the hypothesis that IGR J18483-0311 is a HMXB with a neutron star as compact companion. The system is most likely a Be X-ray binary, but a Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient nature can not be entirely excluded.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 17 figures, 4 table