49 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Energy Transfer in Dendritic Poly(L-lysine)s Combining Thirty-two Free Base- and Zinc(II)-porphyrins in Scramble Fashion

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    Dendritic poly(L-lysine)s combining thirty-two free base- and Zn(II)-porphyrins in scramble fashion were successfully synthesized and exhibited highly efficient (85%) fluorescence energy transfer from Zn(II)-porphyrins to free base-porphyrins

    The NMR Spectroscopic Evaluation of Immobility of a Crowd of Porphyrin Rings Combined with Dendritic Poly(L-lysine)s

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    Since the dendritic poly(L-lysine)s combining eight to thirty-two free base-porphyrins showed split circular dichroism at the Soret band in toluene/N,N-dimethylformamide (9/1, v/v), the immobility of porphyrin rings was evaluated by 1H NMR measurements in terms of the peak width at half-height and spin-lattice relaxation time

    Differentiation of Apical Bud Cells in a Newly Developed Apical Bud Transplantation Model Using GFP Transgenic Mice as Donor.

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    Rodent mandibular incisors have a unique anatomical structure that allows teeth to grow throughout the lifetime of the rodent. This report presents a novel transplantation technique for studying the apical bud differentiation of rodent mandibular incisors. Incisal apical end tissue with green fluorescent protein from transgenic mouse was transplanted to wild type mice, and the development of the transplanted cells were immunohistologically observed for 12 weeks after the transplantation. Results indicate that the green fluorescent apical end tissue replaced the original tissue, and cells from the apical bud differentiated and extended toward the incisal edge direction. The immunostaining with podoplanin also showed that the characteristics of the green fluorescent tissue were identical to those of the original. The green fluorescent cells were only found in the labial side of the incisor up to 4 weeks. After 12 weeks, however, they were also found in the lingual side. Here the green fluorescent cementocyte-like cells were only present in the cementum close to the dentin surface. This study suggests that some of the cells that form the cellular cementum come from the apical tissue including the apical bud in rodent incisors.福岡歯科大学2015年

    Perubahan Harga Lahan dalam Kaitannya dengan Pembangunan Pertanian di Pedesaan Lampung

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    IndonesianDalam pembangunan pertanian diperlukan empat faktor penggerak yaitu sumberdaya lahan, sumberdaya manusia, teknologi dan kelembagaan. Keempat faktor diatas saling terkait satu sama lain, sehingga bila salahsatu faktor diatas mengalami hambatan sulit tercapai sasaran yang diinginkan. Pesatnya laju pembangunan beberapa tahun terakhir, menyebabkan sumberdaya lahan terasa semakin terbatas. Hal ini disebabkan oleh terjadinya Perubahan fungsi lahan untuk kepentingan pembangunan itu sendiri. Bertitik tolak dari permasalahan diatas, sumberdaya lahan khususnya lahan pertanian dapat merupakan permasalahan pada masa mendatang. Sumberdaya lahan untuk pertanian akan merupakan suatu komoditi langka dan mempunyai nilai yang tinggi. Kondisi seperti ini akan banyak membawa dampak, baik terhadap nilai lahan, kelembagaan pertanian dan lain sebagainya. Prubahan-Perubahan yang terjadi sudah tentu akan mempengaruhi pembangunan pertanian pada masa mendatang

    Morphological study of tooth development in podoplanin-deficient mice.

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    Podoplanin is a mucin-type highly O-glycosylated glycoprotein identified in several somatyic cells: podocytes, alveolar epithelial cells, lymphatic endothelial cells, lymph node stromal fibroblastic reticular cells, osteocytes, odontoblasts, mesothelial cells, glia cells, and others. It has been reported that podoplanin-RhoA interaction induces cytoskeleton relaxation and cell process stretching in fibroblastic cells and osteocytes, and that podoplanin plays a critical role in type I alveolar cell differentiation. It appears that podoplanin plays a number of different roles in contributing to cell functioning and growth by signaling. However, little is known about the functions of podoplanin in the somatic cells of the adult organism because an absence of podoplanin is lethal at birth by the respiratory failure. In this report, we investigated the tooth germ development in podoplanin-knockout mice, and the dentin formation in podoplanin-conditional knockout mice having neural crest-derived cells with deficiency in podoplanin by the Wnt1 promoter and enhancer-driven Cre recombinase: Wnt1-Cre;PdpnΔ/Δmice. In the Wnt1-Cre;PdpnΔ/Δmice, the tooth and alveolar bone showed no morphological abnormalities and grow normally, indicating that podoplanin is not critical in the development of the tooth and bone.福岡歯科大学2017年

    Existence of non-radially symmetric viscosity solutions to semilinear degenerate elliptic equations with radially symmetric coefficients in the plane, Part I

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    Abstract. We study continuous viscosity solutions for a semilinear degenerate elliptic equation with radially symmetric coefficients in the plane. If the equation satisfies certain relations with respect to the behavior of coefficients at the infinity, then it is known that there exist many solutions. Our purpose is to construct many non radially symmetric solutions satisfying the similar behavior with radial symmetric solutions at the infinity. The solutions are obtained as a small perturbation from a radially symmetric solution. We construct super-and sub-solution by using the series expansion of r α− jβ cos nθ ( j,n = 1,2,...) , where (r,θ ) is the polar coordinate and α and β are certain positive constants

    Do Hertwig's epithelial root sheath cells differentiate into cementoblasts?

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