564 research outputs found
Fly A Rocket! Programme: assembly, testing and post-flight review of a sounding rocket payload
The Fly a Rocket! programme is a hands-on project offered by the European Space Agency’s Education Office in collaboration with Andøya Space Education and the Norwegian Space Agency (Norsk Romsenter). The programme, which comprises an online pre-course and a hands-on launch campaign, represents a unique opportunity for european university students from different backgrounds to build, test, and launch a sounding rocket and obtain practical experience. The pre-course strengthened the understanding of rocket science of the students, and taught them about topics such as the rocket dynamics, propulsion, and orbital mechanics in preparation for the campaign. The students were divided into three teams, each with different responsibilities: Sensors Experiments, Telemetry and Data Readout, and Payload. The paper will focus on the work done by the team responsible for the rocket payload. The Payload team was responsible for the sensor placement of the rocket. They ensured the readiness of all the sensors and key components of the rocket. In addition, they were an integral part of the countdown procedure, the arming of the rocket and the performance of the sensors. After the launch, the data was analysed and presented according to four previously defined scientific cases. A GPS and a barometer were used in order to obtain the rocket trajectory. Both methods showed similar results. The GPS detected an apogee of 8630.11 ±2.4m. With an optical sensor it was possible to detect clouds which were verified with a humidity sensor. Additionally, the spin rate of the rocket could be detected with the optical sensor and a magnetometer by doing a Fourier Analysis. The rocket reached a spin rate of about 19 Hz after approximately 10 s after the firing. The results of the spin rate correspond to the results obtained with an accelerometer
Effects of magnetic core geometry on false detection in residual current sensor
International audienceUnder high-supply current, residual circuit breakers are subject to abnormal tripping, caused by false residual currents. Geometric or magnetic anomalies in the circuit breaker ring core seem to be responsible for these abnormal currents. This paper studies a few anomalies (spiral shape effect, conductor eccentricity, lamination effect) and calculates different contributions using the finite element simulations. The results show that the ring core, made of thin wound magnetic tape, is particularly sensitive to primary conductor eccentricity
CoESPRIT: A Library-Based Construct Screening Method for Identification and Expression of Soluble Protein Complexes
Structural and biophysical studies of protein complexes require multi-milligram quantities of soluble material. Subunits are often unstable when expressed separately so co-expression strategies are commonly employed since in vivo complex formation can provide stabilising effects. Defining constructs for subunit co-expression experiments is difficult if the proteins are poorly understood. Even more problematic is when subunit polypeptide chains co-fold since individually they do not have predictable domains. We have developed CoESPRIT, a modified version of the ESPRIT random library construct screen used previously on single proteins, to express soluble protein complexes. A random library of target constructs is screened against a fixed bait protein to identify stable complexes. In a proof-of-principle study, C-terminal fragments of the influenza polymerase PB2 subunit containing folded domains were isolated using importin alpha as bait. Separately, a C-terminal fragment of the PB1 subunit was used as bait to trap N-terminal fragments of PB2 resulting in co-folded complexes. Subsequent expression of the target protein without the bait indicates whether the target is independently stable, or co-folds with its partner. This highly automated method provides an efficient strategy for obtaining recombinant protein complexes at yields compatible with structural, biophysical and functional studies
An efficient Fault Localization Algorithm for IP/WDM Networks
We propose an algorithm for localizing multiple failures in an IP/WDM network. They can be either hard failures (unexpected events that interrupt suddenly the established channels) or soft failures (events that progressively degrade the quality of transmission). Hard failures are detected at the WDM layer, whereas soft failures can be detected at the optical layer if proper testing equipment is deployed, and/or by performance monitoring at a higher layer, which is here IP. The algorithm also tolerates missing and false alarms. Even without missing and false alarms, multiple fault localization is NP-hard. The diagnosis phase (i.e., the localization of the faulty components upon reception of the alarms) can however remain very fast, but at the expense of a very complex precomputation phase, carried out whenever the optical channels are set up or cleared down. We show how the algorithm performs on an example of an IP/WDM network
The Mean Metal-line Absorption Spectrum of DLAs in BOSS
We study the mean absorption spectrum of the Damped Lyman alpha population at
by stacking normalized, rest-frame shifted spectra of DLAs from the DR12 of BOSS/SDSS-III. We measure the equivalent widths
of 50 individual metal absorption lines in 5 intervals of DLA hydrogen column
density, 5 intervals of DLA redshift, and overall mean equivalent widths for an
additional 13 absorption features from groups of strongly blended lines. The
mean equivalent width of low-ionization lines increases with ,
whereas for high-ionization lines the increase is much weaker. The mean metal
line equivalent widths decrease by a factor from to
, with small or no differences between low- and high-ionization
species. We develop a theoretical model, inspired by the presence of multiple
absorption components observed in high-resolution spectra, to infer mean metal
column densities from the equivalent widths of partially saturated metal lines.
We apply this model to 14 low-ionization species and to AlIII, SIII, SiIII,
CIV, SiIV, NV and OVI. We use an approximate derivation for separating the
equivalent width contributions of several lines to blended absorption features,
and infer mean equivalent widths and column densities from lines of the
additional species NI, ZnII, CII, FeIII, and SIV. Several of these mean
column densities of metal lines in DLAs are obtained for the first time; their
values generally agree with measurements of individual DLAs from
high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra when they are available.Comment: Resubmitted after referee revision. Added evolution of metal-line
equivalent widths with redshift (Section 5). Added assessment of result
dependencies on sample and methodology. Comparison of relative abundances of
DLAs vs Milky Way ISM and halo (Figure 16). Publicly available videos of
composite quasar and DLA spectra realizations here:
Kecenderungan Pembentukan Inauthentic Self- Presentation Pengguna Instagram
Perkembangan teknologi di dunia menjadi semakin pesat. Hal ini ditandai dengan kemunculan dari berbagai platform dengan fitur-fitur yang menarik dengan berbagai kegunaan. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi populer yang ada di dunia adalah media sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui alasan, tujuan, dan kepuasan apa yang di dapat oleh individu dengan memunculkan self-presentation yang tidak asli pada media sosial Instagram. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah wawancara. Metode wawancara merupakan bentuk yang paling sering dilakukan dalam penelitian kualitatif. Metode wawancara yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara terstruktur dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tentu tidak akan bisa lepas dari lingkungan sosialnya. Sadar tidak sadar, kita pun pada akhirnya memiliki kebutuhan untuk diterima oleh lingkungan sosial tempat kita berada. Self-presentation dalam hal ini akan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Penyesuaian demi penyesuaian pada akhirnya mulai dibentuk demi memenuhi kriteria dan ekspektasi sosial, terutama dalam media sosial. masing-masing individu tentunya akan memiliki cara dan strategi yang berbeda. Pertama strategi self-promotion agar dilihat sebagai pribadi yang kompeten dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Kedua strategi exemplification agar dirinya dipandang sebagai orang yang baik dan positif oleh orang lain. Dalam melaksanakan beberapa strategi tersebut di Instagram, tentunya akan ada konten-konten yang dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa diterima oleh khalayak ramai
Engagement y el rendimiento laboral, en contexto del COVID-19 en la Dirección Regional de Agricultura San Martín, Tarapoto - 2022
El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el
engagement y el rendimiento laboral, en contexto del COVID-19 en la Dirección
Regional de Agricultura San Martín, Tarapoto - 2022. La investigación fue de
enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicado con un alcance descriptivo correlacional
porque evaluó el grado relación entre dos o más variables. El diseño de
investigación fue no experimental de corte transversal porque se realizó sin
manipular las variables. La población total fue de 114 trabajadores, en la evaluación
de las variables de investigación se utilizó los cuestionarios de engagement bajo el
autor de Quino, V. (2017) y la variable de rendimiento laboral por los autores
Lozano, G. & Mendoza, M. (2019), ambos instrumentos fueron validados mediante
juicio de expertos, se comprobó su fiabilidad a través del Alpha de crombach, 0.989
para la variable engagement y para el rendimiento laboral 0.968; lo cual indica que
la fiabilidad es buena. Concluyendo que, existe relación significativa entre el
engagement y el rendimiento laboral, en contexto del COVID-19 en la Dirección
Regional de Agricultura San Martín, Tarapoto - 2022; ya que el análisis estadístico
Rho de Spearman fue de 0,926 (correlación positiva muy alta) y un p valor igual a
0,000 (p-valor ≤ 0.05)
Avaliação das atitudes das duas culturas em relação à aprendizagem da ciência
Este trabalho apresenta resultados obtidos de acordo com a avaliação das atitudes em relação à aprendizagem da ciência, a partir de estudantes pré-universitários, em início e fim da universidade e professores, todos vinculados ao cefet/rj. Trata-se de uma questão do projeto piearcts que aborda a existência de duas culturas – ciências e humanas –, onde é explorada a possibilidade de o estudante que diz pertencer à área humana aprender ciência. A questão é analisada desde seu aspecto mais geral até subcategorias, divididas em áreas e graus de escolaridade. Além de apresentar as crenças dos sujeitos em questão, as análises das respostas podem contribuir para a elaboração de estratégias que incluam aspectos da Natureza da Ciência para uma aprendizagem de maior qualidade, tanto para aqueles que desejam seguir na carreira científica quanto para aqueles que desejam seguir outro caminho. Os resultados apontam uma neutralidade geral em relação à capacidade do indivíduo de humanas aprender ciência, em contrapartida apresenta maior crença por parte do professor de ciências de que isso é possível
Recours spontané aux urgences
Objectif : Analyser les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les déterminants du recours spontané aux urgences des patients et évaluer leurs ressentis d'urgence et de gravité en les comparant à l'avis du médecin. Matériels et Méthodes : Etude prospective réalisée aux urgences du CH de Saumur et du CHU d'Angers, basée sur la distribution d un questionnaire à tout patient adulte, se présentant sans avis médical préalable, et aux médecins les prenant en charge. Le recueil s est fait 24h sur 24, sur une semaine en juillet 2011 et en janvier 2012. Résultats : 22.9% des admissions ont été incluses. Cette population était souvent jeune, active, masculine, consultant pour de la traumatologie apparue dans les 24 dernières heures. 56.5% venaient pendant les horaires de gardes. 10.5% des patients inclus ont tenté de joindre leur médecin traitant, dont 56.9% se présentant aux urgences car ce dernier était injoignable. 57.3% des patients n ayant pas tenté de joindre leur médecin, se sont présentés aux urgences afin de soulager un symptôme. En proportion, il y avait plus d'inclus à Saumur qu'à Angers (27,2% vs 20,8%), ils étaient plus nombreux à évoquer la facilité de l'accès aux soins à Saumur et en été. Les sentiments d urgence et/ou de gravité sont cités par 62,1 % de la population incluse. Ce ressenti est globalement discordant avec l évaluation du médecin. Conclusion : L'évaluation de l'urgence ou de la gravité d'un problème médical est subjective tant pour le médecin que pour le patient. Souvent par méconnaissance de l'organisation de la permanence des soins, le recours spontané aux urgences est motivé par une plus grande facilité d'accès aux soins.Objective: Analyze the patients sociodemographic characteristics and their determinants of the emergency service spontaneous recourse and assess their feelings of urgency and severity, comparing them with the doctor s opinion. Materials and Methods: Prospective study carried on the emergency service of the Saumur Hospital Center and Angers University Hospital, based on the distribution of a questionnaire to any adult patient, going to the emergency service without preliminary medical advice, and to supporting doctors. The collection has been made 24 hours a day, over two weeks, one in July 2011 and another in January 2012. Results: 22.9% of the patients admitted were included. Most of them were young, active, male, consulting for a traumatology appeared in the last 24 hours. 56.5% came during the guard hours. 10.5% of the patients included tried to join their regular doctor, whose 56.9% went to the emergencies because their doctor was unreachable. 57.3% of the patients who did not join their regular doctor, came to the emergencies to relieve a symptom. Proportionally, there were more patients included in Saumur than in Angers (27.2% vs 20.8%), they were more to mention the easiness access to care in Saumur in during the summer. Feelings of urgency and / or gravity are mentioned by 62.1% of the population included. This feeling is generally discordant with the doctor s evaluation. Conclusion: The evaluation of the emergency or the severity of medical problem is subjective as for the doctor and for the patient. Often, because of the lack of knowledge of the care presence organisation, the emergency service spontaneous recourse is motivated by a better care access.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF
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